Part 12

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"Here I thought that he would have a very thin prison record," Don said, sitting down into the chair.

"I have a very good idea why," Maureen said, feeling her stomach twist.

Don flipped through the pages.

"Huh," Don said. "What?" he flipped faster through the pages. "Smith starting prison brawls? This can't be right."

"Let me see that," John said, then was handed the thick file.

John went through the paperwork scanning for the text relating to the prison brawls. The number was staggering in the first sixteen years then dropped down to a zero. It was a gradual process going down. The paperwork indicated the man was set off by insults according to the eyewitness reports. The list was extensive regarding the injuries that the man had gained and had repaired during these fights. John was left in shock with disbelief in his eyes. Smith wasn't the kind of man to start a fight over a insult to his character but it struck a cord to John when he saw what kind of insults had delivered the unexpected, hard vicious side of the convict. He had spent a good deal of time in the recovery wing. John shook his head then handed the file to a curious Maureen. His medical file hadn't come in, yet.

"It doesn't sound like Smith," Don said. "Prison changed him more than I thought."

"This is odd," Maureen said, looking down toward the file with a strange look on his face. "It says here that his former employers attempted to kill him from behind bars."

"Now, that isn't odd," Don said.

"It's odd because they used a relative of yours, Don," John said.

"A relative?" Don asked, tilting his head. "Wests don't become criminals and sneak in just for someone like Smith."

"Joshua Franklin West," Maureen elaborated.

"Doesn't ring a bell," Don said. He paused, considering. "I left a lot of family back on Earth. Could have been one of their kids. It has been thirty years."

"When we were taken in by that bubble, it was 2004," John said. "This file indicates it is 2035. It took them a year to get here."

"Maybe not," Maureen said. "They said it has been thirty years since we've been gone. But not thirty years since Doctor Smith returned without us."

"So it has been thirty-one years," John said.

"Looks like it," Maureen said. "So many cryostasis pods. . ." Maureen observed the familiar cryostasis pods that came in two sizes at the back curving behind the main consoles. "I can't believe Alpha Control has adapted them for animals."

"They had thirty years to expand cryostasis pods since our flight, darling," John said. "It is only fair that everything else aboard this ship is more adapt to this decade than we are."

"More comfortable with it," Maureen said, appearing to be rather worried.

There was a buzzing from across John followed by a new blue folder that slid out of the dark, wide slip beside the primary piloting station. The camera flew toward the blue folder watching it change shade to green then backed out as a large branch of leaves were lifted up. Will was holding onto Smith's hand acting as his guide with the Robot sticking close behind them. The sound of the native wildlife sent chills down the older man's skin. The next Will knew was being sent flying into the air with a consistent, cowardly scream behind him. Smith's hand slipped out of Will's hand. Will came to a landing in between large bushes that softened the fall. The teenager propped himself up to see the Robot rolled on his side down the pathway that was miraculously wide enough to allow the machinery to roll. The Robot came to a stop against a dead tree trunk and rolled gently to the side.

The camera displayed the Robot's halfway broken circular head that bobbed in alarm. Will looked over expecting to see Smith behind him but he wasn't. The teenager heard the old man's pained cry that sounded nearby so he leaped over the fallen trees coming in his direction. Will came to a stop over a fallen tree and was taken back at first. It was remarkable that Smith was still alive at this point as his lower half was squashed under the tree from the section designated at the waist. Smith lifted himself up then fell flat to the grass groaning in pain. He lifted himself partially then turned his head up wearing a grimace.

"Ow, ow, oww," Smith whined. "How bad is it?"

"It's not bad," Will said, gulping down bile then looked around the scenery searching for something.

"William," Smith said. "Don't lie to me."

"It's pretty bad, but I think the medical equipment at the Jupiter 2 could fix that," the teenager came to the man's side. "I can give it a try after finding the right thick branches, several rocks, and the Robot." Smith yanked his hand out grabbing on to the teenager's hand stopping him from going on to carry the thought out.

"I can hear the Dragon headed this way," Smith said. "You don't have the time."

