Chapter 5

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And this beautiful cover of Beast has been made by Ananya_1205. Thank you so much Didi for making it for me. Really means a lot ! Much love... ❤❤❤❤❤

Chapter dedicated to :- Ananya_1205

Words Count :- 3037 words

Devika's POV

" Mom leave her ! " RJ yelled from behind. He walked towards us hastily and freed my arm from the clutches of this witch here. I winced supporting my arm with my other one and cried looking at the place to be all bruised up.

And Vijay was right... I do cry for small-small injuries. I don't know but yeah I do cry.

RJ looked at me giving me a blank look as I cried looking at him still holding my arm.

And this is seriously great. The son troubles me last night by giving me all the loads of work and his mother here accuses me for having spent my night with him. If these people don't have a proper communication amongst themselves then how is it my fault ? One pushes me into trouble and the other misunderstands. Just great !

" What were you even doing with her mom ? " He asked taking me into surprise. He furrowed his eyes at his mom as Mrs Jaiswal gave him a sheepish angry look.

Wait... Wait... Wait...

What is even happening here ? Like really ?

RJ is questioning his mom for me here. Like how ?

I felt that he will also side up with his mom and taunt me for last night. I believed that he too would accuse me by mocking my mistake of sleeping in his room last night. But here the river is flowing from another direction I see !

" I was just showing her the real place which she deserves. " The old lady spatted back looking at me with eyes which were filled with disgust.

My place ?

Okay... Look above your head old lady for my standards are much more higher than yours or that of your son's.

" And she's my assistant here mom. " RJ pointed out to which I made a face at him.

Yeah...Yeah... The very same so called assistant for whom this man lusts here. Had my situation been a different one then I swear I would have thrown my heels at him.

" Don't lie in front of me RJ. I can read your eyes well. You want this girl. It's clear and it shows my son... " The lady answered back.

" You can see... That I want this girl. Interesting ! What if I love her and wanna marry her ? " RJ asked throwing a challenging look to his mom as he crossed his arms against his chest making me cough at his words.

I am already married you donkey and my man isn't a normal one. Let me get to know of this once ! He will make a good salad of yours but wait... Won't he roast me as well after that ?

Uska to dinner hi set ho jayega. RJ ka salad and jali hui Ishani.

( His dinner only will get set at the end for he will get to feast upon RJ's salad and a roasted Ishani. )

" Is it ? Then go ahead and marry her my son. I would also love to attend both of your marriage. " Mrs Jaiswal said giving both of us a creepy smile. I huffed at this and looked at RJ in irritation.

Oh God ! The veins on his forehead are popping out like anything. His breathing is fast and he is already killing his mom with his eyes.

So much of hatred for his own mom ? Is she even his real mom here ? I mean... who knows that she is his step mother who made the life of this Cinderella hell ?

" You... better watch your ways. " RJ warned pointing his finger at his own mom here.

" And you... control your tongue in front of beggars like her. " She spatted back showing him her finger this time.

Are they playing here finger fight or what ?

Wait... Did she call me a beggar here ? How dare she !

" Yeah... And this beggar only is the assistant of your beloved son here. This clearly shows that you are a beggar of which level here. Mrs Jaiswal, I agree that you and your son pay me here but this doesn't means that I am a beggar here. I give you work in return of that money. Neither I do a favor on you by working so hard nor you do a favor on me by paying. I know that you and your son have got lots of money here but then trust me... My self respect isn't cheap as well ! " I blasted on the face of this lady here.

The lady was just fuming like a pressure cooker now and I am afraid... She will get a heart attack if she doesn't calms now. She had clutched the end of her dress in her fist and with each passing second her grip was increasing only.

Will I be sent to jail if she dies today ?

If yes... Then I will surely receive a grand welcome there for I am the sister in law of all the people there.

" I will show you ! " The lady shouted and raised her hand at me. I let out a scream and turned my face sideways covering my cheek with my palm before the lady's filthy hand could touch me. My head started aching terribly as a few blurred images came in front of my eyes.

" You never cared for me. You never cared for my family ! You are not like my mom. She was good and caring while you... Marrying you was my biggest mistake. I just wanted you to take care of me and my sister here and you failed in doing that as well ! " I saw and heard someone yelling.

