Defend the Cosmos

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Thomas has been practicing with his use of the Object, the gun, that he uses. Apparently, this Gun is a very powerful object that can harm any supernatural thing that is in sight. He had always been able to practice, and during practice, it is shown that it doesn't need ammo to shoot. It can use any ammo that isn't even made for a magnum, almost as if the ammo that it is using is without any sort of limitation at all. This happened when Thomas was fighting some thieves that tried to take the object, but he shot without reloading his gun, when he accidentally used an ammo made for another gun, all on its own. Naturally, Thomas was shocked at this sudden display, but later took full advantage of that fact when he discovered that it can do that, and begun to practice with the Gun, even using the ammo of a rifle.

But as he practiced with the Object that is inside of his hand...he feels rather...strange. He doesn't know why he feels so strange this suddenly. He just feels like...there is something that isn't complete about the gun he wields. It is as though...he is missing another gun of some sort in his other hand. It feels so strange. There is no other gun he is missing. So why does it feel like that there is a gun missing inside of his hand.

But besides that...he is having a normal life. He finally decided to feel truthful about what had been doing, and told his sister, as well as his friend of what has happened to the people that killed his parents, and why he acts the way he does. Surprisingly, they didn't get mad at Bain, but rather, understands why he acts the way he acts, as it is visibly out of trauma of what he had to witness and get himself involved in for so long. He is very grateful of this, at how his friends understand why he does what he does, and acts the way he acts to others. He just wish he could be a better person. But he knows that he can't. But even so...he will not stop to be a person that his parents want him to be, a person that is willing to help lives, as well as kill those that use their abilities too far to hurt people. But the situation he is in something that he is not expecting. Because they are people that are aware of the objects...and now are trying to taking his object, something that he will not allow to happen.



Thomas is firing his bullets at some thieves, who are trying to steal his gun. They are fighting against him with guns of their own, though thankfully, none of the guns are not magical in nature, giving Thomas an advantage in his shots, because he than used a sniper bullet, and shot one of the thieves in the head, which also pieced the head of his friend who his behind him. He loads another one, and shot another guy, and shot his friend behind this one also. There is only one more to take on...and unfortunately...he has a fully automatic gun, something that Thomas doesn't do have, and doubts that his gun could be if any help. So instead of fighting, he flees, and goes to a bunch of random directions, before he finds a ladder, and went up, before he used an explosive, Destroying the ladder, and prevent the thrive from following him upwards.

He leans a bit, as he fired his machine gun, and made an attempt to hit Thomas. One of the bullets almost grazed his cheek, but when the man ran out of bullets in one of his magazines, Thomas took the moment, leaned against the edge, and quickly, at breakneck speed, he shoots the man in the head, who falls limp on the ground...dead.

Thomas pants, as he is now on the floor...looking at the gun that is in his hand. It has been something that is very helpful in his ability to fight against the people that had tried to take it away from them...but something has been bothering him his mind...and it was the same feeling that he has felt again. He didn't know why...still...but he feels like that he is missing something in his other hand. It is as though the gun is missing someone, and wants to be reunited with it.

As he looks down at his hand, a familiar voice spoke out.

"You are acting very sloppy for some reason."

Suddenly...his shadow began to extend in height, and changed shape, until it became the shadow that resembles the same entity that he had met last night. The red eyes of the entity glowed, as it continued to speak

"You usually have a hand in fire arms. Why are you suddenly being sloppy?"

Thomas than looks down, and spoke out.

"I...I don't know. I have this feeling that is always being with me, ever since I got the gun. It is a feeling like...I am missing something. Another gun in my hand. I...I don't know why. just is that."

The entity than looks down in thought, before he snaps his fingers, and spoke out.

"I know why. It is because there is another gun that you never got yet...another object."

Thomas than looked at the shadow of the entity, and spoke out to him.

"What gun object are you talking about?"

The entity than looks at Thomas in the eye, and spoke out.

"The object I am thinking of actually has a history of the one you have."

Thomas looked interested, as he spoke out.


The entity nodded, as he spoke out.

"I forgot to mention, some of the holder would rarely have a history with another holder, and the objects would sometimes need to be essential to gain another. The object you are holding is important to get the object that you have been feeling about. The one that you just obtain."

Thomas than spoke out.

"How do I get it?"

The entity than looks at him in the 2 eyes, before speaking out.

"The same way as last time...only this time, you need to go to a mental institute, and ask a person at the front desk to find him. In fact...a mental hospital is where you get most of the objects that's stored."

Thomas than looks out at the entity, and spoke out.


The entity looks at Thomas with a serious look, and spoke out loud.

"The Holder...of the Cosmos."


Thomas than began to walk to a mental institute, and was hesitant at first. He stopped a bit, as he looked up at the tall building.

