Chapter 11

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And this update here comes out on a very special day. This be the day when I had came on this Earth around 19 years back to irritate some but again to be loved by most if not all. So for the first time, I hereby dedicate a chapter of my book to myself only. This dedication... I believe that I do deserve at least once in a year now. 

Chapter dedicated to:- iam_arpita111

Words Count :-

Devika's POV

I reached the apartment which my so called previous workplace had allotted me a flat in to stay. I cringed over the thought of RJ doubting me like this and made my way up ignoring my anger at him or let's say the anger on Vijay as well.

I have already submitted my flat keys to that hitler and now I am here to meet Amayra. I stood in front of Amayra's flat and rang the doorbell. I was tapping my feet against the floor waiting for her to open the door and show up when someone tapped my shoulder taking me into surprise.

Who is it ?

I was breathing heavily now because of fear as I closed my eyes slowly preparing myself to swallow up anything that comes up in my way. 

I have already been shot by Vijay once. Can this be more terrible than that ?

I bit my lips and finally turned around as fast as a lightening only to find Arjun standing in front of me. His face clearly showed that how amused he was by troubling me like this. He was trying his best to control his laughter and here sweat beads had formed on my forehead. 

( A/N: Those who don't remember... Arjun is the boyfriend as well as live in partner of Amayra.)

I wiped my sweat with the back of my hand and glared at this man who had the audacity to frighten me like this. Seeing my expressions the seal over his mouth broke as he bursted out laughing right there on my face. 

Do I look that funny when I am angry now or what ?

" Will you just stop laughing Arjun ? You just scared her man. " Amayra said coming in front as she took me into her arms after this. I hugged her back and continued to glare back at Arjun.

" She's so tame. " Arjun commented at me.

" And this act or joke of yours is so lame ! " I snapped back at him.

" Enough, guys ! Enough ! " Amayra exclaimed grabbing both of our attentions. I looked at her silently while Arjun had raised his eyebrow at her. She took a pause of a second the next after which she continued,

" We have got something important to discuss over here now. So let's get into our house first. " She proposed to which I nodded remembering my own flat in this apartment. 

There were not many stuff present there in my flat before I handed over the keys to RJ. Just a bed... there was ! Yet that place was something that I used to call as my home. At least I had the assurity that I had got a place to return back to once I was done with all my work at the end of the day. But now I am back to square one. I have got no such place to live and reside and perhaps, there is no reason for me to stay back in this town as well. I am planning to leave Hyderabad once I am done with my final work here.

All of us sat together on the sofa. This was again followed by a pin drop silence.

" Are you fine ? " Arjun asked me breaking the ice. I gave him a low smile and nodded in positive for the same. I turned my head towards Amayra next. She was fidgeting her fingers that were resting on her lap. She was looking down at her lap and was utterly silent. 

It's clear that she's nervous for tomorrow and most probably afraid as well for what she has done for me today already !

I took hold of her hand into mine and squeezed it a bit gently assuring her that nothing shall go wrong with our plan. She smiled back at me and looked at Arjun who in turn nodded back at her.

" Did you get all the stuff that I had asked you the last night ? " I asked her calmly. She nodded at this and took a huge bag to the front which was resting by the leg of the sofa till now. She opened the bag and took my things out. 

" Here's your id card and the tender details which you had made. " She said handing over my items to me. I looked at my stuff and sighed. 

" Thanks for all this Amayra. " I said tapping her back with my hand. She smiled sadly at this and said,

" I still can't believe that I had to steal all these from my office one day. I became a thief in my own place of worship. "

" Come on babes... It's fine. It's nothing in comparison to all those tortures which that man does upon us like anything. Bade Bade deshon main... Aisi choti-choti baatein hoti rahti hai senorita !" Arjun commented making us laugh and hence, lightening up our moods as well. 

( In big-big countires... small-small things like this do happen. )

" Still Arjun... You can say all these dialogues easily as you have no hand in stealing all this. It was me who did all this taking Mr Rampal with me. He's in charge of that storeroom and only I know that how I got the keys from him. " Amayra explained her situation. I rubbed her back consoling her and further asked,

" Are you afraid of Rajveer ? Are you afraid of him getting to know all this and hence, risking your job as well ? " 

Of course, she's afraid for the same. Anyone in her place would have got afraid for the same. We all work so hard to get our jobs and losing our jobs for a reason like this is actually a nightmare ! Yet Amayra is so good. She did all this just because I asked her to. I am indebted to her already for all this stuff and shall never forget anything till the end !

