Part 13

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The chariot rolled through the naturally made path in the night. The windows were outlined in neon blue light that made the interior of the chariot appear blue and hazy with a unique glow to it when viewing it from the outside. The humming from the chariot was low and comforting. A certain layer of doom lay over the head of Watson. He knew that they weren't going to come back with one of the three members out there in the tropical forest. He was going to make sure it happened that way even if it proved unpopular among the group. He can feel the unpopular air around him. Surrounded by thorny glares stabbing into his back. The mood in the Chariot was very dark and heavy contrasting against the bright interior.

He remembered the first time that he had commanded the crew. So trusting of him that they had been back then and obedient. Their obedience was waning down by the passing missions, mostly coming from Madalyn who disobeyed his orders from time to time. And she had died because of it. On the bright side of matters, this was their last mission as a team before he accepted promotion. In another few hours, he was going to be home free. Everyone was going to be home free to a shit-hole. Their favorite shit-hole. The other members of the team exchanged glances with each other behind Watson. If anything was wrong then the major wasn't suspecting of it.

"How close are we to the group?" Watson asked.

"Five miles," Carly said.

"Five miles," Watson said. "We're going to make it back in one piece."

"Will we, Major Watson?" Carly asked. "We came here to retrieve the dead and leave behind the past transgressions."

"Look what we got here," Watson said. "A very funny story to share."

"If we have anyone to tell it to," Kenanan said.

"We will have people to tell our story," Watson said. "It's a given."

"A given is that we come back without a innocent man," Kenanan said.

"He isn't part of the mission," Watson said. "Mission was to retrieve the Robinsons. The mission will be accomplished once we get the Robot and Will."

"Just how much do we have to give up to make sure a mission is successful?" Kenanan asked. "You're a rule-breaker. Can't this rule be broken?"

"No," Watson said. "Because it's also my rule."

The crew went silent.

There was a slow nod that spread through the group. The final nail in the coffin had been slammed down by Watson's hands. Watson's brown eyes were focused on the scanner as the Chariot went over the hill going over several bumps in the night as the Chariot went up and down until it met the flat, smooth ground. The scanner indicated they were getting closer to the clustered small group. The six crewmen were silent and started to look out the windows not paying the slightest of all attention on what was ahead of them. It was the most infuriating situation in the history of retrieval teams, a leader letting bias blind their judgement. Exactly the kind of act that threatened lives back on Earth in what was World War 3. His brown eyes looked on ahead while the minutes were ticking by carelessly.

The chariot drove on until it was getting lighter out in the scenery. The sunlight was pouring its orange-yellow light over the leaves and the flowers began to open up. Watson parked the Chariot by a large, twisted coconut tree that had spun around in circles that it resembled a spring. It was a unique sight that prompted looks of awe from the officers. One by one they jumped out of the Chariot listening to the sounds of something in the bushes. Bobellis aimed and fired at the bush sending multiples of leaves flying away until only the branches had remained. Watson yanked the short, bulky rifle out of Bobellis's hand wearing a very unhappy expression.

"We don't waste ammunition on the littlest of all sounds, Lieutenant!" Watson said. "Stay in the Chariot."

Bobellis nodded then shared a glance with Hamall who nodded in return.

"Yes, sir," Bobellis said.

"Good," Watson said. "Move out."

Bobellis returned into the Chariot then sat down into the drivers seat and picked up the radio device.

"Chariot to Jupiter 2030," Bobellis said, after clicking the radio. "The team is closing in on them. They will be back soon. Bobellis out."

The sound of bushes moving drew Bobellis's attention away from the radio where he watched the leaves trembling visibly. The camera closed in on the trembling leaves then moved down to reveal the scene had changed moving from a tall coconut tree down toward the greenery filled ground floor that had a line of officers in black going forward carrying sparkling white objects on them. The main leading black man with broad shoulders and a muscular build had a trimmed beard cupped his hands together in front of his lips then bellowed out.

"Will Robinson! Robot! Come out!"

Hamall grabbed Watson by the shoulder coming to his side.

"Um, Ryan," Hamall said, in a hushed voice. "Isn't that . . . a really bad idea?"

"The Dragon hunter has to be gone by now," Watson said. "Hunters get bored easily and move on to the next hunt."

"No," Hamall said. "They don't," the short man stared back at the giant man as it dawned on him yanking his hand off Watson's shoulder in disgust. "You don't know shit about hunting!"

"Yes, I do!" Watson protested. "Just what I need to know about it."

"What you need to know about it is EVERYTHING!" Hamall replied.

Watson turned away from Hamall rolling his eyes when he caught sight of a very familiar figure standing in the distance.

"Over there!" Watson shouted, then ran after Smith.

Smith turned away then fled into the greenery. Watson ran ahead of his team who struggled to keep with him so much so that they ultimately had to come down to a stop and pant placing their hands on their knees. A very cowardly whimpering from above drew their attention up and relieved smiles grew on their faces as Watson grew smaller and smaller in the distance speeding through the wild plant life. The pitch black figure speeding ahead of him wasn't dropping speed any time soon. Running fast for a old man, Watson thought jumping over a tree, a coward. He closed his fists. A coward who had doomed the Robinsons to what could have been a grizzly fate. If he hadn't lobbied for this mission then they wouldn't be alive.

