Tomorrow is another day

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William...he is now fighting against some of the thieves that are trying to take his objects away from his hands. He has no idea why, but somehow, they were able to locate where he is, and he still had his cloak on. It looks like they somehow are able to do fire out the cloak's properties, and are using some type of goggles that are now allowing them to see where he is right now.

He is running as fast as he can, as he jumps over some of the trash cans, and than, he jumped across a car that no one is driving. He can feel the bullet of a sniper rifle gun whizzing past his leg, as he tries all that he can to get away from the thieves that are trying to take away his objects.

He than climbed up the ladder, as he began to run away from the group as much as he can. He than pulled out his iPhone to try and call Drystan, and than...the voice spoke out.

"Hello? Who's this?"

Drystan's voice spoke out.

"Drystan, thank god!! Listen, I need your help. I am being chased by some thieves that want my object, and they have somehow found a way to get around the power of my cloak. I need you to get me out of the place that I am in, right here and now!!"

Drystan than spoke out.

"I'll be there soon!"

The call than ended, and William continues to run. He than felt a bullet whizzed past his head, and this caused him to bend his head down. But this has proven to nearly get William killed. Because as soon as he bender his head down, he than tripped over the edge of the building's roof, and his body fell down to the ground.

"OH CRAP!!!"

He shouted out, as he feels that his body is now starting to fall down. He can feel the wind blowing against his body, as his body starts to fall down as fast as it could. But William is trying to do all that he can to prevent himself from falling down way to fast.

But as he looks down, he than saw that a hand has reached out and grabbed him by the collar, as he is suddenly pulled down much faster. But...when he looked around...he saw that he is now not on Earth, but is Joe in the pocket dimension with the silence and the rain. This can only mean one thing for William.

"Oh good. You are okay!"

William than turns around, and saw that Drystan is here with him, with a grateful smile on his face.

"Drystan! Thank god, you got me out of there in time!"

Drystan nodded, as he spoke out.

"Well...I'm glad that I got you out of there as well. That would have been a pretty nasty fall for me to have to deal with, if I had found you dead."

William than spoke out.

"Heh, tell me about it. Well...thanks, you mind if I can read my object book in this dimension?"

Drystan spoke out.

"Sure thing. I'll stay in this dimension, so that I can know that you are done."

William smiled, before he went into his backpack, and pulled out his book. Thankfully, and even more so...most of his objects, besides the Cloak of Hate and the White King's Sword, are inside of this dimension, and so, his stuff is completely safe.

William than began to look through the book for a little bit, before he ran into a page, with the title written at the top, which is called, 'The Holder of Tomorrow' which is on page 408. William than began to read through the book, and tries the best he can to pay attention to the instructions that are written in it. After a little while...he than closed the book, puts it back into his backpack, as he spoke out to Drystan.

"Hey, Drystan..."

Drystan turns around, and he was playing with his phone.

"Yeah, what is it? You need me to take you to a mental institute?"

William nodded, and Drystan grabbed William by the shoulders, as he spoke out.

" we go."

He than takes off his hood, and they are teleported in front of the institute. Drystan than spoke out.

"Call me when you are done, okay?"

William nodded, as he goes in and entered the building.

He looked around the building that he is in, and saw that many of the patients are in between behind hostile and docile. Some of them are sitting around, and they are doing nothing, while others are attacking people in sight, without any regard to what they are doing to effect other people.

He than looked around, and saw the person at the desk. He walked over and spoke.

"Excuse me..."

The person at the desk than bends their head to the left, as if waiting to hear what William is about to say. William takes a deep breath, before he spoke out to them.

"I want to see...The Holder of Tomorrow."

The person at the desk looks very confused at William, but than looks down, and brings out a drawer, and picked up something. They than placed it on the table, which is revealed to be a key, Golden, and rusted.

William looks down, and picked up the key from the table, and than turns to look at the person again, who than points behind William. William than turns around, only to see that, behind William...there is a cabinet that is also as rusted as the golden key that he is holding in his hand.

William than goes to the cabinet...and examined it for a little bit, before he looks down at the key that is in his hand. He than holds the key out of his fingers, and began to try and put it in the keyhole. But it is a lot tougher than it lets on.

"Come on. Fit you piece of..."

He snarled out, before he twisted the keyhole; and a click was heard coming from the cabinet door. He than opened it up, to reveal that it is a flute.

