Great Accuracy

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Thomas is very confused. He never knew what it is defend the entire cosmos. The attack hasn't happened yet. And yet...the Gravebringer can somehow give him to power to travel the Cosmos. But the other good thing that Thomas has when using the Object of the Cosmos, is that he is capable of forming his own bullets, which are superheated to the hottest temperature known to man. He can even form the bullets in the Widowmaker itself. Guess he doesn't need to buy bullets this time to give him an edge in fighting against the thieves that try to steal the objects from his hands.

And speaking of the thieves, he is fighting against some right now. Some of the thieves are now fighting against him inside of an empty alleyway, as he went behind one of the large metal trash cans. The bullets were deflected in other directions by the metal of the trash. Thomas than began to wait patiently for the bullets to stop firing. He looked at the guns, and with his thoughts, he formed sniper bullets on both of the guns, all of the ammo superheated to cause a very powerful explosive shot.

"Come out and give us those guns, you little shit!!!"

One of the thieves shouted out to Thomas. But Thomas pretended to not hear them, as he finished manifesting the ammo within the twin guns.

After a minute of shooting him, the shooting stopped, and Thomas finally took the chance to take action and shoot. Not giving the thieves enough time to reload their guns.

As soon as he fired one of his bullets at the thieves, the one that was shot had exploded into a scattering burned mess of flesh and ashes, as the thieves barely had any time to stop him, as he shoots the others before they can even react and stop him from shooting them. In just under a minute, it was a festival of bloodbath. Blood splattered, burned meat is on the ground, eyeballs hung on some wires, teeth scattered, brain matter rained onto the ground messily. After a minute of shooting...a thief was on the ground, and was lacking self, which had been lost in the explosion.

Thomas puts a foot on the thief's chest, as he gets ready to shoot the head.

"Please...have mercy."

Thomas simply spoke out.

"No Mercy."



"Tchtchtch. Careful!! The wounds hurt very badly, you know!!"

Thomas shouts out to his sister, Isabella, who is cleaning the cut wound from the gunfight with the thieves he had.

"Well, maybe you should learn to not get shot more often than not, huh?"

Isabella, while kindhearted she can be, can also be a bit of a snarky person, as she finished cleaning the wound that she had treated. She than grabs a medi-kit, pulls out some bandages, and wrapped it around both the arms and the left leg, which had pretty bad cuts present on Thomas' body.

"Sorry you had to treat me, Isabella. Really."

Thomas spoke out to Isabella, who sighs, and spoke out to her older brother.

"I know you are. careful next time, okay. I don't want to see my brother being injured...or else...go out and be killed by someone."

Thomas nodded at her, as he understood what she meant. After his sister left, he looks down at the bandages, which have a red color beginning to form, as the blood began to stain them. As he looks down, the clock than stopped, and the birds stopped in mid-air outside of his house.


As he spoke out, a familiar voice spoke out to Thomas.

"You know, she is right about one thing, Thomas."

He looks, and sees the entity, taking control of one of the planets inside of his house, with the leaves acting as the face, and the branches acting as human arms. The leaves moved, like lips, as he 'speaks' out.

"You did almost get killed when you fought against the Thieves that had attempted to take your objects. The only reason you survived is because you found a place that have items that can protect you from the bullets firing, and due to timing. But you should know, Thomas. That those things cannot always save your life all the time. You will, at times, be forced into a situation where you most fight against them head on. And not even your weapons, even with all the power they have, can help you save your life."

Thomas snarled. He hates the fact that he had to get criticized by people other than his sister. It completely irritates him, the fact that the entity had to criticize him for the fact that he had almost been killed.

"But...there is an object that can help you with the problems that involve distance."

Thomas' head perks up at the next thing that the Entity has said to him. He turns around, and spoke out.

"What Object?"

The entity smiled a bit, and spoke out.

"This object takes on the form of a sniper rifle. It can grant you perfect accuracy, giving you the ability to always aim for the killing blow, no matter how far you are at with the opponent that you are fighting against."

This made Thomas intrigued, and spoke out.

"How do I get this object?"

The entity simply smiled at Thomas, as he spoke out to him.

"You already know the answer to that."

8:30 P.M.

Thomas sighed, as he is forced to go to another Mental Institute. Honestly, it is getting on his nerves, and he has no idea why in the world it has to be mostly the Mental Institute. I mean, he did go to a different place, where he got the Object of Understanding, but that was that. Otherwise, it is mostly the institute. Taking a deep breath, he thought to himself.

'Complaining is going to get me nowhere. I just need to do the stupid task, and get the object inside the Institute.'

Taking a deep breath, he walks firmly and normally towards the door. When he got close enough, he opens the door, and goes into the Mental Institute, although rather annoyed that he has to do this again.

