Chapter 3

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And this beautiful cover of Beast has been made by  SarvikaGoel . Thank you so much dear for making this one for me. Really means a lot ! Much love...

Chapter dedicated to- SarvikaGoel 

Words Count :- 4095 words

Devika's POV

I turned around only to find a classy high class old woman and a young handsome guy entering into the cabin keeping their eyes affixed at me. The old woman's way of walking was giving an evidence that indeed she was a part of high class society while the young man was indeed a heartbreaker I guess. But then the main question now here is that who are they ?

I got up on my place acknowledging their presence. I clutched my bag tightly into my fist and continued to look at them with shear confusion written all over my face. 

" And who are you ? " The old woman asked in her lush voice as she stood right in front of me with all her honor and glory. The young man accompanied the old lady quite well as they both appeared to be so intimidating to me. 

" I am Devika, Rajveer sir's assistant. " I replied in a low tone trying to sound strong in front of these strangers.

" I see... So RJ has got a new girl for himself. Not bad ! " The lady passed a comment making me gasp at her choice of words.

" Yeah... She's quite beautiful. Brother has got a perfect girl here. " The other guy commented making me to look into his eyes directly.

Brother ? Is he RJ's brother here now ?

If yes... Then also I won't be surprised for both look nothing less than like those models who pose for various magazines and brands. The looks must be hereditary only I guess.

But why is this old woman giving me the look of a rotten tomato ? She already hates me. I can clearly see it in her eyes now.

And wait... Why are they using terms like 'new girl' and 'perfect girl' ? Also, where did my beauty and other things even come out from ? 

Don't tell me... That they also are thinking like that about me. For God's sake I am not one of his sluts here !

" And you guys must be ? " I asked in a tone of uncertainty as I blinked my eyes a multiple number of times in front of them and gave them a beautiful smile trying to sound as polite as possible.

" I am RJ's mom Ariana and he is his brother, Vishal ! " The lady introduced themselves while I gave her a low nod in acknowledgement. 

" And I am just his assistant here. " I again said as I stressed on the word 'just' this time. 

" Oh... I know that how hustling are RJ's assistants with their works. " The lady said making me drop my jaw right in front of them.

And here comes a sarcasm ! I know that she is indirectly mocking me with this.

" They not only give him relief from the work stress but also... Leave it. Don't I know all of his stories here ? Honestly, I am seriously tired with the habit of this boy changing his assistant after every week once he is done with them. " The lady shared her so called woe with me. I narrowed my eyes at this and looked at the floor silently.

What sort of mom is she even is ?

She knows everything about her son's nature and deeds yet she didn't care to bring him to the right path. Here her son is harassing me everyday and this woman is sharing her woes with me only. Just great !

" And since how many days are you even working as his assistant here ? " Vishal asked this time. I cleared my voice at this and replied,

" Ummm... A week only. "

" And he has still not fired you. Amazing... " He said looking at me from top to bottom as if checking me out.

Don't tell me... That these brothers are not only hot but then exactly same in their nature as well!

The entire family is mad. I am telling you... It's better to leave this place as soon as possible. I mean that why should I stay behind now when Rajveer's family is finally here. Now it's their responsibility to look after him. I simply done with my job now. He's not my headache now !

" Sir and ma'am... I think that I should take your leave now. You both must be wanting to spend some time with him and here I am being an intruder. Excuse me please... " I said and was about to walk out from this place when the lady stopped me by holding my arm with hers. I looked at her arm holding mine and frowned in surprise. 

Wait... Isn't she disgusted to touch me ?

I mean come on... Is she not like those vamps which they show in the movies ? Like... she's so rich while I am nothing in front of her so she will get dirty if she touches me. Doesn't she think like that ?

" Why would she be disgusted to touch you when she openly thinks that her son fucks you ?" Asked my subconscious brain making me nod my head in agreement.


" How did my son got into this accident ? " The lady asked in a bit harsh tone now.

I pushed him...

" I am not his chauffeur. " I replied in the same tone which she was using against me now.

" What ? " Whisper yelled the old lady making me bite my tongue.

Again my tongue slips here. Why do I talk so much oh sweet God ?

" I mean... that I wasn't present with him when this accident and all happened ma'am. " I said in an overly sweet tone trying to divert the topic.

" Where's the police ? " The lady further asked.

I so wish to pull out all her hair at this now. Who does she even think am I ? An answer bank ?

