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Now both of the twins were flirting relentlessly with Suguro. He wasn't sure wether to be flattered or annoyed. They were seriously fighting over him!

"Dude, go for Rin." Shima said. Suguro sputtered and turned to his best friend. "

"Why do you say that?" He asked curiously.

"Because he's who I would pick. You're lucky. He can cook, he can clean, he's the sweetest guy we know, and you are one of the few people who knows how to handle him and actually makes the effort to." Shima listed off reasons and the older teen really couldn't disagree with any of them.

"I'd pick Okumura-sensei if I were you." Izumo sniffed from her corner. They were doing a study session.

"And why's that? Got a little crush on the teacher, Kamiki?" Suguro teased. The girl pretended not to notice her face turning red in favor of answering.

"He's smart, good-looking and knows what to do in situations. And he already has a job. Besides, we don't know if Rin will fail and get executed or not." She stated. They all winced. They were doing their best to help Rin learn everything he needed to to pass the Exorcist Qualification Exam, but it was nerve-wracking when he only had one chance to pass while they had several. Kimiki was the only one who would even mention possible execution and even that was rare.

"Just choose both." Shiemi suggested like it was the obvious answer. They all stared at her.

" doesn't really work like that, Moriyama." Konekomeru mentioned hesitantly.

"Why not? I think they'd share you." She blinked owlishly. Shima snickered.

"Well, Rin might, but even that possibility is a stretch. And Okumura-sensei won't for sure. He's too possessive of things he considers his." Kamiki put in.

"Whatever. It's your choice, man." Shima discarded the problem in favor of writing down some notes.


Rin had Suguro up against the wall again, except this time, they were in the Old Boys' Dormitory. They'd studied for a while, then stopped for lunch. Rin made something quick and simple and they'd talked casually as they ate. It was nice to be able to act like they were just regular people hanging out.

Rin had snuck a few kisses in while they studied, teasing Suguro like always. When they finished lunch, Rin opened the fridge and brought out chocolate covered strawberries. Suguro raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, please. Shura wanted something sweet and wouldn't shut the hell up until I made her something. I had some leftover, you're not special." The son of Satan rolled his eyes at the way his classmates parked up at the sight of the treats.

"Aww, I thought I was after that little stunt you pulled in the corner of the Cram School hallway. And the supply closet we cleaned. And in the locker room for P.A." Suguro stood and pulled the shorter teen into a searing kiss that still left both of them hot and bothered.

"Maybe just a little." Rin breathed when they pulled apart for air.

"Damn right I am." The older teen laughed and took a bite of the treats.

"No fair, beother. You have more free time than I do." Yukio walked into the kitchen already complaining.

"Yeah, nice to see you too, brat." Rin snorted, arm still around Suguro's waist. He picked up a chocolate covered strawberry and offered it to Yukio. The younger twin begrudgingly took it.

"This doesn't mean I've forgiven you." Yukio muttered spitefully. The half-demon laughed.

"Oh, I know that won't get me in the clear. But I do have an offer that might do the trick." Yukio narrowed his eyes at the suspicious choice of words.

"Because I'm not a possessive jerk like you, I'll share. But you can't have him all to yourself." Rin revealed his intentions with a smirk.

"Wait, what?!" Suguro broke in, looking at Rin incredulously.

"I ain't givin' you up completely, but I know we can all have some fun together. Besides, it's cruel to make you choose." Rin explained.

Yukio was pouting in the corner, a deep frown etched into his normally passive face as he nibbled on his chocolate covered strawberry. Rin rolled his eyes and waltzed right on over to his brother.

"Oh, come on. We both know I had him first. This is the closest you get to having him to yourself. Think about it." Rin insisted, leaning uncomfortably close to the taller brother.

".....Fine." Yukio relented, still not looking happy. Rin, on the other hand, grinned wide and grabbed the taller's face, pulling him down to place a fond kiss in his forehead that had Yukio grumbling.

Suguro watched in shock as the twins actually fucking agreed to share him. It was a rare show of consideration from the younger twin.

"Good." Rin said happily, say teeing back to Suguro. He grabbed both of them and pulled them behind him down the hallways, the treats on the table forgotten.


"Ah~! Suguro~!" Rin arched his back off the tiled floor, closer to the mouth that was leaving a trail of hot kisses down his chest.

They were in the communal showers on the first floor if the Old Boys Dorm. Rin was under Suguro, crying out his name in sweet ecstasy while Yukio pleasured the taller teen from behind, leaving little kisses and nibbles across his shoulders as he stroked the hard cock of the lucky guy in the middle.

Being in the middle was difficult. Suguro was receiving pleasure and giving it at the same time. The twins seemed to be enjoying it, so he just did what he felt was right. Rin's tail wrapped itself around his bare thigh and Suguro instinctively reached for it. As soon as he touched it, Rin let out out a loud moan.

