Music is a means of Catharsis

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10:45 P.M.

Thomas is looking a little bit stressed lately, as he is wearing his Overcoat, and is sitting on a bench. This is because of the fact that...he had just gotten himself into another form of trouble again, and this is with a group of treasure hunters that have tried to take his objects out of his hands. And unlike the rest of the people that he had met, the thieves that had tried to take his stuff from the past, they were actually more challenging, due to the fact that they had guns themselves. hour ago...9:40 P.M.

Thomas was climbing up the ladder as fast as possible, and he runs away, with his feet not stopping for a rest or a break or anything. Behind him are a group of treasure hunters, who have rifles and machine guns, and they are firing in the direction of where Thomas' going. Thomas jumped out of the way, as the leader of the treasure hunting group shouted out at Thomas.

"I am only saying this once, kid! Give us the objects that you have, and you will not be harmed."

Thomas, on the other hand, thought otherwise, as he pulled out his Rifle, and fired a shot at the one who spoke to him, right at the head, as blood splattered all over the large building's roof.

He than turns back around, and jumps off of a building, and thankfully, it wasn't tall enough to break his bones, although it did kind of strain his legs. He than puts on his Overcoat, and became invisible, as he ran away from the area as fast as he can.

Flashback end...

"Uuughhhhh...first...the thieves, and now...the treasure hunters. I just can't seem to catch a break for once, now can I?!"

He than pinched his nose, as he got up, and went back towards the house. He opens the door quietly and calmly, as he closes very that he does not make a ruckus that can wake up his sister, who is now asleep.

He than calmly went up the steps, and not make any sort of sound, and than...after a little while...he finally reached his room.

Thomas takes off his pajamas, and than, he puts on his overcoat, as he plans to sleep in it, as well as sleep underneath the covers of his bed, and than, he finally went into the bed...but for an unknown reason...he can't sleep. He is feeling like that he is missing something very important. Or rather...feels like that something is making him stay up all night. As if his body is beginning to move on its own.

He than reached for the book, turned on the lamp...and opened it, and began to look through the object that he should be finding. He continues to look through the boom for about 5 minutes, before he finally reached a page that had the title on it, which is called 'The Holder of Catharsis', which is on page 411

Thomas than began to read through the book's instructions very slowly and carefully, before he looks out at the window...and spoke out to himself.

"I'll do it tomorrow."

He puts a bookmark on the page, and goes back into his covers...and begins to sleep.

The next day...9:00 A.M.

Thomas is walking on the sidewalk, as he tries to find the place that he needs to go to find the object involving the Holder of Catharsis. Unlike the other trials...he needs to do this in a single-structure retirement home. Thankfully...he used a normal computer to locate the nearest one to his location. So he said goodbye to his sister, and went out.

He continued to walk along the streets for a total of about 25 minutes, before finally reaching the place that he's instructed to go to.

Thomas looks in front of the retirement home, as a single structure, and without any form of hesitation, he went inside, and began to look for the receptionist, but not before wearing the overcoat like a cape, and tying the sleeves around his neck, so that his invisibility could be turned off. It took him about a minute to find him. He goes forward, and spoke out to the receptionist at the desk.

"Excuse me..."

The receptionist leans his head, as if wanting to listen what Thomas wants to say. Thomas takes a deep breath, as he spoke out.

"I would like to see...the Holder of Catharsis."

The Receptionist...he did not say anything. And instead, he chose to remain silent now. Thomas looks, and saw that he is not standing up, which means that he has to go to the nearest restroom. Thomas turns around, and looks at the north, and saw that the door to the restroom not there. He turns to the south, and saw that the Restroom is a little far, he than turns to the East...and that Restroom is the closest to him. Taking a deep breath, he goes to the East, and opens the door, as he sees that the restroom around him is pretty clean, and does not smell bad. There is a pair of sinks with a couple of mirror above all 2 of the sinks that's present.

He than takes a deep breath, and interlocks his hands in a prayer, before he goes and goes in front of the mirrors. He stares...and he noticed that there is something that is really wrong. The face of the is not matching his face. He is currently frowning. The is beginning to move its mouth...into a smile. slowly changes its expression again...and this time, into a expression of grimace. changed its facial features again, this took on the form of a scowl. And took on another form, and the expression it a sneer. But throughout al the changes, he changes his face into the exact same expression that the reflection is doing. He has perfectly copied the first 4 expression it had made, but than...the expressions that it is making are a little bit more difficult to do, and Thomas has a really hard time keeping up with it. The expressions became more and more extreme, and Thomas feels like his face is about to fall off, due to how immensely sore it is in trying to mimic it. But he still kept on trying the best he can to mimic the faces that his reflection makes...all to get the object.