"First, a guidance center, now a Mental Hospital. Just how many are scattered all over? This is just purely nuts."

He doesn't know what to think this time, when he is about to enter...but he breathe deeply...and goes into the building.

He pays very little attention to the mentally unstable people, and focus solely on the one that is in front of him, the person at the front desk...or...the Guide.

"Excuse me..."

The person at the front desk raised his head about, as if listening, before Thomas than spoke out.

"I want to see the Holder of the Cosmos."

The guide at the front desk was first. But than, the guide stood up, than left the table, and went someplace else. Thomas than began to wait for a little bit, as he began to think about the gun that the entity mentioned. He still isn't sure about how there was a history between the 2 holders, but whatever it was, it must have been important. Very important. After a little bit more of waiting, the guide from before returned, and when he went back, he removed the rig from underneath his seat, and revealed a trapdoor, which he opened. Underneath a trapdoor, were wooden sets of stairs.

The stairs that are shown looked it hasn't been used in about a thousand years. He doesn't know why...but there is a feeling of fear suddenly crawling up on his spine, like a chill has appeared. Cold and very shaking for him to even suddenly realize. As soon as the Guide begins to go down, Thomas quickly follows the guide down the stairs, who is a few steps away from him. Thomas, unsure of what to think, simply hardens himself, and just continues down the steps, and doesn't stop. He just followed him down, as he began to look around the place that they are in. Thomas was very soft on the steps, because he feels like the steps could break at anytime soon. And feels very, very fragile.

It looked black, like a never ending void. Like a darker starless night. The wooden planks underneath his feet are swaying a bit, and the form of the guide that is in front of him began to it is looking like a cross between something that is human-like...and a cross between something that is look demonic. He doesn't know if it it his eyes and his human senses that is tricking him, and if he hasn't got enough sleep. But regardless, he doesn't stop...and just continues on the steps, like he is simply being given a tour around the house of one of his friends.

As the continued...suddenly...a scenery began to show itself. First, it was a feeling of wind coming next to him, as the wind blew on Thomas' face. Than...a shine of a starry night than begun to show itself, like it was the stars right above of the Earth. Below Thomas and the Guide, it was a forest of some sort. While the forest below looks rather beautiful...he is rather a bit anxious about it. He doesn't know why...but he feels like something extremely terrible will happen suddenly, if he continues downward, and reach to the bottom.

After what seems to be an hour, they finally reached the bottom of the stairs, saw that they are in a dimension of some sort.

The dimension that he is inside of right now looked so...haunting. It feels as though someone has placed him in a dimension where it can suck the light out of him. The dimension itself, however, doesn't reflect on that feeling. It seems to resemble a thick-wooded forest, which seems to be night, considering the time it is now, as the moonlight is going between the trees themselves. And in between the trees, is a dirt road of sorts. But as he began to look around.


Thomas turned to the Guide, who is holding his head, he than stepped back, realizing that something is seriously wrong. He than spoke out to the Guide that he's followed.

"Hey, man. Are you okay? Is there something wrong, man?"

But than...the Guide began to start turning into something...into something more...more hideous. There's something is off about this guide. He than took out the Widowmaker, as he got ready for a fight.


The guide now began to change, as his shirt begun to rip itself. The guide's skin than turned into a cooked-red color, as he begun to scream at the top of his lungs, which than turned into nothing but roaring.



As that happened, horns began to grow out of his head, as he began to grow in size. After the transformation has been complete, he turns around, and revealed himself to be a demonic entity.

The guide was not a human at all. It was simply disguising himself as such. It was a demon, waiting for it's latest prey, and it looks like, it is ready to take the prey.

When Thomas saw the Demon, he pulls out his gun...and was shocked to discover that his gun isn't working. It is as though something had jammed it from inside. He tried to pull the trigger again...but for an unknown wasn't working.

"What, Damn junk!!!"

He said, as he hits the gun with his fist. The demon, however, took the chance, and begun to run towards Thomas. And Thomas, seeing the demon coming, immediately was about to take the stairs...only to find that they had disappeared. Being filled with very little options around the place he is in takes off and brings himself onto a dirt road, using the very energy that he has inside of himself, and than hopes that he can outrun the demon that's getting ready to tear him apart messily. He tried to fire his gun at the demon again, but it still wasn't working. It is as though the dimension isn't allowing him to use the gun to shoot.


Thomas kept on running, and running, and running, and running, and running, and running still. His gun isn't working right now, like something had broken it, despite the fact that nobody arrived to damage it. This is serious for him, a she has no idea what to do, of the gun can no longer shoot. As he kept running, he felt like his body is about to collapse in on itself, like he is holding the weight of a tree, like his body began to give up, and in his throat...his very throat is slick with his very blood, preventing him from breath g properly...and he is forced down to the ground, when he trips and his leg is caught in a tree root. He tried to move...but his body has too weak to move. Feeling hopeless for the first time, he has no idea what to do. He has no idea what to think. He than covered his head...and waited for the end to be near, for it to happen. For the first time, he realized one thing.

