Chapter 10

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This beautiful cover of Beast has been made by JagathiKrishna . Thank you so much dear for making this one for me. Really means a lot ! Much love...❤️

Chapter dedicated to :- JagathiKrishna

Words Count :- 4147 words

Devika's POV

Walking alone in this sandy part of my life, all I found is myself being surrounded by the evils. Those evils who recognize me and call me as one of their own but this heart of mine clearly knows that I never belonged to them. It doesn't matters whether if they are good or not for an evil always remains to be a devil till the end !

Maybe I was destined to walk alone like this till the end. My parents died when I was 21 leaving me behind to face this cruel world. A man then entered into my life in all his glory faking to be the one which he never was and I believe never could be the one. He soon realized that I was an innocent bird and hence, he believed into chaining me up with him in the name of marriage. 

I was lonely since the beginning but I guess that I got used to it later on. But then this Vijay came, taught me to love himself and live for him, made me his lover and at the end shot me like no other !

If destiny could change then I would have chosen the option of never meeting him again after this. He is keeping me here caged in the name of saving me from David.


He is another mystery to be solved. He has already met me twice before my wedding as per my diary. But why is this David after me according to what Vijay said ? Doesn't he know that I am away from Vijay for good now ? Is he planning to use me as a bait against Vijay now or what ?

But let's just be practical. Why would even Vijay care for me ? After all, he was the one who shot me. Honestly, after waking up from my coma I have constantly been threated by Vijay and his men. David and his men have never showed me their face now or maybe I did fail to recognize them even if they came in front of me. But what matters is that they never troubled me like Vijay did.

At the end of the day, I just wish for a peaceful life. I want to be away from all these mafias and their stuff. David and Vijay, none of them are good to me and so am I to them.

I looked around the place sighing lowly out of frustration and tiredness. I looked at the boxes which haunt me and then at these two men who are guarding me as if I am an infant who would fall out of her crib if left neglected even for a second. 

Both of their faces was in my direction as they looked at me with their big scary eyes. They neither talked amongst themselves nor did they divert their eyes away from me even for a second. So basically, Vijay has appointed perfect watchmen for me now I see.

I am impressed, my dear husband !

I gave both of them a stern look and then smiled all of a sudden at them earning nothing in return from them. Not even a blink of their eye you see !

" I am bored. Let's talk ? " I offered these two owls. They ignored me royally and I mentally shrieked on the thought that whether if they are alive or not ! Their bodies moved up and down as they took in all the air and nothing apart from this signed that they were alive for good.

" Where am I caged ? Which place is this ? " I asked trying to look at the window which was shadowed by the boxes in front.

" Warehouse of our boss, my queen. " Replied one man who was a bit shorter than the other one.

" Warehouse ? You mean to say that place where the enemies or lets say the rivals of your boss generally tend to attack him ? What if they attack this place now when I am held in here as a prisioner ? Where is that useless boss of yours ? Did he left me to die here now or what ? "  I blasted upon these two as they looked at each other in amusement.

" Idiot ! On one hand he claims to love me and on the other, he left me to be killed by the wolves." I muttered being loud enough to be heard by these two gentlemen here.

" Boss has gone out for an important meeting of his. No one can harm you till the time we are here my queen. Our duty is to protect you and our loyalty is out topmost priority. " The tall guy answered to which I chuckled in sarcasm.

Point number one which has to be noted... Vijay is busy in his meeting. So even if I try to run away from here then I wouldn't have to see his face. Amazing !

" You two can protect me against those men of David. What if they come in number of more than two ? How can you even handle loads of men all alone ? " I asked narrowing my eyes at them showing as if I am doubting their ability of protecting me.

" We are not just two my queen. They are even more of us standing outside this room. It was a clear cut instruction from boss that there should be only two or three of us men be around you. He said that his doll will get scared if more of us linger around you. " The short yet a muscular man muttered.

I looked at my lap and sighed. 

Vijay me knows me so well for sure. Maybe he cares about me as well. But why is he doing all this and pushing me away from me like this ?

" Don't worry ma'am ! No one can harm you till the time we are here. We have pledged to protect you with all that we have. " Said the other guy to which I hummed.

