Smoke and Ashes and Mirrors

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Drystan is now hiding from another group of thieves, that have tried to steal his objects if Sky and Penance. Inside of the dimension that he is in, he is now in a fetal position, scared for his own life he could not take what he had to go through. The chains rattled inside the silence of the pocket dimension. The rain that falls down, he feels how wet it is, but he cannot feel his cold it is. And no matter how many drops fell onto his body, his soul will never stop feeling the thirst of absolute solitude.

The Voice, whenever Drystan feels like he can never escape from them, will always take control of him, and using nothing but a knife and a pistol he stole from a police officer, he would kill those that try to hunt him down, although he would have to get rid of the evidence by teleporting to the pocket dimension, and reappear on Earth, throwing the stuff he used away into a deep ocean, where it can not be found again. While Drystan may live in another dimension, he is still a human, and humans need to eat and drink as usual. He cannot alway stay in the pocket dimension forever. He only goes in whenever he need sit hide, or when he needs to go to sleep in someplace safe.

But other than that, Drystan is starting to feel a little bit more better than before, due to now being in a location that he can feel at home in, although he already has a house. However, this house always seems to bring him to the point of where the thieves seems to break in, and he had to find parts of the house to repair in order to make sure that no spiders and other types of bugs suddenly get inside of his house.

Drystan opens his eyes, as he looks at the endless rain around him. His right eye, the only eye where he can see...looks around the entire place. It was calm, quiet, and very haunting. Drystan sighs, as the Voice spoke out.

'Drystan...I know that this is very, very scary. But you have me. I just need to time to think of a effective way in order to protect you from any attacker. Alright?"

Drystan nodded, and only feels a little better.


The Voice he simply stops speaking.

Drystan looks down, as he sees the groundless bottom underneath his feet. Drystan simply floats in the air, as he can not be sure why he cannot simply be left to his own devices. As he looked down, though...the entity appears.


Drystan opens his eyes, and turns around fast, only see be less startled at the sight of the entity. Drystan sighed and hits his face with his hand, before speaking out.

"Can you please not to this to me like that, scaring me again?l

The entity chuckled, as it spoke out to him.

"Sorry. Can't help it. But anyways, do you mind if I can converse with the Voice inside of your mind?"

Drystan spoke out.


The entity smiled.

"I might have a solution to that problem of yours, and it will be the one that can help the Voice protect you."

Drystan's eyes widened, before he nodded his head. The entity than closed his eyes, and spoke out to the voice.

'Can you hear me?'

The Voice, not happy with the fact that it had invaded the mind of Drystan, spoke out in a rude tone.

'What do you want? I'm in the middle of sleeping.'

The entity pouts a bit, before speaking out to him.

'That was rude. But anyways...I have been hearing your conversation with Drystan, and I may have an object that you can find to use in order to protect Drystan.'

This catches the Voice's attention.

'Really? Where is it, at another Mental Institute?'

The entity shook his head.

'No. This one's different compared to the other objects. Unlike the others, this one resides in a unique place of it's own.'

The Voice, curious about it, speaks out to the Entity.


Later...9:00 P.M.

The Voice facepalms inside of Drystan's mind, as he shouts out.

'At a convenience store...with cigarettes?! Are you serious?!'

Drystan chuckled in fear, as he never gets to witness nor hear the voice getting mad very often. When it does, it is very scary. He looks at the convenience store, with a bit of nervousness present on his face. The store looked very big. It has the name Smoke n Mirrors Tobacconist. This made him very nervous about entering the store, but...what else can you do. So, with the Voice taking control, he goes in.

Thankfully, due to the fit body that the voice has, it would make him look like a teen old enough to use a cigarette. But the Voice hates it, since he doesn't want to affect Drystan's lungs. So he continued on, until he found a box that contains cigarettes. He takes a random box, and go to the man, an muscular African-American, at the desk to buy them. As the man's back was turned, he than spoke out the words that the voice told him to speak.

"Cigarettes, why must their smoke be so vile and ash be so..."

The second he trailed off, Drystan relinquished control, and began to look around. As he did, the man looks at Drystan, goes under the table to get something beneath it. What he pulled was...a cigarette. But Drystan noticed something shiny inside of it. Looking closely...he noticed that it's a key.

