Guardian Angel

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As William looks at the cut in his hand, and the feelings of fear is now gone...he saw something in the mirror. It was Drystan's reflection, and it was looking at the object that William has in his hand. William instantly recognized the reflection. Drystan mentioned that the symbol on his forehead gives him the ability to communicate and command reflections, including his own. Which must mean that he...

William stood up, and holds the knife up, and spoke out.

"I got an object. Are you going to tell Drystan?"

The reflection nodded, and William spoke out.

"Well, than for get him to my location. I need to put this in that pocket dimension that he has."

The reflection looks left, and runs, and William's reflection is now seen in the mirror. It's as if Drystan's reflection has not invaded in the first place. William than sat on the bed, as he waited for Drystan to come. Finally, as if materializing from nothing, Drystan arrived, and looks at William.

Drystan gawked his head at William. For some unknown reason, he can no longer sense fear. Due to the knowledge of all human emotions that he gained from the goblet, the Object of Disaster, he can now sense all of the human emotions from everyone, as well as the ones that people are feeling now. But...the fear aspect of is as thought it has completely disappeared.

He than looked at the dagger that William has in his hand, and than looks back at William.

"This's an object, right?"

William nodded, as he gave it to Drystan. Drystan, being very careful, takes the dagger by the handle, and looks at the blood-covered metal blade. He than puts on his hood, and vanishes back to the pocket dimension.

Inside of the pocket dimension, Drystan placed into the pile of the objects that William has, which is shown to be one object higher than Thomas' objects. But Drystan...he doesn't really care. He than looks at the pile that he has, which composes of his scythe and the recently obtained goblet. Drystan sighed, as he could not forget the feeling of what he had just seen in the mind, all of the tragedies that he had to witness by seeing what was in the goblet. He places it under the Burning Winds sword, before transporting back to his house again.

He sighed, as he shook his head, and looked around the house that he is in. He than looks down, as he began to think of the dangers that he was put into, all the horrors that he had seen, all the nightmares that he is forced to endure, ever since joining in on the hunt for the objects that people are trying to get, although Drystan...William...Thomas...they are now trying to do the best that they can to seperate them so that the world that they live in, does not end by those people that want to become gods, not knowing what will really happen to them, should they objects ever come together. Which is why...they will not let it come together. While Drystan wants to be alone...even he does not want the world to be erased. In fact...he prefers to keep the whole world intact.

As he looks down, he than looks at the book that is on the counter. Drystan looks down, and held out his hand over his he cannot stop thinking about how he can deal with this.

"Oh god...there better be an object that can help me with the fear problem that I have."

Drystan than goes to the book, and began to flip through the pages. He flipped for a few minutes...until he 306...which talks about something called the Holder of the Angel. Interested, Drystan read through the book, and was relieved to see that this is exactly what he needs. Closing the book, Drystan goes outside, and goes out to find a cemetery with a statue of an Angel. Thankfully...there is a cemetery, is pretty far, by about a mile away far. Drystan sighed, but deals with it, as he began to walk to where the cemetery is.

20 minutes later...

Drystan was able to find what he needed, and saw that there is a large statue in the form of an Angel.

And as usual, the statue is very beautiful to look at...even if it does look somewhat creepy in the stony appearance that ruins it. Drystan always dreamed to hopefully one see a Angel in real life, and that would be one thing that would always excite him.

But as Drystan looked up...suddenly...the One-Eyed Seeker took control, as he had no idea if the trial that Drystan will go through will be one that he can go through successfully. But, considering how he can easily frightened, the One-Eyed Seeker decided is best that he does not take the chance. And besides...when he looks at the statue, One-Eye is filled with immense disgust, just by seeing the Angel statue that is before him. It looks like she's not have as much faith in god as Drystan himself does.

One-Eye than looks up at the Statue of the Angel at the large cemetery. The daylight of the sun glares at the sun, as the shadow covers the face of the statue. One-Eye continues to look up, as he tries the best that he can to see the face of the statue with the wings.

He took a deep breath, and looks down at the ground, and than, he looks around the Cemetery, as he sees the gravestones of those that have died of age, those that have died of disease, those that have died of murder, and those...that have their sins.

One-Eye than looks up at the statue of the Angel, before he took a breath...and finally spoke out loud.

"Show me the prisoner."

His voice echoed into the skies and the horizon beyond his position. And than...once the echoes were gone...the trial has finally activated.

The Angel Statue than looked at the One-Eyed Seeker...before it opened its mouth, even though it is made of stone, and let out a high-pitch scream. It was a scream that is so terrible and frightening, that if Drystan heard the scream that is coming from the Statue of the Angel, than he would have ran away in his fright.

But a few seconds after the statue began to scream, and Drystan suddenly feels the floor no longer under his feet, as he than suddenly fell down into what seems to be a very deep dark hole.

The Cloak of the Sky waved, as the air pushed the cloak upwards at the direction of the light, which is glaring down at the One-Eyed Seeker, as if God is furious with the trial that he has chosen when it involves the Angels, the first beings in creation. Drystan spoke out in the back of the mind

'Okay...I think I might have just insulted-'

'Not now, Drystan!'

