Chapter 4

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An early update because of this.

2k followers it is !

Thank you guys... ❤❤❤❤❤

And this beautiful cover of Beast has been made by ChandanaSSV. Thank you so much dear for making this one for me. Really means a lot ! Much love... 💖💖💖💖💖

Chapter dedicated to :- ChandanaSSV

Words Count :- 3533 words.

Devika's POV

" Stop laughing you moron and come and help me ! " He gritted out putting a full stop over my laughing session as I looked around to find no one standing around me.

" Me ? " I asked pointing a finger towards myself and that's when I heard him muttering some curses under his breath I guess.

" No... I am inviting your ghost idiot ! " He replied back harshly making me widen my eyes.

Is he knowingly trying to recreate a filmy scene here now or is he literally in need of help ?

No matter whatever be the real thing here I have to help this guy so as to sail my already wrecked ship. With this the life can be so unfair to you at times. You end up helping those whom you claim to be your enemy. But helping someone in need is a noble work and trust me that I don't mind helping a needy. But then I do feel like punching the faces of those who act to be needy though again it's not an option here !

I huffed lowly and walked towards this hitler cursing his entire dynasty. I stood in front of him and tried to lower down his shirt taking care of his injured hand. But this man here was behaving like a fish thrown out of water wriggling sideways and that's when my hand came in contact with his bare chest. I gasped at this contact and took a few steps away from him looking at my hands.

" What ? " He shouted out of irritation I guess to which I looked at him and pouted.

" Stop dancing boss and let me help you out of this ! " I whisper yelled at him and again walked towards him so as to get him into the shirt and out of this problem. 

This time I held the corners of the shirt tightly into my fist and pulled it down looking at his injured hand trying my best so as to stay away from him at the same time. After a good game of tug and war, the shirt finally reached down to cover his chest. RJ now looked at me in all his glory drilling holes into my skull through his eyes. I rolled my eyes at this and stepped away from him.

" Good for nothing... " He hissed and I swear... If he would have thrown all these tantrums on me before I had helped him then I would have seriously kicked his knee and punched his broken arm.

" Done ? Now tell me... Why have you wished for my presence your highness ? " I mocked him. He twitched his own eyebrows at this and adjusted his plastered hand as he asked,

" What about the tender and other details which are needed for cracking the Zoina deal ?" 

" I have been working on it in your absence sir. It will get completed soon. " I informed him to which he nodded his head in a sarcastic manner taking me into surprise that now what's wrong with him here. He walked closer to me and further enquired,

" When will it get completed ? We have to get this Zoina deal anyhow and it's meeting has been scheduled after three days to be exact. Is this how you work now Devika ? Even a tortoise walks at a rate which far better than your speed. " He taunted me to which I bit my lips and looked down at the floor being all frustrated with his ways.

How can he say this to me ? 

I have been working so hard to get this project to our company anyhow. I believe that this is a chance to prove my worth to this company. RJ is not here and if I manage to crack this deal and I will be given a major credit for the same. 

I agree... Maybe I am slow with my work and also I can sense his frustration over the same. Handling such a big company isn't easy at all and being all away from the office at a time when such a big deal is standing at your doorstep is another matter of concern for him. But then also how can he accuse me like this when I am working so hard for the same ?

I maybe slow in his eyes here but I can bet on my last penny that he won't find anyone who can do this work faster than me here !

" This isn't a game RJ. It is meant to take time. No one can do this in a rate which you want for the same. Try to understand... Everything will get ready by tomorrow. " I said trying to make him aware of my situation here.

" So easy for you to say... If anything goes wrong then it's me who will suffer. You guys will get your salaries as usual. Leave it... You won't understand. Show me the details of all the files and tender now ! " He exclaimed to which I nodded hastily and settled down my bag on a desk nearby.

I took out my laptop and other important files for the same as I felt RJ taking his seat in front of me. I sat in front of him and started showing him my up to date work.

" Sit beside me and show... I am facing a problem to see your work like this. " He spatted making me sigh at his words. 

He is just finding ways to get close to me like this. I can see it clearly.

Idiot !

I took my laptop and other belongings and shifted to a seat beside him. I maintained some appreciable distance between us and again continued with my work. He brought his face closer to my shoulder and shuffled through the files scanning them with his eyes. Once he was satisfied he exclaimed,

" There is still much more to do in this. Sit here now and complete half of the remaining work ! "

I groaned covering my ear as he literally shouted on my ear and looked at him angrily.

And this is why he actually had called me to sit beside him. He wanted to take his revenge on my ear and I was a fool who believed that he did all this so as to get close to me. I swear... A day shall come soon when I will jump around and shout in his ears all day long making them bleed !

But wait...

What did he just say here now ? 

He wants me to complete all this and that too now. What am I ? A machine ?

It's around half past eleven already and I have been working since eight in the morning. My eyes are already heavy and I so want to sleep now. How can I do all this now ?

