The Burning Winds that Scorches us All

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William is practicing with the Object of Peace, as he is practicing for the moment when he meets the black king again, due to the fact that he is the reason of his suffering for most of his life. Which is why he has to prepare for when he fights him again. He practices as much as he can, swinging the sword up, doing a stabbing motion, swinging it down, before swinging the sword at something it cut.



William used the sword to slice through what might have been the toughest wood that the world has ever made. And the sword that he has, it went through it like it is made of nothing but paper, and the sword was more sharper than that of a Samurai Sword. He even adapted a combination between the Samurai Sword Style, and the Sword that the Object of Peace resembles closely.

But as he kept training with his blade, he had another thought in mind. What if he isn't able to take on the Black King on his own. What if he is forced into a situation where he would overpower him, and he would need someone to help him in the right against him. As he sliced another wooden log, he stopped for a bit, as he sheathed the sword that is around his waist.

He looks down, as he began to think if something.

"Is there a Object that will have someone that can aid me?"

It does seem to be a possible thing, but he is unsure if such a thing can exist.

"I don't know if there is, but I am going to find out. I need to check the book."

Like Thomas and Drystan, William was given a book by the entity, as they cannot always rely on him, which talks about all 538 objects, but never the other 2000 that exist in the planet. But that is okay. He only needs the ones that can be useful for him to have.

Walking towards his house, he opens the backyard door, and opens the door, before he closes it. Going inside, he looks around the place, and spots the book on the table. Walking to it, he grabs the book, and begins to flip through the pages to look for an item that can help him with the situation that he has right now. There are a bunch of useful objects, such as a coat that can make you invisible to everyone, minus the insane, dice that can take away one's life, but he needs another object that can actually be of any use for him, and he just needs to hope for the very best.

After an hour of page turning, he was able to find the object that he hoped would be there, and there was one that he now wants, which is on page 525. But in order to go there, he needs to go to an abandoned warehouse. And unfortunately, there is no Warehouses that are abandoned from where he lives. He puts his finger on his chin, thinking of a plan, before snapping his fingers, as an idea came to mind. But first, he needs to read the instructions.

He took his time to read the instructions as carefully and as slowly as he could, not missing a single point, and tries the best he can to keep this in his lien. After he is finished, he stood up, and took out his iPhone, and called out to the person he decided to call.

After a minute of waiting, the voice he wanted to hear arrived.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

It was Drystan. William spoke back to Drystan.

"Yeah, it's me, William. Listen, Drystan, I need your help on something, okay? It is a very important thing for me to do."

Drystan sounds a bit curious, as he spoke out.

"What is it? Does it have something to do with finding an Object?"

William spoke back.

"Yes it does, and it says that I need to find an Abandoned Warehouse in order to activate the trial. Can you take me to where there is a warehouse that has been absorbed for such a very long time."

Silence, before Drystan spoke out.

"Hang on a second. I'll be there in a moment."

Drystan hung up, and William waited for a little bit, hoping Drystan would come to William as fast as possible. So William just sat there, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited...

...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...
...and waited...

After a few minutes, Drystan finally appeared, and in all of his awesome glory. He looks at William, who than stood up and spoke out.

"Phew, glad that you are her...what is that on your chest?"

William spoke out, referring to the Object of Nothing that he has on his torso. Drystan spoke back to him.

"I'll explain it some other time. Right now, you said you wanted to go to a abandoned Warehouse, right?"

William nodded, as Drystan grabbed his shoulder tightly, and spoke out to him.

"Let's go to a Warehouse, than. Besides, I was able to locate one when I had hung up."

William looked at Drystan and spoke out.


Drystan nodded, before speaking out.

"Yep, and hopefully, this works for you."

Drystan than puts on his hood, before transporting themselves to the pocket dimension of The Sky, as Silent Raindrops poured down on top of the both of them. Drystan than held his hand, and closed his eye, before he spoke out loud.


He than takes off his hood, before they are sent to a different part of the U.S.A. And right in front of them, was a Warehouse that was absorbed for a long time. Too long, if Drystan should say so.

It looks as though it has not been used in such a long time, and it is in a severe state of disrepair, as no one ever came to try and help repair the building. William stared at the building in silence, as he began to think if there is supposed to be someone present there. William turns around to try and talk to Drystan, but he is already gone.

