Shot 3 (Part 1) : One wrong move, spoiled everything...

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It was unintentional and I haven't planned any such thing... I thought of impressing her with all my might... But I was completely speechless, when the reverse happened... I don't know how I gonna clear up the mess, I've created...

I'm masking up pretty well that I'm being extra friendly to her... I'm making sure that my flirtatious behaviour and my intimacy shouldn't affect the bonding between us... It's a tough challenge to hide the lover boy in me and pretending that I'm just a friend to her...

We met... We fight... We talked... We cared for each other... We bonded as friends... We get closer... We become us... Will we become soulmates???


Pragya is hell furious and blasted on her assistants for coming up with silly reasons... Pragya is in a verge to kill the newbie actor Abhishek Mehra, who is torturing her in all possible ways and is troubling her, since the first day of the shooting...

Being a professional and a well known film director, Pragya Arora expects everyone in the sets to behave so professional and she wouldn't forgive anyone, if they disobey her words unnecessarily... Pragya has forgiven Abhi many a times, as he is the debut hero and the Producer's son...

But Abhi got over board in these days and Pragya couldn't encourage such nonsense behaviour in her shooting spot, ever... She didn't bothered about Abhi's presence over there and she neglected Abhi, completely... Pragya become so strict in her work and she gives commands and instructions to her subordinates to do whatever works she has asked them to do...

Abhi being a newbie in the film industry, wanna seek the knowledge of acting through the famous director Pragya only, who is a God mother to many famous actors in the industry... But to Abhi's displeasure, only the assistants and associate directors explains the scenes to Abhi and it hurted him a lot...

As soon as the shooting of the main war scenes got over, Pragya instructed her assistants that they are going to shoot the first meet of the hero, the warrior Prince - Prithvi Raj (Abhi), with the heroine - the elegant Warrior Princess, Rudhravani (Bulbul)...

As the art director of the movie is  completely ready with the palace and nearby garden and lake sets, Pragya decided to film all the Romantic and intimate moments between the leads... She also wanna shoot the biggest twisty part of the movie, which is the main cause for the ferocious war sequence in the climax...

Knowing pretty well that Pragya is so strict when it comes to work, Abhi played his trump cards brilliantly and he hit the bull's eye perfectly which gonna favour him a lot... Abhi is so adamant and didn't heard any of the assistant's and associate's words and is keep on repeating the same old dialogues...

Abhi is so stubborn in his decision and he just shoved away all the assistant directors mercilessly by saying silly and childish reasons... With no other choice left, they have to spit out everything to Pragya, knowing very well that their Chief will kill them for disobeying her words....

Pragya: How irresponsible... I didn't expect this from you, guys... I'm always proud of my team and I have boasted many a times that my team is so perfect and will do anything I have instructed them to do...

But today, you all made me feel like a looser... All because of that stupid Abhi only, who is purposely eating my head... He has messed up with a wrong person... Let me teach him a good lesson and he will taste his own medicine for sure...

With anger flaring her nose, Pragya barged out of her cabin and walked towards the caravan of Abhi... Abhi, who is chillaxing and keeping an eye on the caravan's door expectantly, startled a bit, as the doors were pushed up harshly...

Abhi gulped hard and keeps on telling him inwardly " Abhi beta... Relax relax... No tension... Pragya madam is in a verge to kill you... Act smart or else you plans will get flopped... Come on, my boy... Prove that you're a good actor..."

Abhi consoles and comforts himself a lot and changed his reactions pretty quickly, before Pragya finds out what he is upto... Pragya who is ready to bombard Abhi with questions and bash on him mercilessly is sort of words and tongue tied, all of a sudden...

Pragya didn't expected this a bit too and she curses herself for not understanding Abhi... She really believes Abhi's acting and she feels guilty for neglecting Abhi, all these days... Eyeing Pragya silently, Abhi makes an inward victorious smirk and he cleverly hides the smile lingering on his face...

Pragya's heart ripped into pieces, as Abhi is sitting very sad and tear drops are trickling in his cheeks... Not knowing that it's the effect of the glycerine, Pragya moves towards Abhi and touches his shoulder with so much guilty..

Shocking Pragya even more, Abhi cries hard and started to hit him on his face repeatedly saying that he is a useless creature, who is not fit to be an actor and is bothering and torturing everyone in the sets, especially Pragya a lot...

Abhi also added that he is wasting Pragya's time, efforts and hardwork and all of the money which his father has invested in this movie, gonna get wasted for sure...
Abhi begs for Pragya's mercy and asked her to find some other suitable actor to fit in his role, as he can't continue this anymore...

