The Miraculous Spark Begins (Prologue & Casts)

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Hola Peeps....

Your Crazy Buddy Mahii (@crazymahiz) is back again with a brand new story...

Well, another short story from my side, as some of my stories have ended and some are nearing the finishing...


Are you all ready????






Two opposite poles...
Two different minded people...
Two different professionals...
Two different characteristics...

The difference between a Fire and An Ice...
The difference between The Sun and The Moon...
The difference between A Day and A Night....
The difference between Coldness And Hotness....

The difference between A Smarty and A Hardworker...
The difference between Happiness Vs Sincerity...
The difference between Fun Loving Vs Being Practical....

Too much of differences isn't it...

So, what's the story is all about...

A bold, thick headed, arrogant, workaholic, practical girl has an encounter with a cool and fun loving guy, who wanna enjoy his life to the fullest...

Things didn't worked out very well, when they met for the first time... They argued a lot, bashed on each other and the meeting ended up in a very pathetic and horrible state...

But... The spark ignites between them in a drizzling rain...

Their hearts started to beat in high decibels and slowly the cold ice between them breaks and melts... Their souls interlinked, unknowingly... The magic happens, without their control..

Yet they are scared to make a move and go forward in their relationship, as they are two opposite poles, who can't be near each other, like a northpole and a southpole...

They are bothered to keep a name to their undeniable attraction on each other and they just want to end up only as Friends, as they are not in a mentality to take a risk, as it's their life's biggest decision...

Will the Cupid leave them so easily???

Will their Destiny be a beautiful love journey???

Will their relationship be forced to come to a big full stop, marking them only as Friends or mere strangers???

Wanna know the answers... Come, let's make a move forward....


Presenting to you all...

My new story....


Abhigya TS by CrazyMahiz...

How is the Title and cover of this story???

I hope you will like the story too...

This is a small story of A Crazy Guy and A Workaholic Girl, who are poles apart in every aspects...

This is a work of fiction and each and every word written in this story is my creative idea...

If it resembles to any real life characters or real life incidents, it's just coincidental...

Text fully copyrighted:


No offence to any characters used in this story ... Strictly no bashing is allowed....

Read the story with your own risk....


Wanna know who are all part of this story...

Casts of this story:


A thick headed, bold and full of attitude girl, who never bends her head down, for anyone or anything... She is so arrogant in nature and she uses her tongue as a big weapon to have a command over persons, who tries to dominate her...

She is a workaholic women, who devotes all her life only for her professional empowerment... Her sincerity and dedication has earned her lot of accolades and she is the Majestic Queen in her field...

Many aspiring youngsters craves and dies to work under her leadership... Many believed that if they have her Mida's touch, they will become popular soon... But she hates people, who praises her and she throws away those who comes in front of her with recommendations...

She is an orphan, who has lost her family in an earthquake... The considerable amount of money, she has now, is all because of her hardwork... Has only two friends, who only can handle her easily...

She hates men, who flirts with her... She can't tolerate anyone, who have no ambitions in their lives... She treats them as lazy gooses and if she gets a chance to meet such kind of guys or girls, she will rip them into pieces...


♡♡ Abhishek Prem Mehra ♡♡

A cool, naughty, fun loving, jovial and next door boy look guy... A tall, handsome hunk, who has a heart warming smile... He brings life to the place, wherever he is and all calls him as so cute, with the way he talks and behaves...

Born and brought up with a golden spoon... The only son of the Mehras... Yet he is down to earth in nature... He has no ego and never he boasts that he is so rich and also the son of the famous *******...

He is so friendly with everyone and he treats and respects even the maids in their house in a good manner... Eventhough, he has a lot of good qualities, he is so lazy in nature...

He has no serious ambitions in his life and he even doesn't care about what future has in stores for him... He hates commitments and he is not in a mood to accept any responsibilities in his shoulders...

Scared of his Papa a lot... He obeys and nods his head as yes, if his father commands him to do anything... He is a Mumma's boy and he easily brainwashes her to do him a favour and to cool off his father, if he is angry on him...

He hates women, who shows attitude and he runs away, if a women shouts or yells in high decibels... An eligible bachelor, who is waiting for his princess or the girl of his dreams...



How is the characters of the two leads???

A lot of differences, isn't it???

Few more characters will come up in the middle of the story and you will know who they are and what relationship they have with the leads, when the story progress...

It's a Three Shot Story... A jolly, fun filled, humourous, breezy and cool story... Hopefully, there won't be much sentimental or emotional scenes...

Just for you guys... As many are complaining that I'm making them to cry, I want this story to be a happy one... I hope you all will like it...


Any idea, about the professions of Abhi and Pragya???

If you guess their professions correctly, you will get a clear view about this story...

Wanna know the answers...

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Do cast your votes and pen down your views on the title, prologue and casts of this story...

Will come up with the story very soon...

Planning to give quick updates... Expecting a positive response and support from you all...

Bidding adieu,

Yours buddy



Will be


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