Impressive Ingenuity

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Thomas has gotten himself involved in a very, very, very bad time, and this is something that's infuriated and scared him, even to this very day. Just recently, a group of thieves had invaded and attacked his home, after he took of his overcoat at a very bad time. And what made the situation even worse, was that his sister was present with him. Thankfully, he was able to hide his sister and call the cops, before he goes into a gun on gun fight with the thieves, and was able to incapacitate them by shooting them in the arms and legs, but Thomas did not go out unscathed, and was shot near where the stomach is at, the bullet had barely grazed it, and the same goes with his left right lung, and not to mention being shot at the left arm, which thankfully did not break any of his bones, and simply went between the large horizontal gap at the left forearm. What would have made this very terrifying, was not that he almost got killed, but it was because his own sister would have been exposed to what has been really going on with his life.

Thankfully, the police were able to arrive in time, and the thieves were immediately arrested for what they have done, and Thomas, along with his sister, were sent to hospital to see if they need to be treated for injuries. Although his sister is fine, due to the fact that she has been hidden by her brother, Thomas was not as lucky, and he has to have stitches and bandages on his torso, not to mention his left arm.

Thankfully, he is right handed, so he will not have that much trouble. But what is much trouble, is the fact that their house just gotten damaged by the thrives, and they had to be forced to pay a lot of dollars for the damage. Thankfully, the neighbors who liked the, are generous to lend their own dollars to help them, and this is something that he is very grateful for. But Thomas, he needs a long time to recover. Isabella, on the other hand, needs to mentally recover from a situation as scary such as this, as it has never happened before in her entire life.

Now...8:27 A.M


Thomas is struggling to get up from the bed that he is on right now. The pain in the left had decreased after a few days, but it has not gone it's yet, and so we're the stitches that is dealing the wound, which is a little bit close to healing. The same goes for the torso, as he struggles to get up without making himself in more pain than before. He tries to stand up with right arm, but he accidentally pressed his left forearm, and it made out Yelp in pain.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Thomas collapsed down to the floor, and hits it very hard, making a very loud thud when he hits the floor of his room. Thankfully, his left arm did not hit the floor, but it was still a very painful thing to feel, and he can still feel the agony of what had just happened, even right now. The pain in the arm is burning like his forearm is touching agonizing flames. And more thankful, he did not feel on his torso, which wound have made the situation more painful than before. Isabella noticed and runs upwards and knocked on his door, and she spoke out to him.

"Thomas?! Are you okay?! What's wrong?!"

Thomas stood up, as he spoke out.

"I accidentally pressed my left forearm onto something, and it hurt. Sorry to make you worry."

But Isabella is still very worried about him, as she entered the room, and helped him up, and he is still on his Pajamas.

"Thomas, I need to be worried about you. You had just gotten yourself into a fight with those...bad people, that had tried to kill us. You had to fight downstairs to stop them, and risked getting hurt because you had to do what you need to protect me from them."

She helped him up, and spoke out.

"Here, let me help you put on your clothes."

Thomas spoke out.

"Isn't that embarrassing for you?"

Isabella shook her head.

"Normally, yes. But you are injured, and I need to ignore an embarrassment as bad as this."

Thomas looked a little bit surprised, but he nodded, as he lets Isabella take off his shirt, and Thomas only lifts his arms, as he does not want to aggravate the wound any further, and Isabella helps him with putting on his clothes.

Later...8:30 A.M.

Alex began to eat a owl of vegetable soup that Isabella has made for him. Normally, he would make food by himself, but Isabella wants her brother to heal more, and to not make his wounds far more aggregating than ever before. It wasn't the best one...but he still likes it for his own sister's sake, especially since she had worked so hard on the soup. So Thomas...with all of his the best he can to appreciate it.

Isabella smiled, as she sees her older brother smile, although she is unaware that it is a sad smile, because of how he has to burden his own sister to take care of him, her older brother. But he doesn't complain, and still eats to make his sister feel a little bit better with trying to at least help him.