"Not without you," Will said, then Smith squeezed the teenager's hand.

"Your family has been a moment to me for the last thirty years," Smith said, then sadly smiled. "Let me be your moment."

Smith let go of the teenager's hand then sent it forward away from him. Will stepped back, reluctant, from the older man. If he didn't turn around and run away going after the Robot then he was going to be killed. The reluctance was very much in the teenager's eyes as he stepped back noticing a definite shape approaching their direction among the greenery. Will's legs met the back of a tree then he turned around and ran off leaving Smith behind. Smith reached out grabbing on to a tree branch then felt along his side. His flippable knife was laid on the ground in front of him as though it had fallen out during the fall. He unflipped the knife then felt along the stick feeling for the length and quickly broke it into two pieces. He sharpened the edge feeling stings against his finger tips hearing the sound of footsteps coming from behind. He overheard the landing of the dragon from in front of him then turn toward him briefly standing there. He can hear strange, peculiar noises from the dragon. The dragon turned away then resumed making its way on for Will and the Robot. Why that ageist!

Smith's heart screamed, NO!

"No need to fear! SMITH IS HERE!"

He threw the makeshift spear at the dragon.


The dragon stopped in its tracks then yanked out the dagger from his neck and slowly turned toward Smith.


The sounds coming from the creature sounded furious as Smith lifted himself up with a smile.

"Why hello there, Mx," Smith greeted the approaching alien. "Nice to meet the one responsible for this vile, problematic situation." the dragon stopped, tilting their head. "You are a irritating, dishonorable hunter who cheats to get a hunt started! Your entire civilization is built on nothing but cheating and breaking the hearts of your prey! I spent thirty years believing the bait that was set up was blasted away before my eyes in smoke! Thirty yeeeaaaaars!"

The tree was lifted off Smith then tossed with ease and the dragon reached out grabbing the man by the neck followed by a loud scream then smacked Smith against a still standing large, wide tree bark like a doll. Will bolted up to his feet from over a fallen tree but the Robot grabbed onto his arm stopping him from going on with a tight grip. Smith jabbed the improvised spear into a exposed section of the dragon's mid-driff while his other hand grabbed on to the alien's waist where he felt the edge of a gun. The dragon twisted Smith's hand forcing the spear out of its mid-driff aggressively growling. Smith yanked the item out as he was tossed aside to the ground. The dragon reached to its waist to discover it was missing a hand gun. The dragon looked up making a surprised noise.

The dragon charged toward him as Smith's fingers were trembling against the trigger--there wasn't a trigger. Smith was caught by surprise as the dragon's claws dug into his skin through his jumpsuit lifting him up to his feet. Normally, Smith would be kicking his legs in a struggle but since his spine had been crushed at the lower region that made it a mute option. Smith could feel the fresh ache from his butt. The dragon reached out for the hand gun grabbing on to the handle while the gun was aimed at its chest. It was a single moment that featured a flash of green without a noise. Steam radiated off the dragon's chest where the lower halves of two hearts were struggling to beat but stopped as numerous organs themed in bright gold began to fade in color losing the squishy, slime aspect that seemingly melted. The dragon fell over with a thud to the ground letting go of Smith's neck. The old man landed beside the alien.

"That," Smith turned his head toward the fallen dragon. "Was . . ." He lowered his head, toward the ground trying to regain his bearings. " for the Robinsons."

Smith turned his head toward the twitching creature then flopped over on to his back placing his twisted hand on to his stomach with his uninjured hand laid underneath the aching one. From afar, Will and the Robot observed green lights appear around the scene with more aliens like the dragon appearing more armored and more elegant than it. The camera pulled in toward the scene as two dragons lifted the deceased on to a stretcher then vanished in the same green light that they had been beamed into. The gentle, bubbly melodical sounds were easy to hear from the old man's ears. Smith lifted himself up then dragged himself back out of terror dragging his lower half along and his bleeding fingers dug into the dirt.

"Please don't kill me!" Smith plead. "I am too young to die!"

Smith's back met a tree trunk as one of the taller dragons approached him slowly and methodically.