One-Eye spoke out, as he looks down, and...there is no floor present. It is just a bottomless, empty void that he is seeing before his eyes. But the One-Eyed Seeker was not afraid. In fact, he is never created to feel fear. He was created to be ruthless and be not afraid of any situation that he is in. But he does look down, looks as though that it could go on forever. But the One-Eyed Seeker knows better, as there is always something at the bottom, it is just that he cannot see it in the shadows that covers and blankets the entire area, and not even the light from the world now above him can light up the floors.

But One-Eye does not need to wait, because he suddenly felt himself feeling a little...lighter. He looks, and saw that the ground is slowly revealing itself to him beneath his feet. And after a minute, his feet has finally touched the ground, completely unharmed.

The One-Eyed Seeker looks around, and he can hear in the back of his mind, that Drystan is sighing.

'Phew...we're safe.'

But the One-Eyed Seeker knows better, as he spoke out.

'Do not jinx it, Drystan. You are forgetting, this is only the beginning. We are not at the end. And there is always something that is blocking the end.'

He can feel Drystan blinking twice in the kind, before he spoke out.

'Heheheh...whoops. Sorry about that. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut, huh?'

One-Eye shook his head in pure, slight frustration, as he spoke out.

'Yes, Drystan. You should've stayed quiet.'

As soon as he was done communicating with Drystan, he hears a snarl. One-Eye looks up to see the source of the sound...only to discover is not just one. It was many. There are creatures inside of this dark, burden place. The creature...they seem to resemble a cross between a wolf, bear, and some tigers, with the torso being a tigers, the tail being a wolf's, and the head that resembles a bear. However, these creatures have 3 eyes that are glowing with an orange hue, and the pupils are a unique slitted shape, as it is colored white. It has 6 claws on the feet, and is about 10 feet long, as well as being 4 feet wide, and it looked so strong, that if it decided to, it can charge and dent a oil tank truck without effort.

But One-Eye did not flinch, and he sees that the creature, a large pack of the creatures, they are getting closer to One-Eye, who notices that he is still surrounded. But he looks in front of him, and they take a very slow step, and similar to a tiger, it does it in a stocking fashion, and looks as though the creatures are ready to pounce. One-Eye waited, until they got close, and closer and closed. And than...once they are within range, about half a feet close to him, he shouted out at his fullest shout.

"The Shepherd guards always the gentle lamb!"

As soon as he said that, the creatures froze...before they let out a immensely loud shriek.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The shriek was so loud that it is amazing that the One-Eyed Seeker didn't close his eyes, as the creatures continued to shriek, until they finally vanished from sight, like it is nothing but a hallucination that is played into his mind. As the One-Eyed Seeker began to look around the place that he is in...he noticed that his back is being covered in light for some reason. The One-Eyed Seeker than turned around, and saw that there is a light burning brightly behind him, and is shown to be floating for some reason. And the light is showing that the area that he is a corridor for a dungeon of sort.

One-Eye always wondered what a dungeon was like in the ancient times. And looks like he got his answer. And needless to say, One-Eye...he realized that...he should never have wished for that, because now he gets to see how horrible it is right before his eye.

'I guess it is true if what they say: be careful what you wish for. And now...I'm actually kind of regretting having to wish I can know what a dungeon looks like. Me and my stupid wish!!'

He snarled, before holding his face in his hands, and shook his head, but than calms down a minute later, looking at the light again.

The One-Eyed Seeker stares at the floating light that is before his eyes, as Drystan spoke out.

' we follow the light?'

The One-Eyed Seeker sighed, before he spoke out.

'Well...not like we have any sort of choice now, do we?'

Drystan than looks down at his feet, and calmed his nerves, before he looks at the light. After a minute of staring at the light, The One-Eyed Seeker than stepped forward, as he began to walk towards the light.

The One-Eyed Seeker continues to walk towards the light, as he looks around the place. The entire place is by far the worst dungeon he has ever seen. The creepy atmosphere and the blood and bones all over the reminded him of a story that Drystan had read when he was only 13 years old of age, and he has no idea what to think of what he is seeing right now.

One-Eye kept on walking, and...the looked so...never ending. He has seen what corridor is like that, similar to the trial involving the Holder of Sentience, but that corridor had an ending, even though it took a very long time to reach, and at that time...he was unconscious from exhaustion. This time...he is unsure how long it will take for him to reach the end this time. And even is feeling like so long. It is feeling like hours...maybe even days...since he started the trial...and he hasn't stopped waking. Shaking his head, One-Eye looked forward, than...he stopped walking...and run.

But than...he suddenly felt himself waking again...because he feels another presence. He doesn't know why...but he knows that this presence is clearly not good. After a minute...he finally reached the source of the presence that is making the feelings of such uneasiness. put it was a nightmare.

