May Your Dreams come True

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Thomas is looking through his book, as he sees the instructions on how to get the objects from the Holder of Dreams, which the witty recommended him to get , if he needs to protect his sister, and needless to say...he does not like it. He has to mainly be gone for 7 days, and the problem is that his sister's birthday is only 9 days away. Which is going to lead to a very large problem. If he does not do something, than his sister will hate him for supposedly missing Isabella's parry without even knowing the true reason.

Thomas held his face in his hands, as he spoke out.

"How am I supposed to distract Isabella without making her upset?"

Thomas than began to walk back and forth around the room, as he spoke out.

"I have got to think of something...but I don't know what'll help."

"Maybe I can help, Thomas."

Thomas looks behind him, and he sees the entity, in another form, this time, taking on the form of a sunlight-constructed humanoid, with black holes as the eyes.

"Oh, you. How is it that you are going to help me with this?"

The entity smiled, as he spoke out.

"I can take on any form that I desire, Thomas. And this includes doing this."

The entity closed his eyes, and he began to change his shape. Thomas looked at the entity in intrigued silence, as he sees the colors of the entity beginning to change, as well as the entity's shape and size.

After about what seemed to be a minute, the entity looks like an exact replica of Thomas, with Thomas looking in stunned silence.

"Okay...that is actually pretty good."

The entity smiled, and spoke out in Thomas' voice.

"I'll take it from here."

Thomas nodded, as he puts on his overcoats side jacket. Now completely invisible, he spoke to the entity.

"You better take care of her, pal. Or you'll pay. You got it?"

The entity nodded.

"I will."

Thomas looked suspicious, but shrugged, and went down the stairs, his footsteps not making any sound, and he snuck through the door, before he went outside the house, and began to make a beeline for the Mental Institute that he has chosen through the laptop. Thankfully, he is not that far from the Institute, and kept in running as fast as he could, until..after a minute...he was able to reach it. He looks he saw how tall and large it is before his very own eyes, widened in awe.

Thomas looks at the front of the Mental Institute's door, before sighing, and spoke out to himself.

"This is it. I am just hoping it's just worth doing it."

Looking back up, Thomas opens the door, and goes inside of the Mental Insitute, and looks around the place. The Patience inside of this place seemed to be more docile than last time. He looks around, before he spot someone at the desk. It's the person he needs.

Taking a deep breath, Thomas than goes in front of the person that is behind the desk, and spoke out to him.

"Excuse me..."

Thomas spoke out to the person, he leaned in to hear what Thomas has to say. Thomas takes a deep breath, before finally speaking out in a calm tone of voice.

"I want to see the Holder of Dreams."

The person that is sitting behind the desk looks at Thomas straight in the eyes, and Thomas had to resist the urge to step back. It was as though the eyes are trying to drill into his soul.

"He is not here."

The person spoke out. And Thomas, than spoke out.

"Did you know where he is than?"

The man nodded, before pulling out a key from his pocket, and giving it to him. And Thomas reneging the instructions, leaves the Insitute to find a hotel to go to.

Thomas than goes out on to the street, as he began to go to the direction of the hotel. According to the Book, the first option to go, with be North. It there's not street with north or south, he just go east, than North.

Thomas than began to walk north, and for sure...he thought there would actually be a road to the north. But...there wasn't. So, looking around, he saw a road that goes East, so he turned to the East, before looking and turning to the North, and there...he saw that there is a road. Taking a steady breath, in order to calm his nerves, he walks, and continued to walk...until he finally spot the building that he needs for the Holder's trial: a hotel.

It was a pretty normal looking hotel. But Thomas knows better than to let his guard down this easily. Thanks to his Overcoat, he is able to sneak in without any problem, and went through the corridors of the hotel that he is now going to rest in. He looked at the number in his hand...and he walked calmly for several minutes, before he found the hotel. Unlocking the door, he went in, and placed his stuff on the ground, before he looked around. It wasn't bad, and it actually looked pretty good. He looked around, and saw the window. It was almost sunset, and Thomas, after having assembled his stuff, looks out the window, and waits for the stars to show up. The first stars to show up. Thomas waited...until...he finally sees a few pop up.

