Believe in your Redemption

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Drystan is back inside of the pocket dimension again, although for an entirely different reason. Apparently, some of the thieves tried to find and locate Drystan inside of his house, and he would have been caught by surprise, had it not been for his chains warning him of what is about to happen, due to the chains beginning to become warm. This gave him the time to get the cloak, put on the hood, which than sends him to the pocket dimension, where he will be completely safe from the thieves that's attacking him.

Although he felt a compulsion to let out all of his seething years of anger, no thanks to the Wrist Irons that he has, he could not risk further damaging his own home, and prefers to fight outside. He would not fight inside of the house. He closed his eyes, as he waits for the chains to start turning cold, which would usually mean that the thieves are no longer inside of the house he lives in.

But while he is waiting for the Thieves to be gone from his house, he has his phone out, and is watching some stuff that would lift his spirits up. What he is watching on his iPhone now, well, let's say that it has done good form of humor inside of the animation he's watching. But as he is watching the video that is playing before him, he can't help that, whenever the screen his black, he would see his eye, the one that has become blind, due to the liquid that has been poured right into his own face. He touched it, it tingled. He still flinched at the memory of what his brother and sister had done, the feeling of his father's dark red blood in his hands. He had never forgotten how it felt, despite the fact that the One-Eyed Seeker was in control of him at that point in time.

He looks down, and kept watching for as long as he can. He looks down at his hand, and observes his claws, the Object of Treachery, that he had obtained. His fingers, black, like the claws of a normal cat. But the claws are much more darker than that of a normal cats. He observes it, looking at the top of the hand, than at the palm. For some unknown reason, despite the fact that...he has claws, it does not seem to hurt him whenever he clenched it. If he clenched it, is as though he is simply clenching onto a hand that has had his fingernails clipped. And speaking of which, he decides to stop clipping his fingernails, as they are claws, and he has no idea what will happen to the object if he were to ever do that. He can still clip his toenails though, since they have not been transformed into an object. Than...he traces the symbol that is on his chest. The object that he got from the Holder of Nothing. He can still feel that fear that he had at that time, when he is forced to literally go and meet the Holder herself, and he was just step close to getting himself killed. It was only out of sheer willpower that he manage to prevent this from happening to his own body, which wound have been a goner. Than...he touches the chains, from the Holder of Penance. He has not forgotten the fear of being in a prison, which he has always feared. And now because he did that, being forced to go against his greatest fear, he got his object. And than...he touches the cloak, which is his very first object, from the Holder of the Sky. He has felt very indebted to the object that he had got, but...he wondered to himself...why did the Entity give him the instructions to get the object, when he could have just let him survive out into the streets, away from the police force themselves.

He looks down...and realizes that the Chains are now longer feeling warm, and they are now very cold. So...he puts away his iPhone, which is at 90% battery, he grabs onto the hood, and takes it off, and in an instant, he is sent back to his home...and he saw that...the thieves did not damage the home, unlike with last time. At least...not that much. They have damaged and broke the doors, but they still function like they usually would.

Drystan sighed in relief, as he looked down at what is under the bed, and pulls away, which contains a book, or, more specifically, a journal. He opens it, and it is written by Drystan himself, ever since he has left the house in just a week. He sighed, as he sat back down, and sees, to be a bit distresse, and began to write in his journal.

'I got away from the thieves, again. Didn't damage the house this time, thankfully, unlike the last time they broke in. But...I can't stay in my house all the time. I need to find another Object. And hopefully, it is also one that I do not have to hold.'

He than puts the journal away back under the bed, and goes back into the pocket dimension, where he gets the book out, and began to read the book to try and find a object that he can wear on him. And...thankfully, he landed on one. It is an object from someone called 'The Holder of Redemption.' Which is on page 506. Drystan looks up, and...for some very unknown reason, he feels very uncomfortable hearing about this Holder, despite the name. Closing his fists, he tried to toughen up his hear for a little bit...but than, the One-Eyed Seeker decide to interrupt whatever he is doing, and spoke out to Drystan, sounding reassured.

'Drystan, let me take over for you. This Holder, the name may sound very...very reassuring, but I should take control, just in case things get a little out of hand for the both of us.'

Drystan looks down at himself, and touched the symbol on his forehead, as he spoke out.

"Are...are you sure you want to do this?"

The One-Eyed Seeker simply spoke back to him.

'Of course I want to do this. After all, I was made to protect your life, remember?'

Drystan's eyes widened at that, as he heard that from the One-Eyed Seeker, before he smiled, and closed his he lets One-Eye take control. He than looks down at the book that is in front of him, and spoke out.

