Shot 1: The Magical Meeting of Mr. Cute and Miss. Attitude....

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It's the fate which decides who we gonna meet... But it's in our hands to decide, who we wanna have as our companion till our last breathe...

She is my biggest enemy, who treats me as if I'm a trash and worthless creature... But I couldn't control my feelings, when she gives me those angry looks, which makes my heart beats to rise rapidly....

He is so innocent and fun loving... Eventhough I like him a lot, I couldn't draw him inside my pathetic life at all... This is why I'm maintaining a considerable distance from him...


" Catch it.... "

Hearing the sound catch, a big crowd is looking eagerly on the fielder's eyes and hands to catch the ball correctly, which is nearing the boundary line... If the ball crosses the line and awards the team with a six, the opposite team will be declared as a winner...

Everyone are praying hardly that the fielder should catch the ball and makes the player to get out, as it's a big bet match... Alas... To their poor luck, the ball hits a big six, making the batting team to win the match...

The proud man who hit the helicopter shot in the last ball and making the team to win is jumping up like a small kid and celebrating the victory in his usual style... He is whistling and making wierd dances to irritate and annoy the opponents, who are sorrowing for their loss...

Purab Khanna, the Manager of the famous Film Producer - Arvind Mehra, is giving an awkward look and is glaring at his Boss's son, Abhishek Prem Mehra, who is showing off, as if he has lifted a world cup title... Purab looks at his watch and he gets a panick attack, as they are late by an hour...

Purab screams in a heavy pain, as he got a big hit on his back, which is kissed by Abhi's cricket bat... Abhi gave a goofy grin and behaves so innocent, as if the bat has accidentally touched Purab's back... But Purab scowls angrily as he knew very well that Abhi is taking a bad revenge on him...

Abhi: Oh my darling, Purab... You are wearing a big spectacles... Can't you see that I'm coming with my sweet weapon... As you are so cute like the ball, my bat loved to touch you... Cheer up my boy... No cryings... I will get one icecream for you...

Purab: Stop pacifying as if I'm a baby... Remember Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra... I'm not only a manager to your Papa but also I'm your Cousin Brother...

Abhi: My Panda Bear... Oops... Sorry sorry... Purab Bhai... Happy now... You have got a worst company and is influenced by bad and evil minded people... So, many negative vibrations are surrounding you...

Where is my Cool, Happy going and Fun loving Purab Bhai??? All I can see now is the strict and too much lecturing Manager of my papa... Yuck... I just hate this version of you...

One free advice, Bro... Cut all the relationships you have with Papa or else you have to face so much bad consequences and problems in your life... Who knows, you have to stay as a bachelor all your life.... My deep condolences....

Abhi wipes his fake tears and indirectly conveys Purab that he will give Purab a big curse, if he messes up with him again... Purab let out a deep sigh, as he is being kicked up badly by the father and son, who means a lot to him...

Purab: Abhi... Please... I beg you... Come with me... You are supposed to attend the board of director's conference... Bade Papa will kill both of us, if we didn't reach over there...

Abhi: How many times I have told you and your Bade Papa... I'm not at all interested in your so called business, movies, film productions, promotions, success parties and all...

Abhi is just a free bird... No work... No tension... No commitments... Just I want to be happy and enjoy my life to the fullest... Let me live my life in my own style... Don't stuff such unwanted baggages in my head...

Purab: Huff.... Abhi... Try to be responsible... You are not a small kid... It's your duty to look after the Mehra Production House and...

Abhi: Stop... Stop... I'm not in a mood to hear your boring advices and unwanted blah blah blahs... Do whatever you want... I don't care if you complain to your Bade Papa too... I am not coming with you...

Before Purab thinks of some plans to stop Abhi and explain the hard situation they are facing, Abhi vanished from his sight... Abhi runs as quickly as he can and jumps up in his friend's bike to escape from the boring meeting... But little did Abhi know that a big discussion is going to take place, which gonna turn the life of Abhi in a drastic way....