Very nervously, he takes the cigar, and when the man gestures Drystan to follow him. While nervous still, he doesn't show it and follows the man without any form of hesitation. He followed him, until he reached the door, which looked like to had been a scorched up by an unknown hot object. The door opens, and the man gestures him to move inside the door.

Drystan than enters, and looks around the entire place, but before he can even get the full appearance of the place that he is in, the second Drystan stopped moving inside of the strange hallway, the door behind him closed a with a loud slam. The slam of the metal against metal echoed throughout the hallway that he is inside of. This made Drystan jump a bit, but he later composed himself, and tries staying calm. But than...he heard something...strange...almost like screaming, and it is really scaring him.

Drystan, with fear in his very eyes, saw what the room resembles when inside of this place. It looks like it has been into a type of war that had happened in the past. Walls are broken down to see a bright light, and he...he hears something from the holes. It sounds bloodcurdling screaming. This scares Drystan to the point where he stays in the middle, so that they noise aren't very loud.

There's ashes present on the floor, scattered, as if the remains of humanity has been snuffed out completely. But he doesn't stop walking, nor does he turn back. He knows that when he turns would be the worst pain that he can feel. He needs to do exactly what the entity has said to him, and not turn back, not even for a split second.

'Drystan. Don't worry about messing up. I'll make sure that we can get through this alive."

Drystan smiled, as he felt safe with the Voice spoke out to him. Whenever he is feeling like he is going to die, the Voice will always make sure to keep him safe, not matter what happens. But he got scared again, when he looks at the door. It is a door with the number '648' present on the front of it. The door looked as if it has been blasted by a bomb and been doused in water at the same time, because it looks both rusted and dented.

He remembers what the entity said to him.

'Knock 3 times, and open the door with the key inside of the cigarette.'

Very nervously, Drystan knocked on the door 3 times. He than slowly, and carefully, took out the key from the cigarette. The ashes of the planet are all over it. He puts it in the keyhole, and twisted it, before he heard the sound of a clicking sound. Pulling the key back out, he opens the door, and saw a couch, with someone on said couch.

There, Drystan saw a young man, no older than 17 will be looking out a window, almost about the same age as Drystan. The young man has raven black hair, sharp, bright blue eyes, and pale skin, like his skin is made of nothing more than marble. But when he looked at the right arm...he saw that it was damaged, hurt by something. Almost similar to a bullet wound, but the skin around the wound looks as though it has been burned.

Walking slowly, the 17-year old looking man looks at Drystan, who than crouches and looked at the wound, before he speaks out.

"Do you mind if I can...clean the wound you have?"

The man shook his head, no. He stood up, and gestures Drystan to follow him. Drystan, a bit nervous, took a deep breath, and followed him. When he followed the teen, he opened the door, releasing smoke, causing Drystan to take another deep breath, this one much more deeper than the last one, before he entered. The place looks as though smoke is all around the whole place. It is very gross, but he doesn't cough.

The boy sits on a black couch, with a bucket of water and a towel next to the couch. The smoke fades, and Drystan remembers what the entity said to him.

'When you see the smoke fade, immediately grab the towel and clean the wound that's on his arm.'

Drystan, taking a deep breath, goes forward, grabs onto a towel, and drips it in the water.

"Your arm..."

The teen holds out his arm, and Drystan rips off the bandages, and goes on to clean the teen's wounded arm. But he does not dare look up at the eyes of the Teen, as the entity warned him about looking at him. So he just keeps on going.

'Does this seem a little bit gross to you?'

Drystan spoke to the voice.

'Gross? It's beyond it! Look. Just stay calm, and keep cleaning it, okay?'

Drystan nodded, before he finished cleaning his arm. He grabs the clean bandages, and wrapped it around the teenager's arm. When he finished...the teen than began to stand up, as Drystan goes back, worried about what is about to happen next. Than, the teen slowly looses a bit of its's skin...which turned into a speck of ash. Than, more and more of the boys body turns to ash, before...the boy turns into a pile of ash entirely.

Drystan doesn't know what is happening...or rather...doesn't know what to do, until the voice spoke out.

'Drystan...the couch next to the black one...look.'

