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It was the time of night it now. It is usually where people would go to bed, so they can be refreshed in the morning. However, one person is now going to sleep just yet, as he is having a conversation with a teenager that deeply disliked, and this talk is important to the boy.

William was speaking to Thomas on the phone, as they are beginning to discuss about what the entity had said to them.

"Why does the entity want to have us meet at the place where we had found each other?"

Thomas spoke out. William shrugged, as he spoke out to the Seeker with the Guns.

"I do not know. But he said that it is very, very important, and that we have to meet. Thankfully, I told him to reschedule, and have us meet some other time."

Thomas than spoke out.

"What time have you chosen?"

William looks back up at the ceiling, before he spoke out.

"A few more days later, Thomas, and also, the next time we begin to meet each other..."

Thomas was silent at the silence that William was making, as he spoke out.

"What is it, Willi-"

Suddenly, William shouted out at the top of his lungs.


This act was sudden, that William heard a thump from the phone, meaning that Thomas had fallen down from what is presumably his bed, which he's laying on. Thomas than coughed a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Woah...that was very, loud. And Thomas, for once, I never meant for that to happen, and I said I was sorry."

William huffed, before speaking out.

"Sure you are."

Thomas than noticed someone in the room, as he spoke out.

"I gotta go. Someone important is in my room. See you next week, I guess."

William nodded slowly, before he pressed the red button, which than ends the call, before looking up at the ceiling that is above him. William than looks at the window, before looking at the palm of his hand, which he later clenched, before he spoke out.

"I am starting to feeling like that is not enough for me to take down the Black King, who has taken my father. I am going to need a lot more than the weapons to take him down. I'll need to actually increase my physical strength to take him on, as he is likely to be way more stronger than an average human."

William spoke out to himself, before sitting up.

"Maybe there's a page in the book that will help me with this problem. I just hope that it is in there somewhere."

He than stands up, and goes to the shelf, and pulls out the book. He than goes on the bed, turns on the lamp, and starts to turn the page, in order to see if there is in fact an object that will give him what he needs to have. He just hopes that it is in there somewhere.

It took about a quarter an hour to find the object that he needs to find, but eventually, he was finally able to find an object that can help him, which will allow him to be more physically stronger than a normal human. He has to get it from a Holder, that is known only, as the Holder of Virility. The page that he is seeing it on, is 449.

William looks through the instructions...and needless to say...he has a expression that says: 'are you serious right now?' Obviously, whatever it says in the pages, it is now a very good one. But he sighs, as he spoke out.

"Well...guess I don't have a choice. There isn't a better one than this, so...I'll just have to make the best for it."

William than takes out a pen from his pocket, before he wrote down a note of preparing to get the object. Sticking to the lamp next to him, he turns the lamp off, and spoke out.

"Lights out...I guess."

He than pulls the covers I ever him, and sleeps, as the darkness embraces him.

Daytime...11:50 A.M....

William looks up at the Mental Institute building that is in front of him. He was able to find out where another one is at, which was a bit father than the one that he went to, but it was still a very different building, regardless. Clenching his fist, but remaining calm, he goes towards the building, as calmly and quietly as he can, so that he does not cause a scene for an unknown reason. 

As he began to walk into the place, into the area that he is in, he tries to know if there is a woman at the front desk. If there is, than that most mean that he has come to the right spot. But if there isn't, than he'll have to find another one. After a few minutes, he found a woman at the front desk, exactly as he hoped would happen. Sighing with relief present in his voice, William goes to the woman, and speaks out to her, calmly.

"Excuse me..."

The woman tilted her head, as William than spoke out.

"I want to see the someone who's called, as the Holder of Virility."

The woman pays no attention to him, but this is exactly what he is hoping for, for he remembers the warning that the book told him when the Woman looks at him, except that, it involves a car, and William does not have a car. So he would be immediately screwed, should the woman look.

