There will be no Submission on my end

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10:00 P.M.

(Pant) (Pant) (Pant)

The sound of footsteps are heard pounding in the darkness, as William ran at full speed, holding his left arm. He had gotten injured from something, and he is now running, but after a little while of running, he stopped, as he than Leander against a wall, before he slid down, and sat there, as he stopped to catch his breath. He is in immense agony, as he has no idea how long he had been running.

"Haaa...g-god...goddamnit. I didn't think that...that I would be roughed up like this."

He than turned to the left, and leaned near the opening.

"Why did it have to happen at a time like this."

William is very tired. He had been fighting off against a bunch of thieves who had tried to take his swords away from him. He has a bunch of cuts and wounds all over his body from the fact that he had to fight off a bunch of people who wanted to take his stuff, and it is has become a very, very reoccurring thing for him. He does not understand why he has to be put in the situation, or why the thieves somehow know where he is at, but he knows that he needs to start practicing more so he could be ready for fighting against more opponents.

He than held his arm, as he felt a graze of a bullet that wizzed past him, but made a pretty long cut on there.

He looked at the ground, and saw that his blood had dripped on the concrete, as the blood began to stain his own sleeve. Clearly, he had no idea when he had gotten the cut wound on his shoulder, but what he does know, is that he needs to patch up this as fast as he can, back at his house. He is not waiting for when the wound starts to possibly get infected. He looks down, as the pain of his shoulder starts to be felt to him.


William spoke out to himself, as he looked behind him. Thankfully, no one of there, and he was able to kill the thieves that have tried to take his Objects away. He looked down at the White King's Sword, which is covered in blood, muscle tissue, and small pieces of bone. He had been fighting them for a whole half an hour, and even he is amazed that he can still keep up with them for such a very long time.

But he needs to get back to his home, fast, before more of the thieves try to find him again. And this time, he does not want to find out how much he can take against the thieves once again, as he is not here to test how long he can last against those guys.

He than began to move, and as he did...he heard the distant roar of thunder.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He turned around, and when he did that, he suddenly felt something...water. A drop went down on top of William's head, as it began to rain. It is as though the gods above him are crying out in sorrow for the suffering that everyone is forced to go through. William stands up, and realizes that e needs to get back, before any of the other thieves decide to go try and find him. Thankfully, he is still in possession of his cloak, and because of this, he than puts the hood of the cloak on top of his head, and ran as fast as he could back to where he lives in. Back to where his house is.

He ran for an additional 5 minutes, as the rain began to slowly pour down harder and harder from above. Eventually, he made it to his house, before he took out his keys, insert them into the keyhole, and opened the door, before locking the door back up again. He gasped for breath, as he than spoke out.

"Very close."

He than turns on the lights, before he takes off his shoes, puts them onto the shoe rack, and he then goes up the stairs, before he puts his clothes, minus the Cloak of Hatred in the washing machine, and turns it on to wash them. He sighed, as he took off his cloak, puts it on the door, takes out some bandages, and puts it on the wound, though not before he disinfects it.

He than sits down onto the bed, and looks at his right hand, as he saw that it is shaking a bit from the strain that he had at using his sword on the attackers. Speaking of which, he puts his sword against the wall, as he no longer needs to use it. He sighed, as he rubbed his own face with his hands. Clearly, he had not wanted to fight off against the thieves that had tried to take away his objects. This is stressing him out day by day, night by night, and it almost looks as though that this insanity will never stop, until he is dead, or until the thieves disappear.

He sighed, as he lied down on the bed, as he feels the comfortable furniture under his body, as he can feel his own pain being soothed by the warmness of the bed he's on.

William than looks he than saw a photo, of his father, along with himself, inside of the picture. William reached out with his uninjured limb, and grabbed it, as he than looked at the appear of the photo. He looked sadly at it, as he felt a dark feeling welling up inside of him.

"Dad...I miss you. I just wish that I had you back with me in my own life again."

He than shook his head, before he puts it back on where it belonged. He than looked around for a bit again, and than...he saw the book of the Holders on a desk next to him. William stared at it, thinking of what he should do, before he glared a bit at it, before he decided to try and find another one. Hopefully...he doesn't have to hold it.

He takes a deep breath, before he than opened the page, and began to flip the pages. He continues to flip through them, until he finally reached a page, 137. The title of this page, is called the Holder of Submission. This must be an interesting one. But he does not want to look at the page in darkness. So he turns on the lamp, and began to read through how to get this item.

The next day...10:38 A.M.

William sighed, as he began to walk around the whole country that he is in. He looks around, as he carried his sword and is wearing his cloak with him.

"I am really going to be disgusted at what I am about to get myself into. Damn it, I am going to fucking hate myself."

William spoke out, as he goes out to try and find the Mental Institute that he needs to go to. When he read about who he'll meet, he cannot help but feel disgusted at what he'll be getting himself involved into. He just hopes that he can stomach what he'll have to see. He continues to walk, and walk and walk...until a few more minutes later...when he finally saw it. The place that he needed to go to. And needless to say...this is taller than the previous Mental Institutes he's went to. He than turns around...and began to walk up to the Mental Institute, until he finally stopped, as he stood outside in the open, and looked at the front to see a door.

