Part 14

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"Maureen, we can reach Alpha Centauri with these starcharts," John said, as Maureen looked down toward the pink flat padd with a glowing screen. "We will reach it in less than ten years."

"Five years at most if we use the autopilot and let the ship take the Jupiter to Alpha Centauri while everyone else is sleeping," Don said. "John made a decision about that and I may not like it but it's the right thing to do."

"What is that?" Maureen asked, concerned.

Don walked off then climbed the ladder heading down the Jupiter.

"That is why I am going to make sure that this ship makes it there no matter what tries to stop us." A warm, comforted smile grew on the woman's face that began to fade. She was visibly touched by her partner's gesture.

"And miss out on watching the children grow up?" Maureen asked.

John looked toward the empty pods then back toward Maureen.

"The way I see it, I have seen them grow up in the last several years," John said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "The only thing that matters is spending the time I have with you."

Maureen placed a hand on his cheek then leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips

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