So Much Confusion

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Today, afternoon...5:39 P.M. has been a month, since he had gotten the Object of Peace. Ever since finding out who it was that has murdered his father, he has been trying to hunt down the man that had caused him this much suffering in his past. He manage to have a couple of run ins with that Black King and manage to fight against him, but the king is always running away from the Sword that he has in his hands. Needless to say, it completely is enraging him that the King just keeps on fleeing from him like a coward. No matter how many times he tried to catch the king, no matter what he does to try and find him, he always runs away. But William isn't going to give up on hunting him. He is going to do anything that he can to try and find his father's killer. And when he does...


But as he hunts for the Black King, there are some people that have interfered to try and take his object. But as anyone should know, he won't let anyone take it so very easily. Besides, he needs it in order to get his revenge on the King who had caused him so much suffering in his whole entire life.

They tried to shoot him, try to stab him, and even tried to explode him. But due to him practicing his sword, and training his physical body, he got out of the way, blocked the bullets, and and amputated some of their arms. But the killing blow is always the same thing. He would stab them in the heart or neck, in order for him to not waste time, and to finally keep on finding the Black King once more. He is not going to stop, until he finally reached his goal in killing the King with his bare hands.

But the Black King will never stop running. It is painfully obvious to William that the Black King will only stop, when William permanently dies.




William, is simply killing the thieves that have tried to take away his object. He stabbed one of them on the head, the last of the thieves, which had killed the man instantly.

"Huh. Huh. Huh. This is getting so, so irritating."

He puts the sword inside of his sheath, as he walks away from the bodies. Going into the woods, he found a very deep lake. He puts the sword into it, washes off the blood, and puts it back into the sheath.

The apparently doesn't need to be sharpened. It is still sharp, even when it cuts something, which could dull the slicing part of the blade. It is even indestructible, or just simply tough to destroy, as at one time, when he faced off against a thief that he is fighting against, his sword's blade part went into a pool of molten metal, not only was the metal superheated, but the blade itself didn't melt, despite being inside the metal var for so long, and was instead use to finally kill the thief that had tried to take his blade away. This would make it very easy for him to finally go toe-to-tow against the Black King when he fights his Father's Murderer. But he still needs to practice, in order to truly keep himself on even grounds against the Black King.

After he cleans the blood off of the sword, and drives the blade, he than hears the voice of the entity once more.

"You shouldn't waste time sitting down."

William turns, and sees the entity coming out of the ocean, with the humanoid body of the entity being made of water. The eyes of the entity are now shown to be glowing a sickly purple color, with about 8 eyes present in the entity. It is almost similar to a spider.

"You still need to hunt down the man, the Black King, who has killed your father."

William takes a deep breath and sighs, as he spoke out to the entity.

"I am very well aware of that fact. But the thing is...even with the sword that I have, I am not sure if I can even defeat and kill him. He is way more older than me and is far more skilled in the sword than even I am. I need something that can help me. I need to find some items that can help aid me in killing the Black King for taking away my father, and causing this much suffering to me."

The entity than put a hand on his chin, before speaking out to William, calmly.

"Well...I can find you some items that can help you. However...most of these items are also in Mental Institutes as well. So you would need to find Mental Institutes to try and get the objects that you need."

William was shocked, before facepalmed and spoke out.

"Why is it that the objects are always inside of Mental Hospitals. Why those of all places? Why not in a temple?"

The entity simply shrugged, as he spoke out to William.

"Do not ask me. I wasn't the one that gave the idea to make the objects in the first place, and give them the locations to store them."

William than sighs, as he pinched his nose. He than looks up, and spoke out.

"Is there an Object that we can go to first that can help me?"

The entity looks at William and nodded his head.

"Of course there is. And believe me when I say this: The Sword, and the Object that you are going to need, will be essential into getting the next object. One that can work well with your sword. But you need to use the object that I am about to lead you to."

William looks down at the ground. He is unsure if he can do this...but he needs to avenge his father from the hands of the Black King. Clenching his fists, he looks up at the entity, and spoke out to him.

"Who is it that guards this object?"

The entity looks at William, and spoke out to him.

"He is known as...

...The Holder of Confusion."

After 3 Hours...8:49 P.M.

William Smith has finally made it to another Mental Institute, one another that is rather far away from the one he had just went in before, when he found the Object of Peace. But this is so, irritating to him. He is getting more and more tired to the fact that he has to go to a mental institute, even though there could have been some other place for him to go to that is way more comfortable then this.

But he knows better, as the Mental Institute is simply used to scare people, into not entering the place where the Object resides in. So, taking another deep breath, he takes the courage to man himself up, and he walks into the door, and calmly opens the door with his hands, as to not cause a large scene.

