Shot. 2 : In the clutches of the Terror Queen...

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It's so pathetic to live a slavery life, when you are declared as the king of a biggest empire...

It's okay, if you don't like me... I can understand that you are one among those, who doesn't have a good taste of choice...

I'm not sorry for who I'm... I may not be perfect... I'm unique and there is no replacement to me...




Damn it...

It's so hard...

I can't do this....

This is unfair yaar....

This is one hell of a torture....

Please leave me....

I'm backing off....

I'm hungry.... Please give me some food...

I'm cursing you... You will get stomach pain for eating before my eyes...

You are sick and insane... Why are you torturing me like this????

What wrong did I do to you... Please leave me... I will run away from your sight....

Stupid Abhi... Who asked you to boast that you can do anything for this hero role... Gosh... They are killing me... Mummy... See your son's state... 😭😭😭😭

Don't you have a bit of courtesy too... Poor me... Show some pity on me...

You heartless morons... Go to hell... I'm  cursing you all...

Ouch... My back is paining... My poor body... I can't tolerate these anymore...

I'm dead... God... No more... Ouchhhhhh.... Aarggghhhhhh... It's paining terribly... Don't kill me like this....

Unbelievable... You people are enjoying my misery, heartlessly... God will punish you for playing in a poor boy's life...

For the past two months, these words are repeatedly screamed by Abhi in different modulations, at different timings and in different places... Yet no one is ready to hear his loop mode of dialogues, as they knew pretty well that Abhi has to face all these to fit for his hero role...

Even if they felt pity and try to help Abhi, Pragya's one deadly glare will let them to back off... Pragya's gaze itself explains them that Abhi has to get used to all these kind of trainings, to get succeeded in his career...

But Abhi is not in a mood to hear anyone's words too... It's a deadly torture for Abhi to undergo strict diet, heavy workouts, getting trained in sword fighting, horse riding and learning some important techniques in different forms of marshal arts too...

Moreover Abhi is given training by vocalists to modify and modulate his voice tone, so that he can do the dubbings correctly, for the potrayal of his role as the King Prithvi Raj, The Great Warrior... Additionally, he is guided how to walk, stand and he is being corrected on his looks and postures too...

What boiled the nerves of Abhi is that he is being forced to wear the heavy jewelleries and royal costumes, which weighs in tons... The hardest part for Abhi is that the dresses are too tight for him and he is given only 45 days to get himself fit to that dress, which are designed by the famous costume designer Aaliya, under the strict order of the Director Pragya...

It's a hectic task for the Chubby Boy in Abhi to transform himself as a Handsome Warrior, who has a fit and toned body, in a short span of time... However, the most talented director Pragya knew pretty well to make such a kind of transformation in Abhi, in a stipulated time...

Abhi is not aware that his parents, his bestie cum cousin brother Purab, his sister like friend Aaliya are helping Pragya indirectly and supporting her to do, whatever she wishes... As Abhi is in the strong clutches of Pragya, he has no other choice than to agree whatever she says, even if he didn't like it a bit too...


The morning sun rays irritates and boils the nerves of Abhi, who has got only 2 hours of sleep... Till the wee hours of the night, the training continues for him and he is able to get only some time to get the needed rest to his body...

Abhi groaned inwardly as his body is paining terribly... Even in his deep sleep too, Abhi is cursing Pragya with all his might, as she is torturing him to hell... Abhi is not in a mindset to realise that Pragya is being so strict with him, only for his well being only...

Abhi closes his ears tightly and buries his head completely in the pillow, to get rid of the annoying noise of the alarm sound, followed by the begging voice of Purab, who is struggling hard to wake up Abhi for the past one hour...

As the main shooting is kicking off from that day onwards, Abhi has to be present in that set exactly at 7 o' clock in the morning... It's 6 am already and Abhi is not in a mood to get rid of his sleep and wake up any a time...

Purab is tensed out of no where, as he knew pretty well about the Director Pragya, who expects perfection, punctuality and sincerity in her works... Purab was bothered, as Abhi gonna have a tough time, if he is late by a minute too...

Director Pragya expects her crew members to be present in the film sets exactly before half an hour of the shooting time... If it comes to the hero or heroine of the film, she wants them to reach the sets before one hour, so that their make ups will be done properly and they can have the last minute rehearsals too, before the shooting kicks off...