"Seriously? I really need to tell Drystan to stay out sometimes. Why does he have to suddenly leave me alone?"

William shakes his head, before turning around, and he was caught by surprise to see that someone had just appeared. It was an old man, and this is exactly what he was looking for. Taking a very deep breath, he gathered the courage to himself walk towards the man, and spoke out.

"Excuse me?"

The man tilted his head a bit, as he continued to speak out.

"Would you know of someone who calls himself The Pride Of The Hot Sand?"

He remember what the book spoke out, when involving the Old Man.

'Should he lightly tip his hat or move his scarf, you're lucky, but if he gets angry and shouts at you to scram, leave at once.'

William silently crossed his fingers hoping that, for the best, he will show the positive signs, and lead him to the Holder of the Burning Wind. After what seems to be an entire 2 minutes, the Old Man moved his Scarf. William's eyes widened, as this means that this is the sign that he needs. So great is his luck right now. Maybe he'll be able to get the object sooner.

The Old Man than gestures to William to follow his lead. William nodded, and goes forward with him to wherever he is taking him. Than, he remembered the other warning that the book said, and this is about if he is worthy. If he is not worthy, than he must pray for a quick and painless death. But if he is worthy, than it will be his next step to try and find the object. He just needs to hope that, with luck, it'll happen. But in all honesty, it is making him very nervous in that he is not be counted as someone worthy. He just hopes to himself that he knows he's worthy.

After a minute, they reached a door, which is located at the back of the Warehouse. Drystan held his hands together and closed his eyes, as he prayed for knowing to himself if he is in-fact, someone worthy enough that he can gain access to the Object that's here. The old man grabs onto the door, and began to open it, and William expects the worst of it all to happen, expecting the door to show that he is unworthy, and he will already be a dead man.

But to his relief, it didn't go to that point. In fact, it was the opposite. While the rom is dark, it is still easily shown of what the inside looks like. Sighing with relief, he than goes in, and as he does, the old man from behind began to close the door, before the door is out of sight.

William began to look around the place that he is in right now, until he spotted something that is peculiar. It was a small pile of sand. He read about this in the book, and knows what he has to do. He goes to the pile of sand, before he crouched down.

"Why does the wind bear His anger?"

William whispered out quickly. And, as if responding to what sounds like a command, the sand began to rearrange itself, before turning into a form of what seems to be a male face. William is caught by surprise at such a thing like this happening, as the male face-like shape began to speak.

"The reason the Wind bear His anger, is because of all the atrocities that the World has made, all the damnation that had become upon mortal men, all the hatred that was formed. In the past, you mortal men would do anything to get whatever you want. You would go as far as to steal, you would go as far, as to kill, you would mutilate, you would frighten, you would insert a tyrannical rule to get whatever you desire, and you would commit yourself to the shadows, and summon the most dangerous of creatures to take what's yours. You mortal men would even torture others to get what you want, and what you believe that you had deserve for a long time. And in the future, you-"

The face than spoke about what acts of atrocities would be committed in the future, and the information that he has heard was really insane. The information that he had heard is almost a insane thing, as he can actually feel the action of what would happen if that was the case, despite not actually getting involved in it. He held his head, in order that maintain his sanity, and closed his eyes, and shook his head, hoping that he can regain it. After feeling like he regained it, he opened his eyes, and to his utter surprise, he is no longer inside of the abandoned warehouse this time. No, this time, he is in a different location.

William looks around, and sees that, he is in some type of bar, somehow. He doesn't know why, but he feels like this isn't the end of the trial. Turning around, he sees nothing, until he looked down. On the floor, is a shadow, of something that is above him.

Looking up, slowly, he noticed something that he completely didn't expect. There is a Asian male, that is sitting on top of some wires suspended above him, with what seems to be a katana with a broken handle that's beside him.

Smiling, he tossed the katana at William, who, on sheer and utter instinct, jumps up and grabbed the handle, luckily. Surprisingly, despite the fact that it is broken, it is still sturdy, like it is simply in a different shape.

As he was caught by surprise of that happening, the man than went down to the ground, while also doing a backflip, and landed without any sort of injury whatsoever. He than brushes himself off, even though there is not any form of dust present on his clothing, and began to trot away. Confused, William attempted to follow him, who seems to be the holder, but...he suddenly appeared in front of him, with a playful smile present on his face. Slowly, his finger is in front of his face, and he flicked William's forehead.