He walks around...and saw that the inside of a bit messier than the last one he went to. The place looks like that it has gone down to shit, as there are blood on some parts of the floor. It is clear that some of the mentally unstable patients have been in a fight against each other, as even the janitor is having stress cleaning them up, almost as if this happens on a regular daily basis.

And in another room, he hears someone screaming from the other side, like death has come to take his soul. But he ignored the screaming, and continues onward, and sees the receptionist, looking at a book in her hands. Taking a deep breath, he goes up to the receptionist, and speaks out to her.

"Excuse me..."

The receptionist tilts her head, as he than continues to speak out to her.

"I would like to meet someone called the Holder of Accuracy."

At the mention of the name, the book she holds is slammed shut, and she looks up at Thomas with an excited smile on her face. Thomas doesn't know why...but he feels very uneasy about this. Especially about what is going to happen when he meets the Holder.

The receptionist gestures Thomas to follow her, and Thomas, eager to get the object, obliges, as he stands up, and walks over to the nearest door where the Receptionist is pointing him to. She opens the door, and Thomas looked inside. It was all-consuming darkness, which is what he all can see inside of this place. But the second he stepped into the door, and into the room...the door closes, and the clock of locking was heard.


Than, a bright light began to form, Thomas can now get a view of what the place that he is inside did looks like completely. It resembles an indoor shooting. with targets and spots taken on either side of you as far as you can see. But he looks and saw that...the Seekers...they look gloomy...brainless. They are drooling, as if they are unresponsive vegetable, and their eyes are rolled on the back of their head, almost as if they are truly dead.

Thomas is a bit scared of what happened to those people, and wonders that if he fails, than he'll likely be next also. But he realized that he is starting to feel afraid, and immediately shook his head, and man's up again. He than looks around, and sees a rifle next to a table. He than remembered what the entity had spoken to him, when it involved using the rifle to shoot the targets inside of this place.

'When you use the rifle, a target will appear before you, and you need to use all 5 of them at the center. Miss with all, or even just a single miss, it will lead to a dire consequence, one that is worse than dying.'

Thomas looks at his hands. He had spent such a long time aiming and practicing with how he placed his shots. He than clenched his fists, as he spoke out to himself.

"I hope my training can pay off when I complete this task to get the Object I need."

He than goes to the rifle, that is learning against the table.

Taking a deep breath, he extends his hands, grabs onto the rifle, and walks back to the spot that he picked. He puts himself into position, raises the Sniper Rifle, and focuses the rifle to the center target. He positions it, and began to hope...that he has put himself in the correct position.

Taking a deep breath, he than slowly, but surely...pulls the trigger...and...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The shot of the bullet was fired, and Thomas see where the bullet land. To his relief...he landed it in exactly the right spot: at the center. The smoke rises from the shot, due to the heat of the friction from the bullet. Thomas sighs in relief. But know that it isn't over. He still has 4 more bullets to shoot the target. So taking the similar stance again, he aims the sniper rifle, and was preparing to fire. But to his shock, his finger acted impulsively, and before he could stop himself, he accidentally fired the bullet.


Thomas almost fell to the ground, but was able to stop himself. He quickly stood up, and looked, and to his much deeper relief, the bullet hit the center of the target again. But this made Thomas a bit more nervous, as he was now worried that he will accidentally fire the rifle without him realizing what he will do.

'I've got to be more careful of what I am about to do next. If I don't be careful...than I will accidentally miss. I need to keep my calm, focus, and I need to firmly watch myself. No mistakes mustn't be made.'

Taking a deep breath, he stood back up straight again, and raised his rifle again. He than carefully aims the rifle in his hands, and make sure that it is in the correct position. After a little while...he fired.


The 3rd bullet went into the center as well, making Thomas smiled that he was able to get a successful shot. But he knows that he shouldn't get overconfident or he's going to miss.

He gets into position once more, and raises his rifle, and was about to shoot, when suddenly...



He turns around, as he accidentally fired his gun.


He looks down, and saw that a glass bottle has dropped out of nowhere, which shattered on the floor. The bottle's contents has human blood and brain fluid. Where did that come from? He than realized that he remembering shooting. He looks around, and saw that the bullet barely missed. But thankfully, it still hit the center, which is a relief. But Thomas was still a bit startled by what just happened.

'Someone is literally trying to make me miss and get myself to be like the seekers that had failed on this. I've got to make sure that doesn't happen to me, and I must keep my cool right now.'

Taking one last deep breath, he glared at the target, and stands up straighter than before. This time, he takes position, and does this much more firmly this time, and aims the rifle in front of him, and towards the target. He began to close his he thought of the reason he had the objects right now. The death of the parents, the first shot of the gun, and desperation to keep the last remaining member of his family alive, he wants to make sure that he at least had the objects and the power that he needs to keep his sister safe. He will make sure that it will happen for him.

