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Drystan is inside of the dimension, and is having a conversation with William. He is inside of the dimension, because some group of thieves attempted to steal his objects from his hands. But thankfully, he was able to respond to the situation, due to the fact the Chains of Penance that is on his torso was able to warm up to signal the danger, and Drystan transported back to the space with the Scythe of Smoke and Ashes, which was outside of the silent space with Drystan. So he has to stay inside of the dimension, until the Thieves decide to leave. But how they know that the objects are there in his house, he'll never know. But he guesses that they kits have used some magical type of device that can allow a person to detect where the object is at so that they can steal them. Surprisingly, reception seems to work in the silent dimension that he is inside of, despite the fact that there is no sort of connection present inside of this dimension he's in.

"You said that the Entity wants us to meet up with him in the place where we first me, William?"

William nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, and Thomas too. Except that I never want to see his face again!"

William snarled out, as Drystan weakly chuckles from the way he is speaking right now. Obviously, he is not going to let that one go. Especially since Thomas almost blew his brains out when they first met, and Drystan had to stop the fight between the many seekers that are suddenly getting into one hell of a very violent brawl. Luckily, no one got killed, although a bunch of seekers got attacked because of the man that had really started the entire mess in the first place. Drystan, after thinking his words, spoke out to William.

" don't have to worry, William. After all, it's not like a fight is gonna break out again when involving every seeker present."

William groaned.

"I hope so. But I think that this is seriously a bad time, because I am in the middle of planning on obtaining another object that I am seeing at in the books."

Drystan nodded, and spoke out to William.

"I am in the same situation as well, William. Do you thank you can tell the Entity to reschedule the meaning someplace else."

William spoke out.

"I'll try my best."

He seems to be looking at the time on his phone, because he later spoke out to Drystan.

"It's almost 9:30 P.M. I need to catch some sleep. I'll talk to you at another time."

Drystan nodded, as he spoke out.

"Okay. Goodbye, and good night, William."

He ends the phone call, and Drystan looks through the book to see what else he can find that can help him with the objects he needs to be getting. But Drystan knows that he cannot always carry an object physically all the time, as that would leave way too much for him to take. No. He needs something that he does not have to carry, something that is similar to the Symbols that is on his chest and forehead. That is all he needs. He just hopes that he can find what he needs.

As he looks into the book that he has, suddenly, the pages began to turn very fast, almost like it is a very fast blur. It is as though a strong gust of wind has suddenly appeared in the realm that he is hiding inside of right now, except that a wind never appears inside of this space.

"Oh come on!!! Why does this have to happen again?!"

Drystan spoke out loud, as the Voice than spoke out.

'It looks like the book is choosing something for you.'

Drystan simply looked sulky, as he spoke out.

"Or looking for a trial that can kill me."

The Voice is silent before speaking out.

'Or that could be the case as well. It's very confusing.'

The pages than stopped turning after about half a minute, and it stopped on page 391 that had the title of the holder that's shown before Drystan.

"Holder of Sentience."

Drystan spoke out, as the chains on his body cooled down. This means that the thieves are gone, for now at least, though no doubt that they are simply waiting for him to return back to the house so that they can try and steal his objects for themselves to have. He looks down and reads what the Holder and the Object are all about. He than looks up and speaks out.

"Oh god. I think I am so, so doomed."

The Voice, however, spoke out to Drystan.

"Drystan...I think I know why the book is acting like that. It seems to be responding to what type of Object that you want to have. The type of objects that you desire to obtain."

Drystan looks up and spoke out.

"The objects...that I want to have? But how is that possible?"

The Voice simply spoke out.

"I do not know, but this seems to be the case with you. Maybe we can use this to our advantage. What does the book say we should go to?"

Drystan grabs the book, and reads through the beginning, before speaking out to the Voice.

"It says that, instead of going to a Mental Institution of some sort, it would need to go to what seems to be a university I am closest to. Although a library or anything similar could count as well. But unlike the other times, where I must ask for a holder, I would need to find out where the Holder is at by myself."

The Voice nodded, before speaking out.

"Oh, and...just to make sure that you can get out of the house without the thieves taking our objects...I'll take control of this for you, Drystan."


Drystan spoke out, before the Voice took control of Drystan, grabbed the Scythe, and went back to the dimension, and grabbed the scythe, before running away into the cold dark night, with there are no starts present in the sky. Thankfully, the people that are looking for him, they were unable to see him, due to being a bit sneaky in the darkness, and running away very fast, without making any sort of sound that is in the area he is inside of for now. He just hopes that they do not notice him running though, as it could jeopardize the entire thing, and they would be unable to get the object that they need.

