You shall pay for your Treachery

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Drystan is now at his house, as he began to look through the pages of his book, he and the One-Eyed Seeker have been discussing some stuff with each other, in regard to 2 subjects, which is of, a backup weapon that they will need, in case they lose their scythe, and of Drystan needing to fight in his own terms, just in case the One-Eyed Seeker is not there to help him in a difficult situation.

They have discussed it for a pretty long time today right now, and eventually, they came to the decision that if Drystan needs to get ready, than he needs to do a trial by himself, and not use the One-Eyed Seeker for help on some of these. Of course, the One-Eyed Seeker can, in a way help, but not when he is taking control this time. This time, he is going to help him, before he even go to start the trial.

Drystan kept flipping through the pages, looking closely at the objects that are in these trials, and the names of the Holders are present in the pages of the book that he is reading right now, until he finally finds an object that he thinks that he will need. The object is referenced in a page that is known as the Holder of Treachery. But what makes this one that he needs to do this, hit in an alternate dimension, but in his very own house, and sometimes out of the house. This is going to be extremely hard, as he cannot let people realize that there are some anomalous stuff that is happening in the world, which he's trying really to hide from the public very badly.

He than walked over in order too reached for the telephone that is sitting down on the desk,

and than used his other phone, the iPhone, to try and find a pet store, or at least, any time of courier company that he can get online, and use it to call on the analogue phone, which he hopes that the can respond to. He just prays that this trial that he's about to do will work for him in the end.

When he did...he typed it on the other phone, and after a little while...a voice is heard from the other side.

" may I help you?"

Drystan was silent for a couple of seconds, than breaths quietly, and began to speak in a calm voice.

Drystan takes a deep breath, to calm himself, before speaking to the man.

"I...I want to speak to the Holder of Treachery." the other end of the phone line, he hears what seems to be what sounds like a sigh of if he's freed from a heavy burden.

"We will bring him to you. But first, we are going to need your address."

Drystan nodded, and looked down. He than spoke out to the man at the other end of the telephone.

" address to my home is-"

Drystan than spoke about where his address is, and after he ended the phone call, and than...he sat down on the chair, as he held his head, and spoke out.

"I am going for a very looooooong haul."

He he held his face to his hands.

He than looks down...and he had a conversation of the One-Eyed Seeker in his mind.

" you have any idea how we can make sure the cat does not do anything drastic, and also make sure that it does not try to get itself that it does not get the both of us killed?"

Inside the mental world of Drystan...

One-eye held his fingers to his chin, as he looked down at the 'ground', as he began to think of an idea that he can use to help Drystan with this problem.

He sat down, as he began to think of the one way that he can help him.

'I could think of making some shackles so that he can trap the cat, but than it will simply break free, and the shackles have to be extremely small to trap the cat. And besides...there is no clue how tough the cat is if it tries to pull on the restraints that will be put inside of. He needs to find a way to trap it.'

One-Eye than turns his single red eye to the left, and looks at the Object of Sentience, which is pulsing like it is a heartbeat.

He looks at it for a minute, before looking down at his feet. He than closed his eyes...before thinking of a solution.

"Drystan. I have an idea."

Drystan than spoke out to One-Eye.

"Well...let's here it, okay?"

One-Eye than spoke out to Drystan.

"I know a way we can do this. You need to trap it in something, like a cage. I should give you enough time to last until the 7th day, the end of the week. But you need to time this just right, so do not use it just yet. It is a very risky plan and maybe not the best one I could think of, but it is one that should work out for you in the end, even thought it will be a literally big pain."

Back in the real world...

Drystan sighed, as he held his hand to his face. This is really going to be a very stressful thing to do, but he knows that this is not going to be easy for him. In fact, doing this inside of the house is going to be more difficult than the usual trials. And this is not simply because he will die, but this is also because that the supernatural are going to be exposed to the outside world, and he has no real idea what to do about it.

He than stood he looks down at his hands, before closing them into fists.

"I...I have to do this."

He than stood up, and ran as fast as he can to a pet store into order to by a cage that is tough enough for the cage to make sure that it does not get out immediately, and that it will take a very long time to get out, should it ever be a very strong cat. He ran as fast as he can to go to a pet store, and get what he needs, so that it can be, somewhat easier for him to get through the task at hand.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Drystan heard the sound of the doorbell coming from outside, and this is before sunset has came. Drystan than went to the door as fast as possible...and sees that there is a box right at his doorstep.