Director Pragya badly hates late comers and her punishments will be severe for the people, who disobeys her... Before agreeing to do a film , Pragya will make a contract with the producers, mentioning all the do's and don'ts and get signatures from the entire team, to obey her orders...

Director Pragya is very hard to judge, when it comes to work and her sincerity and dedication only has made her to reach greater heights in that tender age itself... Eventhough her contracts were hard to follow, most Producers love to work with Pragya, as she always gives big block buster hits...


Purab is kicking the clutches very harshly and the poor car is flying in a rocket speed... He didn't mind the panic filled face of his fiance Aaliya, who is praying for all their safety... Not minding the biggest commotions going on around him, Abhi is sleeping calmly in the backseat of the car...

Aaliya shreiks in horror and screams to the top of her lungs, as Purab had halted the car abruptly.... Aaliya opens her eyes and understands that they have reached the sets... Gulping her saliva on seeing the angry Purab, Aaliya looks back and is shocked to see Abhi is sleeping like a baby...

Purab gets out from the car harshly and bangs it with a hard kick... Understanding the situation is getting out of control, Aaliya runs behind Purab to stop him... But her attempts went in futile, as Purab has neared Pragya and has started off his conversation with her...

Aaliya helplessly looks at the car and she mentally asks sorry to Abhi, as she couldn't do anything to save him from Pragya's wrath... Letting out a deep sigh, she moves towards her team members, who are ready with the costumes of the actors...


Abhi is smiling and is mesmerized on seeing the adorable garden which is blooming with colourful flowers... Inhaling the sweet fragrance and admiring the serenity of the place, Abhi makes a happy whistle and explores the nature's miracle to his heart felt content...

Adding more happiness to his state, a gentle yet cold drop of water hits his face... His lips curved to a bright smile as the cloud gets darkened suddenly, setting up an romantic ambience to the place... The soft drizzles are shamelessly kissing his face and is enlighting his mood in a greater way...

Abhi slowly opens up his arms and lets the water to drench his whole body... He swirls and enjoys the beautiful climate and he is so happy to be in the heavenly place, which soothes his heart and soul...

But his actions comes to an abrupt halt, when he hears a very sweet melancholic laughter of a girl, which brings a big turnado in his little heart... His mind urged him to go and look for that girl , who disturbed his sweet moments...

Abhi carefully sneaks in that place, as he doesn't want to miss her, any a time... His jaw dropped and his heart started to beat unevenly... Abhi never expected that he will be blessed enough to adore this wonderful sight...

There stood a petite beauty, who is wearing a soft netted gown, plastered with golden petals... She is looking like an elegant and beautiful flower bouquet, which is so precious and priceless ... She is laughing so happily and is singing a song, which melts the heart of Abhi completely...

He couldn't move his gaze away from her, as she is enjoying the rain so happily, not minding that her dress is hugging her very dangerously and is showing off her curves in a sizzling way...

She is not aware that she is making a man to turn mad and is evoking all kinds of hormonal tensions in him... Abhi takes deep breaths to control himself but his wholeself has lost his sanity already...

He is ready to fall before the beauty and beg her to accept him, as she is kindling all his senses... Without bothering about the consequences, Abhi nears her and pulls her towards him...

Abhi is dumb struck, as he didn't expected that he has fallen in the clutches of this beautiful devil, who is showing her both heaven and hell at the same time... His mind alerts him to escape from her, but his body, heart and soul had already marked her as his soulmate...

Abhi wanna make this moment so special for both of them and he wishes to seal and mark her with his love... He makes his hot breathe to mingle with her and his manly lips nears to grab those cherry lips...

Ouchhhh.... Aaaahhhh...

Abhi screamed to the top of his lungs, as he falls in the ground with a heavy thud... Abhi blinks his eyes, as he spots the two bodyguards of Pragya are standing behind her back... Pragya gestured them to leave and she throws the big rod in her hand, just before Abhi, which echoed like a heavy thunder...

Pragya least cared about Abhi's shocked state and she walks like a Royal Queen, who will make everyone to dance to her tunes... It took some time for Abhi to realize what's going on around him... Abhi makes an Oops reaction, as he understands what has happened...


Abhi's Pov.:

Holy crap... I've completely messed up... Already this devil will torture me to hell... Now... Huh... I've poured a mountain of diesel in her anger and let her nerves to boil... Sure she gonna kill me...