He continued to run and run, until he spotted a university that is beside him, right on the left.

This seems like a university that is the closest to him, although it took about 12 minutes for him to get to a university like this.

He went in front of the university, but it was locked, due to the fact that it is nighttime now. Drystan than retakes control, as the Voice spoke out.

"Drystan, read everything else as fast as you can. Because I have no idea how long it will take for the thieves that are chasing you to get to your location."

Drystan nodded, as he took out the book from the dimension through the red cloak, and began to read the rest of the page that involves the Object that he needs to obtain from this. After he is done reading, and remembering the instructions that he needs to do, he puts the book into the pocket dimension, and and figured out a way to go inside. Using the cloak, he put it in while he is leaping, but takes it off after a second, and goes through the other side. He briefly went into the dimension, before pulling himself outside. And it was a good thing he went inside, because the people that are hunting him have arrived. They looked around, and spoke out to his buddies.

"He is somewhere inside of the University!! Find him! Now!!!"

They nodded, and began to pull out what seems to be bombs.

Drystan's eyes widened at what he is seeing, as he spoke out to himself.

"No, no, no. They cannot be serious about doing that!!"

Drystan doesn't realize that he spoke aloud. But thankfully, the thieves outside did not hear him. The Voice than spoke out to Drystan.

"These people are here to steal stuff, and in this case, they are here to steal the objects that they have, and they'll will stop at nothing to take it. Why do you think they are going to use bombs in the first place.

Drystan was wide-eyes at the ground, as he looks up, and sees them planting bombs around the university. Drystan, not wasting time, immediately began to look around for the way to the Holder, before the entire thing can blow up. He remembered what the instructions said about the sign of where the Holder could be at.

"If you see a hallway that seems to extend forever, then the Holder is at that location."

Drystan began to look around, as he hears the sound of beeping.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This frightened him, as he than goes around even more, as panic overrides his calm mind. He kept ok running and running and running, until...he finally found the location. A hallway that extends so much far than the other hallways that he has seen.

'What are you waiting for, Drystan?! RUN!!!!!'

The voice spoke out to him, as he can tell that they are about to blow in any second now. Not taking the chance to admire how endless it is, not take the chance to talk back to the voice, he ran for it, and into the endless hallways, before the Bombs outside of the university can be activated.

The hallways do feel very endless alright, and they seem like it is really something that can go on forever, as he cannot see the end of the hallway, even though he is running as fast as he possibly can. But as Drystan was running, his head snapped up when he hears a loud boom, and he almost trips down to the ground face first, when he feels the ground that he is running on shake in a violent way, as the bombs from outside went off. But Drystan does not let that stop him, and he kept on running and running as fast as he can. There is not going to be a person that can stop him. He is going to make sure that he gets the object no matter what it takes for him to get it.

But as he is running, he is feeling something strange. It was a feeling that is of... inadequacy. This feeling seems to build up, as well as another thought about himself. He thinks about how insignificant his existence is in the entire universe. He had to experience so many bad things in his life, but mostly, from the trauma of having to be hurt by his own family members, his own blood, who are very wealthy people, but do not care about anybody but themselves, and they use him like a tool. The voices would not go away, the entire thing about so maddening. So much is driving chin to the brink of insanity. He...he cannot take it anymore. He runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs...

...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...
...and runs...

Drystan had no idea how long he had been running. But after some time...he finally reached the end of the hallway...but he is so exhausted that...he simply collapse to the ground. But he tries his best to stay awake.

"Can...not sleep. But

He collapsed to the he spoke out one word.



Drystan than opened his he began to stands up, and held his head.

' this it?"

Drystan thought, as he looks around where he is at now. But now...he is not in the university at all. It was a room that is surrounded by shadows, and yet, it looks as though it seems to be a type of dream. Beyond the room, was a man, with his face shadowed in the darkness, and yet, he wore white robes all over his body. The entire realm that he is in, it feels confusing, like he is beginning to fade away from existence, as the robed future became to invested in his work, whatever he's doing, that is.

Realizing that he does not have much time, he scrambled back up on his feet, and than spoke out the worlds as quickly, but as clearly as he can.

"What is my role in this story?"

