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Thomas is on his computer now, as he is trying to see if there are other Objects and Holders that he should know. It has been quite a long time since he was involved with the sudden fight between the Seekers, and does still feel a bit guilty about having attacked William when he had tried to explain the situation. So, to fix that, he beat down the man that had caused that in the first place, the real cause, as an apology to him, although William is going to take far longer to do so than he originally thought.

He has a book on his computer, which talks about the Holders' identities and the objects that they possess, as well as the instructions on what to do on the trials.

He looks at the book in his hand, and began to think of what he should get. Normally, he would use Guns, but he needs something that is very useful, that is as effective as the map he has.

Thankfully, it is now nighttime, and his sister is sleeping soundly. So he won't have to worry about making too much of a ruckus and make her snap up awake. Thanks to that, he was able to find a place with a completely secure connection, which allowed him to use his laptop and plug himself in, though he has to figure out the password with WiFi present. After all, there is a warning of what it said when it involved the Holder that he is about to try and look up.

'Make sure the connection is secure for if the connection breaks, even for a moment, your soul shall know the horror of being fractured into thousands of bytes of information, and deleted.'

The place he chose is a library, and it is one that has a secure connection, and bough that it will not break in anyway and time, and would take a very, very long time to do so. He puts a hand on his chin, as he began to think about what he should do.

He looks down at the book, and spot one that has a Object, involving a computer. This is the one he has chosen, as it seemed to be very special, but also very dangerous. But he cannot get in just yet. He needs to find out the password.

"I wonder..."

Thomas spoke out. Looking up, he runs to the other part of the Library, and began to see if there is a area that has an office.

It took a very, very long time to get to find the office, but after a little while, he does see an office, and it has a sticker next to his hand, thick thankfully isn't touching it. He needs to get the window opened first.

Getting a screwdriver out of his bag, which he had carried, he screwed the handles off, while being very careful not to wake the guard up. He looks and his heart drops, as he sees that his hand moved on top of the sticky note. He facepalmed, as he never thought that this would happen.

After finishing the screws, and carefully putting the window down. He than puts his hand on his chin again, as he whispered to himself.

"That damn guard is now putting his hand on what I need in order to do this task. How am I supposed to grab onto the password now, if I can't grab it out of the table?'

He bit his thumb, frustrated at what just happen right now, until he looks down. Next to his feet, was a stick, with no bumps of any kind on it.

Thomas looked, before smirking.


Going down very slowly, he grabbed the stick from in the ground, before sticking his hand next to the guard's arm, and use the stick to gently push the arm away. After being able to push it away far enough, he used another stick, grabbed the sticky note, and puts it on the ground.

Typing into his computer, he copied the password and username, and entered, making his connection secure.

Sighing, he puts the sticky note back, closed the window, and screwed it back up, before going onto his computer, and typed in the name of the Holder chosen.

Thomas typed it in, and, with a little hesitation, entered. When that happened, he was immediately shown, on the screen, 2 separate links that look the same to each other. The links said the very same name that the had typed in, with the rest of the screen being a blank space. Drystan looked a bit nervous, as he saw the links. Thinking back at what the book said and warned about this, he manage to remembered what it said when it involved this part of the trial that he is inside of right now.

'If you clicked the wrong one, a pair of glowing eyes will appear on the screen, turn off the computer as quickly as you can and flee. Do not stop to rest nor sleep, sleep where you collapse. If you are lucky, you will get away before you are sucked into an eternity of agony so terrible, that even the foulest of demons would weep for you.'

Thomas was nervous. He was very unsure which link is the real one. They both look the same to him, but knows that one of the links is a trap. Clenching his fists, he was about to go to the lower one...but, as if someone is holding his hand, his finger froze, and it was as though he instincts are telling him not to do it, or it will be bad. He wants it try and ignore his instincts, but, he began to sweat very fast, as he is so unsure what to do. Should he trust his instincts, should he ignore his instincts and follow through. He doesn't know anymore.

'Oh crap. This probably isn't the best time for me to do this. I can't turn away, nor can I break away from this, or else, I'm going to be in very deep shit right now. Fuck!!'