Point number two which has to be noted... I have to take care of other men as well while escaping this place. They aren't only two here. More of them are guarding me outside. So I have to take a note of them as well while escaping this place.

" It's kinda nice to hear this but for now your queen is hungry. Get me something to eat please. " I said looking at these two with my best cute innocent eyes. The puppy eyes of mine took these two in believe as the short guy nodded at this and marched towards the main door. 

I frowned at this and said, " Hey ! At least ask me of what I would like to have. "

The guy raised his eyebrow and indicated me to continue with a nod of his head. 

" Get me some noodles from the streets. " I said genuinely even though I clearly know that I won't be able to have them. It's like noodles suddenly got pictured into my mind when I thought of some street food. 

" Just like boss had said... " The guy commented shaking his head with a smile playing on his lips.

" Hein ? " I reacted at his statement as I saw him leaving this room. 

Why do they mention of Vijay again and again ? My heart wants to hate him while these people are showing as if that man loved me like no other. They are confusing my soul as my heart cries out in pain each time.

" You are a foodie now, aren't you ? " Asked the other guy who was left behind with me.

Am I ?

" Maybe..." I replied out of uncertainity.

I still gazed at that window and secretly wished that I could easily hop out of it now once I get the chance. I looked back at this guard of mine and smiled lowly. I then looked at my lap wishing for the other guy to show up soon. For the first time, God granted my wish as the first guy was soon back with my food in his hands and there comes a fork as well with the noodles.

The fork... which wasn't of plastic. This is why the street food is the best !

" Open my hands... " I announced as soon as the guy with noodles came closer to me.

" We are sorry but we can't . " Replied the other guy to which I narrowed my eyes at him. I gave out a low growl to him and asked,

" In that case, how am I even gonna have my food ? Are you planning to feed me with your hands now or what ? " 

The two guys looked at each other out of confusion making me gasp in surprise. Were they even planning for the same ? 

Before anyone of them could even reply to my words, I continued, " Listen, I am the wife of your boss. Literally your queen it means. You can't get closer to me at any means. You aren't my husband to feed me my food. If that useless husband of mine has left me alone then I am capable enough to feed myself I guess. You just have to untie my hands for once. " 

The taller guy looked at that short one. The shorter one nodded his head still holding my food in his hand. I smiled at this and waited for the guy to untie my hands. The taller guy came closer to me and finally undid my rope. 

Now my hands were free. I clapped my hands together faking a sense of excitement and indicated the short guy to give me my food. Once I was given my food, I took the first bite of it and moaned out because of its taste.

Honestly, the food is too good. Once I am out of here then I would surely return back to this street to again have a bite of these delicious noodles !

After a couple of minutes, my mouth started burning. It isn't something which I can't handle. I have taken much more spicy foods than this. But do my kidnappers know that I am comfortable with spice ?


Then let's not tell them as well !

" Water... Water... Oh God ! My mouth is burning. I can't take it anymore. Water ! " I fake cried out in pain. The shorter guy nodded to this and left for the door once again.

" Listen... " I called out halting him in his steps.

" Get me the mineral one please. I know that how unhygenic you gangster people live like. Don't get me water from anywhere. If you can get me one then please make sure that it's a mineral one. If not then also it's fine. " I said taking deep breath showing them as if my mouth is burning out in real.

The two guys gave me an offended look to which I bit my lips to suppress my laughter. They were clearly not comfortable with my statement which involved the two words of unhygenic and gangsters together. 

The tall guy muttered something under his breath while the shorter one ran out of the room to run my demands.

As soon as the door closed after the shorter guy left, I could see my plan coming into action. I took the fork and placed it right closer to my neck. The eyes of my guard widened up at this as he shrieked,

" What the fuck are you even doing ? "

" Shhh... Don't shout. If you shout here now or dare to call up your fighting mates then I shall dig up this fork against my neck. " I threatened him giving him a psychotic look.

Well... I am not a psycho. But sometimes you do have to do some things in life to get something. Here, behaving like a psycho is perhaps the license of my freedom. 

" Why would you even want to kill yourself ? " The guy asked. 