Oh god... Where is this Purab Bhai and that stupid Aaliya??? How heartless of them to leave me in this Vampire's clutches... Stupid Abhi... How can you sleep without any sense???

Huh... I was in my bed room only na... How did I end up in the sets??? This Pragya 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬... How dare she to ask her bodyguards to pull me up from the car and throw me in the ground... Ouch... My back and legs are paining...

Instead of giving her hands to help me, she is moving like a Royal Queen... But Abhi, she is something very special... Oh my my... She is looking so yummilicious... Yeeks... Why am I seeing this heartless devil in a different way...

Abhi... Be careful man... She is doing some black magic on you.. She is haunting you even in your dreams too... Oh god... She is screaming in high decibels... Let me run there or she will kill me...


Abhi's blood is boiling in full rage and it's very hard to control his anger... It's been 10 days, since the shooting had started off ... After the first day's happenings, Abhi is so punctual to the shoot and he is the one to be present first in the sets...

He wanna be in the good books of Pragya and he tries all his might to impress her... Abhi even asked sorry to her many a times and had kept sorry notes, flowers, chocolates, greetings and some of his handmade crafts to seek her forgiveness...

But Pragya is giving a hard time to Abhi, as she didn't mind Abhi's silly and childish antics to ask sorry to her... She didn't bother his presence around her at all... Like the properties of the shooting spot, Abhi is just warming the benches, expecting that he will be called to act soon...

However, Pragya didn't took even a single shot with him and is busy in making the shooting of the other actors... Abhi's patience got broke down, as the trainers had dragged him to practice the sword fight, after one week...

Controlling his anger, Abhi sincerely learnt the sword fight, but his poor stomach growled heavily, as he is being given only water to drink on those days... He is let to starve a lot and his body couldn't match up the training sessions without having proper food...

Adding more misery, the whole team is enjoying a heavy meal, while Abhi is longingly looking at them with an empty stomach... He put forth all the blame on Pragya and he stupidly believed that Pragya is purposely doing like these to insult and punish him...

As it's the introduction scene of showing the mighty Warrior Prithvi Raj, who is famous for his sword skills, Pragya wants to show the fit and muscled body of Abhi... It's for the reason, she delayed to take the shots with Abhi and made him to wait till he adopts to the scenario...

As per the advice given by the fitness trainers, Pragya reluctantly agrees for the water diet, which is so hard for Abhi to follow... Not knowing all these, Abhi cursed Pragya for not giving him food...


One such day, when Pragya is about to have food, Abhi barged out of nowhere and pushed the plate, tiffin box and even spilled the juice and water too... He glared at Pragya angrily, while she folds her hands before her chest and gestured him to vent out his anger on her...

Abhi: You are heartless, Pragya... What wrong did I do to you??? You are torturing me in the name of trainings and you are not even bothering to give me food too right...

Actually, what's your problem Pragya??? Who gave you rights to play in my life??? I think you have forgotten completely that I'm this movie's producer's one and only son and I'm the hero of this film... If you repeat such things, I won't mind to throw you out from this film...

As you are a girl, I'm keeping quiet... Mind it... I'm not a fool to sit idly in the sets... How can you expect me stay calm.. Even those junior artists are laughing at me and some are even mocking that whether I will get a chance to act or not...

Enough of your stupid tantrums and I can't tolerate all these anymore... End all those irritating trainings... I'm done with all these... You are going to make me act in the shots or else, you will face the consequences...

Abhi roared like a lion and walks out from there... Pragya's lips curved to a big smile, as this anger in Abhi is impressing her a lot... After all, who can tell Abhi that Pragya has expected this angry look from Abhi to match the angry avatar of Prithvi Raj...

Pragya carefully picks up her mobile and wallet... She asked the cleaning team to wipe the place and ordered none to spit out this matter to anyone... But Pragya's PA, who is in the next room, is so shocked on hearing the convo of Abhi with Pragya... Not able to control her anger, she said all these to Purab and Aaliya...


Abhi who has vented out all his anger on Pragya, is leaning on to the chair in his vanity and holding his head tightly... Purab barged inside with much anger and clutched Abhi's shirt angrily..

Abhi: Purab bhai... What are you doing??? You are spoiling my brand new shirt...