" RJ... Can we please continue all these tomorrow ? I am already tired now. I don't think that I will be able to do all this now. " I admitted honestly and then found him furrowing his eyebrows at this.

" Already tired doing nothing I see. Sit here silently and complete your work or else I have got better options here out of which one is to fire you. You don't have your degree with you right ?" He asked with a sick smirk being plastered on his face. I looked away from him and blinked away my unshed tears which had came on their own unknowingly seeing his torture.

I don't have a choice here. There is no other company which will give me job here without my degrees being there by my side and this man... He has already given me a good job and a shelter as well though it was just meant to satisfy his ego here. I can't leave this job here and again come back to streets giving an option chance to Vijay so as to trouble me further. No...

" I will do it. " I replied lowly and looked at the files sadly.

" Good ! Now I am going to sleep. Wake me up once you are done with your work. Remember... You can't leave this place before you are done with the half of your assigned work here. " He warned me to which I nodded being disheartened completely. 

He then walked back to his royal bed and laid on it like a king leaving this damsel in distress all alone to complete all her work in the middle of this night. He wasn't able to cover himself with the duvet and I was watching it all silently being stubborn enough to not to help him no matter what.

" What are you seeing ?  Come and cover me with the duvet. " He barked once more as I looked at him dolefully. My eyes were sad and my lips stood in a thin line as I saw that how gently his back was pressed against that soft mattress.

" I am not your wife to help you with this. Also I am not a good human to help some needy like this. " I replied gloomily and started my work. 

" Then be my wife... " Came the unexpected reply of this man here.

" Huh ? " I reacted being all shocked  and blinked my eyes a number of times at him as my brain took it's own sweet time to process his words here.

" But again you are not of my type and this stops me from marrying you. So destiny has played a cruel game here and now you have to come to help your boss. Come fast and do the honors. " He replied arrogantly. 

Yeah... Says the one who dreams about me everyday in a 'state in which I myself can't imagine' !

I shook my head at this and half heartedly walked towards him. He was still waiting for me looking at me with his big eyes just like a kid. I took hold of the duvet and covered him till his chest. As soon as I was about to turn, he held my hand with his good one and kissed the back of my palm and muttered,

" Good night ! "

I jerked off his hand in anger and said,

" You won't look good with two broken arms here now Rajveer. "

Good night...

Only his night is good here while I... I am succumbed beneath the work load here. Sleep is the only blissful thing for me these days and now this man has snatched it away from me successfully !

I walked back to my place in anger and again started with my work. 

The time flew away like none and finally it was around three when I had finally wrapped up around half of the total work. The files were now getting processed and it was a matter of few minutes for me to get free of this place. I looked at my desktop and sighed. I leaned back against the headrest of this couch and closed my eyes for a few seconds.


Next Morning

Devika's POV

I was happily playing in the sands as I felt the eyes of an unknown man watching me from behind. I was throwing the sand all around me but then stopped as I felt some kids waving their hands at me. I smiled back at them and waved my hand. The kids ran towards me and they were exactly six kids standing right in front of me.

I smiled at them and pulled the chubby cheeks of one. That's when one of the kids caressed my cheek but wait... 

Why are his hands rough here ?

I held his hand and suddenly they appeared to be that of a big man. 

Rough and weary they were...

I blinked my eyes a multiple times and that's when my eyes opened up in real and I realized that I was dreaming all this while. I looked around and gasped as soon as I found RJ leaning towards me. His face was closer to mine as I realized that he has been caressing my cheeks all this while with rough hand. He pecked my lips all of a sudden and greeted,

" Good morning beautiful ! " 

I rubbed my lips with my free hand and gave him a disgusting look. Anger was bursting out from each and every vein of mine as I ended up yelling,

" Get away from me you manwhore ! "

I pushed him back with all my force but this muscular man here didn't even care to budge a bit. He again brought his face closer to mine as my eyes widened up thinking of the possibility of what will happen next. Unknowingly my hand came into contact with his cheek as the very next moment I found RJ's face being turned to a side.

I slapped him... I just slapped my boss.

Oh God ! Which trouble have I now invited for myself here ?

But again I don't regret slapping him even a bit. He was literally forcing himself on me which isn't done. Slap is surely what he deserves at the end !

But now... I am ready to face everything that comes on my way for this. What will he do at worst huh ? Fire me ?

Gladly... He can do so for I am not wrong here.

He again turned his face a bit so as to face me. He gave me a sick smirk and licked his lips which disgusted me to the deep.

" You look beautiful when you sleep. " He remarked to which I snarled at him.

Wait...Sleep ?

Was I sleeping all this long ?

I ignored this man who was sitting right in front of me and looked around only to be greeted by the sun rays here. It's already morning !

I was tired enough last night and maybe that's why I dozed off as soon as I closed my eyes. This be such a risky thing which I did last night. Sleeping in the house of a man who lusts for me.

Oh God !