It looks pretty new, but William could tell that it is a lot older than it looked. But he has no idea how old it is. He reached for the flute, and although he hesitated a little bit...he than got his act together, and grabbed onto the flute tightly.

He than looks at the flute, and examines it a little bit, before he turns around, and exits out of the building. But when he does get out...he is now somewhere else, and in a place that he did not expect to go to. He is supposed to be in a street of some kind, outside of the buildings that should be surrounding the mental institute. But...he is not anywhere around here. In fact, he is now somewhere else, in a place that is completely different from the other places that he has seen during his time as a seeker of the objects.

He is now what seems to be at a barren cliff of some kind, and it is nighttime. The stars are present in the sky that is above the world that he has entered now. He goes close towards the harem cliff...and he looks down. And...just like with the Holder of Thunder...he is he had that he did not do that. There is literally no way to see the bottom. It is as thought he is straight-up to high to even see the bottom of the cliff that he is standing on top of right now.

He than feels something...a very powerful wind. It is so strong, that William thought that he was going to be launched off of his feet, and into the stars. He than runs as far away from the cliffside as possible, and than turns back around, as he took out the White King's Sword, and stabbed the ground with all of his might, and held onto it for fear life, and in hopes that the gale will stop soon.

But as time goes on, the gale seems to grow even more powerful than it ever did before. And is now 29 minutes...and it is at it's strongest yet, rocks began to spin around and fly up into the air, and even a single Boulder began to float up into the air, as the winds are now so strong  to pick them up.

William than looks down at the flute...and believes that this is the time to play. So...after a little bit of struggling, as the wind grew a tiny bit stronger, he than held the flute to his mouth, and began to play it, before the strongest wind he is inside of could be over.

After he played it...he can hear the notes of the flute began to echo across the starry horizon, and across the landscape that he is seeing before his eyes. He can hear the notes of the song resonating, he is so focused on the song, he than looked down...and noticed that there is something very wrong.

"Wait!!! Woah!!! What the fuck??!!!!"

William shouted out, as he can see what was happening. The wind is now picking up William's body, as he gripped tightly onto his sword, which he puts back into his sheathe, and the flute, which is still gripped tightly on his hand. He almost began to panic for his life, but than realized that doing that might cause a problem that he does not want to have for himself to deal with, and instead, he chose to remain as still as possible. But he is still panicking inside of his mind, as he is actually shown to be very afraid of heights, and is scared to die from it.

"What am I supposed to be in?! A tornado??!!! IT'S THE MOST FUCKING RIDICULOUS MOMENT OF LIFE!!!!"

William shouted out at the top of his lungs, as he can feel the warm air beginning to make him float and swim across the starry night. He than sees that he is ascending upwards into the starry night. The darkness of the sky, it is strangely so...relaxing. William was about to lessen his shock, but than...he saw something coming towards him.

"What in the world? What is that?"

He than looks a little bit closer than before...and noticed something.

It is a glowing white is floating down, and is approaching William. And after a minute...the humanoid is in front of William. It looked like a cross between female and male, but he cannot tell what it looks like, due to the fact that it is literally glowing a very white color. William looks, as he sees the humanoid entity getting even close to him. It is as though he is looking directly into a star, except that the glow is now harmful to him when he stares directly into the shine that the entity is making. William could feel his spoke tingle, as he has no idea what to do. Than...the humanoid entity than leaned next to William's ear, speaking in both male and female voices.

"It's something, isn't it?"

The glowing white man spoke out in his ear. William almost believed that the glowing man is friendly...but he knows better than to believe that, as his experience with the other trials made him very hardened, and made sure that he is not able to believe in this one, as he knows that this glowing white man is not innocent. Besides...he can feel the sinister scent of his voice directing towards himZ William closes his he tries the best that the can to remember what it is that he needs to say, before he looks up, turns around, and speaks to the man, who's entire body is glowing as bright as a star.

"And what of Tomorrow?"

This sends a sudden reaction, as he can see that the appearance of the glowing humanoid began to chain he into something that William is unsure what the Glowing Man is transforming into right now. Than...he looked in the sight of the person began to take a change that is very, very grotesque.

'Oh my fucking god...'

