Chp.9 The Strength And Anger Of The Antagonist

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(YN) rushes towards Izuki with full anger still as he raises his right arm and clenches his hand into a fist, Izuki as well, she rushes towards him as she raises her arm, clenches her hand into a fist to punch (YN)...

Izuki: SMASH!!

(YN): Edge Mochi!

Their fists together caused a collision, somehow Izuki backed away as her hand somehow was injured and burned after hitting (YN)'s fist...she then wa holding her injured and sore hand

Izuki: O-OW!!! I-It burns!!!

(YN): If you notice why my Haki looks different, this one is 10x stronger than my normal Haki! Do you really think you can compete against me?!!? You're just a worm to me!

Izuki notices (YN) swinging a punch towards her again as she uses her other hand to block it...same thing, her other arm got injured and sore as she backed away from (YN)...

Izuki: D-Damn it! My hands!! Wh-What the hell did I do to trigger him this much?!?

(YN) rushes towards Izuki as Izuki tried to block the punches, but (YN) vanishes and appeared behind her as he straight punches her to her back, causing Izuki to spat out blood, (YN) then vanishes and appears Infront of her as he then started throwing brutal and vicious punches towards her as Izuki wasn't able to block them...

(YN): You think you can beat me??!! Stop being so damn confident!

He says while keep brutally punching Izuki as Izuki was spilling blood from her moth and bruises as well..vicious kicks and punches she got from (YN) with rage...(YN) then grabs Izuki from the leg as he swings her around and throws her crashing to a truck, she can barely get up, (YN) then quickly rushes to her as she massively punches her towards the gut, dragging her t the truck and slamming her to the ground and then kicks her away from him as Izuki started getting dragged to the floor, she then barely recovered herself as (YN) notices (YN) in mid air as he tries kicking her in the face as Izuki barely blocked it but the kick was too powerful as it caused her arm to injure badly as (YN) was able to swing another kick to her face, sending her flying away from him, crashing to a light pole and the towards windows, Izuki was inside a building as (YN) appeared crashing to the ceiling, continuing to swing punches towards Izuki as Izuki was barely dodging them...(YN) then grabs Ozuki by the hair as he punches her towards the gut, sending her flying outside, breaking another window...Izuki was badly injure she can barely move, she was barely standing up as (YN) then spears her towards another building as she then was stuck to the wall, (YN) continues with his anger strikes towards Izuki, after that he then grabs her arm and tosses her away from him...Izuki was so badly injured she can't even defend herself...but lucky she had the strength to get up to her feet as she was shaking a bit...blood from her mouth and nose...she then notices (YN) walking towards her, slowly with a menace walk...his both arms and hands were still in Haki as they were charging up...starring at her angrily like if he really was trying to kill Izuki...

(YN): Those who have seen my true self...can't be left alive!!!

(YN) started running, causing monstrous footsteps as he was going after Izuki...

Izuki: D-Damn! H-He's too powerful!! Th-theres no way I can take him down!!

As (YN) was going to swing a punch at Izuki, On Izuki's POV, everything she sees was going slow motion...she realizes something that she can finally be able to everything she sees was in slow motion, she realizes she was able to dodge the punch (YN) was about to swing at her, as she dodges the punch below, she also realizes that (YN) was wide open as she then finally...kicks (YN) below his chin, revealing his mouth again...

As she kicks (YN) towards his chin, she was shocked and surprised to know that finally she was able to touch/hit (YN) for the first time since they started battling...she then backs away from him...

Izuki: He didn't dodged that and got kicked! ...Why?!

Izuki was confused why (YN) wasn't able to dodge her kick and lapso got hit as well, (YN) revivers as he puts his scarf to hi mouth...

(YN): Nrgh! So what if I got kicked!?!

(YN) stretch his mochi leg towards Izuki as Izuki was able to easily dodge it...rather than hitting Izuki, (YN) hit towards a building instead...

Izuki: I could ward it off easily!

(YN) started rushing towards Izuki as he tried punching her with his Haki punches, But Izuki kept dodging them like nothing...

Izuki: His punches didn't even come right away!

(YN) was destroying building while Izuki was dodging them, she then backs away from him as the buildings were destroyed, causing smoke everyone as she can see (YN)'s shadow through the smoke, standing there...then Izuki started to figure out why (YN) wasn't able to hit her now and before he can??! She then realizes something...before, (YN) was able to dodge and block her punches and attacks like nothing, calm and noble and focus, but now, with this anger he has, he got kicked and wasn't able to hit Izuki...and that's where Izuki understands it...the future sight quirk of (YN)...the usage of it and how it works...


Izuki: Now I get it! I understand how your quirk works!

(YN): Huh?! What do you think you understand!?! I told you many times! Your quirk is not match against mines!

Izuki then started to charge up her One For All she gets ready to fight back...

Izuki: Here I come!

The battle continues on the next chapter...

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