I looked down and found that my clothes were intact. I sighed and closed my eyes thanking God for the same.

How can I be so careless now ? 

Vijay was right... I always behave carelessly whether it is to run on the stairs or giving the food to that beggar being all dolled up in jwelleries.

Wait... Why am I even talking of Vijay here ? What has gotten into me for God's sake ?

" You are disgusting ! " I said looking at RJ.

" You are sexy ! " He commented back.

" I will kill you ! " I growled out at him.

" I will fuck all your senses out ! " He answered and winked at me.

" Get aside ! I have to leave... " I declared trying to push him off me.

Just look at him... His one hand is already broken here and yet it's so difficult to get him moving away from me. I literally hate the guts of this guy.

" Where are you even planning to huh sleeping beauty ? It's already seven by now. Freshen up here and I will send some clothes for you. Change into that and then we shall leave for the office. Don't forget that your work is incomplete here. " He dictated making me clench my jaws at this. I tightly clutched the edge of my dress in anger and glared at Rajveer.

" What do you even mean by getting freshen up here ? " I asked him clearly though I already know the answer.

" Take a bath here in my room and after that we shall leave together. I don't have enough time to wait for you to go back to your house, getting freshened up and then coming back being all decked up like a doll ! " He explained to me shrugging his shoulders. I nodded at this and gave a second to this thought.

He is right... I will be wasting my time here if I go back to my house now for completing all the work. In that time, I can easily complete this work and get free for once. 

But wait... He wants me to take a bath here in his room. 

Oh God !

What if he has fit some cameras inside his washroom ? What if he has planned to capture me naked like this and then blackmail me into sleeping with him for the same ?

No... No... No...

He's a devil here. Anything is possible here and I simply can't afford to take chances here. 

" I would rather choose to not to take a bath today then to bath in your washroom. " I stated to which he scrunched his nose at this dramatically.

" You will stink... " He said holding his nose.

" I don't care... " I replied shaking my head and looking at him with widened eyes.

I will do one thing here. I will buy a perfume on my way and take a bath in it only. But then I won't bath in his mansion. 

No... Never... 

" Then you will stay away from me for today. " He said and this is simply what I wanted to hear from him in all these days. 

If this is how he is gonna behave with me if I skip my bath then I swear... I will go bathless everyday for the same !

" Gladly ! " I replied back.

" Fine... Then go outside and wait for me. I will change my attire and get back to you in a short time. " He said to which I nodded and got up on my place adjusting my dress. I went inside the washroom and washed my face with cold water. I came out and then RJ soon vanished up inside of his walk in closet I guess. Meanwhile, I walked out of his room and stood in the main hall waiting for him.

Time passed but then also he wasn't here yet. I looked at my watch and sighed. 

" So how did your night went ? " Came someone's unexpected voice. I frowned and raised my head only to come face to face with Mrs Ariana here. She was giving me a sick look and again she walked arrogantly to stand right in front of me.

" So how much money did you take from my son for the last night ? " She asked. She brought her hand closer to my hair as she adjusted it a bit. I looked at her in shock as she further continued,

" I will advise you to stop the habit of day dreaming here Mrs Jaiswal. " I replied back taking a few steps away from her. 

" Oh yeah... I am actually dreaming here. You spending an entire night into my son's room. The next morning you come out with messed up hair and creased dress. Dreaming I am... Maybe. " She said stressing the last word here. 

Of course... I do have to look like a zombie here for I just came outside after washing my face only.

I looked away from her and prayed that RJ comes here soon so that I can get rid of this irritating lady here.

" I had sensed your intentions last night only when you had entered into my house. You had came to sleep with him. I know... Gold digger you are ! " She accused me and suddenly held my arm after that. I winced in pain because of her tight grip.

" Leave me... " I said and tried to free my arm from her. She dug her nails against my soft skin making me cry out in pain. I looked at her with my teary eyes and I swear... I will punch her if she doesn't leaves me within the next minute itself.

" Listen you slut ! My son is only mine. Stay away from him... He has fucked you now for once and now he should be done with you. He won't fuck you twice. Don't linger in front of him after this or else I will kill you. Go away from him..." She warned me.

" Mom leave her ! " RJ yelled from behind. He walked towards us hastily and freed my arm from the clutches of this witch here. I winced holding supporting my arm with my other one and cried looking at the place to be all bruised up.

And Vijay was right... I do cry for small-small injuries. I don't know but yeah I do cry. 

RJ looked at me giving me a blank look as I cried looking at him still holding my arm.

And this is seriously great. The son troubles me last night by giving me all the loads of work and his mother here accuses me for having spent my night with him. If these people don't have a proper communication amongst themselves then how is it my fault ? One pushes me into trouble and the other misunderstands. Just great !


So guys, how was the chappy here ?

What do you think of RJ troubling Ishu like this ?

What do you think of Ariana's behavior here ?

Please do vote and comment :)

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