"Now...let's see."

He than began to read through the page of the book that talks about how to complete the ritual, and what to do inside of it. But there is one important factor to the trial. He needs to do it at a different place, not at a Mental Institute. He needs to do it at a broken down church.

One-Eye, knowing who to call, grabs the phone, and dials Thomas' phone number. After a little while, he than hears Thomas' voice from the other side.

"Hello, Drystan. You need my help on something?"

One-Eye nodded, as he spoke out.

"I do. I need your help for an Object that I need to get. I'm supposed to get it at an abandoned and broken down church. Think you can find that?"

Thomas spoke out.

"I'll see what I can do."

Drystan nodded, as he sits down...and waits for Thomas to give out the message.

A couple of hours later...

The One-Ryed Seeker has finally arrived to his destination. He is now right in front of a church that is very, very broken down, and needless to say, it is amazing that it is still standing.

One-Eye looks up, and he sighed a little bit, before he goes right in front of the Church door, and knocked on it.

"Hello. I wish to see the Sentry."

No response...but this is because that it will take 12 minutes for the person at the other side of the door to answer him. And now...for one of the most painful parts of the trial...waiting.


Drystan has been waiting for 10 minutes, and nothing seems to be happening. Right now, he has briefly retaken control of the body that he is using, and is now sitting right on top of the steps. Drystan looks up, as he sees the sky above him. It is daytime, and it is very, very cloudy. And as he looked around, he sees something in the sky, a flock of birds, flying very fast.

They are flying very fast, almost like a wind storm, and is amazing at how calm they are flying at the speed they are in. As Drystan looked, he began to reflect back on what happened to him.

He thought of every pain he had to endure, every agony he had to deal with, every crime he had to commit in order to survive in the cruel world that he is forced to live in, and lastly...he thought of the new friends that he had just made. But as he kept on thinking...he than hears a click from behind him, meaning that the person he is meeting has arrived. Turning around, he sees the door open...and a gaunt man with Golden inhuman eyes appeared from right behind of the door, and a wearing a ripped outfit if a priest.

The elderly man looks with his monstrous Golden eyes, and they are frightening to see. It is a good thing that it is the One-Eyed Seeker that is in control instead of Drystan. Otherwise, he would have ran away instead of staying completely still. But One-Eye could feel Drystan is panicking inside of the mind, wanting to run away from this monstrosity that looks like a human. But One-Eye stood his ground, and looks up at the man, as the elderly man spoke out.

"I believe we are nearing the end."

The Old Man's voice sounds like a normal elderly human, but it is way more hoarse, and a little bit demonic. One-Eye, after hearing those words coming out of the old man, than spoke out to him.

"I wish to see the...Holder of Redemption."

The Old Man, he looks a little bit confused at first, upon One-Eye saying those words, but than...he smiled, as if realizing who it is that Drystan is talking about. He smiled, as he spoke out to One-Eye.

"You may follow me, but I must ask you...are you sure you want to take the chance to find this Holder? I can give you a chance to run away, to help you escape from what is about to come before you."

One–Eye shook his head, as he spoke out.

"I never taught myself to run away from the trial of the Holders. I only taut myself to keep on going, and that is it."

The Old Man smiled a little bit wider at the remark that One-Eye has made, and than, spoke out to him.

"Than follow me."

Then, One-Eye began to follow the Old Man to what seems to be a very long hallway of some kind.

The old man has taken him to a white hallway. It is completely featureless, which makes seeing...oddly very scary. It is also so bright that it is almost so blinding to even try to look at. Nit even a simple glance is enough to make himself brave against it.

But One-Eye does not let this get in the way, and he follows then priest, and, after a short minute of walking, they will both reach the end if the tunnel, and right in front of them, it will be a large door. The Old Man opens it, and ushers One-Eye to get in. One-Eye does not take the time to thank him, and instead, takes the time to get inside of the door, in which the Old Man closes behind him.

The room that he has now just entered is a minuscule room, but he cannot see what it really looks like, because of how immensely dark it is. Despite how dark it is, One-Eye can still see some stuff. One of which is a door on his left. And he looked forward, he sees 2 people standing. One of a skeleton.

The skeleton resembles and look that of a male skeleton, and there is no flesh present on all parts of the body. On the fingers of the skeleton, are 2 rings. One of which is a silver ring, which looks very wide, the other of which is golden, and it looks thunder then the silver ring. It is even amazing how they even fit on the skeleton's hand, despite the fact that it needs flesh to fit it into the fingers that it has.