Purab: Hell with your stupid shirt... I didn't expect this from you, Abhi... Not knowing anything about Pragya, how can you insult her... Is this a way to behave Abhi???

You are just a new bie actor, who gonna do the debut in this film.. Don't forget that you wouldn't have got this chance, if your father is not a big producer... You are so lucky and blessed to act under such a great director like Pragya....

The whole industry is interested to be in association with Pragya and even the big actors are eagerly waiting to work in her films... But... You... You are a big zero, Abhi... It's her, who gonna make you as a Hero...

Don't you have any courtesy too, Abhi... Forget that she is a big film director... But can't you even think that she is a woman, for heaven's sake... Pragya didn't had anything in these three days, as she was working so hard to make your first scene to come out in a grandier way...

As she was not feeling well, I only insisted her to take food and medicines, before she resumes her works... But you... Huh... Simply waste of time to talk with a thick headed guy like you...

Just Go and look at yourself, Abhi... You will know what Pragya has did to you... Try to obey her or back off from this project... After all, she can even make a puppet to act in her film and she knows how to give a big blockbuster....

Purab mumbled something under his breath and walked away from there... Abhi felt so guilty and he felt so sorry for his doings... He moved towards the mirror and looked at himself... Instead of the chubby Abhi, there stood a real Warrior Prithvi Raj, who can destroy his enemies with a single look itself...



Abhi's father clapped and started the first scene of Abhi, with a big smile in his face... It's a war scene, which shows the power and strength of the mighty warrior Prithvi Raj... As proper trainings were given to the whole team already, the output came out pretty well and it was a single attempted shot...

Pragya along with her ADs gave a standing ovation to the actors for doing a good job...
Abhi is so shocked as everyone are congratulated him and some even added that he gonna rock the film industry and will become a big star for sure...

Abhi's parents, Purab and Aaliya too were so happy to see a great actor in Abhi, who did a big magic and brought the dream character of Pragya, live before their eyes...
They also added that they didn't expected that Abhi will act so well..

Eventhough it's heart warming to drench in these kind of appreciations, Abhi's heart felt a big void as Pragya didn't even look at him too... Like a sincere student expecting a Good from his teacher, Abhi wants to hear good from Pragya's mouth... But she carefully avoids him and acts so professionally and alerts her team to make arrangements for the next shot...

Most of the time, Pragya will be busy in planning the scenes and the ADs only will explain the scenes to the actors... Before the shoot, Pragya will correct their mistakes and will act and show them how to emote in those scenes...

Abhi's heart felt a stinge of pain, as Pragya is not even sparing a glimpse at him... He purposely did some mistakes to grab Pragya's attention, but she being a professional, easily finds out Abhi's intentions and cut him off very easily...

It's so easy for Abhi to act in those war scenes, but he finds it very hard to act in the romantic scenes... The ADs explains them clearly how to act, but Abhi smartly said them that he can't understand anything... As she has no choice, Pragya gets inside Abhi's vanity with full of anger...


Pragya is angrily walking out from the press conference, as she didn't expected such a stupidity from Abhi at all... She is so confused as why Abhi is pouring sand in his head... She even thought that it as some kind of cheap publicity done by Abhi to gather everyone's attention...

On the other hand, Abhi runs behind Pragya and tries to stop her, not minding that he is giving a good footage to the media people to gain their TRPs... Aaliya and Purab are helplessly looking at Abhi, as he gets inside his car and dragged Pragya too along with him....

Pragya gave a deadly glare and warns Abhi not to behave so foolishly and spoil both their images... He least cared about anything and nears Pragya and *********.... She slapped Abhi angrily and her eyes welled up in tears...



What did Abhi do to make Pragya think that he is doing a cheap publicity???

Why did Pragya slapped Abhi???

Will Pragya explains how to act the romantic scenes or will she think that it's also Abhi's silly antics to near her???

Will the Arrogant Director and the Upcoming Actor got into the clutches of the media or will they succeed in their dream film???

Will Abhi's dream love will happen in real???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Words used: 3750+ words

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Your votes and comments are badly needed, as it's like a boosting energy to me... Without them, it's hard to focus on writings... Hope you all can understand and render your wonderful support...

Just the final shot is left to end this 3 shot story...

If you guys want, I will post an epilogue... Majorities choice will be considered....

Expecting your support as always....

Bidding adieu,



Will be


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