William huffed, as he stood in front of the Mental Institute, clearly not happy being there again. He had hoped that there would at least be a place where he can go to that is very peaceful in nature and not one that had to involve the mentally insane people. In fact, he is getting tired of being involved with this, and wants out of this. But he knows that there is nothing he can do about this. In fact, he is forced to accept that he will forever be involved in this, until the time when it is over.  But he cannot stop and think of this now. Right now...he has to do what he must do in this place. And besides...he shouldn't waste his time, as he needs to go inside of this, before some of the thieves decide to try and sneak onto him.

He sighed, as he than walked up towards the door, before he puts his hand onto it. But...he stops for an unknown reason. He looks down, and he noticed that his legs had stopped as well. He looks up...and he clenched his fist, before he moved his legs again. He than pushed the door without damaging it and making a sound. Clearly, William, is starting to get even more frustrated than he did before. Why he is suddenly hesitating...he does not know. He than looks and sees that there is someone at the front desk, writing down something. Possibly a continuation of one of the mental patients. He takes a deep breath, and he goes forward towards the man at the front desk, before he spoke out.

"Excuse me..."

The man leaned his head a bit, to hear what he would say next. William sighed, as he than spoke out.

"I would like to see...the Holder of Submission."

This made a reaction from the man at the front desk, because as soon as he heard that, he looked up at William with a sneer of utter contempt. This made William have this one thought in mind.

'Perfect. It is obvious that I am at the right place. Just hope that I can pull this one off.'

The worker stood up, and gestures William to follow him, if he dares, that is. William does not hesitate, and began to follow the worker. And he sees that...this was not meant to be for a Mental Institute, what he is in right now.

The place he is in...looks like he is in an ancient palace. William was about to ask a question...but then remembers this part, due to reading this part from within the Book back home.

'The worker will lead you through a series of hallways. Should you try to make any conversation, he will invariably cut you off with a rude remark or insult. Do not bother, and certainly do not try to argue with or one-up him. It is best to remain silent.'

He immodestly decides to stay quiet, as to not make a seen and get himself angry to the point of punching the worker. After all...he needs him in order to find the object that resides in this place.

Both him and the worker continue to walk...and it seems to go on forever. It is as though there is no end point to all of this. It is as would forever go on, wandering around in the endless maze of curiosity, mystery, exhaustion, and of meaninglessness. But eventually...both the worker and William stopped in front of the door. It was of an ancient palace appearance, just like the ones he had past. The worker than points at the door, and he gestures for William to get inside of it, before he turns back, going to the Mental Institute once again. William sighed, before turning around, and than opens the door to walk inside...only to see...the ground at the other side of the 10 feet below him. He looks down, and looks forward.


William cried out, as he fall down to the ground, and landed on his bottom. This hurts him badly, but thankfully, he did not break his tail bone. He than stood up...and looks he has a disturbed look on his face.

"Oh...oh god."

He spoke out, as he looked at where he is right now. He is in what appears to be a throne room of sorts. The throne room in which you will find yourself is not only enormous, but lavish, with heavy obsidian pillars leading up to a massive, sprawling throne draped with heavy black cloths and lined with fine gold designs. The throne is so large that it can accommodate the several dozen females...and their outfits are so revealing that he is forced to look up...and that is when...he saw him...the Holder of Submission himself, and he is very...powerful, and is in the form of a warrior king of sorts.. The warrior-king is a towering, muscular man with the bearing of a proud, confident, and predatory warrior. He wears nothing but a loincloth, exposing his rippling muscles and countless battle scars. His force of will is so great as to be physically palpable. He quickly remembered a thing about this Holder.

This warrior-king has clearly seen many battles and is strong enough to slay a thousand men with ease. He will fix you with a stony glare of utter contempt. Be quick, for the warrior-king has little patience.

William quickly scrambled up to his feet, and then spoke out the question.

"To what power will they submit?"

The king first...caught by surprise at what William said. But than...he began the laugh. Though it was not filled of humor or mirth, or anything like that. It was of condescension. The king than stopped laughing for a little bit, before he looks down at William and spoke out to him.

"Oh, child. There is no entity more powerful than me, for I am the incarnation of power. I care not of the objects or of him. I demand of you one thing. Cease this meaningless quest, and join me as one of my Lieutenants, and you shall be gifted with everything you want, everything that you desire so long."

William felt his legs staring to tremble at the might of of king's power. Compared to the previous holders...he felt way more frightened at this. He makes the over Holders look like little kids.

But William was not having none of it. In fact...he only wants one thing, that he can get on his own terms. Snarling s hit, he spoke out in a much moser stern voice than before, no longer sounding calm or not even relaxed.

"To what power will they submit?"