"Thanks, Isabella. I don't know how I can repay you for helping me."

Isabella smiled and shook her head, as she than spoke out to him.

"You don't have to repay me, you know. I am doing this because we are family, and family members always help each other."

Thomas nodded, and spoke out.

"Still, I feel pretty bad that you need to burden yourself with trying to take care of me."

Isabella smiled sadly, as he spoke out.

"You are too kind to me, you know?"

Thomas does not say anything, but he does agree with what Isabella said to him. As he finished his soup, Isabella took it from the table, and washed it. But as she did, she hears a phone ring, and she answers it. It was from her friend, Mary, who has come to tell her that she has to do something important tonight, and she needs to get ready. Isabella looks down, a little unsure about leaving Thimas behind in his own, until Thomas than spoke out to her.

"Isabella, it's okay. I'll be fine on my own. You need to do something important at wherever you are needed to."

Isabella was a little unsure, but he smiled at her to assure her that he will be fine. Isabella sighed, but than she smiled, and agrees to come. After that, she hung up, and spoke out to Thomas.

"Thomas, please be careful for me. Okay?"

Thomas nodded.

"I will, Isabella. Don't worry."

Isabella nidees, before she went outside, and goes to her friend, Mary.

As that happened, Thomas sighed, as he looked around the house. It is very obvious to him that it is going to happen again, and he does not want to waste money to fix it everything a thief comes to his house. So, to fix that, he goes to the book, and sees a page called the Holder of Ingenuity. It is on page 220. He than began to read it in order o find out how to get this object from this Holder. He just hopes he can succeed in getting the object he needs.

Later...9:00 A.M.

Thomas is now right in front of a Mental Institute, in order to search for the object he wants. Although he does not want to do it while injured, he needs to do it because he needs to do it for his sister. Besides...he does not want to repair his house with money again. Taking a deep breath, he walks to the door, opens it up, and looks to see that...the patients are a little less aggressive, but are still very much so. He than looks at the person at the desk, and walks up to him, before he spoke out.

"Excuse me..."

The man leaned his head to listen closely, and Thomas spoke.

"I need to see...the Holder of Ingenuity."

The worker snaps his head at Thomas, as it surprised, before he went back to his work. Thomas rolled his eyes, as he spoke out more firmly.

"I need to see the Holder of Ingenuity."

This time, the worker now pays full attention to him, but does not look very happy. In fact, his expression is of fear, yet anger. He than stood up, and gestures Thomas to follow him. Thomas follows, and the Worker leads him to a door. The worker than opens the door, and Thomas looks inside to see what's behind it. Behind the doors...are stairs that are going upwards, and the stairs are covered inside of darkness, blacker than any.

Thomas, he kind of expected for the stairs to go downwards, which is usually the case for stuff such as this in a horror genre. But to see it go upwards...well...this is very confusing. Of course, it never makes sense when you are involved in the objects and the holders that are guarding them strictly. He than looks at the worker, who than looks at him with an expression that seems to be of...pleading, as if to tell him to turn back. Thomas was about to consider it...but he than shook his head, as...since he has gotten many objects, and he is going to need this one, he cannot turn his back on it. Besides...this is very, very important to him.

Thomas takes a deep breath, as he looks up at the stairs. After a single small minute of staring right at the flight of stairs before him, he than walks forward, and than, he walks up the steps as slowly as he the door behind him closes. And yet...thanks to the Shadow Crystal that he has, he can se in the dark, like he is seeing in bird daylight. He does not stop going up, and with every single step that he makes, he can hear his own steps, echoing up the stairs.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He can still hear them, and even though they are from his own feet, it is still very creepy in the way they all sound. But as he continued to walk up...he feels uneasy. He feels like that something is about to come before him, and it will be deciding what happens to him next, but he has no idea what it is that is before him.