A week later...

Abhi is shouting in high decibels and is arguing with his mother Anupama Mehra, who is sincerely drinking her morning tea... Making Abhi's blood to boil, his mother asks the maid to take Abhi's coffee, as he won't drink it in a foul mood....

Abhi: This is unfair, Anu... My Poor morning coffee... You also becoming stubborn like your husband na...

Anupama: Not at all, Abhi... It's you... Why are you hell adamant not to listen to me or your Papa??? Atleast tell me, what you gonna do haan...

Don't ever say that you wanna focus on cricket... Just playing road side cricket won't make you to be a great player... If you are interested in that you would have sincerely attended the training in the cricket academy...

But... You are... I don't want to scold you, Abhi... Tell me what you wanna do further... If you are not interested to look after our business, it's not a problem... But I want to know what exactly you are going to do in your future...

As Anupama has crystal clearly said that Abhi has to choose one profession for deciding his future, Abhi doesn't know what to answer too...

Abhi: Just give me some time, Mom... I can't take any quick decisions abruptly...

Anupama: Not any more, Abhi... You have wasted 4 long years, after your graduation... Will give you only few hours to decide... Your Papa will be coming up tonight after the business trip... At dinner time, I want your answer...

Whatever you choice, I and your Papa will agree... But your decision should be fair enough to convince us... If we are not pleased, you have no other option than to look after our business... Is that clear...

Abhi nods his head, but inwardly he is so angry on his parents for cornering him like this and is pouring acid in his happy life... As it's a habit for Abhi to take long drives, whenever he is in a mood off, he picks up his car key and dashed out of the house in anger....


" SCREECH .. "

"THUD... "


" OH GOD..."


These were the sounds that are echoing in the isolated road on the highways... Abhi is fuming in anger as his car is being dashed by a bike, which came in high speed... But Abhi didn't realize that it's his mistake, which causes the accident...

Abhi, who is in an inner turmoil to decide his future, is driving the car slowly and he is in not in a mood to register his surroundings too.... He is not driving in the same lane and he is twisting the car in different paths, which is the sole reason for the accident...

Abhi's foul mood blinds all his senses and he wanna vent out all his anger on the poor bike rider, who came in his path, all of a sudden... Abhi dashes out of the car and aggressively pulls the helmet of the bike racer, who is showing attitude like a ruler and is glaring at Abhi, as the mistake is done by Abhi...

A heavy gasp echoes from Abhi's body and his heart stopped it's beating for a few seconds... Abhi blinks his eyes quickly and he rises his hands to study the features of the person standing before him...

A pretty angel, dressed up stylishly in a leather jacket , the magnetic eyes, the button type pinchable nose, the sweet kissable lips and her makeup less glowing face brings a big world war inside Abhi... It took some time for Abhi to register that he is checking out the girl shamelessly and is pouring a big water falls from his mouth...

Abhi rubs his cheeks and looks at the girl bewildered, as she has slapped him on his cheeks... Before Abhi's lips utters any word, she lashes him out with all kind bad words, which Abhi has rarely heard and ripped him like a tissue paper...

Abhi: Stop... Stop it... Hey you... You have dashed in my car... Instead of asking sorry to me and seek for my forgiveness, you are showing too much attitude to me...

How dare you... You have slapped me, scolding me and is lecturing me, as if I'm at fault... Look... I accept... I have admired your beauty.. But that doesn't mean that you treat me, as if I'm a pervert...

The bike racer, Pragya gaves a " Are you stupid" look towards Abhi, who is arguing with her and is putting all the blame on her... She rolls her eyes and look at her watch... As she has half an hour to reach the spot, she wanna teach Abhi a good lesson for his useless accusations...

Pragya; Mister. Lazy Goose... Nah Nah... Mr. Chubby Bear... ( Note: Abhi is little bit chubby in this story)

This is not your bedroom to sleep and dream, as you wish... You have got a big tongue to talk na... Don't you have proper vision and hearing ability to see, listen and hear, what's going on around...