'No one is coming for me. There's no place station, no nothing. I am going to die in this place."

As he covered his eyes, and held his head for the end to come...



All of a sudden...a gunshot was heard from in front of Thomas, as the demon from behind Thomas got shot in the head, and was killed instantly. He covered his ears when the gunshot was heard. He looks up...and saw that there is someone on a horse of some kind. He doesn't know why...but he feels something off about about this guy on the horse.

Thomas after he stands up, than pulls out the Object of Understanding, unsure if he should be ready to fight this guy. But what he didn't know, was that his savior had noticed the weapon in his hand, and when he saw the Widowmaker, his eyes widened in surprise, as if realizing that this belonged to a dear friend. It was the Holder of the Cosmos, who resembles an elegantly dressed gentleman, and has eyes as old as he can remember. He knows about the Holder of Understanding, as the both of them have a history with each other, and is presumably that Holder's longtime partner. He than got off his horse, and walked up to Thomas, who saw that he was coming to him. The Holder and Thomas looked at each other for a little bit, before the Holder fished into his pocket...and pulls out his gun. It seems to resemble an ornately crafted, 18th century pistol, and it was clean, like it was new, despite being pretty old.

Thomas...unsure what to do, than slowly, yet nervously, took the gun from the hand of the Holder, and held onto it. The Holder nodded his head, before he turns back, rides on his horse, and disappeared into the mist, as if he has finally ascended to a higher plane in this existence.

Unsure what to think, Thomas looks at the gun...and there is a title for this gun as well.

"The Gravebringer"

He whispered out, as he looked at the gun, before he looks at the Widowmaker. But as he looks at the 2 guns in his hands, a voice spoke out.

" were able to get the Object of the Cosmos."

He turns around...and sees the humanoid entity again, with a look of approval...with only a slight form of unhappiness present, for a rather strange reason.

Thomas than walked towards the entity, and shouted out.


The entity, however, remains calm, as he spoke out.

"No, it wasn't that. It is just part of the trial. You need to collapse to the ground for the Holder to come and rescues you."

But Thomas didn't like the answer, and shouted out to him.


The entity actually got a bit annoyed, and spoke out to Thomas very calmly, with a hint of irritation present inside of his own voice.

"Me...tell you? If I had told you, than do you know what would have happened? You would have rejected to go into the dimension to retrieve the object. And besides...don't think that you aren't so different. You too have also kept things to other people without even them understanding why you act the way that you act."

Thomas than spoke back to him.


But then, the entity spoke out back to him.

"That was the only thing that was different. Everything else about this isn't that different. You hid it from your friends, and ending hurting them with your actions. What I an example of the same thing you did...but even more greater...Thomas.

Thomas wanted to argue back...but he couldn't. He realized that the Entity did have a good point..and he was acting like a hypocrite of his words, instead of acting like a genuine person, something his parents taught him to be like. So he remained silent. But as he did...he remembers something that the entity told him about the objects. He than looks up, and spoke to it.

"You said that the Holders of the Cosmos and Understanding have a history. Just...what is the history?"

The entity remains silent, before he sighs.

"I cannot tell you the full detail, because I have respect for the both of them. All I can tell you that they are both acquainted with each other, and have protected the entirety of existence for a long time. What you did, when you showed him the Widowmaker, you freed him from the torment of having to keep protecting the entirety of the Cosmos. Because of are now protecting the Cosmos in his steed."

Thomas' eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Protect the Cosmos?! I can't do that!! I don't have the power to protect it!! I never had!!"

The entity than closed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Well...for don't have that responsibility. But you the future. I cannot see what the future you have is. All I know is a very important future for you to have. And it all rests in the firearms that are in your possession. You may not be able to protect the Cosmos, sure...but not on your own. There are 2 others, whom I have made contact with...and they are similar to you."

Thomas raised an eyebrow, as he spoke out.

" mean...people that is are looking for these objects and stuff?"

The entity nodded, as he spoke out.

"Of course. But who they are, I can't tell you. You need to meet them by yourselves...and when you do...than you won't have to protect the Cosmos all alone. You will have friends...that will aid you in the future that you have...Thomas."

The Entity than snapped his fingers, as he vanished in a blow of Ash, and raised to the clouds, before the entire disappears without interruption of anyone else that's present.

Thomas than narrows his eyes, as he must have realized the responsibilities of this action, but is unsure if he can do that. It doesn't matter right now, however. Right now...he has to take this responsibility that this Holder has given him, and continue his work, period.

Holding the Widowmaker and the Gravebringer, he went through a portal that had suddenly appeared in front of him, and he jumps through...


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