As he kept going down, though...he than saw something that he was not prepared to go through. He looks...and sees that the stairs have been split into 2 separate roads. That is when...he remembers the warning of this part. One of the warnings of this part is that he had to pick which route is the right one. If he picks the right one...than it will take him to the holder, and he will go onto the next phase in getting the object. But if he chooses the wrong one, than he will be subjected to a fate that is far worse than dying. It will send him to the deepest and darkest depths of hell, and he will suffer so badly, that he will wish that he would be killed by anything besides hell itself.

"Oh damn it. Fuck me."

The problem is...he does not know which path is the right one to take. He looks both left and right, and thus is really beginning to make his sweat a little bit. In fact, some of the sweat trickled down his cheek, before it than dropped down, and landed on the floor. The sound of the drop echoing throughout the endless darkness of the flights of stairs. Thomas looks down, and tries to take a deep breath. But this is nor very easy, due to the stress and fear of what he is feeling right now. He almost tried to clench his hands, but he immediately stops himself, as this will not help him either. He than looks around, and faces the 2 directions that he must choose to go. He must go to either the right the left. That is all he has to choose.

He than was about to take a step to the right...but than...his own body has than froze for some reason.


Thomas looks down, and saw that his legs, they are now shaking. He tries to move them...but...thinking about it...he realized something. They aren't moving...because it feels like the wrong direction to go to. Thomas does not know why. Either because of his instincts speaking to him or because of another entity trying to stop him...but he obeys and steps back, before he looks to the left. Thomas takes a deep breath, as he spoke out to himself.

"Okay, Thomas. this. You are able to do this. This is has to be the correct direction to go to. It shouldn't be...bad. Right?"

But deep down...Thomas is really, really unsure. He does not feel the same fearful instinct in bus body again, and he does not know if this is just a trick, or if he is pointing to the right direction this time. But regardless...Thomas knows that he must do something. Taking a deep breath, and hardening his feelings a little but, or at least, making an attempt to harden them, he glares at the left part of the staircase, and began walk down. As soon as he walked up, his footsteps once again echoes inside of the stairway. Even though he is going down as slow and steady as possible, they are still echoing in spite of al the silence that Thomas is trying the best he can to make. Although Thomas is sweating a little bit, he tries the best that he can to remain as calm as he possibly can.

But he doesn't always keep his fear in check. He can stometimes look behind him to see if there is anyone following him, only to see that there is no one in sight. Thomas looks very, very unsure of himself now, but he still goes down, because he feels like he must do so. The stairs look endless, but Thomas knows that there must be an end point of the steps, somewhere down in there. So Thomas still tries the best he can to fight back against his fear, and to continue down without any trouble at all.

Thomas continues to walk and walk, he dies not stop, his feet begins to grow very heavy, his eyes begin to grow very heavy, but he tries the bets that he can to not fall and be unconscious. He keeps on going down...and after an entire minute...he finally reaches the end. At the top of the staircase...was a door. It nearly resembles the walls that is surrounding the staircase that he is on, and yet, Thomas, thanks to his Crystal, was able to see it clearly, and was able to open the door, after he had located the doorknob

He opens the door...but that noticed that there is another door. Just like the door he had just opened, this door is a simple normal Woden door with a window, but the window has a small hole of some kind. Thomas does not know why...but when he tries to open the door, he is having some struggle after trying to turn the doorknob.

He attempts to pull at the door with all of his might, but it did not work. It is as though this door has been jammed, or...locked.

Thomas looks at the door and sits on the steps, as he looked downwards, trying to remember what else he is supposed to do. He puts his hand inside of his own left pocket, in order to tries to figure out what it is that he is supposed to do. But than...he felt something. It feels as thin as a string, and yet, it is very sturdy like plastic. He grabbed onto the object inside of his hand, and see that it is the pen. Thomas...he blinks once, and than twice, and than, thrice...before it finally clicked inside of his mind.