Abhi gives a big standing ovation to himself, as Pragya completely believed Abhi's fake drama and her eyes too blurred up, unknowingly... This is the first time ever, after her parent's death, Pragya has emoted her feelings, other than her anger, to anyone...

Knowingly or Unknowingly, Abhi has kindled the angel hidden inside the Queen Bee of the film industry and he is not aware that he is going to crave for this hidden angel's love very soon... Pragya let out a huge sigh and to Abhi's shock, she wipes off Abhi's tears and makes him to drink water...

Abhi is staring at Pragya unbelievably, while she flashes a little smile, which is like seeing the amazing wonder of the world... Pragya holds Abhi's hands gently, adjusts his ruffled shirt, sets his collars and makes him to sit properly in the sofa...

Pragya sits nearby to him and her womenly scent makes Abhi to stammer uncontrollably, as his hormones are getting out of control... Till Pragya opens up her mouth, Abhi has almost forget his plans and he sees Pragya in a different way, not as a director but more than that...

Pragya: Abhi... Listen... No talking in between... Finger on your lips... Good boy...

( Pats his cheeks lovingly and carress his hairs gently, making Abhi eyes to pop out from it's sockets...)

Aww... You are such a cutie pie...

( Pragya pulls Abhi's cheeks very softly and gives a light peck on it, as if she is appreciating a little boy... Abhi stammers a lot with the close proximity, as this kind of intimacy is way too new for him...

But Abhi is not aware that his heart has surrounded already to the girl beside her... Even Pragya's this loving and caring side is hidden from the outside world and it has come out without her control in front of Abhi only...)

Abhi... Abhi... No one can believe that the same Abhi, who acted as the warrior Prince Prithvi Raj,  is such a cry baby and is saying silly reasons to run away from acting... Keep this in your dumb head... You are not Abhi, anymore... You are The Prithvi Raj, till the film gets over...

Is that clear, Yuvaraj. (Prince) Prithvi??? Go and get ready, as the shooting will resume in an hour... Make yourself presentable... Your posture should be stiff, but your eyes should emote love in that scene... There should be manliness in your gesture, yet your smile should be romantic...

Abhi: But Chief... (Everyone addresses Pragya as Chief in the sets)... I... I will inform Papa and you can replace...

Abhi's blabberings stopped up abruptly, as Pragya gave a killer look, which is a big warning to end his stupidity and she won't tolerate if he utters a word about discontinuing his acting... Pragya gestured something to Abhi, while he shows his puppy face and pouts sadly...

Pragya again glared at him and shows him the restroom door, which indicates that it's time for him to act as per her commands and instructions... Abhi murmurs something under his breath and pushes Pragya away from him... He stomps his feet in full rage and get inside the restroom and shuts the door, violently...

Pragya ( bursts out into laughter and shouts) : Hey cutie... Don't break the door... You are the hero of the film and I've no idea to replace you at any cost... Keep this in your dumb head... If Abhi is not acting as Prithvi, my dream project won't happen for sure...

Be a good boy and get ready... Come soon... I expect punctuality in my sets and I hate late comers... Don't scare to face your Yuvarani. Rudhra... She is a wonderful girl and she won't trouble you much... Better you don't irritate her like you irritated me...

Abhi scowls and shouted something from inside, while Pragya giggles and gets out with a bright smile in her face... Even Abhi is crazily jumping inside the restroom and he blows a flying kiss to himself for taming the angry tigress very easily...

As soon as Pragya comes out of the caravan, she startles hard as her PA along with her subordinates are standing there nervously with tension filled faces... Purab and Aaliya are also were bothered, as they came to know that Pragya has gone to vent out her anger on Abhi...

Pragya didn't expect anyone over there and she is dumbstuck as they are staring at Pragya, who has come out smiling and whistling her favourite song... Before they question her what has happened, Pragya shoves away all her assistants and she rushes off, before Aaliya (the costumer designer of the movie / Purab's fiancee/ Abhi's friend) and Purab ( Abhi's cousin & Production Manager) questions her more...


Pragya rolls her eyes and glares at the leads of the movie with a hopeless look... The heroine Bulbul is nervously biting her nails while the hero Abhi is sitting there casually, as if he is not at fault... Before Bulbul explains Pragya what has happened, she raises her hand and asked her to stop..

Pragya: Enough guys... As soon as you two enter the sets of The Warrior, you two have to transform yourself to Prithvi and Rudhra... Forget that you are Abhi and Bulbul...

And remember that you two are not seen anywhere talking like siblings anymore... Bulbul..  If you call Abhi as Bhaiyya ever again in the sets, then I will think of replacing you with someone else... Don't complaint that I've abruptly thrown you out from the movie...