She than looks up, but the instant she did, William noticed that there was something that is behind her back. He looks and sees what it is that is behind her.

He is now in a very long corridor, and it is very long. However, what it is that is inside of the corridor, was what caught his attention. Inside the corridor, it was a sea of females, in the most beautiful way that his mind could think of. But William hardens his heart, as he knows better than to inside in this sort of insanity that is about to happen inside. Standing straight, he walks into the corridor, without hesitation.

But as he does, the females than tried to undresss him as soon as he got close enough. But William use his own strength to try and force them off of his body, but it was embarrassing, considering what they were wearing. One of them is even wearing nothing at all.

'What is with the reality of what I am inside of now?'

William thought, as he began to get through to the other side, to try and find a way to get to the other side. But it was not easy, considering how many there are inside of the corridor. Eventually, after about 10 minutes, he has finally reached the other side, and is now someplace else, although he can't describe what it is...but than, noticed someone.

"This must be the Holder of Virility."

He looks, as he sees a large, fit man, about 7 1/2feet tall. The man looks at him, and began to size him up, as William began to punch the man right into the torso. Obviously, this doesn't hurt the man at all... and the man began to laugh at him. His laugh is loud and boisterous, almost as if he is mocking William for how weak he seems to be, and it's starting to piss him off.

William's right eyebrow began to twitch, as he feels like he is being mocked at. The man continued to laugh, and William was plain mad.

"Is swear, I want to kill this guy if it is the last thing that I...

He began to speak to himself in an immensely mad tone, until he looked to see that there is a broadsword on the floor next to the man.


Smiling, although the man is too busy to notice, William ran to the sword without making a sound, and picked it up. But this made a clinking noise that is loud enough for the man to hear, and looked to see William with the sword, as he took a stance to get ready to attack the man that dares kick at him. He thinks that he is weak. He'll show him who's weak.

Once he sees him with the sword, he than began to frown, and begin to charge at William. William does the same, and struck at his head. But the man than grabbed the flat parts of the blade, as a small bit of his fingers are cut from the sharp edges of the sword. William was later kicked back, but he stood up, and saw the man charged at him. Hands still gripped on the sword, William jumped over the man, as the man breaks a part of the wall that William had crashed into. He lands on the ground, and rolls sideways, as the man attempted to punch his head down to the ground.

William Ryan jumps in the air, before he turns his sword around, and strikes him, not with the sharper part of the blade, but with the flat part of the blade, as it hurts his head, to the point of giving him a headache. William than swept his feet from under the man. But the man does a backflip when that happened, but he is starting to get a little bit tired, even more so than William, who is almost starting to get tired. William continues looking at the man, as he remembers what the book had said about this moment.

'For he will but match your strength, he will not overpower you because he tired far quicker than you.

William nods, as he looks and sees the man beginning to charge at him, still very tired, but is acting all arrogant and all high and mighty. William than took a stance, and waited for the man to get close. The man reared his fist back, and prepares to strike down on top of William. But William jumps aside, and much near to the man, before he raises his leg, and kicked the man very hard in the neck, so much that it sends him flying into a wall. But the man recovered as fast as he can, and charged fast towards William, while attempting to strike the head. William held his sword in front of the man's fist, with the flat part of the blade, but the strength was immense, and he was pushed back by the powerful might of the Holder's strength.

William, however, was not very happy. After a little struggle in standing back up, he than charges at the man, and the man does the same. The man attempted to strike his head off, but William than did something unexpected. He jumps above, as he body is now upside down, before he grabs the head of the Holder, before slamming him down to the ground, and than, he later kicks him immensely hard into a wall, leaving a large crater. The man tried to stand up, but William stepped on the man's chest, and points his sword at him, similar to when he took down the Holder of Victory. The man closes his eyes, and admits silently that he is defeated. Stepping back from the man, to let him sit on his knees, William than spoke out the question that the book says to tell him.

"How does one survive weakness?"

The man looks up at William, before he than starts to speak out his answer.