At the other side of the door, and into the Institute, it was far calmer than the last institute. The patience are far more docile than before, far more well behaved, and unlike the others, they are far more mature, with only just some serious metal issues that they need to deal with. But he has no time to observe the patience. He needs to get to the front desk, and find the person that owns it, in order to for him to get to the Holder of Confusion.

After a little bit of walking, he finally found the person at the front desk. A female, 30 years of age, but with eyes that speak of not any sort of nonsense. But he knows that this lady of far more than it seems to look like. So cautiously...he slowly walked towards the lady at the front desk. After a minute...taking the courage to speak, he than spoke in a voice loud enough to hear, yet low enough to no one else to hear.

"Excuse me..."

The lady tilt her head, as if she is waking up from a nap in her own desk. William, whoever, continued, by speaking out the remaining words.

"I would like to someone the Holder of Confusion."

The woman, however, didn't speak. She just looked down at her desk, like she isn't listening to him, and instead, is thinking about some other stuff inside of her mind. This is making William very uncomfortable, as he has no idea what she is thinking inside her mind. But regardless...he needs to find the object, and go to the next one sooner than he can. So he waited...and waited...and waited...

...and waited
...and waited
...and waited
...and waited
...and waited
...and waited

After a minute of waiting...the woman finally stood up from the desk before her. She than looks at William, with bloodshot eyes, and with a malnourished as if she didn't sleep or eat after so many years at work. She than holds her hand, and beckoned William to come and follow her to the Holder. William, taking the courage to go along with her, stand straight, and walks in front of her. The substantial he stepped a foot from her, she than walks to the door, opens it, and William follows her inside it.

The walkways are dimly lit. So much so that the lights are barely able to light up darkness. It is as if she shadows swallowed the entire power of the light while, without any regret. The darkness is merciless, and the light is weak, weaker than anything that is made by the creation of god. It is as though, he will forever walk into the voice of perpetual nothingness, forever.

But it won't be like that for long. After reaching the end, William came across a brick wall...and the person at the front desk is now gone from his sight. It was as though she was just an illusion. And the wall.

When William got close...and he touched the wall...he realized something, there is clearly something from the other side. But he cannot see what it is, as the other side is covered in a type of void, blocking the entry. He than remember the warning that the entity gave him.

'If you are scared, or unsure of what is behind the wall when you step through, or have any doubts at all, you will simply walk off of the plane of existence forever, never to be heard from again. In other will cease to exist.'

But he knows...that there is the Holder, waiting for him. And he has to know...if he can get the object.

"I know...that the Holder is there. He has to be there, along with the object. For once just....just believe that you can see him. Just believe. Just believe."

He than continued to say 'just believe' as he sticks his hands through the other side, trying to convince himself that there is something there. He than sticks his other hands to the wall, very slowly...and assuring himself of the other side, he walks through the wall, and when he opens his eyes...he is where he needs to be at...and he is not inside of a void. He is still very alive, and he is still in the realm of pure existence.

"Phew, that was so close. But...where do I...go?"

When William regained his thoughts...her realized that...he is now lost. He is now inside a bright white room with many paths. How many paths there are...he does not know how many. All that he that there could be thousands, perhaps millions of paths. If one were to go to one of the paths, a million more branches would appear inside those very hallways. Some lead into the distance, others appear to lead nowhere at all, yet others appear to defy understanding, and when William closed his eyes to focus on his hearing...he heard the sounds of screaming, as the humans before him have been lead to suffering that only the most damnable of all souls can comprehend.

But William shook his head, and look at the one path he needs to go. It was a path...that is in front of him. He clenched his fist, as he gripped tightly on the handle of his sword. But he calmed down, and spoke out.

" should be very simple. I just need to go to this path, the one that is before my eyes. If I do that...than I should be able to find the Holder. It's gonna be very risky...but it is the only one that can help me find the Holder, and the object that I am looking for...I just hope that I am right in all of this."

After he calms his head, he stood up without any fear shown, and walks towards the path that's before him, without any sort of hesitation of stopping. While doing that, he remembers another warning that the entity said to him.

'While walking, you must say nothing, no matter how long the trip appears to take, and should the room begin to darken halfway through your trip down the path, your only option is to sit down and weep silently, for you are now nothing more than nourishment for the most grotesque and cursed demon of them all.'

But William shook his head, and simply continued to walk, going to reach and find the Holder. As he seems that the hallway seems to go on forever. It is as though there is no ending or exit or beginning or entry. It is simply an endless story of white, diabolical divinity that will stretch on for an eternity. He could still hear them. The screams of those that have been damned in agony, suffering the worst of hells that are not known to any mortal man shown. It is a hell that is waiting for to fall finally take his soul, and bring it to the damned realm of the lowest point of hell.

But William...he is a man that is driven by vengeance. Vengeance guided him to where he needs to go, as he needs to find out what he needs to see. He will not let some hallways get in the way. He will never let some hallways get in the way.