The Holder immediately stopped whatever he is working on, as he now focuses his attention on Drystan. Nothing happened, at first, ad the Holder did not speak. But than, knowledge is being placed into his mind, when he began to speak of actions that he had not yet taken, actions that he will about to take, and a warning...with words that are far behind what Drystan could comprehend.

Needless to say, what he said was so horrifying that Drystan wanted to scream out at the top of his lungs in a panic, so that anyone that is near his location can hear it. Scream loud enough that it can make him loose it all. is amazing, when he discovered that he is not screaming at all, despite the fact that he is in a panic type of state right now. But he does remember a warning that the book has said to him after the story's finished.

"Leave quickly, for no one who took their time has been around to share their story."

Drystan, following the advice of the book, quickly gets out as fast as he can, out of the door, and into the university. Or rather...what remains of the university, as so many of the walls exploded. He almost noticed some blaring lights from outside, and he hears a voice call out.

"Can't believe that had to happen to a goddamn university of all the places."

Drystan instantly realized that this is the police, and is frightened, because of how he is still a person that is hunted. He also hears the voice of the thieves that had tried to take his objects.


The police, however, simply spoke out.

"Yeah, yeah!! Keep talking!"

But as the speaks continues, a cop than spoke out.

"Is that a person inside of the fucking University? Hey, you there! Come out, now!!"

But Drystan does not look back, he stays hidden from sight, and sneaks his way outside, where there are no police cars besides the now very, very damaged university, and puts the cloak over his head, which than sends him back to the sky dimension again, safe from the police once more, as he does not want to go through the experience again, just like from the trial that he had to do to get the chains that he is given. His eye than twitched, as what the holder said finally became to much for him, and wanted to scream. But the Voice, thankfully, intervened and spoke out to Drystan.

'Don't you dare scream aloud, Drystan. You'll lose the damn object!! Concentrate on the other instruction that the book said, now!!!'

Drystan held his head in his hands, as he tries to keep on remembering what the Holder said to him, which also includes the warning that he was given. But it was too much for him, however, as the stuff that he had said is beyond anything that he could think of. But no matter what, he needs to keep remembering the words no matter how painful it is to Drystan, who had to hear. But it wasn't working. It was slowly leaving him. But not the warning that he was given. So, focusing his attention on the warning, he immediately tries the hardest to not forget it, and makes sure that he can safely keep it in his mind. After a little bit...his head was finally clear. The still in his mind, which he sighs with relief. But than...he also feels something else...something that is not very human inside of his very mind. Almost idea. It didn't take long for Drystan to realize what it is that is in his mind.

"The object. Can you see it in my mind?"

The voice nodded.

"I do. And it looks something unique."

Drystan was a bit surprised. An idea with an appearance in his mind? How is that possible. Shaking his head, he spoke to the Voice.

"What does it look like?"

Inside of Drystan's Mind...

The Voice is inside of Drystan's mind, which seems to be a world of it's own.

The world within Drystan's mind is of a Black Forest of some sort, with a small river,

and a house, that resembles the house he once lived in, only it is empty. The voice takes on the appearance that is similar to Drystan on what he looks like now. Having the red cloak, cold chains, and symbols on both the head and the chest area. But he looks a little bit older, almost to the point of resembling an adult, and seems to be a bit more muscular compared to Drystan, who, while well-built, does not come close to how fit the Voice is. His face is also completely covered in shadow, to the point where it looks like a face doesn't exist, and a single eye is glowing in the dark in a deep blue color, along with the symbol of Nothingness present. The voice simply goes forward to the lake, and looks at himself through the reflection, as he began to wander to himself.

The Voice, however, is in front of an object of some sort. And needless to say, inside of the mind, this Idea, that the object takes on the form looks very, very interesting to look at. The Voice speaks out.

"The object resembles what seems to a orb that is as bright as light, except that it is a thousand times beignet, and yet, you can still look at the object like it is not shining."

Drystan spoke out to the Voice, who is inside of his head.

"Huh, must be a very interesting thing to see. Can you touch it?"

The Voice than spoke out.

"I'd be able to, but I am not gonna do that. Besides, I'd rather not know what it will do to me. I'm just going to say away from it, and maybe try to put up some type of mental bound to make sure that I don't get close to accidentally hurt myself, okay?"

Drystan simply spoke out.


The Voice than looks up the Object, before walking away from it, as he began to recall what the holder said, while he was still inside of Drystan's mind.



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