"The way that one survives weakness, is rather complicated to understand. They either survived, because they are used to the pain, they either survive, because they are ignorant of the pain. is because pain holds no meaning over their very form, and it is when they start to do stuff that is either an honorable action to do, or a very selfish action that one person can do. The ones that are Selfless all had to deal with their weakness, the ones that survive their weakness, are the ones that will do anything in their power to make sure, to keep an innocent life safe from the hands of evil, try to keep and honor their words to the people that they care about, fight for the side of light, or be willing to fight through the pain to save a loved one from the shadows of despair and death. The ones that are selfish, who only fight for their own selves, fight for the sake of money for no reason, who likes to amuse themselves and bask into the pain and agony of other people, or they could kill and attack other people, because they want to prove to the ones that are supposedly below them that they are stronger and better than them, not caring at how much suffering and agony that have just inflicted, and will still carry out the most heinous of deeds, regardless of what people think of it, and how much people will judge them for it. There are other such examples, which would include some heroes, such as-"

The Holder than began to go into his discussion about the actions of heroes and false heroes alike, all the things that they have done, how they have responded to it, what motivations that they had in doing it. William listened to the Holder closely and carefully, and painterly, as much as he can, because he cannot interior. The book has warned him that, should he ever interrupt, it would lead to a terrible consequence. He has to wait, and listen to what he is saying to him. And while it is a few minutes to him, outside of his radius, everything, even the building's walls, are beginning to age at an extremly accelerated rate, as the Holder kept on taking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking...

Finally, after what seems to have been a thousand years of taking to William, the Holder looks up, to see the reflective sun rising through the window, which is in the direction of the west. William was confused, and wanted to speak about it, but he could not find the words in his lung to speak up at all. It is as though some part of him is refusing to even make a speech to the Holder of Virility himself.

As he began to move, suddenly, an untold darkness appears out of complete nowhere, and consumed William. William has no idea where he is at right now. He looks around to try and find a place where he can go to, but it is as though the darkness that he is in refuses to let him see everything at all. After the darkness has been lifted, he sees that he is at the same place before he met the seeker. But it was now nighttime. He than looks around, and looks to see that the Seeker is in front of him, and the broadsword is now next to the man. William tilted his head to the side, as he watches to see what the man is going to do next, due to the sword that he has. Hopefully, not to kill him with the broadsword.

The man than kneeled on his knees, before giving William the sword that he had used in his fight against him. William than remembered what the book said about this part.

'Take it from his hands, and swiftly decapitate him.

William, slowly, and calmly, he gripped the weapon, and took it from the man. He than gets into a stance, and starts to get ready to try and strike the strong man in the neck.

William, with all of his might, than swung the sword at the center of that guy's neck, slicing it off of his body. He can see the inside of his throat, as it leads straight down into his dead torso. When he did that, the sword in his hand than shattered into many shards, before it disappeared in thin air.

The broadsword is later, he feels something else. He feels far more stronger than before, and way more courage than he has ever felt in his life. He looks down at his right hand, before clenching it into a fist, and struck the ground, causing a crater to appear, as cracks spread. This caught him by surprise, as he did not expect that to happen, but at the same time, he is happy that he is able to now have increased strength and courage to help him in his fight against the one that caused him suffering. As he looked at his hands, he suddenly found himself back into the institute, as he is standing in front of the building. He than began to walk away, feeling far more stronger and braver than ever before.

He looked at a wall, before he reared his fist, and punched it, making a small crater onto the red brick wall. He looks at his fist, and it does not feel hurt.

"Now what I need to have. Holder of Virility, I thank you."

He than turns around, and goes back to his house, as he hears a voice call out.

"What in the world happened to my house?! There's a giant fucking hole in the wall!! When I find the person that had done this, I'm gonna kill them for what they've done!!"

But William didn't care a single bit. In fact, he is very happy with what he has. And now...the increased Bravery and Strength...


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