Drystan than begins to turn around, slowly and afraid...until...he sees that someone is present in the couch now. There was a girl, younger than big, and, surprisingly..much more creepier. She has skin and knee length hair as white as paper and eyes so light and bright blue they are almost white. She's also wearing a white tee shirt and black dress pants, but no shoes.

The girl and Drystan stays silent, for what seems to be 10 minutes, as they both stare at each other. Drystan does not know why he is feeling like this. But when he is seeing the girl, he always feel she is staring deep into his very soul...and it is really scaring him. Seconds later, than the girl speaks out, in what seems to be in both a calm, yet relishing voice.

"What is it you seek?"

Drystan stays silent..for 5 second, before speaking out at exactly the right time.

"What happens...when the smoke...rises?"

The girl than formed an unnerving smirk with her mouse, before she speaks out, amused with what she will say.

"You is very amazing, how you humans can kill your own kind with the weapons of despair and destruction, how your so-called 'nukes' have the power to cause so many deaths. When at war, the government of every country, even this one, will usually be tasked to kill the enemy, no matter what it takes. And when they go up to the task, their first weapons that is used...are the nukes.

When the Nukes are launched, they unleashed an explosion powerful enough to kill every form of life in its vicinity, even humans. When the humans are not at the center of it, and are instead are simply affected by symptoms, do you know what happens to them? They will develop symptoms that are similar to rabies, and their organs will be shut down, destroyed by the radiation of the nuclear bomb. One by one, yet slowly, each organ will simply shut down, until you die. But that is not even the worse part for you to realize. Even without the symptoms, there are other effects hat arenMr related to the disease that is about to kill, but instead, of what it does to your physical body. Your skin...will simply melt away like ice, but when it does, your muscle tissue will be exposed to the radiation, and they will also begin to melt. Your nervous system will be exposed, and they will began to overload themselves, destroying themselves inside of the human body. When your eyes, look, at the explosion of the nuke, or are effected by the nuke, they will also began to melt away, so much, that you even get to see the inside of what the eyeball looks like. Your vision...just like with bleach poured in eyes, will simply melt away...until you see nothing more...than darkness. And the darkness is a symbol...of the end...of life itself. And when this happens, than humanity...has simply done nothing, but doomed...their"

Drystan was horrified. No. He is beyond it. He always thought that the liquid poured in his eyes would be bad. But having your eyes burned by a nuclear weapon, especially one made by your own much...much more worse to deal with.

But as he looks down at his hands and thinking of what he had to hear, the girl suddenly stands up, and Drystan looks to see what she is doing.

The girl reaches into the bucket, and out came a long midnight-black scythe with a purple orb hidden between the blades. This made Drystan shocked and scared. Shocked, because of the size difference between the bucket and the scythe, and scared...because he thinks the girl is going to slice him into small pieces.

'Oh no!! She's gonna kill us!!!'

The Voice shouts out inside of Drystan's mind. But before the Voice and Drystan could react, suddenly, smoke began to appear from the ashes of the room they are in, and the ashes from outside of the room, covering the entire area with smoke.

Drystan, who was holding his coughing, couldn't hold on anymore, and began to cough uncontrollably, as the Voice spoke out to Drystan.


But Drystan, who tried to hear, than collapsed to the ground, as the smoke overtook his lungs, burning them, as the Voice cries.


Drystan couldn't hear, however...and than, he fell under the smoke's blackness overtook his vision.


Drystan moaned in pain, as he felt as though his chest is in fire. He began to stand up...and realized that he was back at the home he now lives in.

" did I even get here-AAAAGGHH!!"

Drystan leapt back at something that is leaning against a wall of his. Leaning against the wall, and near the the Scythe, that the girl pulled out from the bucket. It was the same appearance that it was shown to him, when he first saw it being pulled out.

'Drystan...It isn't going to move on its own. Let me take control, so I can use it.'

Drystan nodded, as he closed his eyes. The Voice than takes control...and his pupils shrunk, as the Voice finally takes the driver seat.

The Voice looks at the Scythe that is in front of him. He walks over to the scythe, as he picks it up, and examines the Scythe he's wielding. The grip feels perfect, and blade of the Scythe feels as deadly as the grim reaper, ready to take lives. The color of the scythe is as black as the Ashes and Smoke that is made from the fire's malice.