He than aims, slowly and carefully aiming the rifle at the center. He than spoke out.

"Okay, baby. Make this shot count, and don't miss."

He than pulls the trigger, but not enough to fire just yet. He needs to be absolutely sure that he can truly make this shot count. Taking a deep breath, he makes the rifle straight and aims almost perfectly at the center. As he closes his left eye and uses the right eye opened to aim towards the center target...suddenly...he has a feeling to has needs to shoot. As if instincts kicked in, he shoots...


At the same time he shot, the sound of another glass breaking was heard, this time from a goblet, when he turns around. This one was filled with sweat and pus. Needless to say, even he was disgusted by what he is seeing. But it doesn't matter. He turns around, and saw that made him finally relieved. The shot was perfect. He was able to aim at the center, and no form of missing was shown. He sighed, as he spoke out to himself.

"I did it. Yes!!"

He shouts, as he pumps his hands into hits in the air, with the rifle in his left hand. As he shouts out in triumph, suddenly...he feels a very sudden chill from everywhere. Thomas opens his eyes...and saw that everything was starting to break apart. The walls began to back away and disappear into darkness. The floor began to sink down, while Thomas floats in the air. The people that have failed in the test they tried to preform, had vanished. The door behind him also began to vanish from complete sight. Thomas simply floats in the void. There was no light. The entire place was complete, and absolute all-consuming darkness.

"So you must be the one that completed my trial."

He turns around, and standing before him is a man dressed in a black trench coat and a dark brown fedora, but he's not be able to see his face for some reason. The face is obscured in the shadow, and is smoking on something. The smoke oozes out of the stick of ash and marijuana, like rising liquid. Thomas realize that this is the Holder of the Object. He stares at the man uneasily, remembering the entity's warning when it comes to the Holder.

'The holder will judge you for the trial that you have passed. If he is smoking a cigar, then he does not find you worthy of continuing your journey, and will shove you into the void to fall for eternity. If he is smoking a cigarette, then he believes you are capable of progress.'

Thomas simply looks and waits for the Holder to make a move, and hopes for the best. But as he looks closer, he saw that he is smoking on a cigarette. This only meant one thing for Thomas. He has passed.

The man spoke out to him.

"You did very well, and even got lucky with the 4th shot. You really are capable of obtaining the object that I guard. But before you there a question that you would like to ask me, Seeker?"

Thomas, looking back at the man, speaks out.

"Yes...I do have a question to ask you, if I'm allowed."

The Holder tilts his head, as Thomas takes a deep breath, before he speaks out to the Holder.

"How many people tried to stop them?"

Than, he breathed the smoke of the cigarette out of his mouth, before he spoke out to Thomas, very calmly, knowing exactly, what the 'Them' that Thomas said, refers to.

"Many people, most of whom were seekers, some even Holders themselves, had did whatever they can to stop the Objects from disappearing, being taken, or being lost from the world. Many bullets, a rain, a storm, and even a bomb of bullets have been sent down to mortal existence, to try and prevent the objects from being lost forever, as the Objects are said to be so powerful, that it is believed that even one of them being lost would lead to the most dangerous and disastrous of consequences that are known to man. But no matter what they did, the objects being lost ended up getting worse, when war between the holders broke out. Wars that would have Devastated all  of the world, had everyone, even the power of the Holders, went up against each other at their fullest. Everyone was at war with each other, friends, families, holders fighting holders, loved ones fighting loved ones, there were no morals to kill the other, there were no regrets when people fight against the people they loved in their own insanity and confusion. The only way that they regret it, when they even start to regret what they have done, is when they realize what they have done to their loved ones, and only then, will the fogs and mists of cruelty and insanity lifts. But by would still be too late to even save the ones you loved, the ones you've killed. How simply. It was all of them...that tried to stop the Objects from being lost forever

Thomas nodded at the information...but he looks down sad at the fact that, in order to save the objects, you would have to kill the ones that you have loved in your whole life.

"I hope that my sister and I never fight against each other like this."

The man than summoned the rifle in his hand, and spoke out to him.

"Take the rifle, seeker. It is the Object that I guard, and you have earned ownership over it."

Although a bit hesitant, Thomas takes the Sniper on us hands, and holds the gun to himself. He looks at the Holder and says to him.

"Thank you."

The Holder nodded, and with a snap of his fingers, a strong sit of wind appears around Thomas. As Thomas looked, he saw the man, the Holder walking back into the void. When then man disappeared, Thomas is sent back outside the Institute, with the Object still in his hands, gripped tightly.

He looks around the place that he is in...thinking about what the Holder said to him back at that voice. Will that time come again? Will he be forced to fight against new friends he might possibly have soon, and...will he be forced to kill them in order to save the objects. He doesn't know...what he does this: he is going to make sure...that when he faces against the enemies that he will face again...he will make sure to not miss a single shot.


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