"Maybe if I can..."

He than stood up, and looked at at the doorknob, and sees that there is a keyhole on it. Thomas than opens the cap of the pen, and sticks the pen inside of the doorknob, before he twists it. A clicking sound is heard, the hole that is on the window began to be resealed, like it is beginning to shrink and disappear, and than...the pen is now gone, and it is as though...he has never head the pen in the first place.

Thomas takes a deep breath, before he makes a calm face, he reaches his hand to that's the doorknob, or at least, was about to. But the door clicks open on his own, as he sees the onside of what is behind the door, and he finally enters the room that he is supposed to be in.

Inside of the door, behind it, rescues the Holder, who looks like a simple repairman, but his eyes look as though he is a machine, due to his eyes resembling gears that are constantly moving, and they turn whenever they see in a different direction.

Thomas looks and sees that there is a machine present inside of the room. But he does not recognize it. This is not one that a human has made with his own barehands. The looks as though that it is missing a part, or needs to be repaired on some way. Thomas stepped forward, and the Holder took notice of Thomas, and gestures him to help out with the machine. Thomas nodded, although he is worried that the pain in his arm is going to get in the way of trying to repair the machine when he tries to help the Holder with it.

He than goes to the table, and looks around it, before he decided to pick up a wrench.

Thomas looks and sees the wrench in his bare hands, and notices that there are some words that are made in an unknown language. This means that he picked the right one. Thomas went to the machine...and...he looked to see the pen is stuck inside of the machine's mechanisms. Placing the wrench in his left hand, he goes towards the pen, and pulls it out of the mechanisms, before he began to help in repairing the machine that is having some trouble. Thomas tightened some of the bolts, place the bolts somewhere else to function it, and all of this is very hard, made even harder by the fact that he has a wounded arm, and he had to move it on some occasions to help fix the machine the Holder's repairing. But Thomas bit his tongue, deals with the pain, and continues without any sort of attention to the pain. And than...when he feels like he repaired it...Thomas took a deep breath, and hits the machine. When he does that, the machine that he has repaired began to start and do...something.

Thomas sighed, and he than turns to the Holder, who is standing right in front of him. He than began to speak...but...the language he spoke is nothing he has ever heard of. It is as though it is a garbled mess of letters attempting to rearrange themselves into language that could possibly make sense to him, but also sounds like a language that is both a very ugly language, and a very beautiful language, both demonic and divine. But despite how unknown the language it to him, even Thomas...even recognized some of the words, when he got that laptop, meaning it must be the same language that was typed inside of the text of the laptop object. He always wandered what it has sounded he gets that chance. 

Than...slowly...he began to see both the machine and the Holder fade from existence, and as soon as he saw that...he feel himself fading...and he became unconscious, as he feels very sleepy, landing on the left side of his body, and is unable to feel the pain that has erupted from the left arm and the torso.


Thomas began to wake up...and looks to see where he is right now. He's in the institute's lobby. He looks around...and sees that he is on a chair. He turns to the right and sees that the worker that had led him to the stairs is present with him. He does not know what expression he is thinking of, but he seems to be looking at something on the right. He looks...and sees that the wrench is in his hand. He is suprised, as he stood up...and he looks at the worker, who nodded, as if to say 'Take it wit by you, back home.'

Thomas has no words to the worker that is giving him this strange gesture, but he seems to understand what the worker is thinking to a somewhat limited extent, and turns around to the door, and opens it, as he goes outside. He grips the wrench tightly in his hand. And...he now feels different. He feels like he is now capable of repairing the most complicated machine without getting himself injured trying to work on it. Guess that must be the wrench's power. Speaking of the wrench, he looks to see the strange language is still on the wrench, the same language that it has been written on it. It is very obvious that he is going to need it someday, and it won't be for just to repair his house. No, he might need for something else far more serious than the repairing his house. After takes such impressive Ingenuity...


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