You are the one at fault... Don't you know the minimum speed limit in highways is 80... But you are driving in 40 speed... And you have changed the lane suddenly and to your information, it's you who has dashed with my costly bike...

What are you looking haan... If I sue you, you have to pay double the amount of my bike... Don't give awkward looks... My bike is costlier than your Dubba (small Box) car...

Abhi looks at his small car, which is worth only a 2 lakhs and looks at the imported bike nearby, which is worth more than 5 lakhs... Abhi doesn't know what to do, as his father has cut down all the monetary benefits of him...

Till that date, Abhi enjoyed all the benefits with his mother's help only... But after the argument with his mother that morning, Abhi has thrown away his card angrily and dashes out of the house, with only few hundreds for petrol and to have some snacks only...

But his ego didn't let him to give up and Abhi is not in a mentality to accept his mistake at all... Abhi foolishly thought that the world is turning against him... He curses the fate for bringing up an attitude filled girl before his eyes, forgetting the fact he has drooled her few minutes back...

Abhi: Look... What's the big deal, if I'm at fault... You don't know who I'm... You are messing up with a wrong person... You doesn't know who my Father is... He can make your life a living hell, if he knew that you had a fight with me...

Pragya: Woha... Scary cat is trying to scare me haan with your father's name... Why baby, you are behaving like a sissy and hiding behind your Father's back... Don't you have any separate identity... Never mind...

I don't care a damn about who you are and who your father may be... If you ask sorry to me, I may leave you or else you have to face the consequences my little boy...

Abhi grits his teeth angrily and shows attitude and gives a rigid posture... But he freaks out, as Pragya jumps up suddenly from her bike... Before Abhi understands what's going on, Pragya throws the car key far away and empties the water bottle in the car..

She crushed the bank notes and put Abhi's mobile under the seat.... Satisfied with her works and giving a little punishment for Abhi's doings, Pragya gave a big bang on Abhi's back finally which is a small reward from her side... In a flash of second, she vanished from Abhi's sight, after waving her hands to Abhi...

Cursing Pragya with all his might, he searches for all his belongings and he vows that he will teach a good lesson to Pragya, if she came before his eyes again... But fate makes a goofy grin, as Abhi gonna face a lot of troubles in few days, because of Pragya...


Abhi chews the food lazily and didn't moved his gaze away from his plate... He couldn't meet the burning look of his mother and father... Abhi is so helpless, as Purab is also not there to support him, as he has went for attending a film promotion...

After the ugly encounter he had with Pragya, Abhi has to rush up to his home, earlier... He buried his head in the pillow and drifted to a deep sleep, not in a mood to do anything.. He forget the fact that he is answerable to his parents at the dinner time...

When it's dinner time, Abhi finds all kind of excuses to escape from his parents... But he has to come up and sit like an obedient kid, as his father's deadly glare, drained his blood completely... He gulps the food quickly and reacted , as if he didn't hear his mother....

Anupama: So, Abhi... What have you decided...

Abhi: Maa... Oh... Oh... I... I...

Arvind: Abhi beta... Don't take any decisions as your mother is pressurizing you... If you are okay, can I suggest you a wise option...

Abhi; No need.. I have decided... You are a big film producer and you are introducing many young talents under your banner na... If you can, launch me as a hero in your upcoming project...

I knew very well that you are going to produce a big budget film with a famous director na... Purab bhai boasted to me that it's your dream project... If you have guts, make me as the hero of this film.. If not, allow me to live my life peacefully...

Arvind: Are you serious, Abhi??? You are not joking, right...

Abhi: ( In an irritating tone) Am I looking like a joker... I'm dead serious... Your son want to be a hero in your dream film...

Anupama: Abhi... It's not so easy to become a hero... You need lots of efforts and hardwork to portray your role...

