Chp.8 Intense Fight

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Izuki and (YN) we're getting ready to fight. Izuki started charging up her One For All she did, she then quickly charges towards as she leaps and goes for a punch

Izuki: SMASH!!!!!

Izuki swings her punch towards but then suddenly, she realizes that (YN)'s body was changing the shape of his mochi quirk power, somehow he was able to manipulate his body structure with his mochi quirk power to avoid any punches or attacks...Izuki's smash was going towards (YN) use his mochi quirk to avoid being punch, and also using his future sight quirk to see what will Izuki do...

(YN): Come on now, You can try harder than that.

Izuki: Nrgh! One For All...5 percent Detroit Smash!!!

Izuki uses her other hand for a Detroit Smash to try hitting (YN), this time she was able to hit him but not quite as (YN) uses his Haki to block the punch...causing a bit of impact...Izuki then tried throwing rapid punches at him but (YN) was able to dodge them with an ease and predict them which punches Izuki was throwing...

(YN): Keep trying, cutie.

Izuki: Wh-What?! *blushes*

When (YN) called her a cutie, Izuki got blushed and distracted as she didn't realizes (YN) swinging a punch towards her gut with his Haki, as it did, Izuki spat out saliva, (YN) then throw rapid punches to her as Izuki tried blocking them but were too powerful as she started taking punches from him, the last one sent her away from (YN) feets away as she recovered quickly...

Izuki Mind: D-Damn! That's so stronger! It's almost like...All Mights before...and mines as well!?!!? Damn, not only I'm losing my focus on him, but I also forgot about his quirks, that punch I swing on him he avoided with his body structure and his future sight, that ones gonna be a tough one, he can will predict everything I will do against him.

(YN): You're quite tough. But I guess you can see now. As I said before with the other heroes, in terms of power, ability and attacks, anything you can do, I can do better. You're inferior to me in speed and power and everything.

Izuki then started to get a bit angry as she started powering her up...

Izuki: My quirk won't lose to your quirk!

Izuki leaps towards (YN) as she tried punching him, but (YN) vanishes as Izuki vanishes as well, they both kept appearing and vanishing together as Izuki tried striking him down...causing all the buildings to collapse and destroy, Izuki tired hitting him as for (YN) kept blocking and dodging her punches like nothing...

(YN): Are you trying to compete me?

Izuki: Im not gonna lose!

Izuki swings a punch as (YN) blocks it with his knee...

Izuki: Nrgh! Okay, try blocking this! Shoot style...SMASH!!!

Izuki swings her leg towards (YN) as he vanishes, and then appears behind her and kicks her straight to her face, sending her flying crashing towards a she was laid on the ground, barely getting up, she realizes something about (YN), his arm was starting to become Mochi from his quirk as something was coming out from his whole arm, she realizes a huge trident coming out from his whole arm as his arm was itself normal self and shows his trident to Izuki...

Izuki: Wh-What the!?!

(YN) charges towards Izuki as he leaps, holding to his trident with his right hand as he started twisting his Mochi arm as he was creating a powerful rolling stab as he goes after Izuki...

(YN): Take this! Mochi Thrust!!

Izuki realizes the trident was going towards her, she then dodges it below as the trident hit straight the wall, causing a huge impact...after that, the building started to collapse as Izuki got out of the way...the building got destroyed by (YN)'s powerful trident...

Izuki: That was close! I almost got crushed!

Suddenly, Izuki realizes (YN) standing behind her as she stares at him, bit nervous...

(YN): This trident here is called mole.

Izuki tried getting up bet (YN) points his trident to her as Izuki stood still...

(YN): Your hand or feet? Name the body parts you can most do without. I'll sever them for you!

(YN) then again starts spinning his trident like a drill as he strikes it towards Izuki, as she then dodges it, (YN) tried striking Izuki with his trident and Izuki kept vanishing away from it and dodging...Izuki realizes (YN) was too quick and faster than her that any moment she will be stabbed by his trident, Izuki then vansishes again as she appeared behind (YN), he then realizes her behind him as he turns around...