And you Mr. ABHISHEKH MEHRA... (spits out Abhi's name angrily, as if she is crushing him with her teeth) I already told you... Hereafter, you will be addressed only as Prithvi in the sets... Don't forget that Prithvi Raj is madly in love with his Yuvarani Rudhra and all will laugh, if you are behaving like brother and sister...

Huh... I have to bang my head repeatedly, as you have changed a beautiful, intimate, romantic scene into a senti venti family drama... Unbelievable guys... If you two made a mistake again, I will kill you both...

Bulbul (with crying voice): Ch... Chief... I'm... I'm sorry... I'm not at fault... Abhi bhai only...

Before Bulbul spits out the matter, Abhi holds her hands and asked her to stop... Pragya, who have given tons and tons of advice to them to behave like lovers, is aggressively looking at their hands being holded together...

Abhi: Hey sweetie... Stop crying... Go and get ready... I will talk with the chief and explain our situation... ( Cleverly sends away Bulbul, as Abhi believes that she will spoil his plan for sure...) Sorry Chief... We are helpless as intimacy is not working between us...

I can't see Bulbul more than a sister and she is seeing me like her elder brother only... This is why I told you to replace me... Ooopsss... Sorry sorry... But we don't know how we gonna do those intimate scenes...

War scenes and other sentiment scenes are okay for me... Even Bulbul has performed very well in the war scenes..  But these romantic scenes... Phew... We are helpless... We are sorry as it's not working between us...

Pragya let's out a deep sigh, as she is in a tough situation to handle the scenario... Never she has faced any such issues in her directional career and she thinks a lot to sort out the issues as soon as possible..

Pragya excuses from Abhi and walked towards her cabin... She made a quick meeting with her team and they came up with a conclusion to shoot the portions of the leads separately... Much to the happiness of Abhi, Pragya agreed to act in the intimate scenes replacing Bulbul as those scenes are of long shot...

Pragya is not aware that this is a clever plan made by Abhi to get closer with her... Abhi has played his cards brilliantly and he knew very well that Pragya can go to any extreme to make her film to come out perfectly..


Yuvaraj Prithvi couldn't move his eyes anywhere and he is shamelessly drooling on the beautiful girl, who is singing and dancing happily in the rain... It's the usual habit of Yuvaraj Prithvi to roam in the night, all alone, to make sure the protection of his country...

When he nears the river shore, which is the hidden secret barrier between his neighbouring country, rain started to drizzle off suddenly... Prithvi almost forget to breathe, when he hears the melancholic laughter of a girl, who is jumping happily as she is expecting rain for a long time...

Prithvi Raj, who is a saviour of the woman folks in his nation, never stammered like this ever in his life and this is the first time he is seeing a girl in a different perspective... His eyes which never has seen other than a women's eyes, is not in his control at all... He studies her womenly curves and his eyes glistens with desire...

The rain water helped him a lot and the thin material she is wearing along with the heavy jewels, added up more to her beauty .. Without her knowledge, She is feasting the eyes of the Yuvaraj Prithvi by her happy jumps and sensual dance moves...

The heavy lightning flashes off her glory and beauty even more and Prithvi eyes darkens with more desire... His heart has already surrendered to her and he is ready to go to any extreme to make her as His... Whoever she may be, Prithvi want her to be his Yuvarani...

Yuvarani Rudhravani startled a bit, as she hears the heavy foot steps nearby... Before she pulls off the sword to attack the unknown interruption, who is spoiling her private time, she is holded by the muscular arms in a sensual way...

The heavy thunder startles them both and their eyes mingled together for an intimate union... Rudhra is mesmerised on seeing the handsome warrior and she lost herself completely on the heart melting smile, which pulls her soul towards him...

Without knowing who they are and not minding anything about the consequences of their togetherness, both were looking at each other with full of love... Prithvi pulls her even more closer and their lips shivered with the need to seal their intimate union and mark them as One...

The slow yet sensual grip of Prithvi's hand on her petite waist makes her to gasp slightly, while the hormones started to ooze out like a volcano... The cold rain is not able to control the heat building inside their bodies and a humm sound echoes in a rhythmic way, adding more beauty to the serenity of the nature...

Along with the drizzling of the rain, their lips and tongues danced unanimously with soft moans, which is like playing a melodious song in a romantic set up... They get more closer and they are not in a mood to part away... Their entwined hands,  their eye locks, their sealed lips, their interlinked foreheads makes a new beginning in the lives of the rival kingdom's Yuvarani Rudhra and Yuvaraj Prithvi....