But as he kept on mimicking, the reflection of the room that he is in began to change. It is beginning to darken, like the void is there to consume the room. Thomas almost broke eye contact, but he stopped himself quicker than even he could realize what could happen, and continued to mimic the expression that his reflection is making. He is still going, and is trying to keep on going for as long as he can.

After what seems to be a total of 10 minutes of mimicking expressions...the Reflection stopped...and is now expressionless, meaning that he has succeeded. But Thomas knows...this is not over just yet. In fact...the next that he needs to breath in as deeply as he can, and humming, and as he thought of that, as soon as he began to exit the restroom...he is now in a corridor that is rather dimly lit.

It is a pretty scary sight that he is presented before him, but he knows that he cannot let it get in the way of what is important for him right now.

He turns to the exit...and began to breath in as deeply as he could, until it reaches its full capacity.

After his lungs have reached the full capacity it can take...Thomas than began to him in a low tune, and began to walk. But as he walked...he began to hear the sounds of footsteps coming from the right. He turns around, and he saw that there's a dim, transient figure, its physical boundaries vague, drifting away from Thomas. He than turns to the left, and continues to hum.

Thomas continues to go forward, as he tries the best that he can to avoid the doors., as they are making a bizarre collection of sounds. At first, out had sounds like faint cries and mumbling, than, he hears the sounds of cries for help...and 2 of them are of his parents.



Thomas wanted to believe it, but he knows his heart...the voices are a trick to lure him out of the trial, and for him to meet a terrible fate. He cannot allow that to happen. He needs to continue this trial, and now be distracted. So...he ignores the voices, and continues onward. The voices than changed again, and this time, it is a bit monstrous. The sounds are replaced by bare walls and various sounds of clawing and dulled thuds. He does not look back, and continues to hum.

Thomas has reached the end of the corridor, and saw that there is a circle that is made out of nothing more than chalk,

and that there is a door in front of him. But it was not closed for long. As soon as he stepped onto the circle, the door began to open, and moonlight began to pour out through one of the windows present.

Than...he suddenly feels the blow of an immensely harsh wind, which Thomas knew if doming from the door that is at the end of the corridor. He than went into the circle, turn away, sat down, and continues to hum his tune in various ways, being high, low, and in between, and all form a single theme that is very beautiful.

And from the door, he can hear something...familiar voices, such as his parents and his sister, in an unfamiliar tone. The tone that they spoke is filled with pure immense hate. And they spoke words to him that are very saddening to hear.






The voices that he is is so...unbearable. It is so painful to even hear and it is very difficult to not cry, as the voices that he his hearing...they feel so genuinely filled with hate. Thomas almost felt like he cannot take it any further, and he almost felt like he is about to choke, just as he tries to continue humming, and is doing all that he can to not turn around, and to not leave the circle that he is sitting around.

But Thomas knows that he cannot stop the voices from coming into his head. But he doesn't need to. He just needs to remind himself of one thing: what he is hearing, the familiar voices that he is now listening to...they are not real, they are not actually real voices. They are not what people actually think of him. He needs to keep on humming as much as possible, and focus on humming as much as possible, because if he does not keep on focusing on it, than he is going to pay dearly for it, and he will never get the object. He needs to do this and keep going.

He continues to keep on humming, and he can still hear the voices of those that are behind the door that is having his back face. Although it is rather too much for him to handle, he knows that he has to keep on doing this, and has to keep on going. He he did. He kept on going and going and going, never hesitating in his humming, unless he needs to breath through his mouth, and the is completely impossible to do. He must not stop. He cannot stop humming, he should not stop humming the tune that he is humming.

Than suddenly...Thomas stopped humming. He didn't cry in the trial, as he knows that his parents would never say stuff like that to him. The wind stopped blowing, and he stood up, and sensed something behind him. He turns...and than, he was finally able to see the object.

Behind a small bone flute, laying in the boundary of the chalk circle. Thomas than walks towards the flute, before bending it down, and picking it up. He than looks around, and shouted out.

