Beholden in your presence

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Tuesday Night...10:55 P.M.


A very loud gunshot in the middle of the night echoed throughout the everlasting darkness, as Thomas is in the middle of a fight with a group of thieves that are trying to steal his objects from his possession. The thieves than fired their guns, and attempted to shoot Thomas in the head, in hopes that he can be killed, and so that they can steal what he has. But Thomas is not much of a person that will allow anyone to steal his stuff that easily. Waiting until they are done reloading, he takes out the Widowmaker and the Gravebringer and fired, killing the thieves that are trying to steal his stuff, as they all dropped to the ground dead. The last remaining thief looks at his buddies, and was about to flee, but Thomas took out his rifle, and with impossible accuracy, he fired, killing the thief.

He looks at what had just happened, as he went forward to the Thief, and looks down at what he is holding. It seems to be a regular gun of some sort, and even it feels so regular. So how they are able to know that he has the objects in his possession, he'll never know. He just knows that it is very, very bad. Standing back up, he walks away, and as he does, he hears the sound of groaning. Not wasting time, he positions the rifle behind him, and shot out the thief that is still alive, before walking away from the area, as they thieves lay dead.

He walks back to his house, looking and feeling very tired from the fighting, as he unlocks his door, closed and locked it behind him, and goes up to his room. But before he goes up to his room, he opens the door of where his sister is at, and saw that she is sleeping very soundly. Smiling with happiness and relief that she is still okay, he closes the door slowly, and goes to his room, as he put his guns inside his closet, before turning on the Laptop from the Holder of Data, and began to type something into the laptop.

"What happened with Drystan Clarke?"

He pressed enter, and saw a news article created by the laptop that he is using. As written in the article, Drystan was doing a trial that involves a Holder that's know as the Holder of Sentience. Apparently, a group of thieves tried to steal his objects, by blocking up the place that he was doing the trial, with is a university instead of a Mental Institute. The Thieves, apparently, we're very dumb and should know better than to cause a sudden ruckus in a place such as this, and they ended up getting arrested for that action, and it wasn't just because of blowing up the University. Apparently, the University also had some problem inside of the building, and the explosion was able to kill a quarter of them inside it. Thomas smacked his head, as he spoke out.

"Why in the world would the Thieves that are chasing Drystan do such a outrageously dumb action such as that. They should all know better than to do stuff such as that, especially when it is in a public place like that."

Thomas shook his head, while he looks at the article to see how he is doing, but says that he simply vanished from the scene, as the Police Officers that are arresting the Thieves that blew up the University, apparently were not able to see him, and Drystan has vanished. This must mean that Drystan went to the silent pocket dimension thanks to the cloak that he must have carried with him at all times. He than rubs his eyes, before closing the laptop, and goes into his bed.

He extended his hand to the lamp that is next to the bed, twists the switch, which turns it off, before going into his bed, to finally rest for the night, and soon got enough sleep.

The next day...8:00

Thomas is up with his sister, who he is watching the news about something that happened last night, which was apparently of the University Bombing, and not of the Thieves that had been killed by when he went into a fight with them. Apparently, they also had a camera of what shows Drystan in the darkness, with a part of the red cloak that he has, before he ran into a opening, and vanished in the spot, which was never actually shown on camera, but something that Thomas instantly knew, as he had disappeared quickly. Because that university, which Thomas actually knows of, has a line up of bushes that are in an area of the University, and Drystan landed there, which would have made getting out of the scene very difficult, if he had tried to run away. So vanishing from the area was the best course of action to take, which even Thomas had to admit, was a very clever move. But how he was able to get inside of the university in the first place, is unknown to even Thomas.

"Wow, this must've been a very bad situation. Would you agree, Thomas?"

Isabella spoke to her brother, who nodded his head, although he was able find out what happened last night. He just hopes that Drystan is still okay after what happened, and got the Object that he needed.

"I wander what made this men do this in the first place."

Isabella hummed out, as she looks at the news that is still on, as a expression of Wanda is present in her face.

And speaking of objects, Thomas took out the book that involves the Holders, and began to read through the book to find what he wants. He puts in a book mark to go through the book to try and see if there is an item that he needs. He went through the page, and even past the ones that he had already done. So...he kept going and going, until he found a item that could be of use to him at all. It is page 334, that has the title of: Holder of the Beholden. It apparently has a type of object that has the power to make anything on any surface, as long as the object he is carving is now as hard as steel itself. Well, the good side to the entire thing, is that there is not much parts of the city that he is in that are steel, and in fact, most parts of the place that he resides in are in fact a little more fragile than steel. So, standing up, he began to read through the book, and began to memorize the instructions as much as he can, and hopes that he can remember hat to do when he gets to the Mental Insitute that can help him with this situation.