'I won't let this stop me! I won't let any of this stop me!! I don't care what kind of hallways that I am put into, or how many that I have to go through...this isn't gonna stop me!! I'M GONNA FIND THE BLACK KING NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!!!!'

But at the response to the thoughts inside of his mind...suddenly...he sensed something appear before him. Something that is standing in his way. He looks up...and sees is a person. The appears to be human, with black hair and a perfectly normal face, and yet at the same time, something much more hellish, with eyes that glow with pure cruelty, and malignancy, as if he is waiting for William to do something that could make him screw up, in order for him to take his soul, as a part of his collection of those that are before him, as he stands in the pure center of the madness behind the suffering of mortals.

The Holder looks up at him...and smiled in a very...very creepy way. It is as though he is hoping that William would do something. But William knew better, and simply stood completely still.

"So...a human has finally reached me. I have waited a long time for someone to find me. There is a question I would like to ask you. But...before I do...I want to tell you about some stuff and topics in history that you must not have known of. Topics in history that you have been falsely manipulated to believe in."

After speaking those words, the Holder than began to speak to William about some topics in history...that he 'supposedly' never knew. But William knew better than to believe a bang such as him.

Only some of the stuff that the entity says is very, very true. But other stuff that he says are misdirected, untrue, and outright completely nonsense. He simply speaks to William about stuff that he himself lies about. William, though, simply looks down at his sword, as he began to think about the reason that he is here. The reason that he had chased the Black King, and the reason he will not stop hunting the man down, until he gets to finally kill him with the White King's Sword, and the Sword itself agrees with his vengeance, and shares his same level of hatred to the King.

But as he looks down...the Holder noticed that he isn't listening. He than shouts out at William, agitated.

"Hey!! Don't you dare start ignoring me, boy!! Listen to what I have to say to you!!"

But William didn't hear what the entity said. He simply looks down at his sword, irritating the entity even more.

"HEY!!! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME??!!! I guess I have to say my story louder!"

He tries to catch William's attention. But the thing is...he is quickly bored by the fact that he doesn't know when to stop lying. So he just looks down, pretending to not listen, and wait until he is completely done.

Than...the Holder became silent. It is painfully obvious to it...William, he won't listen to the false events that he speaks to William about. William isn't fooled by the lies that he speaks about, and he wants nothing to do with those pathetic nonsense. It is something that he doesn't have the heart to waste all his time for. But, even still has one question it wants to ask William about. The Question that is the most important of all the events that he has asked him. Speaking very calmly, it looks at William, and speaks out

"What would you do, if they were all brought together?"

William, was silent at first...but than remembers what he must say to the Object's Holder. Taking a deep breath, he looks at the Holder, and speaks in a firm tone.

"Everything that you would do. Including what you wouldn't."

Silence...the Holder wasn't speaking. It was as looks as though it is simply judging see if he really means it. William doesn't know why...but he knows that he has to really mean it, even if you don't know it. He simply looks at the Holder, waiting to see what he will do next. Would he leave him at the position he is at...keeping him in the Darkness forever...or would he get the object from the entity. He doesn't know...all he knows is something that he shouldn't speak out loud.

After a while...for what seems to be an entire eternity of darkness, the Holder finally moves. He raised both of his hands, intertwined together to hold something, before extending it to him. When they got close enough to William, they opened.

Resting on the palm of the Holder's a glowing object. But he cannot see it, as it is immaterial, and the physical form of the object won't allow him to see what it completely looks like. But after a little bit of seeing it...slowly, but unsurely...he raised his right, grabs the object, and puts it in his hand. When he does that...he is instantly sent back outside...and it looks as if he never went inside in the first place.

He looks down at his hand, as he sees the bright object in his hand.

"The Beast's Resolve."

The voice of the entity spoke out. He turns around, and sees his shadow change shape, resembling a cloaked figure, with glowing red eyes.

"It seems you finally got it, William Smith."

The entity continued speaking out. William simply looks down, and speaks out.

"What do you know of this 'Beast's Resolve.'"

The entity simply remained, silent, until he spoke out.

"Why you are merely a sealed form of the Object. It won't do anything...until you go to the object that we're about to go to next."

William spoke out.

"What object is it?"

The entity remained silent, until he spoke out.

"We'll speak of it for another time. For must rest your mind, and be mentally in good shape, William Smith. After all, you are going to need it."

William wanted to speak back, but he knows that he is right. He is mentally exhausted. The entity than holds his fingers, in a snapping position, and spoke out.

"Rest at your home, William Smith."

Than, a snap was heard...and William has vanished from sight. The Entity sighs, as he vanished from the shadow, and back o where he came from, back into his home realm.

He is well aware that William is mature. But not even he is mature enough to decide what happens if the Objects reunite. So, William has no know for himself of what to do if the Object reunite as it did in the past. no matter how indecisive he is, no matter how unsure the world becomes, he alone must know what to do...


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