But wait... What if she's already wearing a wig here and I try to pull them ? Ummm... It won't look good after that I guess.

So plan dropped !

" I don't know ma'am. Maybe the hospital staff must have called them. " I replied sincerely this time. The old lady glowered at me as stress lines appeared at her forehead now.

What do I know ? Isn't it the work of the hospital staff to inform them about accident cases and all ?

On top of that, my psycho husband had almost kidnapped me just an hour back. I just came now... So I literally have no idea of all this. Maybe the police... They might have came or not when I was under sedation. I don't know... But won't they come now to record his statement atleast ?

"Then what the hell do you even know ? You are replying in negative for each and everything. You are indeed a dumb girl who has trapped my son with her beauty. The previous assistants of RJ were better than you atleast. They used to be well informed of my son. Get lost before I fire you this instant ! " The lady yelled on my face making me shut my eyes instantly.

" Because I lost my heart to a fool. I lost my heart to you who's naive. You are naive Ishu... You are too good and that's why you think that the world here is also good just like you. This niceness of yours is indeed a foolishness in today's time ! "

A voice rang into my ears. 

I was breathing heavily now as I opened my eyes to look at RJ's mom with my blurred vision. She had a hard expression on her face while his brother had maintained a blank look on his face. 

" Get lost ! " The woman again shouted making my lips tremble in fear at her voice. 

I turned a bit and looked at RJ from over my shoulders. He was still sleeping... I sighed and looked at the lady once again.

" I am not like them... " I whispered wiping my tears with the back of my palm and shook my head after that.

" I am not a slut of your brother. " I said looking at Vishal this time. He furrowed his eyebrows at me but I ran away from this place before anyone of them could insult me further more after this. 

How can they say like this about me ?

I am not a slut of RJ here. I am just his assistant and this surely doesn't means that I am his babysitter. What do I know of all this ?

I just know that Vijay only is responsible for his accident. But how did it even happen is an entirely different story... 

I don't know... Maybe she was tensed or frustrated after looking at his son's condition but then also she just can't say all this to me. Cursing me is acceptable but then accusing me to be his slut... The one who has 'trapped his son with her beauty'... Not done !

It's for good only that I cleared it all in front of her. After this she can think whatever she wants for I have no control over one's thoughts now do have I ?

I have made it clear to her once. I myself know that who I am... And I surely don't need to explain this to someone over and over again.

And with this I welcome another trouble named as 'Ariana Jaiswal' into my life !


After Few Days

Devika's POV

" I finally got the time to meet you after so many days aunty. " I said smilingly to Vinita aunty as she offered me to sit on a royal couch present in this majestic hall of hers. She smiled back at me as she took a sit beside me.

" It's good that you came to me after such a long time my child. It's been a week since I saw you last. So tell me... How are you ?" Aunty asked as she took my hand into hers. My heart cried out in happiness seeing her care for me. I smiled widely at this and replied,

" I am good aunty though I am tired as hell for now. That hitler has fractured his hand and since he has got the discharge from the hospital yesterday only so he's been enjoying his holiday to the fullest. The work load has completely fallen over my shoulders for now as I have to keep a note of everything in his absence. But yes... It's actually peaceful. It's calm and good when that RJ isn't around to trouble me. So yeah... I am good."

" Glad to know ! But what about Vijay, Devika ? Where's he ? " Aunty asked as I closed my eyes in frustration upon hearing the name of the person whom I hate the most.

I seriously don't want to talk about him now especially when I have just returned from the office after spending a long tiring day being busy with all the work in the office. It's just irritating you know when someone mentions about the person whom you hate the most at a time when you are already drained out !

I gave a fake smile to aunty trying to hide my frustration from her and then replied,

" I don't know aunty. His moods are more worst than that of a pregnant lady. He pays me a visit when he feels like. As of him killing around people, I guess that this has always been his business since the start. He always loved doing the same and now I seriously feel that Ishani was a big fool to even fall for him once. " 

" Don't call yourself a fool dear... " Aunty muttered passing her hand through my hair. 

" Huh ? " I responded back in confusion.

" Love is never foolish my child. It's just blind. Like you have told me your story... I can say from my experience that Ishani was a strong girl who always stood for herself. But then the only thing for which she faced all the trouble was her loneliness. She might have claimed that she's happy being all alone back then in the past... But it's not true. She wanted a family of her own... She wanted the love of Vijay and had started loving him back deeply. So deeply that she turned blind to his mistakes. " Aunty explained as her old eyes held a different sparkle in them. I looked at her and then averted my eyes back to my hand. 

