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Daytime...11:50 A.M.

Thomas kept on running away as fast as he can, as he jumped over a trash can, while also shooting a group of thieves that is behind him. Thomas does not understand how in the world that they know of the existence of the objects, since they never got one, and the fact that they somehow know where to track him down.

He turns around, and shoots one of the guys in the knee, as blood shot out from the other side.


One of the thieves screamed out in bloodcurdling agony, as he fell down to the ground, unable to move.

"How long do you wish to keep doing this?!"

Thomas shouted, as he used a trash can to trip some of the people, as another, seeking their leader, spoke back to Thomas.

"We'll do it as long as you still have some objects that we all can take!!"

Thomas kept on running, and eventually, got out of an alleyway, and got into a public area, where there are people involved. He hoped that the thieves will not try to attack him in a place such as this.

Unfortunately...he was wrong, too wrong.

They still shot in a public place, and the second someone was shot dead, everyone immediately panicked and began to screaming. People began to trip over others, kids crying in fear, as parents tried to take them as far away from the area as possible. Some of the people got shot in the head, spreading brain matter all over the pavement, and Thomas had to avoid getting shit as much as possible, and at the same time, force the thieves to focus their attention on him, so that no more of the people in this town could get killed.

Thomas was immensely pissed, as he shouted out.

"You're willing to kill people?! What in the world of wrong with you people?!"

Thomas ducked behind one of the cars, as bullets ricochet off of the metal hide, as the thieves spoke out.

"They are nothing more than cannon fodder!! Give us the objects, and no more people will be harmed!!! If not, than we'll kill as many innocent people, which you will join with very soon!!!"

Thomas snarled in a pure immense rage, as he cannot believe this. The thieves will do anything that they can in order to get the objects, even if it means kill so many innocent people, even though they have nothing to do with the situation Thomas' in.

Thomas than began to look around the position that he is in, and looks around to see if there is something that he can use to his advantage. He began to run towards another vehicle that is next to him, and rolled out of the way, as bullets nearly hit him, and only one bullet grazed his leg.

Looking, he saw the thieves running in front of the car that he is using as a type of barricade, and began to shoot it. Thomas than looked back up a little bit, before he than noticed an oil truck, and the thieves are close to it.

Thomas than looks at the oil truck, and than at the thieves. He knows that he had to do...and his facepalmed at what is about to happen.

"I hate myself. Do I have to do this?!"

He snarled, as he had to look at thee oil truck and the thieves. Taking the chance, he runs up to the oil tanker, as he took out the rifle from his back. Before the thieves could shoot him, Thomas jumps as far away from the oil truck as he can, before he aimed his rifle at the truck, and than shoots out a bullet to the tank on the truck. Thomas has one idea of what'll happen.


Thomas leapt away, as the Thieves are caught by the explosion. Their skins became a charred cooked red color, as they got burned by the hot flames that are coming from the oil truck that Thomas had shot.

Thomas grunted, as he gets himself off of the ground, before he looks at the place where he shot the truck, than looks at the Thieves, and needless to say, they do not look so good at all. Some of their skin is missing, revealing their muscle tissue, and with one of the thieves, a rib cage is exposed to the outside world, for everyone around to see it, that is if there is anyone that is around still, as the people had ran away from Thomas when he is dealing with the Thieves that are shooting them, which scared those people.

Using what remains of his strength, he got himself off of the ground, and saw that there are no burns all over his body whatsoever. However, he did get some bruises and cuts, and his knee is a little bit scraped from sliding onto the rocky ground. He looks back at the thieves, and saw that one of them is starting to recover from the sudden shockwave. Thomas, not wanting to start this all over again, and that fact that he is now so weakened, immediately runs, not making any sound, and making sure that no one around him is following him.

'Is seriously need a vacation to finally be okay from this ordeal, just this once.'

Thomas thought, as he began to run back to his house. He just hopes that they do not follow him home.

11 minutes later...12:01 P.M.