Not wasting time, he than goes to the bed that is the nearest to his position, and turned the lamp off that's somehow on.

Thomas than went into one of the beds, and without changing any clothes, he went under the he closed his eyes. He than began to think back...on all of the good stuff that he had..with his sister. How they painted a picture together for their parents to see. How they swung on the playground. How they had played games with their friends...and how they would sleep together, should one of them ever have a bad Dream to much to handle. Thomas he gripped the covers, and he feels the warmth of the blanket finally giving the warmth to his body. And before Thomas knew what could happen...he fell to the blanket's temptations...and he is finally asleep.

Thomas than woke he looked around. He looked out of the window...and saw that it is daytime. He looked, and saw that it is 6:30 in the morning.  Thomas than looks down...and remembered.

" is finally time. The trial is now. I should be ready."

Thomas than took his backpack, made the bed, and walked out of the hotel, and does not go to the mental institute to return the key. Instead...he goes to his home. And inside...he is noticed by his sister, Isabella, due to the fact that he has his overcoat off.

"Thomas, you're home!!"

Isabella ran to him, and hugged his older brother, with Thomas hugging his sister back. Thomas he continues to hug his sister, and looks out the window...only to see, for a split second...a bony finger, rising up from the window. This made Thomas panicked a he knows something is now starting to go completely wrong...and it's against him.

"Thomas, are you okay? You look a little...scared."

Isabella spoke out to Thomas, as she noticed the facial expression of worry that is now present on his very face. Thomas looks down, and spoke out.

"Yeah...I'm okay. Thought I saw...something wrong?"

Isabella nodded, as she spoke out.

"Oh, well...okay."

Isabella than let's go of Thomas, as he looks down at his overcoat, and he spoke out.

"This is not good. That means that I am about to meet whatever this trial has in store for me. I just hope that, whatever it is...I am ready to deal with this thing."

7-day timeskip...

But Thomas...was wrong. Too wrong in fact.

He believed that he was ready to face off whatever horrors would come in his way when the trials finally are shown to him. But he was not prepared for what they were about.

At first, nothing happen, and he was doing his normal, usual routine...until the third day...where Drystan has been killed. And the way he was was beyond brutal. His was mutilated beyond imagine, and there is no way that Thomas could describe what it looked like. This made him very afraid, as he realized that something is seriously up. Than, in the 6th day...William had also been killed, and the way he was was the same thing as Drystan's body. There was simply no way to describe the way it looked like when William is completely killed. He grieved for them in both of their funerals. It didn't take long for Thomas to realize who will be next. The next and last person to be killed...will be his very own sister. Which is why...William finally made a decision. He has to leave her alone, and hopefully, he can pretend that he does not know her, when Isabella sees him again.

Thomas ran out of the house, as he goes to find something they found help him with the problem her he has, and hopefully...he can think of a solution to help him.

"(Pant)(Pant)(Pant)(Pant) I...I've got to...(Pant)...get out of the city!! And fast!!!"

Thomas than ran as fast as he he tries to find a way to get out of the city. He tries to get far away from the city as much as possible, as he tries to make sure that his sister does not die, because Thomas believes that...with him around, he could put his own, dear sister into her coffin. running away from her, he can protect her from her demise.

Thomas ran and ran and ran, and he spot a bus stop that he can use, and there is already a bus present. So, without wasting time, he went inside of the bus, which than allowed him up, and he drove out. Thomas held his head, as his eyes shook at what he is experiencing.

His 2 friends...Drystan and William...they have been killed by whatever it was that had killed them. He doesn't know why. He doesn't know how they are it should not be that likely for humans in this area to act this murderous.

Thomas than shook his head, as he looked down at his hands, before finally getting off of the bus. He looks around...and saw the trees around him. Thomas sighed in he thought he got away. But...

"THOMAS!!!! There you are!!!! Why did you run away?!"

Thomas' eyes widened, and his head jerked up, as he heard Isabella's voice getting close to him. He cannot believe what he just heard. He just got out of the city that he is living in!! She shouldn't be able to find him in such short notice!!

"How is she..."