" Maybe... But loving a mafia isn't something which I would have done knowingly. " I replied back shrugging my shoulders showing my disregard upon this matter.

" But Vijay said that Ishani had loved the real him once. " Aunty countered back making me furrow my eyebrows at her. 

" And everyone knows that what a big liar he even is ! He must be lying... And I seriously hate him. " I said frowningly.

" Maybe... But then never forget the fact Devika that Ishani had loved the same man whom you claim to hate now with all her might. There must be something in him right because of which she must have loved him. There must be some quality or maybe something else which made the chirpy Ishani to fall for him. Is it written in the diary that why you loved him ? " Aunty asked all of a sudden. I blinked my eyes rapidly and tried to recall the same.

" No... It wasn't. It's just that I had written that I love him for this... I love him for that... and so on over those small overly sweet gestures of his. There's no such solid reason behind it. " I replied honestly looking into her eyes.

" See... This is it. Had it been only because of those small overly sweet gestures of him then Ishani would have fallen for him in the beginning itself when Vijay was trying his best to impress her. She wouldn't have given a hard time in the starting. There's something much more than that. Some other reason... The reason why she didn't leave him when he stripped her... When he showed his worst angry side to her... and maybe when she got to know that he was a mafia. " Aunty said as I tried to digest her words for once.

Can it also happen like this ? 

Maybe yes... Maybe not... Oh ! I simply don't know.

" You can just read the diary Devika. It's like a story to you and maybe that's why you are not being able to feel it till now. You are able to understand only those things which Ishani was able to pen down before that unfortunate day. You can just read her mind but not feel her mind. You think that she was foolish as of now but then you will be able to understand everything when you will be back as Ishani. Maybe then you will be able to understand that why Ishani did all this. It's all about memories Devika. Wait for them to come back and do give a benefit of doubt to Vijay for now. " Aunty said making me look at her with a frown on my face.

She wants me to give a chance to that Vijay even after knowing that he was the one who shot me. He himself admits this for God's sake ! 

How can I give him a chance after this ?

" Are you trying to support Vijay here now aunty ? " I asked directly on her face.

 I am being confused by her behavior as well for now. She has changed her tone for Vijay as soon as I told her about my past story till my marriage. She thinks that maybe Vijay is a good guy here and this is something which I seriously disregard !

Before aunty could even reply back to me, my phone started ringing all of a sudden. I looked at the caller and... May this RJ rot in hell !

" Hello ! " I answered.

" Come to my mansion now ! " He barked from the other side of the phone making me distance my phone away from my ear. Vinita aunty was looking at me with an amusing look on her face.

" Why ? Do I have to sing lullaby for you ? " I asked in an overly sweet tone.

" Don't test my patience Devika and come now. We have to prepare for a presentation which is to be shown to our clients this week. " He ordered making me roll my eyes at this.

If he would have called me to office for this work then I would have welcomed this plan gladly. But going to his mansion and that too now is surely not something which any girl would ever like! 

" The office hours are already over so I am not coming. " I rejected his idea and smirked lowly.

" And with this... You are fired ! " He yelled from the other side making me jump on my place in shock.

" Wait ! What ? " I asked looking at my phone in bewilderment. 

" You did hear me correctly miss. " Came his usual arrogant reply. I shook my head at this and replied,

" Close your eyes and here I come. Wait for me please... " I literally begged in front of this not so good man.

" Come now... " He muttered and then cut the call.

I looked at my phone and I so wanted to break it into pieces. But then I did let go of this idea as soon as I realized that there was no one here to sponsor me for my new phone. 

" What happened Devika ? " Aunty asked grabbing my attention. I looked at her and stuffed phone back to my bag.

" RJ has called me to his mansion. " I said as she now frowned at this.

" Now ? At this hour ? " She asked looking at the clock which was screaming that it's already quater past nine now.

" Yes... He is threatening to fire me. So I have to go now I guess. " I revealed to which she also got up on her place and placed her hand over my head in a loving manner.