Drystan cried out in pain, as...out of nowhere, he had been struck in the hand by something sharp. But that should not be possible, as there are no sharp objects around him, and there are no sharp edges in the box either. So how in the world did he get himself cut?

Blood began to drip down into the box, and the blood touched the fur of the white cat, who now began to his with the satisfaction of ending Drystan own life.

Drystan looks very horrified about what he is seeing. He always liked cats, due to the way they make the cure sound of meowing. But with this cat in front of him...he is now having second thoughts of what to think of them. For all he knows, the trial that he's about to get himself into...he can only think of four words to say.

"I am so screwed."

About 7 days later...

The entire situation he got himself is straight-up nothing but a total and complete disaster for him. Throughout the entire week of trying to get the kitten to prevent it from killing itself and for itself to kill him, which would still lead him to his very unfortunate death, the cat is not giving him the chance to take a big break, and give him the break that he needs for himself, and he almost has a few close calls, and had to avoid stuff that would have either taken him to hospital and stuff that would have outright killed him. The cat tried to get itself run over by a car, it tried to get run over by a train, it tried to drown in the river, it tried to get hit by the boat's turbine's, which is very extreme, and almost tried to jump off a very tall height. In fact, the only reason that he is still alive, is thanks to his chains that are all around his torso. They are now warmed up for the longest time, and have been doing this for about the 6 months that have been happening.

The only thing that can give him a break, was when he finally used the cage that he has bought, just so that he can finally get what he deserved. The Cat began to use its claws, and it began to make some pretty deep scratches in the metal. But it didn't bust out immediately. It did later but the 7th day...the final day..., and it was when it busted out of the cage in a very violent and very loud manner. And while Drystan didn't thankfully sleep, and was getting ready for the evasive situation that he had to go through, it ended up being a very harrowing experience, and one of the most harrowing of his life. The cat has been able to but out of the cage that Drystan had forced it into, and now it seems to be going on a frenzy, and is now trying everything it can to kill him.

The worst part, is that he has to dodge and avoid the ferocious white cat while inside of the house that he lives in. What makes it even worse, is that the cat is now a lot more stronger than it looked, as it is now strong enough to ram into Drystan with much force, that Drystan nearly spat out blood, due to how hard the hit was when that cat had rammed into him. And to make it 3 times more worse than it ever is before, is that he has to do this, while avoiding trying to harm the cat with his own barehands, lest he fail the test, in which he does not know how he will fail it should he ever directly harm the cat. But had something to do with the fact that he is now connected to the cat. Looks like he is going to need everything that he has in order to avoid the Cat, the Holder of Treachery. He could use the cloak to always avoid the cat, but that would likely count as cheating the trial, and he would most likely not get the object, or even worse...suffer a very terrible fate that is far worse than even death itself. So, for now, he is going to try and dodge and avoid it as much as he can, and try to rely on the two object that he has that will give him any advantage, his chains, and the marking that allows him to communicate with his reflections, and since they are now like the cloak, it should not count as cheating in the trial, and he should, with enough effort, be able to get the object.

The chains on Drystan began to warm up pretty quickly, and at the same time, Drystan's Soul than began to bring forth a feeling of comfort again, as he is now in the danger zone, which is in the form of the white cat he is now going against right away. His reflection than pointed to the left, and Drystan turned, which was a helpful thing, because the cat was ready to pounce in that direction.

The cat charged at Drystan, who than dodged, and he dodged up, as the cat tried to leap towards his legs, and Drystan turns around, as he dodged the attack of the cat, which ran hits the wall. And his forehead began to bleed, being connected to the cat.

He wanted to scream out in pain, but he has no idea what will happen. He has been trying to dodge for the car for 55 minutes, and he is not stopping.

But as the clocked continued to get closer to 12:00, the cat became more and more aggressive, and Drystan had to resort to using the metal bat to try and defend against the cat, who tried to strike at him with the claws that it had, and he even had to hide in the shadows on one occasion, until he got spotted, due to being in the presence of the moonlight shown, and is going through the window that is next to Drystan's small, personal hiding spot.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE??!!!!!!"

The cat screeched out. It sounds like the combination of a cat hissing loudly and a human screaming in a horrified manner. It was a little scary, but Drystan got his act together very quickly, and shouted back at the cat without any form of hesitation.


Drystan tone's surprisingly angry and fearless at the cat, which is even more surprising, considering the fact that he is usually scared and timid. But it seems that the pressure of seriously getting to him so bad that he has now began to snap. The cat froze at where he had stood, and stared at Drystan in the eye for an entire minute, before he finally spoke out to him.