He stared at the screen for a little bit, his fingers shaking on the pad, almost ready to press the pad to go to the link. After a little while, against his better judgement, he decided to not ignore and pay attention to his instincts. He decided to go to the top one, and...after a little bit of hesitation, he clicked on the link, and hope that he is in the right one.

At first, the screen turned black, and Thomas was afraid that he had chosen the wrong his. He swallowed a hard lump in his throat, fearing for the worst to happen. But than, he noticed that...everything around starting to go darker as well, like someone is turning off the lights in the area, and removing the stars and the moon in the sky. He feels like, he is in total blackness, like the world is covered in shadows. It was as though the Devil swallowed the Earth.

Thomas was nervous, unsure what to do...until he saw the screen turn back on. And he is still staring at it. As he looked, he noticed something odd about himself. His body is now sitting in what seems to be some kind of chair, and even more strange...he is in a dark room, with a well lit light, and in front of him, was a wooden table, where the laptop is on it.

Thomas' breath was shaking, like his very soul was becoming as cold as ice. He has no idea...where he is, or what is about to happen. But whatever the case is, he looks, and saw that he is still on the search page. He closed the search, and does not speak, as he remembered the warning of what the book said, if you dare speak inside of this area.

'Sit there quietly, count the seconds if you must, but do not look away from the screen. Make no sound but your breathing and heartbeat. If you look away, or make any other sound, don't worry, your deletion will be far too quick for you to feel anything.'

Thomas was shaking like mad, as he feels his heart stop for a little bit, before beating inside of his chest once more.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Thomas almost made a sound, as he heard the sound of a door opening from behind him. Thomas' body was shaking very badly, as he feels like that a small breeze was about to hit his entire body, and hits the very soul within. This is the most dangerous part of the entire trial. It is a monster that is behind him. He cannot turn around to see it. If he does, than he will die for all his troubles. And he does not want to die just yet. His sister still needs him.

His knuckles turned white, as his skin pales at the position that he is inside of right now. Why does there have to be a monster in such a small room like this. Okay, maybe not small, but a room that is mostly rather unseen.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He can feel it, the breath of the monster that's behind him, the breath touching his neck, the back of his neck, as if waiting patiently for Thomas to make one wrong move. Thomas' body shakes even more, as he tries to remain in focus of what he is doing right now. He can smell it. It smells of rotting blood, most likely from the previous seekers that tried to take the object, but got them slaves devoured for all of their troubles. No bodies. He must not make any noises. He must make..must make no noise.

'No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises. No noises.'

Than, he heard a ding, that almost made Thomas jump from his seat, but he was able to keep himself under wraps. This would have been a terrible time to do all of that, as that would make him go to a one way trip to being the monster's meal, which he knows by the scent of the monster's breath. Breathing deeply, he clicked on the chat window.

He typed nothing on there, as he cannot stop smell the sound of the breath of the monster that is behind him. He clenched his fist, as he tries the best to remain focus as much as he can. He knows that one little mistake, would lead to a very disastrous result.

Than, a ding was heard from the screen. He looked, and saw a text has appeared on the laptop. was not in English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, or anything. No. This language is far, far to different. He doesn't know what it is, but he did know what he has to say.

He was preparing to crack his hands...but realizes that the instructions do not say anything about that being allowed. It is only breathing and heartbeat. Looking a little bit embarrassed, he simply typed as quietly as he can on the computer, before hitting enter.

"What do they know?"

Thomas crossed his arms, as he waited for a response. The breathing was a bit louder, as he thought out to the creature.

'Why in the world can't this monster keep the tone of his voice down, if it can speak, that is?'

Than, a ding was heard, and the text was there again. It was still in the same language. He than typed his question again.

"What do they know?"

The answer came back, in the same language, but suddenly, it was now on his side of the screen. His eyes blinked at what he has seen. Okay, this was not supposed to happen to a text. Than again, he is in a place where nothing can make sense to him anymore. Blinking his eyes a bit, he typed in the same answer again to the one that is making the strange language to him.