CUTTTT... The word Cut echoes in the microphone, followed by the clappings of the whole set, who has whitnessed the most important scene of the movie... All were astonished to see the beautiful acting of the duo and lots of praising surrounded them...

But the duo, Abhi and Pragya, who acted on the scene brilliantly as Prithvi and Rudhra, are not able to come out of it as quickly as they can... Abhi is deaf to the praises of Purab and Aaliya, while Pragya didn't even heard what Bulbul had said to her... Pragya walks away from there immediately cursing Bulbul, who has pushed her in an awkward situation...

As Bulbul and Abhi are not able to act in the intimate scenes together, Pragya reluctantly agreed to act on Bulbul's behalf in those scenes as she doesn't want to make anyone to act as Bulbul's dummy... Pragya is against the idea of using another actor in Bulbul's place and she agreed to act those important intimate scenes without any other choice...

Even her subordinates convinced her that only long shot scenes and the scenes which didn't show Pragya's face clearly are shot like this, replacing Bulbul with Pragya...

The close up shots and all the individual shots of Bulbul will be replaced in those scenes, once the editing process get started... Eventhough Pragya is against this idea, she has to nod her head as they are running out of time...

Pragya is known only as the famous director in the film industry, but her team only knows she is a versatile actor, who is a master in giving life to any role... It took lot of time for the team to convince their Chief and they were so happy that the romantic scenes came out brilliantly...


The shooting continues elegantly as planned, but Pragya is feeling awkward when the days progressed... The director in Pragya is happy as her dream is  coming true, but As Yuvarani Rudhra, (replacement of Bulbul in intimate scenes) she is losing her control and sanity...

Abhi, on the other hand, is flying in happiness, as he is able to bond up so closely with Pragya... More than the Yuvaraj. Prithvi who loves his Yuvarani. Rudhra madly, Abhi has irrevocably fallen in love with Pragya and he is ready to go to any extreme to make her as his soul mate...

It's a tough task for Abhi to hide his love from anyone's sight and he act so cool with Pragya, portraying to everyone that he is just being extra friendly with her... Understanding that Pragya is getting embarrassed after the intimate scenes, Abhi consoled her by saying that they are professional actors and after that they are just friends only...

Eventhough it hurts Pragya a lot, hearing that she is just a friend to Abhi, the director in Pragya consoled her by saying that it's better she maintains the friendship alone with Abhi... She keeps on telling herself that she is not blessed enough to fall in love and marriage is not her cup of tea...


Abhi is irritatingly looking at Pragya, who is so hesitant to talk about the bonding between them, in front of the media who is bombarding her with questions ... Abhi didn't mind the Producers (his father Arvind Mehra And Mother Anupama Mehra), Pragya's team members and he didn't even bother about the press people, who are purposely questioning them to gain their TRPs...

As Abhi is new to this field, he is not used to all these kind of press meets and all... Eventhough instructions where given to him already on how to face the media, the lover boy in him is boiling in anger... Abhi spits out the hidden truth in front of everyone, not minding the consequences...

It's a shock to everyone and Pragya couldn't sit there anymore, as she is not able to digest what Abhi has said to the press people... For the first time ever, Pragya lost her temper in front of the press and she excuses and walked away, as quickly as she can...

Arvind and Anupama Mehra are helplessly looking at their son Abhi, who is running behind Pragya, not even bothering that he is adding diesel to the fire... Much to the happiness of the paparazzi following them, Abhi gets inside Pragya's car and holds her hand tightly...

Abhi least care about anything and Pragya's angry glare didn't stopped him from nearing her... Tears rolled down from Pragya's eyes as Abhi is increasing her problems more and more...

Pragya slaps hardly in Abhi's cheeks, as he is not only spoiling his career, but also making her a laughing stock in front of everyone's eyes... The flashes of the camera startles them more and with full rage, Pragya pushes Abhi from the car and drives to her secret den...


So, What's going to happen next...

Will Abhi be able to prove his love and marry Pragya???

Will the paparazzi allow the Director Pragya to fall in love with the newbie actor Abhi???

Will the answers of Abhi be potrayed as Publicity stunts or will it spoil the acting career of Abhi???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


As the scenes needs to be explained clearly to show the bonding of the duo, I need to split the final shot (Third shot) into two updates...

Words have crossed more than 3750+ already... The second part of the final shot and the epilogue of the story is left out, to wrap up this story.....

I'm planning to finish off this story soon... More the votes and comments, your updates will be quicker...

Expecting your love as always...

Bidding adeiu,



Will be


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