He goes into his room, and reads instructions about 10 more times, so that they memorize of what he needs to do can last longer in his mind, and not disappear inside of his mind instantly. Although, just in case, he took a couple of extra minutes so that it can be a bit more beneficial to him.

After about 7 minutes of reading, and finally getting it all together, he stood up from the bed, and began to walk downstairs, as he spoke out.

"Isabella, I'm going outside to do something."

Isabella looks at Thomas with a smile on her face, as she spoke out to him.

"Where are you gonna, Thomas?

Thomas turns back around and looks at her with a smile on his face.

"A place that is very important for me to go to. Don't worry. I'll be back by the afternoon."

Isabella nodded, as she spoke out.

"Well...good luck, Thomas. Hopefully you get whatever you are looking for."

Thomas nodded, as he spoke out.

"I hope so, as well. Bye."

He waved, as he twisted the handle, and opens the door, before he closed the door behind him, and locks it. Of course, he is not going to leave the weapons inside of the house, since Isabella was never a big fan of guns, and could not use one. So he is going to be taking the guns with him to the Mental Institute, and hid the lap beneath his bed, since he does not want to accidentally get it damaged or worse, destroyed. However, there is one problem that he has. While he is able to find the Nearest Mental Institute that he has not gone to yet, there is one additional part of the puzzle that he has not done yet. Apparently, he needs an item that has a face, and the item has to be small. However, he can think of one place to go to. There is a Chinese type of store that he usually passes, and thankfully, the people inside they store can speak in both English and Chinese.

So, with the money that he has, he goes there to buy what he needs to buy in order to bring out the trial to him. Although, he is not going inside with the guns. So, he hid his backpack that carries his guns in a place where they cannot be seen, and goes inside the store, and began to find what he needs for the trial to even activate.

After as little as 10 minutes of being inside of the Chinese store, he goes back out, and has a small flat wooden stick with a Chinese face on it. While he is not sure if it can work on foreign faces, he hopes that it does work.

'Well, the book does say about that it can be of any face and it can be any sort of object, as long as it is a small type of object. I just don't know if it can work on foreign objects.'

He looks down at the stick with the face on it, staring at its eyes for a couple of minutes, before he spoke to himself in a very quiet tone.

"Well...guess I'll have to rely so much on luck right now."

Thomas spoke out, before he goes to the place where his backpack is, and puts it on his back. Taking the initiative, and hopes that no one else can see him, he runs as fast as he can, and tries his best to not make any noises along the way.

It took about the middle to the day to get to where he needs to go to, and thankfully, it is still opened, with very little people present. And thankfully, he did not drop it. It was a lot of pain to try and keep it in his hand, in which became a very stressful thing to do. Now, he won't have the worry about having to keep in carrying around with him.

Mustering up the courage to go to the Mental Institute with the item he has in his hand, he slowly walked up to the door, and opens them, before finally going inside the Mental Institute. But unlike the many times he has to go inside, he is now supposed to go to the First Caretaker, whoever that is.

But it looks like he won't have to go to find him, because as soon as he began to look for whoever the First Caretaker is, a hand began to fall on top of Thomas' shoulder. Turning around, he saw a pretty tall man with a suit that is different from the other staff members. Way too different, he may add.

'This must be the First Caretaker.'

He thought to himself, before handing the First Caretaker the item he has. He than whispers to Thomas in his ear.

"I need you to stretch your hand to my direction."

He obeys, and stretches his hand out. He than takes out a pen, and rights a number on his arm.

After he is done writing on the arm, Thomas than looks at what was written on the forearm, and saw that there are numbers that are written on the arm that the First Caretaker written.


Thomas whispered out to himself, as he looked at the numbers that are written in his arm, with the 6 a blue color, 7 a black color, and 9 a violet color in his arm, the right arm, that is, before looking up at the First Caretaker, who nodded. The numbers he wrote are simply of the room number. So Thomas, not standing around, began to walk around the Mental Institute, in order to find out where the room he needs to go to is at inside the place. The problem is, though, the entire place is like a maze. The Mental Institute that he is walking around is such a very, very large place that he began to wander how is it that nobody around has gotten lost while in the job, if these people even have jobs at all, that is.