Thomas finally reached his house, as he is now at the front door. Taking out his keys from his pocket, he twisted the keyhole, and unlocks the door, before he went inside, and locked it again.

"Man, that is close! I would have been dead meat for sure, otherwise, they would have taken my objects and do God-Knows-What they are gonna do."

He sighs, before looking back at the door, and saw a note.

Looking a little bit curious, he picks up the note, and read it.

"To Thomas...

Sorry I have to leave without telling you, but my friend reallllly wanted to take me to a zoo, and I simply can't resist. I hope you are doing well when I get back. Be safe.



Thomas smiled at the note, as she is always a person that wants to make sure that Thomas is safe, even though Thomas is capable of defend himself just fine. But than...another through came into his mind.

"The thieves...they can somehow track where my objects are, and will try to take them from me. If they see my sister inside the house with me, then they'll likely try whatever they can to hurt her, perhaps even kill her, just to take away the Objects that I have in my possession."

Thomas went upstairs into his room, and looks out the window, as he sees some adults playing catch with their kids, and an old lady walking with her dog that's on a leash. Thomas sighed sadly, as he went back into the house, and closed the window again.

"I can't let this keep us. I need to find a way for me to keep her safe, make us invisible to the thieves that are trying to take the Objects away from me. I won't let them take it out of my hands, unless they are cold and dead!"

He shouted, as he slammed his hand on a desk that is next to his bed. He looks up at the mirror, and sees his face, looking back at him. He than spoke out, with a determined expression present on his face.

"I have to find an object that can give me something like this. Give me an object that can make me invisible to the Thieves trying to steal the objects from me. I need to do it...I have to, for my sister."

He looks down, and sees the book of the objects under the bed, with a small bit of itself peaking out, to show Thomas that it is still there. Narrowing his eyes at the sight, he grabbed the book, and began to look through the book. But there are 538 pages present, that it is going to take a pretty long time for him to find it. So he'll have to skip a few pages or so to see what the object he needs is, so that it'll help him.

He kept on going through the pages, and while it may seem like some do not have any actual invisibility capabilities, he needs one that he can use very easily. One that he can wear as easily as the clothing that he uses every day.

He kept turning and turning and turning. There was no stopping, his eyes stared without closing for a very long time, and only blink once after 75 percent of the hour.

He kept on turning, until he finally found one, which is on page 464, one that he's looking for. There is in fact an object that he can use as something that can make him invisible, and use as everyday clothing.

"But this trial is far different compared to the others. I need to go to an abandoned building that is isolated and large in order to activate this trial, and I need to recite the poem of Antigonish to make this trial progress. won't even start."

Thomas than looked down, before clenching his fist, and spoke out.

"I have to take this trial to make it count. Let's see if I can..."

He than goes to his other object, the Laptop of Data, and begins to type into it, in order to see...if there is a location that fits this description.

The object than shows him a map to a couple of large buildings that are abandoned, and even showed images of what they look like in pictures it made.

The store is a little bit father away, but it is not very large, compared to the other, taller building, and while it is is very big. But the problem is...the store is very close to human contact, while the large building, the one that is so many floors tall, it has no human contact. Typing into the computers of how long it will take to go there on foot, the store is about 10 minutes, while the other large building, it would take a total of half an hour in order to get there on foot, which is a pretty long time to keep on saying the open that he has to keep on repeating. And speaking of which, using the iPhone that he has, he took a picture of the place where he has to go the route for the large building, and than, searched for the poem that Hughes Mearns had made.

He was able to find a website for this task, and began to speak and repeat to himself, over and over and over, so that this can stick into his memory for him to remember.

"Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn't see him there at all!

Go away, go away, don't you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away..."

Thomas had to keep on reading out loud, in order for it to be easier for him to access the Trial, as he needs it remember what the poem says. He kept on repeating it, but dose pause in order to heal his eyes front the strain of looking at a screen.

This is going to be a long time, until he decides to go to sleep, and than, he'll continue reading.