" Vijay... Listen to me. I swear that I was in the garden at that time. My phone... Ahh ! " The man slapped the girl and her screams echoed in my ears as my eyes felt heavy now. I shook my head and that's when I heard,

" I hate excuses doll. "

" I hate your behavior with our mom RJ ! " A voice interrupted my visions. I sided my palm away from my face and found RJ holding his mom's hand.

He saved me...

" And this is not the way in which mom gets to behave with my assistant here Bhai ! " RJ replied to Vishal.

Vishal... When did he come here ?

Anyways, RJ saved me so yeah... Devils also do a good work once or twice in their entire lifetime and this is his. So there is nothing to be surprised here you see !

Also, one more thing gets confirmed here that this Ariana Jaiswal is the step mother of RJ here. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. I can see it... She's not his mom.

" Just look at him Vishal. He is misbehaving with me just because of this new girl. " Cried the old woman and I see from where those tears are even coming from.

Bloody crocodile tears they are !

" You girl ! Say sorry to mom. " Demanded the not so innocent guy here.

Oh... So I have to say sorry here. Fine ! Let's do this as well now.

I nodded at this and smiled at aunty and said,

" I am sorry for being lesser rude this time aunty. From the next time, I will sharpen my tongue even more nicely and give you a good treat after that. " I spatted looking at the old lady whose mouth was now wide apart in shock.

" I can fire you with this... " Said Vishal taking a few steps closer to me. I looked at RJ for help and guess what he was already looking at an opposite direction to this acting completely ignorant here.

Oh man ! Don't you wanna fight with your step brother here ? Come... Come... and fight. He is troubling your assistant see.

" I am not at all afraid for the job. Fire me if you wish like... But then I won't hear any shit against me. " I replied back standing firmly at my place looking directly into the eyes of this Vishal here. He was clenching his jaw at me while I simply narrowed back my eyes at him.

" RJ fire her now... " Vishal barked to which I sighed.

If this is how it was meant to be then let it be... I agree that I am in need of a job here. But this doesn't means that I will eat whatever they serve me here. I surely don't deserve to be treated like this when it's not my mistake here. They can live with all their assumptions for all that I care!

I know my identity now. If I don't get any other job after this then I will retire back to Kodaikanal and continue with my farming work only. Things were different back then when I had joined this company initially and the things are different now.

It is better to get fired then to live under their harassments and insults each day !

I turned my head towards RJ and gave him a blank look giving him a hint that I am fine with whatsoever decision that he takes for me. He gave me a good competition in giving a blank look in return and took out his hands out of his pants pocket. He simply shrugged his shoulders and replied,

" And I am not firing my assistant. "

He just gave me the third biggest shock of this day. The first one was waking up in his room this morning and the second one was when he stood up against his mom for me.

I blinked my eyes at this and took my own sweet time to register his words into my mind first.

" This is my house ! " Gritted out his brother in anger.

" For namesake... " RJ said giving a bored look to Vishal.

And what am I seeing here ? A wrestling game maybe...

I don't know... Whatever it maybe I will seriously enjoy it if RJ gets thrashed in that. But wait... Isn't he taking my side in this case ? So is it justified for me to dream about him like this ?

Nope... I guess !

" Raj... " Warned his brother showing his finger to hitler. Hitler narrowed his eyes at him and walked royally towards him in all his grace. He placed his hand over Vishal's shoulder and said,

" Don't give me this attitude brother. "

Vishal chose to keep mum at this here as RJ's eyes travelled to my face over Vishal's shoulder. I looked at him with a low smile as I liked the way how he took a stand for me. But still it doesn't justifies his previous actions for sure and no matter what he will remain a man whore only at the end.

" Get a hotel room nearby and take a quick bath. Message me the name of the hotel and exactly after an hour I will pick you up for the office. I don't want my clients to get disappointed because of my stinky assistant here." He ordered to which I nodded my head instantly.

He called me stinky ? How rude of him !

And with this I lose my only opportunity to keep him away from me for at least today.

Why God ? Why ? Why does this happen with me only ?

I hurriedly walked out of this place. My luck favored me today as I found a cab instantly on the main road itself. I got inside of it and finally instructed him to take me to some hotel here.


Devika's POV

Taping my foot against the cemented road, I waited for my boss aka hitler to arrive soon. I have already messaged him my address and he also replied positively stating that he will be here real soon. I pouted and looked around and that's when a black car stopped in front of me.

The glass lowered and there sat RJ looking handsome like usual giving me a smirk. I shook my head at this and averted my gaze towards the passenger door. I tried opening the door with my free hand only to realize that it's locked.