It took a very long time to get to the room that he needed to go to, but he was able to find the room that was written on the arm. He looks down to see it, being thankful of the First Caretaker who had written it, but saw that...the numbers had faded form his arm. It is as though they were never written in his arm in the first place. This caught him by surprise, as he spoke out.

"Where in the world did they go?"

He touched his arm, and felt nothing wrong about his arm. After a little bit of looking, shi finally shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Damn. I can't worry the hell about some number right now. I have got other stuff to do. Besides, I said that I would go back by the afternoon, I'm going to keep my word now. So I need to get my head straight, and start to continue this goddamn trial."

Taking the courage and might to do so, he opens the door, and goes into the room. The room looks mostly empty, and although there is high security in the room that he is is surprisingly easy to open. But as he went in, he looks around, before web door behind him slams shut.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This made Thomas jump, as he looks back and saw that...the door is no longer present. It was as though the door had never existed in the room with him.

"Oh shit."

He whispered out, as he remembered the warning that the book had said about this part, when the door has vanished from the room that he is inside of now.

"The moment that you enter the room, the door will vanish behind you. If you cannot answer to the Holder's challenge, you will never be able leave this place again."

Thomas is now stuck inside this place, unless he answers to the challenge that the holder is giving him. Taking a deep breath, he looks around, and saw picture on the wall. There are alcoves carved on the wall of the room, hundreds of them present, each with the picture of a male and female, and they seem to be telling some sort of story that must have happened in the past, although, he admits, he has no idea what it could be all about. On the walls seems to be words, written in a language. The same language that he had seen when he did the trial of the Holder of Data. Looking around, he later turns his attention to the floor, where white dust are present and scattered around the floor.

Although a little bit nervous about doing what he is about to do, he than goes to a direction that he feels is right, and steps on top of the dust, while he walks to the location that he feels that the holder is at. He than goes to the door, and opens it. But as he does, he sees a table of some sort...and a strange humanoid figure that is sitting in the seat. It has no sort of gender whatsoever, with gnarly scarred hands, and on one of the hands is a stone.

'This must be the holder.'

Thomas thought, as he entered the room, and closed the door behind him.

However, this caused a very sudden reaction. Because the minute he entered the room, the holder sprung to life, and attempted to stab Thomas in the throat. Thomas, reacting fast, immediately puts his hand at the position of the stone, as the stone pierced the palm of his hand.

The pain is unbearable, beyond any form of agony ever felt. He wanted to scream. But he kept himself together long enough to ask this one question, before the plague-like effect could infect his body.

"How...will we know...Their faces?"

Thomas grunted out through the pain, as 5 drops of blood fell down to the ground. The Holder, despite not possessing a mouth, will sign deeply, as it collapsed into the white dust that is at his feet. Suddenly...he hears the sounds of cracking from the stone that pierced his palm, before it exploded into something else.

On his hands, which once was a rock, is a chisel, with the metal part being the only part normal. The handle, on the other hand, is not made of wood or plastic. No, it is made of bone. Human bone. Thomas went to the chisel, with an unreadable expression on his face, before he looks a bit exhausted from what he had to put himself into, as he went forward towards the chisel, and gripped it. The grip is surprisingly great, and the feeling of home, it feels very...very hollow, similar to wood, but is less hard than hard wood.

Thomas sighs, before using the chisel to carve an appearance of a door on a wall. He pushed the wall, and the carved picture became an actual door. He went through the door, and the light shown outside. He held a hand to his face, and focused his vision, before looking around where he is right now. He is now back outside, the chisel still gripped in his hands

When he stepped out of the Mental Institute's wall, the door behind him collapses into a new wall. Thankfully, no one noticed it, even though everyone is in broad daylight. He looks around, before finally shrugging, and simply heads back to his house, with the chisel gripped tightly in his hand. The way back home is going to be a long journey to take.

Back at Thomas' House...10:00 O.M at night...

Thomas has been testing the use of the Chisel at night right now. His Sister is sleeping very soundly in her bed. He is now in the backyard, using his Chisel on a large rocky floor, to see if he can make a underground bunker that is made entirely of stone. And wouldn't he know it, it actually worked. There was a underground, with the inside having metal that is less hard than steel. But there was no furniture that is present inside of the bunker that he has made. But he does not care. In fact, he is simply happy that he is now capable of making something that can help his sister, if the situation requires it to be. Although, admiringly, he is going to make something that can allow the room to have air, as they are going to be underground, where air is not present. After all...the gift to create anything...


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