William thought to himself. The body of the person that he is now facing...the glowing white man has lost his shine...and he is now shown to be something even more foul and disgusting than before. He has now taken on the form of a black, rotted corpse, as he seemed to have lost all sense of life, and he...he looks as though he is a puppet on stings right now, because he is now being pulled upwards.

He than looks up above the corpse, that is being pulled above towards the sparkling heavens, and than...all of a sudden...he sees a picture of some sorts. But these pictures make no sense for him, in his eyes, as they seem to be so incredibly vague and so mysterious. He wanted to understand what the pictures above him represent...but than...he remembered what the book had said about this part of the trial.

'Be warned, for the pictures will give you vague clues of what the world may bring. Do not interpret these messages, for simply the knowledge of what does not exist will rend you insane.'

So he ignores the knowledge that he is given, and instead, focus on what he is now inside of right now. But longer matters. soon as he began to look around...he can feel the wind no longer carrying him, and he looks down...and realizes...that the wind has stopped, and that he'll fall down.

He can feel himself rocketing down towards the ground, and looks at his flute. This is the moment that he needs to play it. He than held the hole to his mouth, and began to play it,

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The songs of the flute that he is now playing with his dying lungs, they are rebounded, and yet, they are still very beautiful. But as he looked down...he saw that a gaping darkness is now forming beneath him, as if it is a mouth that is ready to swallow him whole.

'Oh no...'

He said, as he saw that he is now falling, and he began to look upwards, as his back, is facing downwards. He than looked down, only to see that there is a blackness that is sucking on the light, and it is similar to a black hole, as it is sucking a bunch of stuff into itself, and even he can feel himself being pulled towards it...or maybe just the feeling to the fall that he is having in the moment.


William shouted, panicked, as he began to try and reposition himself onto where he does not have to panic, but it was not working, and he is completely locked into the position that he is inside of right now.

William than remembered what the book said about this part of the trial.

'Shut your eyes and do not breathe, for you now exist in the Dark Void.'

He has no idea what will happen if he sees and breathe, while he is in the void, but he does not want to find out what will happen. So he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, and gripped onto the flute as tightly as he could, as he than fell down into the blackness.

William...he has no idea what is happening right now. He feels himself no longer falling down to the ground...but he also feels like he is not in the ground. It is so scary, that he has no idea how to describe it. He want to open his eyes...but he does not want to know what will the Black Void look like when he does. He want to smell, to breath...but he has no idea if there is any air inside of the place that he is inside of, especially...since this is a place made entirely...of nothingness.

Than...he feels something...the is beginning to pull. He has no idea why, but he can feel the flute beginning to move on its own accord, as he is being dragged into the infinite absence of life, the eternal blackening of the void, as it surrounds him. He has no idea what he is feeling...if he is even feeling anything in the void, or it could be his imagination. But for some reason, he feels a cold brush of some kind, but it was very different from wind, as this brush as less harsh, and it a little soft.

William than began to fly through the void, as everywhere he turns, he will always see the endless darkness that surrounds him. He than opens his eyes, and sees the flute...and it is beginning to crack. And it is cracking even more, until it began to cover the flute, and the glow of the flute began to flicker, and start to dim...and than...


The flute broke...into so many pieces, as the void began to fill up the shards that are now everywhere. He than reached the end of the tunnel, and than...a shining bright light filled the place that he is in, as he does not open his eyes, and is unsure what will happen if he looks at the bright light, and so...he is now forced to wait...into the light dies down. After a minute of waiting, right now...he is outside, and looks as though he has not entered the trial on the first place.

"Where's my object?"

William spoke out, as he put a hand in his pocket. But than...he felt something in his pocket. He than got curious...and when he gripped the object, and yanked it out of his pocket...he saw that it was a shard...and it looks as though the shard in his looks as though it is made from the void itself.

William than looks at the shard of the void that he has in his hand. He has no idea why...but he feels mesmerized by the shard of the void that is in his hand. There is nothing else to say about it. But it is a though...he is already asleep...even though he is fully wide awake.

He than blinked, and shook his head, as he has no idea how long he looked at the shard that is in his hand. He than tightly gripped the shard of the void, before he walked away from the area. He than calls Drystan to try and pick him up, so that he can bring the shard back to the Pocket Dimension that Drystan can access. Even though the experiences are frightening, he is not afraid of them, in fact...he is planning on going forward as much as possible, so that he can finally have the power to get his revenge in the Black King. After some people will usually say, Tomorrow...


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