The long, thin blades from the shining forearm items came out as he gained speed on the figure feeling beads of sweat coming down his skin. Watson came to a stop in the center of the tropical forest where he had seen the figure come to a halt. The figure turned toward him. It had a definite dragon build to the helmet that reminded Watson of Mayan Dragon sculptures. The helmet was taken off to reveal a more terrifying, bearded dragon being with purple scales puffed out and a loud squeal was coming from it The sound of bodies hitting the floor around him drew his attention. There were twelve Dragons surrounding him in what seemed to be unique suits. He looked over noticing no one was coming. He faced the leading dragon then ran toward them with a loud, defiant scream.

The camera panned back to the gathering group and the Robot wheeled forward.

"Come here, kitty, kitty," the Robot whistled, patting on his knee caps. "Come here."

"I am not a cat!" Smith replied, turning his gaze down toward the group. "Even if I came down it wouldn't be because of you," he twirled his finger at Sanchisko. "you Neanderthal ninny."

"We don't have much time, Mr Smith," Hamall replied. "Climb down."

"He could come flying out of thin air and I wouldn't know better," Smith replied. "No! Up is safer!"

"He is not going to harm you," The Robot said. "I will make sure of it."

"You're not programmed to harm another human," Kenanan said.

"For self-defense, I am," The Robot replied, then shifted toward the coconut tree adding in a soft and friendlier tone. "Come here, kitty, kitty."

"Get William to the Chariot then I may consider it!" Smith replied.

Wyrt looked toward Hamall and back up toward Smith.

"Consider it done," Wyrt said, then looked around. "where is the kid, anyway?"

"He will be coming his way shortly," The Robot replied. "He is over there," the Robot gestured his red claws toward the other half of the forest. "In the distance." the members of the party wore confused looks on their faces then the Robot turned toward the tree. "Doctor Smith was spooked by a old, fat raccoon."

"I did not!" Smith protested, sharply.

"I will get him," Sanchisko said, walking off in the direction of the trees from across.

"You are very safe at the time being, Doctor Smith," The Robot replied. "I cannot be certain that it will last."

"Nothing lasts forever," Carly said, then Hamall stepped forward.

"This time it will last," Hamall said. "However long your forever is."

"We can promise you that," Carly said. "A nice, comfy retirement."

Smith's head poke from over the top of the coconut tree down toward the group.

"It is going to be okay," Kenanan said. "For now."

"Come here, kitty, kitty," the Robot said. "Come here." The Robot pat on his knees while leaned forward. Smith leaned forward further over the edge of the coconut tree using the rounded light green balls as his support visibly uneasy. "Come here, Doctor Smith."

Smith slinked his way down toward the trunk of the coconut tree.

The group watched him climb his way down until he reached the ground floor. There was the sounds of alien screaming from the distance that sounded awful. Smith jumped onto the Robot's back clinging on for dear life. The Robot sped his way toward the Chariot leaving the small group behind. The sound of firing echoed through the forest sending the officers running toward the Chariot. The Robot made it to the Chariot slamming open the door and twirled sending Smith in with a easy gesture. Smith collapsed against the chair with a cry of pain. Will climbed in behind the old man then helped him up to his feet bringing him up to his feet then over to a spare chair at the back. The Robot flew into the Chariot joining the two.

Bobellis took the Chariot off idle as the others climbed in after the two.

"GO, GO, GO!" Hamall ordered.

"Aye, sir!" Bobellis said. "Going fast as she can."

Carly stood up to the rounded capsule tip of the Chariot then climbed up moving the bubble up over her head. The woman tipped the orange laser pistol in the direction of the oncoming threat as the Chariot turned away from the path and sped back in the path of the Chariot sending some of the officers hurling toward the other side smacking against the window. There was a moving figure from above the Chariot. The laser pistol was aimed upwards toward the shaking foliage that had a visibly moving figure. The laser pistol was fired at the tree branches. A long, muscular black arm reached forward toward the Chariot grabbing Carly out of the emergency door leaving behind a terrified, scared scream as her legs vanished from among the foliage and there was the sound of a laser pistol being fired.

"Carly!" Kenanan screamed, watching a trail of blood shoot out from behind the Chariot.

Kenanan smacked his fist against the window then lowered his head in anger and dismay.

"Chariot to Jupiter 2030!" Bobellis said, holding the radio up in one hand. The sound of a audible, noisy click was heard from the other end. "We are well on our way back. We got them safe and sound in the back!" Bobellis looked over toward the terrified convict and the young boy observing the orange laser pistol in his hand then the pilot turned his attention back on to the road. "Lost Lieutenant Carly and Major Watson out there. Good chances that we have the Dragon on our tail. We may even get the Dragon obliterated by the time we get back. We will handle it as it unfolds. ETA is five hours at maximum speed. Chariot out."

Bobellis clicked on the radio then put it onto the hook.

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