This Hero role is very challenging and you have to strain your body a lot... You need to transform into another person and you have to lose many a things to give justification to your role...

You have to listen to the Director's words properly and you can't enjoy any privilege as that of a Producer's son... Most of the shootings will be of outdoor and it will be so difficult for you to handle all these...

Abhi: Maaa... Don't underestimate your son's capabilities... Ask your husband to launch me as the hero... If he is not happy with my work, he can drop the film too...

I promise, I won't say who I'm to anyone... Even I won't reveal that I'm a Mehra, until the film gets completed... I won't beg for any of your help and I will obey the director's words properly... Trust me... I will make you two proud...

Anupama let's out a deep sigh and looks at her husband Arvind, who is proudly looking at Abhi, as this is the first time ever in his life that Abhi has talked so wisely, maturely and confidently... Promising that he will do the needful, Arvind moves to his room with a happy smile in his face...

Abhi's face went pale, as he didn't expected the sudden twist at all... He is so confident that his parents won't agree to make him as a hero, that too in a big budget movie.. But to his displeasure, the reverse happens, leaving Abhi to get a shock of his life...


Two weeks later....

Abhi is arguing with his cousin Purab and Purab's finance Aaliya, who is the costume designer of the film, on their way to the film set, for the first day of shoot... He can't tolerate the praises of the duo about the Director of the film...

Abhi: Oh God... Just stop it yaar... You two are annoying me too much... Do hell with that Director... Already I'm in a foul mood as the script is too hard for me to digest and I don't know how am I going to do the role...

And you stupid girl... What kind of costumes you have designed haan... Only half my body will get into the clothes... Can't you design dresses according to my physique...

Aaliya: Sorry Bhai... I have no other choice... This is the director's order... The Hero Character Prithvi Raj needs to be dressed up like this only...

Abhi got a panic attack and looks at Purab, who hungs his head down, which conveys Abhi that he needs to shed half his body weight to potray the role... Abhi caress his chubby cheeks and rubs his small baby belly, as he loves his physique a lot, which will make everyone to call him as cute...

Rather being a tall, handsome hunk, Abhi is so lazy to do any exercise and he won't like to strain his body, any a time... The only physical activity he used to do is to play cricket alone... Freaking out in horror, Abhi gets down from the car and walks towards the film set...

Abhi jumps up in shock, as he hears a shrilling sound of a girl, who is blasting on the crew members for messing up with her plans... Clad in a long Shirt and ripped jeans and a big hat to hide her face, she looks like a small girl, who is ordering everyone with her commanding tone and making the others to dance to her tunes...

With a questioning look, Abhi looks at the duo, who slowly whispers that she is the Famous Director, Pragya Arora, simply called as the Queen Bee of the Film Industry.... Abhi gulps hard, as he heard a lot about the Queen Bee and how she works hard to give blockbuster hits...

Wiping off his sweat, Abhi moves forward to have a glimpse of her face... Abhi's world turns upside down, as he spots the same bike racer, who messed up with him few days before...

Pragya scowls and turns her face in fury and looks at Abhi, who is making all kinds of weird expressions.... Seeing her burning gaze, Purab quickly introduced Abhi as the Hero of the film....

Pragya gave a deadly glare as Abhi muttered Lady Dracula in a meek whisper... Instead of having a happy meeting with the girl, who makes a hormonal explosion in Abhi, all their meetings are so horrible and ending them up in a big fight only....

Pragya scans Abhi from top to toe and she gestures Aaliya to show the costumes, she has designed... A devilish smirk plasters in Pragya's face on seeing the dresses, which indirectly conveys that Abhi gonna have a tough time in the sets of the Movie " The Warrior"



What's going to happen next???

How Abhi gonna transform into the Hero Role, Prithvi Raj???

Will it be easy for Abhi to work under Pragya???

Will Abhi can do everything as Promised to his parents???

Will the spark of chemistry clicks between Abhi and Pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Do cast your votes and pen down your views...

Bidding adieu,


Will be


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