Part 15

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"Oh no!" Bobellis said, after turning his head away.

"What is it?" Will asked.

"Nothing," Bobellis said. "Absolutely nothing."

"Nothing?" Will said, as Wyrt looked over the in the direction that Bobellis had looked back in. "There is something out there, isn't there?"

"Danger, danger!" The Robot replied, then waved his arms in the air.

Wyrt's eyes grew big.

"Oh no!" Wyrt said. "There's a damn panther about the size of a bear chasing after the Chariot!"

Smith groaned, lifting himself up tiredly.

"Panther?" Smith asked, his voice laced in confusion. "Did someone say . . . " his voice began to be filled with the familiar fear. "panther?"

"We're totally fine," Hamall said. "Totally."

"If it doesn't crash the Chariot," Sanchisko perked up.

The panther collided against the Chariot over and over earning a terrified scream from Smith and shouts from the remaining members of the crew. Wyrt leaped out of the Chariot brandishing his orange laser pistol then aimed it at the panther and fired right below the creature's foot. The Chariot landed on to the other side full of screams including from the Robot who crashed against the back window and bobbed his head up in alarm. Wyrt stepped back, taking off the shoulder belt full of extra ammo dropping it to the side. Hamall climbed up then looked on to see Wyrt stepping back brandishing his glistering shoulder armor from the temple. The two men met eyes then shared a nod. It was a silent conversation between them. Wyrt fired at the creatures paw. The panther leaped after the man and he fled on foot leaving the Chariot behind.

Terror was lingering inside the Chariot as Wyrt came into the green scenery. Wyrt ran and ran and ran until the windows from the Chariot couldn't be seen from over his shoulder. The sound of the panther chasing after him was loud and clear that he knew it was the same creature. He came to a stop then jerked up his laser pistol looking around cautiously. He took out his United States Space Corps assigned dagger from the belt around his waist. He overheard sound the sounds of rustling from above so he gazed up toward the sky. The tree branches were moving from above him, trembling, as though something was creeping its way toward him. His gut was screaming back at him that it was above him in the trees and that he didn't stand a chance against it.

The panther leaped toward the ground with a thud then charged toward the man. Wyrt leaped then landed on the panther's back where he stabbed into the creature's shoulder earning a yelp of pain. Wyrt firmed his grip even harder on the dagger twisting it and turning the dagger into circles then was tossed off the panther landing to his side with only the laser pistol to his defense with a gash into his shoulder. His chest plating softened his landing as he turned on to his side clenching his shoulder. Wyrt raised the laser pistol at the hissing panther then fired multiple shots. The panther collapsed to the ground int the greenery with a huff then he walked over toward the creature and fired into the side five times to make sure it was dead.

It felt too easy.

It was too easy.

And he knew easy.

He knew it like the back of his hand. Wyrt stepped forward toward the creature's direction then took the dagger out of the shoulder then put it back where it had been been in. He looked around listening to the sounds of wildlife in the morning scenery. The sounds of birds echoed through the jungle among the sounds of monkeys and insects acting as background noise in the calm scenery. The shadows from the tree branches and large leaves acted as a shed to what was going on above. The peaceful of co-existence of jungle trees and rain forest trees cluttered together left to a uncertain situation for Wyrt. On a different occasion, Wyrt would be enjoying the scenery quite content. But he wasn't. There was the sound of a distant roar that made him turn around as walked past the fallen panther. He turned around then ran after the direction of the Chariot. The sound of tree branches bending behind him from above as a figure jumped from one branch to the next. He made it to the edge of the forest where he saw the Chariot set upright.

"RUN!" Wyrt shouted. "RUN!"

Wyrt was yanked into the bush with a scream.

"Wyrt!" Sanchisko shouted, bolting out the side door then ran after him.

"Sanchisko!" Bobellis shouted.

"He can take care of himself," Hamall said. "go, go, go go!"

Bobellis stepped on the pedal as the sound of laser pistols were being fired loudly. The members in the Chariot covered their ears. The noise echoed through the jungle until there was only the sound of the wildlife. Smith uncovered his ears turning his head toward the back window visibly saddened then lowered his head with a deep, sad sigh. There was a weight in his heart that was getting heavy and heavier. The mood in the room was silent and heavy. The fabric pressed against his face began to become wet letting go all of those feelings that had been gathering up in the last few hours then placed his hands on to his face lowering his head. Now there was only three members of the team left behind: Bobellis, Kenanan, and Hamall.

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