"What do they know?"

Than, the text came back, now at the center of the screen. Obviously, this is annoying him very badly. But taking some deep breaths, and hesitating, so that he can not lose control of himself, he went back to typing. He typed the same question to the text once again, much quicker.

"What do they know?"

It appeared, right at the lower right part of the screen, obviously, he had no idea why this is happening. But shaking his head, he went back to typing. Many times that he type, the text will appear in the same language, and in a different part of the screen. Once, it was large and it took the entire screen, and he had to watch his keyboard in order to see if he is doing it right or not. Another time, it was so small that he believed that it was over, but thought back to himself, before typing the answer again, and it came back in normal sized, but in a different part of the screen, and even worse, the text is warping across the screen, which is making him very distracted at trying to type the question down to the one that is making the text to him. However, this did not stop Thomas completely and he kept on typing, and typing, and typing, and typing

...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...
...and typing...

Thomas doesn't know how long he has been doing this, since he had lost count. But than, he typed the question he had to ask, and this time...the text he as given back...was in English. He finally sighed, exhausted, but in a very quiet way, as to not make a very, very loud noise, before rubbing his eyes, and they feel wet for a bit. But thankfully, they aren't impacted by the stress of having to stare at the screen for such a very, very, very long time. Shaking his head, he looks at the screen, and began to read what the text said.

"They...the Holders know, them...the Seekers know that, in order to get the objects, to get it from other people, and to get it from other Holders and other Seekers. You have to do actions of a monster. You need to commit to acts of pure cruelty and ruthlessness, in order to obtain the object of your desire. It won't matter what person you are, what you have done, or why to do the things that you do, you will be forced to do it, no matter what, even if it is against your will, or if it is a part of what you want to do to them. In order to get the Objects, you will need to do it in a variety of ways, such as trading a member of your family, to be slaughtered like a lamb for sacrifice, sacrifice a body part, in order to get the object. You will be forced to slaughter innocent people without any mercy or regret shown or felt in your mind. You will be forced to damn the souls of those that never deserved it, whether they like it or not. You will be forced, to sacrifice an innocent family, to murder others, to take and rip away a part of their body, all in the make of obtaining the objects. You will even gouge out their eyes, rip and eat away at their body, their mind, their bone, their soul, and commit acts of cruelty that is far beyond the imagine inside of the mind of a mortal human.

Thomas kept staring at the message, his eyes are starting to feel a burn sensation present, which grow progressively worse and worse, as time went in, and he kept on reading. He can feel it, he can feel every action that would be taken, had he done it, or if he was sacrificed for the sake of the task. He wanted to scream and cry in fear, as he kept on reading, which progressively gets worse and worse as time kept going on. He has no idea what to think about anymore.

'...what is there even a point to even think of anything anymore?'

Thomas spoke he finished reading what the text had said. After that, he realizes that, he can no longer feel the breath of the monster that he had felt. It was as though the monster disappeared out of thin air. Turning around, he saw that the monster is gone, and the door is behind him.

And it was opened, as bright light shined through. He looks at the laptop that he is using, and is saddened that he had to leave it. But, at least he will get a better laptop in exchange. So, turning himself back around, he goes through the door, and his body is consumed by light, his body feeling warm, as he disappeared into the light that lies beyond the door.


Thomas moaned out, as he is in his covers. He is somehow back in his bed again, even though he remembered going outside. He opened his eyes, and went out from the covers, as bright light shined upon him. It was daytime now, as he looks around the place that he is in. It was his house, thankfully. He sighed, but remembered the trial. Looking around...he spotted it, a black laptop that is on his desk.

Going to the Laptop, he began to do a little test. He typed the laptop for information on the location of where Drystan is, and as if on cue, the map of where Drystan, a dot as him, is at now. Smiling, he than typed the location of where William is, and shows that he is going to a Mental Institute, looking for something known only as by title, 'Object 525.' Smiling at himself, at seeing how well it is working perfectly, he spoke out.

"I think this is going to get even more interesting as time goes on further. And after all...


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