I bent slowly towards my feet and tried to untie the rope which was holding my legs up. The man tried to approach me to stop me from doing the same. I lifted up my head instantly and dig the fork against my neck a bit harshly this time halting him in his steps. 

Ouch... it hurts !

" Stay where you are or else I would kill myself. Your boss has already lost me once and I swear that he would never want to lose me again because of you fools ! " I exclaimed and finally was done with rope which was tying my legs. I got up on my place as the man gave me a terrified look.

No matter how much of a strong guy he is now but he won't ever like to face Vijay's wrath. I don't know if Vijay loves me or not. But one thing is very clear here. Vijay wants me to be with him and he won't ever like to see me dead because of his men. These people must be knowing Vijay's anger and hence, they also must be knowing that how important am I to their boss. These people would neither harm me nor allow me to harm myself. This is what I shall use against Vijay and his men. 

The fear of Vijay... against his own people !

I looked around and found a rod lying against the boxes. I took hold of the rod with one hand of mine as with the other I still held the fork against my neck. I marched towards the man with an unpredictable speed and dashed the rod against his head. The man cried out lowly and looked at me with those eyes that were filled with anger.

He pushed me away with both of his hands. I landed up on the floor after losing my balance. The rod still lied closer to me as I could see the man approaching in my direction being an angry bull. I took hold of the rod instantly and dashed it right across his legs.

" I am sorry... " I muttered and got up on my place as the man landed on the floor. 

I took out my scarf and tied it right across the mouth of that man even before he was able to shout for help. I sighed once I was done and looked at the door only to find that the shorter guy was still not in sight. 

" Listen, I am sorry for causing all these pain to you. But I swear that I don't wanna be with your boss anymore. He is trying to trap me again in his game and you guys are helping him. I am sorry for doing this to you. " I said joining my hands in front of him. 

No matter what... I am not like them. This is what makes a difference between me and them. I can't ever harm anyone despite of what they do to me. I am a firm believer of Karma and I know that everyone will get what they deserve at the end. 

I turned myself and instantly ran towards the window. I looked out of the window only to find that there were some building around this place. There was a lonely street below this window and this is the first floor where I have been caged.

First floor... Not much of a difference if you see. If I jump out of it then I will hurt myself for sure. Maybe I will break my legs for once. But it won't be enough for me to die, will it be ?

Well... Honestly it doesn't matters if I die now or not. If Vijay gets me in hands once again then he would surely kill me. If I have to die only at the end then why shall I not die fighting for my freedom ?

I kept one of my legs on the window shelf and that's when a sudden fear engulfed me in its embrace. My head felt to be heavy all of a sudden and that's when I saw...

A girl was dangling in the air out of the railings as a man held her hand. The man's hand was the only support which she had. The vision was blur but the sight was more than scary. 

" The story of the beast and his beauty comes to an end here. You are a beast who can't be changed by this beauty as well. This heart of mine is still a fool though you believe that its cunning. It's a fool for having loved a man who is gonna be responsible for my death. But it hurts to see you being surrounded by your enemies whom you call as your own. Your most trusted one has betrayed you, my beast. A day shall come when you will realize this and feel lonely in this huge world even though you would be surrounded by your all near and dear ones. You will cry for this foolish heart of mine as this heart would have stopped by then. If Ishani has ever loved you truly then these words of mine shall come true one day. 

That day your family and friends also wont be able to ease your pain. You will die with each passing second and would hate the very existence of your being. There is a big game going on around you already Vijay. A game that shall end with you lying in the ruins. You will look at the sky and beg me to come back for going through all those pain would be nothing less than a hell for you and that's when a water droplet from the sky shall touch your cheek. Those will be my tears falling from the heaven. Just remember that your doll will always love you even after her death but won't forgive you then also. Even after your death, we would remain separated in hell and heaven and there would be no means to make these two one. 

Die in regret my beast... Die in regret !

" You are a beast who's designed to kill,
Everyone said that you aren't someone whom I can heal,
I was a fool who thought that it isn't a big deal,
And now I have finally realised that it's my life which has become it's bill ! " "

The girl left the hand of the man and fell on the ground below.

What was that ?

A sudden fear erupted in my heart looking at the height to which this window was raised.