The next day...12:50...

Thomas had read a long enough time for him to possibly fully remember the poem, and after saying goodbye to his sister, who was a little concerned for her brother, he goes out on foot, and goes to the abandoned building. He checked the news before restarting his reading on the poem, and the news said that the thieves that had tried to steal his stuff, and one of them is still in a coma, which is one with the exposed rib cage. He closed the news, as he does not want to look at anymore. he also had to get off the website with the poem, because of the possibility that he could be cheating the trial, and he would likely die for that action that he had done. He still tries the best that he can to remember the poem in his head, but it is very difficult, due to the very loud noises of the street that he is on. Still...he is trying the best that he can to remember the poem from before.

"Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn't see him there at all!

Go away, go away, don't you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away..."

But as he kept on waking, he feels a sense that his is being followed. Not wanting to take the chance, he than ran away as fast as he can.

After about half an hour, he finally reached the building, and this, it was huge. It was possibly 16 floors high. But Thomas did not pay attention to that, in fact, he than goes towards of the building, and opened the door.

As he entered the abandoned building, he kept on repeating the poem, not with his thoughts his time, but this time, he is saying it out loud in the building, in order to make sure that he did not misspell anything, as trying to remember a poem as long as this is such a big hassle.

"Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn't see him there at all!

Go away, go away, don't you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away..."

Thomas kept on reciting the phrase of the quote over and over and over and over and over and over...

and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...
and over...

He kept on repeating the poem out loud, as if he is speaking to a large crowd repeatedly, even though there isn't one. He does not know why you would need a poem to try and activate the trial, but whatever the reason is, it must be very important.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As he continued on into the darkness...he stopped, as he is now in the center of the building. The darkness that is now surrounding is black...much blacked than a void, and is a blackness that consumes light. Not even the sun could have any chance of lighting the world up in this darkness.

As he continued to recite the poem agin and again, nothing seems to be happening at first...until...he appeared. Coming out from the darkness, Thomas than sees someone, which made him stop saying the poem.

This is so...bizarre. It resembles a normal human of sort. Thomas acknowledges his presence, and at the same time, does not know that he is in front of him. He exists, and yet, doesn't exist to his eyes. He is there before his eyes...and yet, he isn't there before his eyes.

Thomas, knowing the question that he has to speak out, than spoke out to him.

"Can you hide when they come together?"

The holder is silent for approximately 2 minutes, before he raises his head, and Thomas could see his eye sockets, as the they are pitch black, but have no ending, and inside the darkness of his looks as though, there is something that is very hidden inside of them. The Holder begins speaking.

"All the times when the ones that have hidden from a event that is very apocalyptic as the never lasts. No matter what you do, you cannot outrun from the ones that will try and catch you, and will only do whatever you can to stall the inevitable for as long as possible, before it finally catches up to you. Example will include a man that has done a crime, and try to hide from the eyes of justice. But eventually, he was caught by those that being justice, and he is forced to be put before their judgement, and was soon executed painfully. Another when a man was in a war that has temporarily changed the world, and he tried the best he can to hide from death, in fear of being caught in their grasp. This, however, did not last, as he is still caught by death, regardless, due to the fact that he had starved to death without any form of sustenance to make him last longer, and death took the soul of the man in his hands. A very important when a young adult tried to hide away for the sake of letting his twin brother out in the open, so that he can be free, as the law of twins being a terrible and cruel omen is still present at that time. When the existence of the twin was discovered, the older twin that has hid his other twin, who was the younger brother, so that he can pose as the younger one, and be killed, if that means...allowing his own brother to escape and live a life where he can no longer be killed by anyone, as they still believe the older brother to be the younger brother. So he technically didn't hide for long, but was able to allow his brother to hide from the people anymore, by allowing him to act like he is the older of the 2 brothers, making him the only one to defy such a rule."