Another entity is present, and this resembles a human, but One-Eye glared at it, the book states that this one has committed the worst crimes that are beyond the comprehension of what humans do. And needless to say, the sight of the man makes Drystan very disgusted at what he is seeing before him. Clenching his fist, he walks up to the man, grabs him by the neck, and began to carry him to another door, which is at the opposite end of where the left door is at.

The man began to try to punch and kick One-Eye to put him down, but One-Eye decides to speed things up, by opening the door, and throwing the man in. At this moment, the skeleton follows One-Eye, goes through the opened door, and began to slaughtered the man that has done see terrible actions. Although the man is screaming and begging for help, One-Eye has no time to look at what is happening, and instead...he goes to the left door. He opened it...and...he sees a little girl, dead. The wounds that ar on her. He has no idea how to describe it. It looks as though she is hurt with cuts and wounds, but at the same time, they do not exist, almost as if she is trapped in between life and death. But than, he noticed wounds that are so bizarre and different that he has no way of even describing one word that that could fit what he is thinking. He can think of one thing. It is as though someone killed her into the deepest and darkest depths of the Abyss.

He goes forward towards the girl, and picks her up. She is as thin and as pale as a porcelain doll, and is surprisingly very light to carry. Her face...she looks so...traumatized, like she has witnessed someone that she was not supposed to see. But One-Eye shook his head, and walks out of the door, only to see the skeleton again, and he has blood on his hands, meaning that he is done beating that man down and killing him.

The skeleton than approached the One-Eyed Seeker, and looks down at the girl with the black empty eye sockets. The Skeleton than raised his left hand over the girl's face...and than, the girl began the breath. One-Eye, although he nearly panicked, put the girl onto a wall, and went in front of the Skeleton.

The One-Eyed Seeker looks down, and took a deep breath, before he than speaks out the question."

"How can redeemed?"

Suddenly...the instant he said those words, the Skeleton made its move towards the One-Eyed Seeker, and began to lash out at the body with so much savagery and brutality, every punch, every kick, every blunt hit, every piecing scratch, it reminds the One-Eyed Seeker so much of what Drystan is going through, as it is so painful, nearly searingly hot. But the One-Eyed Seeker, he is not here to give the Skeleton satisfaction of any kind. Instead, he tries the best he can to keep his mouth shut, and prevents himself from screaming. And this is what he needs to do. As long as he does not react in anyway, he should be able to pass the trial. And he kept on waiting for as long as he can, and hopefully...wait the whole beating out.

After an entire 3 minutes...the skeleton finally stopped. One-Eye did not scream during entire thing. It than stepped back...and collapsed into dust.

The little made her move, as she stood up. Her eyes...they look like they have been gained life again, as when she has seen her as a corpse, her eyes looked flat and dull, like she has list the will to keep on living anymore. The girl went towards the pile of bone dust, and stuck her hand into it, before she took out something.

The little girl than went forward towards where the One-Eyed Seeker is positioned, and One-Eye gawked his head to the side, wondering what she is about to do next. She than held out her hands...and on the hands are the 2 rings that the skeleton has been wearing on his fingers. One of the rings has a eye, while the other ring bears a cross.

Drystan looks at his hands, which hold the Objects, which are 2 halves of each other. The demonic eye on the silver ring ring is said to be named, Sin, while the golden ring with the crucifix is named Hope, which is fitting for both of the rings that the girl is showing him. Drystan, retaking control, extended his hands out, and the girl puts the rings on the palm of his hand. He than looks at the rings, before he puts Sin on his left hand, and hope on the right hand, inserting both of the rings on the middle finger. The rings surprisingly fit, despite the fact that his hands and fingers have turned into claws.

The girl than went fiorward, and One-Eye looks, seeing that the Girl is hear to guide him out. So, not wasting any time, he follows the girl, as she leads him back outside, while he puts his hands in the pockets of his leggings. After seemingly about 10 seconds, they finally have reached the door, and Drystan, not wanting to wait any longer, runs to the door, and exits it as fast as he can, before he is forced to become the guardian of the pit inside of the broken church.

He is now outside, and than...he puts on his hood, and is transported back into the pocket dimension, just a second, after he went outside. He looks around, as Drystan retakes control of the body that he is using. Drystan looks down at his fingers, and sees the rings on him. He doesn't know why...but he always feels like that he now knows which person is evil, and which person is good, despite the fact that he has never been interacting with the people back on Earth. Drystan than intertwined his hands together as tightly as possible, and...he almost looks like he is praying. But as he does this...he than thought to himself, after seeing all the messed up stuff that has happened inside of the trial, and thought back of all the stuffthathe. Has done to survive the nightmare of a world that he himself is forced to live in.


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