" You are sitting with me... " Came the husky voice of Hitler. I bit my lips and replied,

" But I am your junior and it will be inappropriate if I get to sit with you there. "

I don't want my colleagues to spread the rumors now that this time RJ is having an affair with me. I don't want them to assume things when in reality it's nothing.

" And here you don't get an option to choose. " He said arrogantly making me groan lightly at this not so needed intrusion of him in my life. I rolled my eyes at him and finally sat behind with him by my side. I maintained a decent gap from him and looked outside of the window ignoring his presence completely.

" You look beautiful. " He complimented me to which I chuckled sadistically.

" Tell me something new. " I answered back without even looking at him. I suddenly felt him holding the sleeves of my top and that's when I turned out jerking off his hand in the midway. I looked at him in bewilderment and demanded an answer from him for this act of his.

" You changes your clothes... " He remarked to which I let out a loud sigh.

" So ? " I asked shrugging my shoulders.

" Who gave you the clothes ? As much as I remember, you weren't carrying any clothes back then and the journey back to your home will take around two hours. Who gave you the dress ? " He asked. I gave him an angry look reflecting my earnest wish of strangling him to death here.

What ? Can't I purchase my own clothes here according to my wish ? Is it written somewhere that each and every time someone will gift me a dress ?

Come on man... I have purchased this dress from the boutique which was there in the second floor of the hotel.

Bloody idiot !

" My boyfriend... He gave these clothes. He lives nearby only and he's too good who came running to my hotel to hand me over these clothes. " I lied giving an evil smirk to him. RJ chuckled at this and letting out a low laugh at the end. He looked at me after this and said,

" You are single and only mine... "

" Keep dreaming ! " I replied rolling my eyes.

" You don't have a boyfriend Devika. Had that been the case then you would have surely introduced him to me so as to keep me away from you. Stop narrating me stories. " He said to which I looked at him defeatedly.

He reads my mind so well right ?

If Vijay and I would have been in good terms today then I would have surely brought him to RJ so as to make Vijay threaten this Hitler. Vijay would have warned him and this guy... Would have got to know surely then that I am not his.

" See, here the truth comes out. You are single Devika I know. " He said and winked at me.

I am already married Rajveer.

" Leave all this nonsense and tell me that how did you get into that accident now RJ ? " I asked diverting the topic. He frowned at this and took a deep pause for a couple of seconds.

What happened ? Has he also lost his memory like me or what ?

" I... I was driving my car straight on the road Devika. The highway was lonely and my bodyguards were moving in different cars around me. I was moving in the third car and all of a sudden a SUV hit my car from the sideways. Out of all the cars, it did hit only mine. " He informed me and once again guilt took over my heart.

I just can't see someone suffering in pain because of me. I know that Vijay has done all this to him but then again how shall I even say this to RJ ?

" Did police catch the culprit ? " I asked looking at him with sad eyes.

" They did... It was a common man. The breaks of his car had failed and this was also verified later. " He informed me further making me nod my head in response. I sighed and again looked out of the window being completely lost in my thoughts.

If you want to hurt me only at the end then why don't you kill me directly for once and for all Vijay ? Why are you playing this game of hide and seek hurting those who aren't even a part of it?

I had loved you with all my heart Vijay. Don't abuse my love like this. Give me a chance to feel proud of my love. Your actions and words are taking me only away from you. You scare me up like no other even though you claim to love like none !

Time passed and we soon reached his office. RJ and I both came out of the car as the guards greeted both of us together acknowledging our presence. We walked together towards the lift with none of us saying a word at all. I pressed the button of our floor and before the doors could even get closed, Samaira entered the lift swaying her hips. She hugged RJ tightly as soon as she saw him making me cringe out at her actions.

" And I missed you baby !" Samaira whispered into RJ's ear.

It's better if I get lost from here. I don't have it in me anymore to see them making out in this lift itself. I would rather prefer to take the stairs instead.

Shaking my head I walked forward so as to leave this lift. But even before I could take even one foot of mine outside the door closed and the lift started moving making me cry out at my destiny.

Again... Why does this happen with me only ? I am stuck here with not so good people. Why God? Why ?


So guys, how was the chappy ?

What do you think of RJ taking a stand for Ishu against his mom and brother here ?

What do you think of the last part of the chappy ?

Please do vote and comment :)

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