As the Holder kept speaking of the other people that have tried to be hidden, Thomas looks down, as he began to think of the story that he was told...but more on the part of when that man tried to hide away his own twin brother away...this is something that he would do, when it would involve his own sister.

Thomas than began to smile, as the story, actually gave him some form of happiness, due to the fact that, some of the people who tried to hide something, they did it to keep the people they care about safe, which has greatly supports, and the fact that, the twin was able to escape. The Holder, sensing his happiness, smiled a little lightly as well. The Holder held out his hand, and Thomas, without any form of hesitation, grabs onto the Holder's hand, and shook it, as if the 2 people began to understand each other. The Holder than holds out something to Thomas, and he looks to see what it that the Holder's lending him. And it was quite a surprise for him, in a way.

It was an overcoat, and it seems to be large enough for Thomas to fit it over his body.

Thomas took the overcoat from the Holder, which looks a little bit gothic in appearance, and puts it on, while also wearing the hood, so that the shadow can cover the entire face, making sure that no one sees it. The lower part of the overcoat reaches down to his ankles, which is surprising very comfy. He than looks in front of him again, and he sees something that was never there before. In front of him, there are a few other doors and other passage ways that are hidden from him, and for some very unknown reason, despite the fact that he has not entered them just yet, he has a sudden chill crawling up his back, like a cold wind has appeared in his presence, even though he is not outside. He senses something strange about the doors. Something that seems to be ancient...and evil, in each of the doors. Deciding that he does not want to enter them, he steps back, and leaves the place. Surprisingly, even though he is making some noises, and people outside turned around, they could not see him. Looks like he is invisible to the people that are present. Although he remember what the book said to him, that this is because the people present here are sane. If they were mentally unstable, than they would have been able to sense him, although they cannot see him physically, as he is already invisible.

He walks back home very calmly, and as he does, he saw what seems to be another group Thieves that had have following him, and are shown to be wearing the same clothing as the ones that he had fought yesterday, but...they are confused for some reason.

"Where is he?"

One of them spoke out.

"We don't know. The instruments that we have can't see him. It's like he vanished from the world entirely."

'So they are using some devices to try and locate those that have the objects. That would explain why I am always found by the thieves that are looking for objects to steal from people.'

Thomas than went in front of one of the guys, and waved his hand in front of his face, to know that if he can see his hand. Surprisingly, no. It is as though he hand does not exist in his eyes.

"Does anybody feel wind? Because I felt some on my face."

The other members of that man's group said 'no.'

Thomas than puts his finger on his chin, as he had an idea.

Getting into a stance, he raised his fist, before he swung it, at one of the thieves' face, as a large crack can be heard.


The man cried out, as he held his nose. His friends looked over him, and they saw a broken nose.

"Woah, what happened to you?"

One of the man's buddies spoke out, as he began to stand up, and Thomas gets as far away as possible, in case a conflict is about to erupt, which is exactly what he wants.

"I don't know, something must have hit me in the nose!! What even did that?!"

One of the members of the group snorted out, and is obviously not a nice guy, as he spoke out.

"Maybe it is because you are so brainless that you straight up forgot who it was that punched."

The man than stood up, and spoke dangerously calm.

"Or maybe I do."

He than charged at the one acting rude to him, and tackled him, before getting into a fight with him, as both of the men made  an attempt to overpower the other. Thomas smiled a little bit, as he sees what is happening. Perhaps it is time to amp up the fight for a bit.

He than kicked another teammate in the ankle, which hurts it a little bit. Enraged, he turns against the other teammate who is next to it, before going into a fight with him. Than, Thomas punched another in the cheek, before the man turns to the one that seemed to be near enough to actually hit him that hard.

Thomas smirked, as he sees the whole group going into a brawl against each other. Blood began to splatter around the ground. Teeth is shot from the mouth, the sound of homes breaking from the thieves can be heard faintly.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Thomas, glad at what he has accomplished, than walks away from the brawl that is happening, as the sounds of beating are becoming more fainter. Thomas was once seen, and now...


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