Izuki: Damn! I can't hit him with my quirk...I can't hit him without my quirk either! On top of that...he's able to hit me precisely where I dodge. This si doubling my fatigue

(YN): ...I feel the same way.

Izuki: Eh??

(YN): No ones ever dodge my attacks like that. I gotta say, your quite the fast one, but not faster as me...but what really stresses me you dodging them!

(YN) stretches his mochi arm holding onto the trident towards Izuki as she moves out of the way as (YN)'s mochi arm kept stretching...Izuki with full speed tried to reach to (YN)'s stretchy arm to get his trident, but was close to get it as (YN)'s arm stretch back to him...

(YN): Trying to take my mole away I see?

Izuki: Damn it! I was so close!

(YN) then puts his trident inside his mochi body as he then was gonna try something new, he raised his left arm up in the air as he then said...

(YN): Flowing Mochi!

(YN) places his palm to the ground. As he did, suddenly the floor started to feel weird and sticky somehow....Izuki realizes all the floor surrounded by them were becoming Mochi...

Izuki: What the!?! The floor turned into Mochi?!

(YN): Hmph. As you can see, I have awaken my quirk at full maximum.

Izuki then jumps in mid air to be avoid being stuck in the mochi, but (YN) somehow was able to control the mochi as the mochi stretched towards Izuki as it got her stuck and tied her around, no able to free herself....(YN) started controlling the mochi on the floor as the mochi on the floor started creating fists, punching and striking Izuki several times. After that, the mochi that was tying her up stretched with her to the air as the mochi was falling down with her towards on top of a building as Izuki started crashing towards the building as she finally made it to the ground, causing the building to be collapsed on top of her...the mochi on the floor disappeared...after the destruction, (YN) started saying something to Izuki...

(YN): Oi, Izuki. Just to let you know that I'm not underestimating you. By the way, sorry that I have to cause you being collapsed and crash towards the building...I was getting a little irritated. To think I have wasted my time fighting you I thought it will be longer...

Izuki was laid there, badly injured, not moving for a moment as (YN) turned around and said...

(YN): You have suffer enough. Guess it's time for me to move long, Izuki.


(YN) was leaving as it looks like he was already finished what he had to he started walking away, he suddenly notices his eyes glowing, knowing Izuki was getting up already...

(YN): Or Maybe I was wrong, your still looking for a fight??

As he turns around and the swings a punch thinking it was Izuki coming towards him, he was was a rock that was coming towards him as he punches it...

(YN): What?!? Where is she-

(YN) realizes Izuki quickly appeared besides him...

Izuki: SMAASH!!!!!!

Izuki swings a heavy punch towards him as she was this close to hit (YN) as (YN) barely dodges it, but Izuki then realizes she grabbed (YN)'a scarf as (YN) wise his eyes of shocked, Izuki then backed away from him as she notices her holding onto (YN)'s scarf that he had since he invade UA...

Izuki: His's so...soft and...warm. *what am I saying??*

-(YN)'s POV-

No...did she saw me...she took away my scarf! She...she saw my mouth didn't she?!! She did! No! I can't let her see it again!!!

(YN) quickly turns around as he stretched his mochi arm towards Izuki to grab his scarf and taking it away from her hands, as he did, he turns around not looking at Izuki as he quickly puts his scarf around his mouth and neck...

As he put his scarf on, veins were popping out from his forehead as he was fully angry the fact he thinks Izuki saw his mouth...he then turns around, hearing Izuki...

Izuki: The fight is still going on, (YN)!!!

(YN): !!!

fully angry as he walks towards her slowly with a deep menace voice...

(YN): You're alive! I'm sorry that I didn't wait for you to die! To be honest with you...I couldn't take this shit anymore!

The battle continues on the next chapter...

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