The King...he did not like hearing the same question again. In fact, the reaction that he made is different. As soon as he heard that question again, the king than roared with immense fury and rage, and his love slaves are all thrown and scattered to the side, and their bodies fell, with a bunch of them hurt from the impact with the ground. William was caught by surprise, but he stood his ground, as he looked up at the king, who has a look of rage at his voice. William felt shaken at what he had felt from that shockwave, but he stood up, and stood his ground, and acted stern, before the king than began to shout out at William.


William, however...he stood strong, and then, shouted out at the top of his lungs, as his own patience finally reached his limit. He feels way more angrier than he could feel angry at the fact the king is refusing to give him an answer.


This finally made the king stop, as he looked at William with an unreadable expression on his hard face. Than...his expression changed, and his expression looks so...foreboding, not to mention very fearful. It is obvious that the question he asked right must be a very serious one, as it is bringing up memories of something bad that must have happen to him. Than...he remembers one of the warnings that the book told him of when it involves this part.

'Now the warrior-king will grow silent and look you in the eye. If he deems you unworthy of his true, honest answer, then he will cripple you on the spot and seal you in his palace to be his waste-cleaner for the rest of eternity.'

William is shaken to the very core, as he is very scared of the fact that he'll be a slave for the rest of his life. But he than shook his head, and remembers that he still have a purpose...which is to avenge his dad. So he looks up, his vengeful desire overrides his fear, and he looks up at the king, who is stating down back at him with his very old eyes. After an entire couple of minutes of silence...the king than spoke out, but in an entirely different tone, being fearful and sad.

"There is a reason why I fear...Him. He...The devourer...the consumer...the eternal void. He...the bringer of non-existence...the absence of being...the end of all times. A being who's hunger knows no bounds, who devours the mind, body, and soul of humans, not giving them the afterlife they deserve, and instead, gives them an entirely of life and agony, even after being absorbed into the being of this entity that embodies hungering darkness. It is he who devours everything at where he goes, and he who desires to bring forth all of the objects together. He is above my power...and he is a demon unlike any other, a demon that I never could beat, a demon that I never am able to fight against, no matter how strong that I get, no matter how much strong weapons that I can use against him, no matter how much feelings of bravery I have to fight. Do you not know of why the gathering is feared to everyone...even to me? It is because of...if the bench's were to be gathered, every single object gathered...then this demon...this living void...he will rise to his full power...and he will consume everything...every single thing, and every single one that exists in the world...and than...the whole world itself...eventually...all of creation...until it finally is finished consuming all of creation...and after will consume one last prevent creation from reforming again...itself."

After the King was done telling his story to William...William...he...he feels so...frightened. No. Frightened is not the word he would use to describe what he's feeling. In fact...there are no words to describe what he is feeling right now. What he is so, so, so, so, so, so, so disturbing...William was feeling like he can go insane. But the thing is, William...he isn't feeling as such. He has no idea how in the world he can keep his sanity intact in spite of it all. He clenched his fist, as he kept a straight face, unable to respond to the answer. But...he does not need to respond to the answer...because all of a sudden...a powerful gust of wind suddenly appeared out of nowhere, in spite of the fact that there is no windows in the area that he is in. But than...the King's thrown room, and the people...they began to dissolve into nothing, like they are nothing more than an illusion. The floor...unfortunately...vanished too. William than began to fall into the void that is below him, and he is unable to stop it. Instead...he just let it happen. He just lets the void consume he thought. After he falls for a minute...all of a sudden...he lands on the ground.


William shouted out, as he looked around to see where he is at right now. He looks forward...and sees that he is back in the Mental Institution, because he is in front of the front desk. The worker that he had spoken to about meeting the Holder has an incredibly annoyed expression on his face, and is holding up an Ankle Bracelet. William stood up from the ground, and grabbed ahold of the bracelet from the annoyed worker, before he starts to head out of the Mental Institute, and stars to go back to his own house. He gripped the Ankle Bracelet in his hand as tightly as he could, but does not hold onto it to the point where it breaks. He just hopes that there is no one following him.

Back at his house...11:00 A.M.

William is now back inside of his house, and he is sitting onto his bed. His right foot's he is shown to be putting on the Ankle Braclet on said foot.

William wore the Ankle Bracelet, after he got it from the worker holding it. It surprisingly fits on him, in spite of it being made for the female feet only. He looks up a bit, and than...he gets up from his bed, and looks he than feels a strange new sensation inside of his own mind. A certain type of...stubbornness. A type of willpower. It looks like the Object of Submission reinforces some of his feels that allow him to keep on going, no matter what. Why didn't the book mention this power in any of the parts of the page that involved the object. He sighed, as he than looks down at his own feet, and observes the ankle bracelet that he is now wearing, had he wonders what it would do for him.

But still...he can't help but worry about what the king had said to himself. About a entity that had the power to devour anything...and to bring the Objects together in order to destroy all of is a very terrifying thought to them. Wherever this entity is is somewhere around here. And he is going to do anything he can to find the objects, in order to destroy anything. But William will not let it get the objects. the end of the day, no matter what he is matter how strong this entity is...


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