No... I can't... I can't jump off from here. Even though its first floor only. I can't... My heart says no !

I shook my head and looked back at the door only to hear some approaching footsteps into my direction.

Oh God !

They are back it seems. What shall I do now ?

I bit my lips in fear and looked all over the place.


There's some extra roof alongside this window on the other side. It's a bit narrow but if I can manage to balance myself a bit then it will do. At least these people won't be able to catch me after this.

With trembling feet, I took my first leg out. My hands were shivering as my heart was thumping loudly in fear. I gasped lowly and took my second foot out as well.

" Where's she ? " I heard someone shouting from outside and realised that they are really close to the door of this room.

Henceforth, without wasting any more single time I brought myself out of this room. I tried to avoid looking down the height. I clinged to the wall like a lizard making sure that now I wasn't visible to the people inside the building through the window now.

I took out my heels and threw them down. As soon as my heels touched the ground, I let out a low sigh which was out of relief only certainly.

After a few seconds, the door dashed open which was followed by the voices of some men shouting in anger or it was fear perhaps.

" Where the hell is she ? We have to find Ishani ma'am before boss gets to know of this ! " Shouted someone from inside.

I placed my palm over my mouth making sure that no such voice leaves my throat which would then alert them of my presence here.

" This girl is such a nuisance. Boss was right when he had asked us to tie her up with iron chains. " The other one whined.

Like really ?

Vijay had given them instructions like this ?

How cruel !

" Maybe she has escaped through the window. After all, it's the only open way out here of this room. Let's get to that window ! " The other men shouted making me gasp in fear.

They are coming here...

Oh God ! What shall I do now ?

I crouched down to the floor of the roof and stood on my knees trying my best to not to come in their view. A young man brought his head out looking around the place.

My eyes widened up seeing a scar on his cheek. It was scary and more than enough to show me that in what kind of work do these people even engage in themselves up.

He looked at the ground and shouted,
"Her heels are lying down there. She has definitely escaped this place brother. Let's go and get her !"

This was followed by the footsteps of some men running around the place. Maybe they were leaving the place and following those fake heels of mine. I could see some men now leaving the building.

I closed my eyes praying to God that they don't rise up their head and find me hiding up here.

Soon two black cars came into sight. These people entered the car and soon drove out of gaze. I sighed lowly and looked back into the room. It was empty. I blinked my eyes a few times and slowly made my way back into the room.

Oh God !

I hope that everyone has left this place. But again I have to find some other way out. I can't leave this building through the main door. It would be dangerous enough for me to get caught. He said that this place is a warehouse.


It means that there should be more than one way to get out of here.

Yes... I have to find that way out !

I carefully came out of the room and there were some stairs present right in front of me. I shook my head at the thought of taking these stairs to go down and again wandered the place through my eyes.

That's when a door titled as fire exit came into sight. This is the way...

I opened the door and there were some stairs going up the place. Without giving a second thought to this, I ran upstairs. 

There was another door present at the end of the stairs. I opened it up and it further revealed the roof top of this building. I entered the place and found that it was quite huge in area.

Maybe... Maybe this is a conjoined roof top of a group of buildings around this place. I started running towards the other end of this roof where there was another exit present. I hope that this exit leads me to some other building in this place.

I opened this exit door and ran downstairs. This building was halfway constructed and was still undergoing the construction. The workers were working here as I ran downstairs ignoring their looks.

I finally reached the streets and started running towards the bus stop. I still can't afford to get a taxi seeing my previous experience which landed me up in here.

Finally, I reached the near bus stop and took a bus leaving the place.

After few hours

Devika's POV

I reached the apartment which my so called previous workplace had allotted me a flat in to stay. I cringed over the thought of RJ doubting me like this and made my way up ignoring my anger at him or let's say the anger on Vijay as well.

I have already submitted my flat keys to that hitler and now I am here to meet Amyra. I stood in front of Amyra's flat and rang the doorbell. I was tapping my feet against the floor waiting for her to open the door and show up when someone tapped my shoulder taking me into surprise.

Who is it ?


So guys, how was the chappy ?

What do you guys think of Devika escaping that place ?

What do you think of the last part of the chappy ?

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