"Where is the Sanctuary?!"

Than a voice spoke out.

"The the place that you can call home."

Thomas than looked he looks at the Bone Flute, before he held it to his mouth, and blow into it.

A high-pitch sound does not escape from the Bone Flute. No, instead, Thomas' own humming was the one that had came out. The humming was very calming, like he is aware of what his home is, and that he belongs somewhere. It was so peaceful, and is so, very scary, because the sound of a heartbeat was heard.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As he continued to play the bone flute, he than began to smell something. The smells so familiar to him...with no other way to describe it. He ham, he felt his strength being snapped away from him. He tried to stay awake...but...there is nothing he could do. He than felt his eyes grow heavy...and he feels his body collapse into the grass, that is immensely he feels himself losing his ability to feel touch.


Thomas than felt himself on something warm, yet very hard. He stood up, and noticed that he is outside of the retirement home. He looks around, and saw that the Bone Flute is still in his hand. He clenched his he looks at the Bone Flute in his hand, and examines it, wandering how it is able to recreate his humming. He than looked down...and remembered the last warning that the Book has mentioned in this part of the trial.

'Within a week, find a patch of dirt and bury the Object, else, the view of your mind's blue sky will turn dark; the rivers flowing in your inner space will cease to churn, and soon grow stagnant. Stay too long and you'll cease to exist as an individual, losing your sense of self completely.'

Thomas looked down, and than at his he remembers that...there is one patch of dirt that he can bury it in. The patch of in his backyard...and it is a pretty small dirt patch.

He sighed, as he stands up, and looks at the Bone Flute that is in his hand. He than spoke out to himself.

"What happens after a week passes. Do I get to dig it out of the ground again, and finally be able to use it?"

He than looks around, and sees that his hometown is a little far away, and is a 45 minute run.

"I'll have to find this out by myself. Right now, I cannot waste any time. I need to get out of here."

He than puts on the overcoat, making himself invisible and so that nobody is able to see him, and Thomas, he than jogged down the steps, before he full-blown sprints away, and gets to the house as fast as he can, and hopes that he is not too late. He gripped the Bone Flute tightly in his hand, as he runs back to the house as fast as he could. And luckily, he is a pretty fast runner. He ran so fast that he was able to keep on running for around 15 minutes. He does get tired, but he speed walked to save some time left.

After about nearly 59 minutes, nearly reaching an hour, Thomas finally entered his home, the key gripped tightly in his hand, and he unlocked the door. He than went inside, and closed the door. By the time he had locked the door, almost at the exact same time, the clock reached a full hour, with only about 3 seconds to spare.

"Phew. That was way, way, way too close."

He spoke out to himself. He than looks up, and decided to go up the steps. He than takes off his overcoat, puts the flute under the bed, and takes a shower. Luckily, his sister is someplace else, at one of her friends, going on a type of play date of some sort. So there is no use of worrying of her sneaking behind him and noticing the strange objects that he has.

He turns the handle to the left, as he feels the hot water touch his body, and he began to clean himself to get rid of the sweat that has been made from the running. He than looks down at his feet, as he spoke out to himself.

"I should wait for 6 days, so that I can bury the flute. I could to it today, but that would make it long enough for any of the thieves to try and get the flute from the ground. would be a better do it sooner than later circumstance. But in this instance, it is better to do it later than sooner."

He than looks down at his hand, which has some sweat washed off by the water, as he nodded his head to himself, believing that what he needs to the correct choice of action to take.

6 days later...

Thomas went outside, wearing the Overcoat does not notice that he is about to do something to the Bone Flute, which Isabella does not know about, and went to the small patch dirt. He gripped the Bone Flute on his hand, and began to bury it with his bear hands, before stuffing the Bone Flute into the patch of dirt. But the thing is...he is doing it all at night.

It took a pretty long time, as he does not want to get caught invisible by anyone, but eventually, with time and effort, he was able to bury the object into the ground.

He than wiped the sweat off of his forehead, as he looks down at the dirt patch the flute's in.

He looks at it for several minutes, before he turns around, and goes into his house. He slowly and carefully opens the door, so he does not make any sound that could wake up Isabella, than he goes up the stairs, and than, into his room. Going to the closer, he carefully opens it, hangs his coat, and than goes to the bed, as he pulls the covers over his body. He than closed his he waited for the day to come back. So day...he can continue...


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