"Then you will learn."

Drystan than bends down, as he sees the cat stalking slowly towards him, and, without any warning, the cat claws him at the top of both hands, before running away.


Drystan shouts in pain, as he sees that his hands have been scratched by the cat.

The scratch looks a little bit ugly, and blood is now beginning leaking out of the pretty ugly scratches at a rather pretty quick and rapid rate, but he knows that this is part of the trial. And besides...he actually feels a little bit exhausted about trying to clean the wounds. So...he went back to his room, took out the cloak, and transports both the bed and himself to the pocket dimension that he is in. Than...he closed his eyes...and he fell into a very deep slumber, as his very conscious is being pulled down by a invisible force. And unlike the last times he had fallen asleep...this time... he allowed it to take ahold of his being, as he needed the sleep.


Drystan than opened his eyes, as the hood fell off of his head, sending him back to his room in the exact same position. The bed looked as though it has materialized out of thin air, and his chains rattled as he stood up.

"Man, what a night."

Drystan spoke out, as he held his face in his hands, trying to steady himself, and so that he can feel a bit more awake than before. But than...he felt something that is completely wrong. Something sharp, and it is coming from his own fingertips.


Drystan than looked at his fingers on both of his hands...and he flinched at the sight of what happened to them. His fingers...they have now become claws.

The fingers are as black as a cat's claws, and the claws on his hands, they look immensely sharp. They are sharp enough to tear through wood like it is made of nothing but human tissue.

Drystan looks in shock, as he sees what happened to his hands, as he didn't think that this was going to happen.

"Woah, this is actually pretty scary!"

Drystan spoke aloud, as he examined the claws. Than, the One-Eyed Seeker spoke out to him.

'Maybe it is...but it is still pretty nice. Now we have a weapon that is apart of our body, in case the scythe is out of our hands!'

Drystan looked down, as he examined his black claws. He was deep in thought, as he stood up, and began to walk around the place that he is in.

He looked down, as he went outside, and went next to a tree. Drystan than looked down at his claws, before clenching it into a fist, and surprisingly, it did not hurt him. He than looks at the tree, and puts his claws onto the trunk, before he began to slide it. To his shock, the claw is actually cutting the bark of the tree that he is clawing onto right now. And the claws were able to make the cut deep.

Drystan looked in immense awe, as he looked at the claws, and saw that no splinters are able to pierce his fingers. Looks like the claws are not just simply sharp enough to cut through the wood of trees, they are also more durable.

'Okay, forget what I had said about being pretty nice. This is completely, utterly excellent!"

Drystan nodded, but than spoke out.

"Yeah, it is. But I need to cover this up, because I don't want to accidentally hurt someone, and also make sure that nobody realizes that the objects exist."

Drystan than puts his fingers on his chin, as he thought of what could work, but than turns to the road..and saw that there is a pair of black gloves on the ground.

He smiled, as he found the perfect coverup that he can use for his hands. He than goes to the road, grabbed the gloves, and examines them. They have holes, and when he rinsed it...there were ants, and a spider inside in separate gloves. But after cleaning it up, and drying the gloves, it can finally be useable for him. He than puts it on, and it looks very perfect.

Although the claws are somewhat sticking out, it's tips are covered, and it resembles the clawed gloves that can be bought one some online stores.

'Okay...this is nice covering, I can admit.'

Drystan smiled, as he looks around, before he got a phone call...and he looks at his phone.

He pressed the green button, and spoke out.


Than, a voice spoke out, and it was Thomas.

"Drystan!! Thank god, I need your help, and it is very serious!"

Drystan than spoke out.

"Where are you?"

Drystan than hears Thomas spoke out.

"We're somewhere in the forest, where we first met, and me and William...we're facing against someone, and he has an object in his hands!! He's trying to get our Objects!!"

Drystan's eyes widened in shock, at what Thomas has said. But he than closed his mouth, as the One-Eyed Seeker than took control of the body.

"I'm on my way. Just hold on for as long as you can, okay?"

Thomas spoke back.

"We will, please hurry up and get us out of this situation!"

One-Eye nodded, as he went back inside of the house, and he puts on the hood of the cloak, as he is transported to the pocket dimension.

He than grabbed onto the scythe, grabbed the burning wind sword, and the blades of Thunder, before he takes off the hood...and he is transported to the forest. Whoever is attacking his friends...


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