In front of a beast. It's the most terrifying thing and insane thing that he has even seen. It is slightly levitating above the ground, and the appearance of the by far the worst of the nightmares that he has seen. It has claws that and rip and tear away at his flesh, it has tentacles that can strangle about 100 people, all at once, it has horns that is capable of piercing and ripping his intestines out of his body, and the face of the is a messy nightmare. It is filled with hundreds of eyes that are fused together to make a compact eye, and yet, each of the eyes still has a eyelid of some sort. It also has a mouth that is wide and deep and dark as an abyss, and there is no teeth, with blood starting to leak out from the mouth.

But the One-Eyed Seeker...he was not afraid. He didn't repulse or even flinch at the sight of the nightmarish monster that is before his eyes. It is amazing that he is even capable of feeling this much bravery. Past seekers that have went through this part of the trial ended up being afraid, and the monster killed them in the lost brutal and violent way possible. But One-Eye, his is completely different compared to the other Seekers.

One-Eye simply walked closer and closer, until he went through the entity...and the entity spread away...and it looks as though the creature was made out of nothing more than an illusion, meant to scare him. One-Eye continued on waking, and does not stop. He kept on waking, until...he had finally reached the area where he is needed to go to.

Right before a metal door, with bars that act as windows. One-Eye looked hesitant, but immediately steels himself, as he grabbed on the handle, and enters the door. What he saw before is a sight that is so immensely disgusting, that Drystan would have puked his guts out, had he been the one in control.

Inside is a chamber of sorts, with blood, scratches on the walls, and a small thin layer of blood on the floor, and he can feel how slippery it is. One-Eye looks down, before speaking out.

'I need to take this...slow and steady. One tiny step at a time.'

He than raised his right foot, and placed it on the ground, so that he does not slip, than he does the ask for the lady. He repeats this, until he gets close to the bars...and there...did he finally see a person...and it is pretty horrifying.

'Oh god. Drystan, turn away, now!!'

One-Eye spoke out, and Drystan does as he said. And One-Eye looks back at the terrifying sight that is before his being.

Inside of the chamber...was a person. He is nailed to the wall, literally. The nails pierced his arms, shoulders, and ears, pinning him there. The man...he is now a pretty sight. He is covered in gashes and tears, and seems muscle tissue and bone shown inside of the injuries. But by far the worst injury what involves the torso. The torso has opened up, the stomach is gone. The intestines, the lungs, the kidneys...they are shown to be scattered everywhere, scattered all over and spilled all over the floor. It is as though the corpse has been bleeding for centuries to cover the whole room with blood. It is as though some sharp tools were used to do a botched dissection of sorts in order to see what the organs look like

One-Eye, for the first time, looked extremely he had never seen something as violent and brutal as this. But he shook his head, and looks at the corpse, which is still fresh, despite the fact that he must have been dead in so many eons. Taking a deep breath, he went one step closer, and spoke out to the corpse.

"Can you protect our souls from...Him?"

The corpse's eyes...snapped opened, and looks at the still-seeing eye that the One-Eyed Seeker has.

'Can I open my eyes?'

'No. Not yet.'

One-Eye spoke out. As soon as he looked into the eyes of the corpse...One-Eye can finally see it, all the terrible stuff that has been done to this man. The acts were so immensely horrifying and terrible, that there is only a handful of terrible acts that he can described. The man has been cut in the torso with white wings, explaining the organs that had been spread out, he has been forced on by females, he has been beaten to submission, making most of his teeth shot out of his gums, he has been nailed to the wall, due to using extremely sharp and durable nails, and having a flat hammer fit it through the flesh perfectly. He can even see some of the veins pop out of the injury that he is forcefully given. And inall of those scenes, he can hear the man scream and cry in agony so immensely and frightening, it is as though he is in both the deepest, most cruel circle of hell. The rest of the acts are so horrifying that it is a miracle that he did not lose his mind in the process, and thankfully, Drystan is not losing it, as he is not seeing it nor hearing it. Well...okay he did hear it, but than soon covered his ear to almost not hear it.

Amazingly...The One-Eyed Seeker has not lost his mind yet...and is still holding strong. He kept on holding it strong...until...he sees a white light beginning to cover his vision, causing him to look away, and than...he fell down hard...unconscious.


Drystan woke up on a flight of stairs. He looked around, and saw that it was daytime. It is as though timed worked differently in the trial that he was in. Speaking of which...he began to look around...and he is no longer in the cemetery. Instead, he is at a church...the one where he did the trial for the Holder of Disaster. But why is he here?

Drytan began the look around...and than...he felt something...a strange feeling in his torso.

"Ahhh...what's this...this feeling?"

Drystan spoke out, as he looked below. He put his hand over his he feels a reassuring feeling of comfort with warmth deep inside himself.

Drystan...he could not believe what he is feeling right now. Why would there be a feeling of comfort, when he is in such a dark and very nightmarish world, where there is very little hope of surviving this life that he is in now? Drystan...he doesn't understand this. He doesn't understands anything now.

He looks down...and finally understood. His has turned into an object is sorts. He he now has something way to close to make him feel better. Now, as Drystan walked back to his home...he hopes the Angels...


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