William's right eye closed at the sudden action, but he smiled a how playful this guy is. Than, he remembered another part of the instruction. He needs to run home. Which means that he needs to run all the way back home, although, vehicles could count. Not wasting any sort of time inside of the place he is in, he was able to find the exit, and run out as fast as he can, although he would go to the Bus Stop for a ride home. And with immense luck as his side, he saw a bus stopping by, and at the right location that he needs to go, and thankfully, he had some money that is in his pocket, which he had carried.

Going in, and giving the Bus Driver his money, he went to the front seat at the side, and the bus began to drive, as it began to get out of the bus stop, as there is no one left to get on.

William hid his katana inside of his backpack, which he had bright, and it was large enough to fit most of it in, with the exception of the handle. He looked around, and saw that no one is paying attention to him. He sighed with exhaustion present in his voice, before he took out his iPhone, and began to play some of his favorite music on it. It was a calm song, that soothes his frustration whenever the experience he would get involved in is way too much for him to handle on his own. He listened to the music, and it seems like time is passing by very fast, or it could be the fact that he is not moving very much.

6 Hours later...8:48 P.M.

William closed his eyes for a bit, as he began to feel a little bit sleepy from the fact that he is taking so long. But he held his mind together, as he continues to try and keep himself awake as much as he can, so that he can go home.

After a little bit more...he has finally arrived. Taking the backpack quickly, he gets off of the bus, and began to run back home as much as he can.  But on the way home, he sees the young man again, and is looking at him. William nods at him, before he continued back, with the man smiling happily at William.

William began to feel his exhaustion taking over his body. But he held himself together, just long enough to finally make it back to his house, fast. Although he is having some difficulty, due to how sleepy he has become, he was able to open the door with his key, before taking off his shoes, and running upstairs, before going into his room.

He than remembers what he had to do, before he goes to sleep. Keep the blade hidden, in either a closet, or something else. Looking and seeing the closet, he opens it, and hides the blade inside of it, before pulling up the covers, and going into the bed.

"Heh...heh...just in time."

William spoke out, quietly, before the sleep that is inside of his mind finally kicked in, and he fell into it.

William can feel his entire body covered in the warmth of his covers, as they were able to sooth his entire body way more than even the song that he had been listening to. It was all he felt, before he fell into the exhaustion that was inside him.

7:50 A.M. in the morning...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

William could hear the beeping of his Alarm Clock, but not immediately. It took him a very long time to do so, due to how deep his sleep was. It was as deep as the Abyss itself. Sticking his hand out, he began to hit the edge of the table 5 times, missing each time, before finally pressing his hand on top of the Alarm Clock that is being noisy.


William hits his hand on top of the sleep button that is on his alarm clock. Sitting in straight, he began to stretch a bit from the feeling of not moving very much, before he looks around. He feels a bit refreshed, before he remembers something.

"Oh shoot. I forgot about the object of Burning Winds."

He walked to the closet, and looked to see that it is still there, not moving. Sighing in relief, he grabbed the Katana, and began to swing it a little bit, before looking at the sharp steel itself. His reflection is shown staring back at William's face. William smiled, as he sees that despite the fact that the handle isn't in good shape, it is still capable of being usable like it is a normal katana. But there is still one question in his mind, and it is pretty much a dumb type of question.

"Why is this called the Object of Burning Winds. Does it literally set the winds on fire?"

Even he admit that, this is very strange, given that name. Would it actually ignite the winds that are outside of his house? William shrugged, as he simply spoke out.

"Ehh...maybe I'll be able to find out next time. For now, this is safe."

He spoke out, as he was about to hide it inside of his closet, when suddenly, he heard his phone ding. He looks, and saw that it is from the Entity, who sent a text.

"Meet me at the place where you had first met your allies from before. This is something that is very important for us to discuss about. Thomas is coming as well. Drystan will also appear."

William was a bit curious as to why he asking for him to come, but he doesn't mind. He text back.

"I'm coming."

He than grabs his Katana of Burning Wind, as he goes out of the door, locks it, and goes outside. He remembers well where they once met, so turning to the direction of where they had first met, he runs to where the location is as fast as he could. Hopefully Thomas isn't too much of an annoyance to him this time. Because of he is...


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