"Please!" Smith plead.

The dragon creature held their hand above Smith's head then he lost consciousness.

"What are they doing?" Will asked, concerned.

"My sensors detect no danger," The Robot replied, as Smith's head moved to the side. "We must take caution by keeping our distance."

"We should go in and introduce ourselves," Will said. "They may be good aliens."

"I am worried as you are, Will Robinson," The Robot said. "But the tiles also said they are game for anyone armed."

"So we wait until they leave?" Will asked. "At the risk that they take him?"

"Affirmative," The Robot said. "They would not take a elderly human as it is against their code."

"Why hang around?" Will asked, as the head of the group picked up the space gun then handed it to a nearby short dragon. "We can take care of him."

"We can," The Robot said. "But we must wait."

"I understand that well," Will said, looking on.

The more feminine dragon lowered their hand down along the old man's body. It was as though he were being x-rayed with his organs and bones standing out among the blue light. The light changed when it came to his fingers into a yellow-green light where the skin began to repair itself quickly. The feminine dragon carefully moved their hands to his wrists where the injury from the cuffs began to be filled in with more tissue leaving behind visible scarring from the injury. Another dragon came to their side then gently lifted the man on the grass. The flattened, terrible-gone-wrong lower waist seemed like skin connected to two less sunken down body parts stood out as horrifying. The feminine dragon held their hands together then typed onto the screen increasing the intensity of what seemed to be a pair of gloves with small, circular green buttons decorating it. The flattened part regained its familiar shape over thirty-three minutes. The feminine dragon stepped back allowing the other dragon to move Smith back up against the tree.

The snoring stopped coming from the convict as he raised his head up in the direction where he could sense the presence was coming from a thin, well armored dragon who knelt down toward him then deposited something small into the man's slightly larger, agile hands then stepped up and walked away. The leading dragon shifted toward the elderly man then held out two of its claws while curling the rest against their palm then flew the two fingers and went on joining the rest blending into the night going into the distance where they couldn't be seen. Will ran after the old man who seemed to be taken back with one hand placed on his waist while rubbing the back of his head seemingly surprised.

"William?" Smith asked. "What just happened?"

"They healed you," Will said. "And took back whoever came to finish the hunt from thirty years ago."

"How rude of them!" Smith said. "They chose to heal my bones but not replace my EYES," it provoked laughter from Will and the Robot. "What awful company they make."

"This could be their apology for this episode," the Robot said, coming to a stop between the two. "They can repair injuries but not as severe as losing a cut off limb that is not available to be reattached."

"Look on the bright side," Will said. "You got something back from what it had taken."

A smile grew on Smith's face.

"That I have," Smith said, then felt his hands feeling the distinct shapes of three object. One of them was the mulitipurposed flip and the other was truly something else. It was wide with ridges, sharp but somewhat rounded points, and it felt light in the palm of his hand. It felt familiar but distant and more alien to him than anything feeling new as day. Warm, like it had been recently made. "William, would you be a dear and tell me what this is?"

"Sure," Will said.

He handed the small item to the teenager then slipped then slid closed flippable object into his pocket. Smith looked up, hearing nothing but silence from Will and the Robot. Almost alarming but he could sense that they were still there.

"Well, what is it?" He looked up toward the teenager. "Is it dangerous?"

"Negative," The Robot spoke up.

"Then what brings the silence?" Smith asked.

"Wings," Will said. "Really old wings."

Will held his hand out for the old man who took it and he helped him up.

"That can't be," Smith said, baffled. "air force officers are bound to the sky of planets not in space."

"You're right about that," Will said. "They may have visited Earth."

Smith visibly shuddered at the mention of Earth.

"If there are buildings like that temple on Earth . . ." Smith mourned. "who knows how many victims there really are."

"We can only pray that they didn't squeeze to death," The Robot said.

"Pray, indeed," Smith said, out of pity.

"Where were we going, Robot?" Will asked.

"This way," the Robot said, then lead the two on.

Smith put his wings into his pocket while his other hand was being held by Will and looked on cowardly on a slow pace at the slightest of noises.

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