Thomas whispers to himself...before finally realizing why. Because he now matter what he matter how many times he had to run away...she'll always find him. And now...he will always be too late for her. Thomas...knowing how close she is right now...closed his eyes...and brace for the screams of agony that will appear on the area that he is in right now. He waited...and waited...



He can hear his sister...screaming behind him. Thomas flinched...but only slightly. All he can say in his mind:

'I'm so sorry...Isabella...'

He can only do he closed his eyes, and he is forced in a position where he has to hear the tormented, pained cries of pure agony, of his younger sister, as she's being killed by whatever it is that is attacking and succeeding to kill her. The guilt in Thomas is eating his soul up, as he is forced to hear the horrible pained screams that Isabella is crying out.


He can hear his sister screaming in pain, and he is well terrible it really is. But even though he does know, there is nothing he can do to help his sister out of this. If he dare to try and turn around, even for the slightest bit...than he'll meet a fate far worse than even death itself.

Thomas looks down...and in his mind...he is sobbing in pure anguish. He is sobbing...that his sister...the one person that he has promised to keep safe...she is now being slaughtered by whatever it is that is behind his back, and he can do nothing. Thomas had to resist the urge to cover his hands, he had to trust the urge to turn around, he had to resist the urge to scream, he had to resist the urge to cry...and above all else...he had to resist the urge...

 save his dear, younger sister.

It took about 5 minutes...until...the screams finally stopped. Thomas...he is afraid to turn around...but knows that he has to...or it will not progress. So...with the remaining courage that he has in his very soul...his very mind...his very heart...Thomas turns around...and he looks at the sight in front of him...

Thomas looked in utter horror and shock, as well as sadness and disbelief, or at least...he wanted he sees the corpse of his sister.  He wanted to cry out in anguish and agony, he wanted to scream and curse the entity for suggesting this sort of thing. H wanted to punch his hand on a hard wall, until all the flesh and the muscles in his body...are off of his hands.

Her has been mutilated beyond recognition. Her face is gone, leaving behind some muscles and her skull, which takes the place of her face. Her chest is ripped out, showing her heart and rib cages. Her legs have been torn off her body, and so are her arms. Her ears look as though they have been bitten. Her stomach, heart, and her intestines are shown, as the flesh that held her bush can now no longer cover them. Blood began to leak out of her body, as it began to spread on the ground, and the blood is spreading so much...that it is almost reaching Thomas. Her body, the flesh is beginning to decay at a rather fast rate, as more bones began than appear from where the flesh of her body once was placed in.

Than...he felt something. A tap on his shoulder...but he dared to not turn around, for he has no idea what will happen to him next. He continues to look at the corpse, as a voice behind him spoke out.

"Did you enjoy that?"

Thomas closed his eyes, as he clenched his fist, as blood began to leak out of the palms of his hands. But he lessened his hands, with the blood dripping down the tips of his fingers. Thomas looks at the corpse, and spoke to the person that is behind him.

"How dear one?"

There was first. Than...the figure that is behind him rose up, and pointed at the corpse of his sweet, dear sister. Thomas was confused...but than...he felt something...and it was feeling like some sort of pull...wanting him to come forward. Thomas took some cautious steps...he took one step...and his shoe already touched blood. He took a second step, the same as the first. He than took a third step...and the blood leaked into the shoe, and onto his shock. He can feel his feet being drenched in blood. He can smell the blood of his sister, leaking into his nostrils. He than took one last step...and looks down...and saw something shining inside of her rip cages, surrounded by her decomposing torso.

Thomas...not wanting to feeling for long, plunged his hand into the rip cage, grabbed the item, and yanked it he let out a strangled gasp. He than looks down at his clench fist...and opened it to see what it is that he grabbed. What he was a trinket...made from the flesh and bone of his corpse of his dead sister.

Thomas' holding a trinket in his hand, as it dangles and swings a little bit. He gripped it in his hands, as he feels the blood and flesh that is dangling on the chains of the trinket. He looks so...saddened...that he is seeing his sister...dead before his eyes, and he began to cry, as he dropped to his knees, before, he finally cried.