" No, I am not ! I am already tired working for that hitler. He is always busy into troubling me. No matter how much harder do I even try, he just wants the job to be perfect !  He never appreciates me for anything and is always scolding. Scolding is acceptable to some extent but not when it becomes a daily habit of someone and hence, discouraging us at the end. What would he do if gets to know of this ? He would fire me... I will leave this job willingly if I get another good job in my hand. I am not worried of this... " She said shaking her head. She let out a loud sigh after this and placed her hand in between both of her hands which were rested against her thighs.

" I just don't feel good that I have cheated someone. It's not my fear of getting fired rather it's my guilt of cheating over Mr Rampal and RJ ! " She continued further finally making me understand of her situation and worries. 

This time I was the one feeling guilty here. I am the one behind all her worries and troubles. I think that I should have left Hyderabad silently instead of doing all these stuff and involving Amayra into all this.  It would have been good maybe...

" Hey ! Don't you think like this Amy. You haven't done anything wrong. You have just saved your boss and his company from bearing up a huge loss. Small stuff like this don't matter when you are struggling and battling for a long good deed. Your intentions are pure sweety and this was really needed. This was needed for saving that moron from that loss. " I said trying my best to make her understand and make her let go of this guilt.

" Really ? " She asked to which I nodded.

" Of course ! I have made the best tender out here for this deal. There's no doubt to this now. RJ thinks that I have cheated him and that's why he's not willing to use this one tomorrow. No matter how much they try, I seriously doubt that RJ and his so called assistant can come up with a tender better than this one in such a short time. Any less than this would surely end up with us losing the deal. That's the last thing that we want now. So you haven't done anything wrong here Amy. Don't think like that... It was needed for this deal. " I explained her after which I side hugged her. 

She hugged me back and rested her arm against mine. She hid her head into my chest and whispered, " I hope so. "

" You are so good with your words Devika. " Arjun mocked me weaving a sinister smile on his face.

If he thinks like this about me then I swear that he should meet Vijay and learn of his manipulative ways. I have spoken the truth here while Vijay would have twisted and killed the truth with his tongue.

" I am taking this as a compliment. " I said and winked at him. He chuckled at this and said,

" Honestly, its sad when you told us last night of you leaving this place. You are such a good person Devika. It's sad to see you leaving. That flat of yours shall always remind us of you. We will miss you and but again we shall always stay in contact forever. " 

I smiled and nodded at this.

Staying here in Hyderabad has surely earned me two of the best friends of my life. If a nightmare in the name of RJ and Vijay has happened to me then a beautiful reality in the name of Arjun and Amayra has happened to me as well. Staying here was worth it and I have earned two friends for a lifetime !

But again they remind me of Jiya. 

Where's she ? Didn't she try to find me after I ran away from Hyderabad ? Was she also tried to be murdered like me ?

Where are you Jiya ? I will surely search for you once I am done with this mess !

" I wish I could steal the keys of that flat as well. " Jiya said making me laugh at her words. I shook my head at this and replied,

" What would I have done of those keys then ? They are of no use to me. I just had a bed in the name of furniture in that place. I did sell it at one-fourth of the initial price to someone to get done with it finally. " 

" What if RJ gets impressed by your work tomorrow and never allows you to leave ? You would have to purchase that bed again at the full price. " Arjun said humorlessly taking me into surprise.

Would RJ even come after me tomorrow once I am out of this mess ?]

I don't think so... He hates my guts and I surely won't lean in to his sexual desires as well. He knows that nicely. Why would he run after me in that case ?

But if he does... then what will I do ? What if tries to stop me tomorrow ?

" Of course, RJ would have to buy that bed back. This madam is planning to save his comapny from the losses and here he is the one who is responsible for her loss of the bed. He has to get it back with his money for heaven's sake ! " Amayra chirped. I blinked my eyes at her and frowned.

" No... I am not staying back in this place after tomorrow. No matter whatsoever happens tomorrow, I am planning to leave Bangalore for good. RJ stopping me or not after realizing his mistake is a different story altogether and is something which isn't in my syllabus. I will leave tomorrow and settle in a place where I will be able to find my happiness. " I informed them.

Maybe Kodaikanal...

Both of them looked sad and disappointed as well. They want me to stay back but staying here back comes with a price. The price of dealing with RJ everyday. I just can't deal with him anymore and maybe this is the chance where I can run away from him forever. 

" You sure ? " Arjun asked to which I nodded. 

I just hope that whatever that happens tomorrow is for good only. I don't want mine as well as the efforts of my fellow workers getting ruined like this. I am doing it for us and that RJ is a moron. I so wish that he along with his brand new secretary don't pose any trouble to me. Oh God ! Please help me this time...


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