As he looks down, suddenly, smoke starts to ooze out of the blade, as Drystan suddenly turned into ashes and smoke, which made him go down into a vent.

He than appeared onto the rooftop, where he reforms immediately, causing him to look at where he is now.

"Woah. What in the world just hap-"



A bullet zipped past the Voice's head, nearly making a cut on his cheek. He turns around, and saw that there is another thief present. And he is holding a sniper rifle.


Needless to say, the Voice didn't like the fact the bullet not only gave him a cut on the cheek, but a cut to Drystan's cheek as well, since they both share the same body.

Looking immensely pissed off at what the thief did, he gripped his scythe tightly, and threw it at the Thief. The Thief moves out of the way, but the second when the Scythe stabbed the ground, Drystan was teleported next to it. The instant he teleported, he grabbed the scythe, closed the distance between the thief, and than, before the their could react, Drystan swung the Scythe, and cuts the thief completely in 2 haves.

At first nothing happened...but then the thief's body splits apart, and his organs are shown. But the organs and blood of the thief have became nothing more than ashes. When the body fell down to the ground...the entirety of the body became ashes.

The Voice simply looks down, as he sees what happened to the body. He was surprised to see what happened to the body, but than, he remembered Drystan. Standing back up, he spoke out to him.

'Are you okay, Drystan?'

Drystan nodded, and spoke out.

'Yeah. I'm okay. Can we go back to that dimension? I don't feel safe outside.'

Drystan nodded. He grips his Scythe in his one hand, puts the hood of the blood-red cloak on, and teleports to the pocket dimension.

Inside of the pocket dimension, The Voice let's go of the Scythe, as it floats in the air along with The Voice, who touched the wound. The rain touches the wound, and the wound closed.

"Huh. Guess the rain isn't just for show."

The voice than looks forward the Voice's utter surprise, the entity is also present, taking on the form of the clouds that are present. It's eyes are now simply holes, with water going down like it is always crying. The entity looks at Drystan, before looking at the Scythe, and spoke out with fondness, oddly present in its voice.

"So you got the scythe. I always considered this weapon as my favorite. Especially when it can do the powers that it allowed you to do before."

The Entity continues to observe the Scythe, as he spoke out.

"Such beauty in the design and the powers that it has. I always wanted to see the Object of Smoke and Ashes. It's always my true favorite of the objects."

The Voice simply looked down, unsure what to say...except...

"Why? Why do they even want to get my objects? I have done nothing wrong to them. We have done nothing wrong to them!"

The Entitu simply sighs, as it turns around, and looks at Drystan with its teary eye sockets, before speaking out to Drystan.

"Well...they do it for fame, for the sin of greed, or to simply be something akin to that of a God. These reasons are purely selfish and sinful. They care little about the lives of others and the normal lives they should have followed ahead. They are very ruthless and cruel and will stop at nothing to get what they want. The worst that some of them, will do, is to reunite all of the objects. And before you ask, I wish to not tell you what happens if it does, as the last is very catastrophic, beyond what even you humans can comprehend. Almost to the point where it had almost got in a very, very dire situation, very chaotic to the Earth with their last reunion. But you...and Drystan...are different. You don't desire to use it for fame and glory. You desire to use it for 2 things: for Drystan, it is simply to be Alone by people who would want to hurt him, and you...your desire is to simply protect Drystan's soul, and what remains of the innocence that resides within him. That is what makes you different compared to the others."

The Voice doesn't know what to say, but he understands what he is saying. He nodded, and spoke out.

"This this where I can store the Objects that I have?"

The entity nodded, and spoke out.

" is."

The entity, however, had another piece information that it had left out.

'As well as the only place, where they can be brought together without any consequence.'

The Voice simply looks around, before having switch positions, and making it stand on top, like a magnet is forcing it to be as still as a statue. He looks at the scythe, before turning away from it, and looking at the Entity.

"Hopefully this can work for me in help protecting Drystan."

The Voice then puts down the hood, and transports himself back to Earth, where the Entity simply looks at the Scythe of Smoke and Ashes. The Scythe looks as though it is not touched by Drystan in the first place. But it is far more than looking as such. The Scythe is standing still, waiting for a chance to be used again. can sense that a war is coming. And when the war comes, it will truly raise above the smoke...


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