" Be safe... If he misbehaves with you then do call me. I have a penthouse near to his mansion. I will send some of my men to help you. " Aunty said making me smile at her. I gave her a big tight hug and then finally turned around to leave. I started walking towards the exit and that's when I heard aunty saying,

" Devika... I am not supporting Vijay here. It's just that you are like my daughter here. I don't want Devika to commit those mistakes for which Ishani will cry later. " 

I looked back at aunty and found her giving me a low smile. I smiled back at her and blinked my eyes showing that I did get the meaning of her words here.

She's right...

I don't have my memories with me in today's time. So I have to be more careful here. I shouldn't form a perception about something or anyone out there without noticing things by myself. But Vijay isn't surely helping me in this as well. I just want him to come and talk to me in a normal manner. I want him to tell me the reason present behind him shooting me like this.

But for now... I have to act calmly. I won't take any such decision till the time my memories come back to me. I won't...

With this thought in my mind, I walked out of Vinita aunty's house preparing myself for another battle which was already held in RJ's home now.


Devika's POV

I soon reached RJ's mansion and was granted the permission to enter into his mansion on the earliest as soon as I revealed that I am his so called assistant.

The mansion appeared to be an art of perfection as it's sight was breath taking. It had it's own glow because of which it actually stood out from rest others in this rising darkness. I smiled looking at the beauty of this building who stood tall right there in front of me. 

I rang the doorbell of the mansion and the door was soon opened by one of his servants I guess. Without even looking at me, the girl who had opened the door turned around and left the place ignoring me royally. 

So strange ! It seems as if everyone is busy with their own work here now. 

Entering into RJ's mansion, I looked around the place so as to find someone who will lead me to him. I was about to stop one of the servants moving around when I heard,

" What are you doing here in my home ? "

I startled upon hearing a voice so sharp and turned around only to find Mrs Jaiswal standing right there in front of me alongwith her son Vishal. 

" Rajveer sir has called me for some presentation work. " I replied looking away from her. 

I just don't even wanna look at her. I had my own share of humiliation this morning. I simply don't want to add more to it now. It's better to look away from her now.

" Is it really about some presentation or some other work now huh that drags you to his mansion? " She asked sweetly as I narrowed my eyes at her upon realizing the double meaning of her words here.

" Why are you asking me this ma'am ? Doesn't your son share things with you ? " I asked over sweetly using the same tone which she had used against me.

" You have got a long tongue here. " She remarked clenching her jaw.

" But I am not a chameleon unlike some...  " I answered back making her huff in annoyance.

" You... " She said but was interrupted by Vishal who now said,

" Mom... Let it be. If she's RJ's guest here then I don't think that we should stop her. Let her go or else you know that RJ won't like it. " 

Okay... So this guy is a bit sensible here I conclude. 

" Fine... But don't forget your real place slut ! Go... He's there in his bedroom waiting for you. " Mrs Jaiswal hissed at me as I simply blinked my eyes at this.

" Of course... Trust me ma'am, I will neither forget my place nor lose my shine amidst people like you. Anyways, thanks for your advice but I have to see my boss here now. Excuse me ! " I exclaimed and finally left the place before she could do some counter attack on me. 

One of the maids now helped me to reach to RJ's bedroom but she also left me as soon as the door of his room came into sight.

Why did he call me in his bedroom ? 

I won't go inside exactly inside his room now. I will just enter a bit and request him to take me to his office room where we can look after the files. Yes... I won't work with him alone and that too in his bedroom. Nope... Definitely not !

I knocked the door and was instructed by the hitler to directly come inside. I sighed and opened the door only to burst into laughters. RJ was having a fight with his shirt. He was literally trying his best to wear a T-shirt I guess as shirt was somewhat stuck in between covering one third of his chest. 

" Stop laughing you moron and come and help me ! " He gritted out putting a full stop over my laughing session as I looked around to find no one standing around me.

" Me ? " I asked pointing a finger towards myself and that's when I heard him muttering some curses under his breath I guess.

" No... I am inviting your ghost idiot ! " He replied back harshly making me widen my eyes. 

Is he knowingly trying to recreate a filmy scene here now or is he literally in need of help ? 

No matter whatever be the real thing here I have to help this guy so as to sail my already wrecked ship. With this the life can be so unfair to you at times. You end up helping those whom you claim to be your enemy. But helping someone in need is a noble work and trust me that I don't mind helping a needy. But then I do feel like punching the faces of those who act to be needy though again it's not an option here !


So guys, how was the chappy ?

What do you think of RJ's mom and brother ?

What do you think of Vinita aunty's words ?

Please do vote and comment :)

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