Finally...after so long, holding back his emotions...he finally cried in the agony...that he failed to make his parents proud by protecting his sister. His now dead at his feet...and there is nothing he could do to save her he is forced to do nothing. That he is forced to do this trial. Their cruel, unforgivable, fucking trial, that he caused him so much suffering in a span of just 7 days. he looks down, with tears coming out of his eyes...he sees something that made him stop crying, and made him terrified. The ground beneath him...It's now gone.

"Oh no..."

Than, he began to fall, as he held tightly in the trinket.

Thomas could feel the wind blow past his ears, as he tries to hold on tight. He falls down for a very long time...until, he...he is now in the Darkness beneath his being.


Thomas yells out, as he jolts awake. He looks around...and he sees that he is back in the hotel. He looks around...before looking down, and sees the is still in his hand. Thomas than looked at his phone. And he was shocked. 7 days have past.

"How did this happen?!"

Thomas couldn't believe what he has seen before his eyes. How is it possible?! Humans shouldn't be in bed for this long, unless they are in a coma. But as he looked down...he remembered someone.

"Isabella!! Oh, no!!!!"

Thomas than became a little scared for his sister. So without wasting any more time, he jumped out of the bed, not bothering to tidying it up, put on the coat and the backpack with his guns inside, and began to run as fast as he can to where his house is at, with the trinket held tightly in his hand, as it dangled with the wind pushing the silver trinket.

He ran and ran as fast as he could...until he finally reached his house. He looks, and sees that Elisabeth...she is still okay. She is not hurt. Thomas was frozen...before he sighed with relief, as he realizes that his friends are alright as well. He fell to his knees, and he held his face, as he can finally breath again, now that he knows that his sister is not killed. Thomas looks down...and sees the trinket in his hands. He smiled, as he spoke out.

"You'll be the gift that will save my sister's life. I hope it never fails me."

He looks, as he takes out his keys, opened the door, slowly, before he gets out of the door, and takes the objects to his room. He than takes out his wallet, as he ran to the bakery to by his sister a birthday cake.

"Isabella...I hope you will like the gift I'll give to you."

He spoke out to himself, as he ran forward. But as he did...the entity appeared in front of him.

"'ve arrived. And you are going to by her a cake, I see. I told her that I would do that, while pretending to be you, Thomas."

Thomas nodded, as the entity spoke out.

"So you are giving to her on her birthday, yes? It is a perfect time to give it to her, because she will need it. It is an object that will forever be stuck to her in order to protect her. And not let me play the job of babysitter, okay? She is a pain to be patient with her."

Thomas smiled, as the entity went away. He than turns to bakery shop, and...taking off the Overcoat, runs to the bakery.

2 days later...


Isabella's friends showed up for her birthday party. There were balloons floating on the ceiling, there is a cake on the table, there are presents all over the counter, and more importantly, all of her friends are wearing party hats. Isabella looks immensely happy, as she sees her friends around them, and her brother with her as well. Isabella smiled, as she spoke out.

"Ohhh...thank you all for coming to my birthday!! It's so nice of you to meet me here!!"

Everyone smiled at her, as they than gave out their gifts to Isabella. She than looks, and saw that there are some gifts that she deeply liked, as well as some that she has always wanted, but never got it. Than, after a whole, Thomas goes last.

"Hey, Isabellla...I' you a present as well."

Isabella smiled, as she spoke out.

"Well...what is it?"

Thomas than took out the trinket, and spoke out.

"It may not be the best one...but it is the only one I could think of that you might like."

Isabella looks, and smiled.

"Thomas...I love it!!"

Thomas smiled, as he hugged his sister, who than hugs back. He than separated from her, so that she can wear the trinket around her neck.

"I always wanted to have a necklace!!"

Thomas nodded, she smiled, exhausted, as she spoke out.

"Well, let's have some cake, shall we?!"

Isabella's friends nodded, and spoke out 'yes' together, and they went to the table. Thomas looks, as he smiled, before he spoke out.

" enjoy my time with her while it lasts."

Thomas spoke out, as Isabella spoke out to her brother.

"Come on, Thomas. Enjoy the cake. You won't get a second chance, you know!!"

Thomas smiled, as he spoke out.


He than goes to the table, and starts to enjoy the cake while it lasts. the day that his spirits have risen.

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