"Hah, Rin's tail is his weakest spot. If you pull it, it hurts him. If you do something like this," Yukio stroked a hand along the slim appendage, against the grain of the fur, and Rin arched again and let loose another moan. "That's his reaction." Yukio finished with a satisfied smile.

"Huh. Hey Rin, how's it feel?" He decided to tease the half-demon just a little.

He stroked the tail experimentally, finding out how much pressure he could apply. He noticed that the closer he got to the base of the tail, the better reactions he got from the boy under him.

"Think he'll cum just from this?" Suguro absent- mindedly wondered.

"I wonder. Let's find out." The younger decided, biting down harshly on his shoulder and listening to the groan it got him with satisfaction.

Suguro's hand slid down, closer to the base of the tail until he was at the spot where fur met skin. He pressed down, kneading it with his thumb while leaving kisses across the muscled chest.

Rin's entire body shuddered, a strangled gasp escaping the teen. A second time doing the same thing saw Rin shuddering again, cum spurting across his own chest and abs with a low, choked groan.

The warm spray from the shower head washed the release away as Rin caught his breath, still recovering from the mind-blowing orgasm from literally barely any attention to his annoyingly sensitive tail.

Suguro laughed against the half-demon's neck, where he'd begun making marks on the flawless skin. The older Okumura squirmed at both the feeling and the teasing.

"Ngh~No fair~!" He complained, turning his head so Suguro could have more room to mark him the way he wanted.

"No, but it's just too much fun making you lose it." Yukio agreed, leaning over their friend's shoulder to plant a kiss on his brother's cheek just to tease.

Yukio huffed out a laugh at Rin's answering growl. "I bet you liked that, didn't you?" He squeezed Suguro's dick, hot and heavy in his hand and the teen cried out, cumming from the sudden assault of pleasure.

"Heh, guess he got us both, huh?" Rin snickered, wrapping his arms around Suguro's neck.

Yukio grinned and moved out from behind Suguro. He walked over to the shelf to get the shampoo and walked back over to them. He handed the shampoo to Suguro.

A minute later and Rin was squirming again, trying to get used to the feeling of thick fingers in his ass. He could take pain. He was used to that. But he wasn't in pain, it was just....a strange feeling, being stretched so carefully by his classmate.

Yukio was doing the same to Suguro, who was surprisingly calm while he was fingered by his teacher as he fingered his teacher's brother. The situation was interesting, to say the least. Rin cried out suddenly, his tail tightening around Suguro's bicep where it had wrapped around.

"Found it." Suguro grunted, pushing down on that one spot inside of Rin that drove him crazy.

"Ah, if you keep doing that I'll-Ngh~!" Rin tried to warn his classmate, cutting himself off with a moan.

But Suguro knew what he was doing. He wanted to see how many orgasms he could wring out of the energetic demon boy. He knew Rin's stamina was ridiculous. He pushed down on the spot over and over. At one point, his free hand moved to stroke Rin's dick along with the rythm he was fucking the half-demon at with his fingers. Finally, Rin let out a cry as he came a second time. It was music to Suguro's ears.

"I think he's ready now." Yukio said in his ear, pressing down on Suguro's prostate just to demonstrate his point, smiling at the bitten off moan and jerk of the hips he received.

Suguro coated his dick in shampoo and pushed into the still loose and relaxed half-demon underneath him. He was trying to go slow, but Rin had other plans. He wrapped his legs around his classmate's hips and pulled him closer, forcing him the rest of the way inside, groaning at the feeling of being full.

"Just fuck me already!" Rin demanded, wiggling his hips temptingly. Suguro growled and pulled out some before snapping his hips forward, making Rin cry out at the sharp thrust.

"Wait, you brat." Suguro bit out. Yukio pushed into him and he groaned. It hurt a little, yeah, but not enough for him to stop it.

Once Yukio was fully seated inside the older boy, he stayed like that for a moment to let him get used to it before starting to thrust shallowly. He picked up the pace as he went.

Yukio's thrusts pushed Suguro into Rin, so he just stayed with the rythm and Rin was loving every second of it. He came again twice sometime during their activities, but he was fucked right through both orgasms and stayed hard easily.

Suguro wasn't going to last much longer. Being in the middle was amazing.

Getting pleasure from both ends was incredible. At one point, Yukio slammed into his prostate and he nearly shouted. He could tell the younger Okumura wouldn't last much longer either and angled his thrusts, trying to hit Rin's prostate on every thrust. Rin was writhing under him, tail flexing and loosening around his arm. He reached down to stroke Rin and went to stroke the tail at the same time. As soon as he hit Rin's prostate, stroked his dick, and pressed down on the base of his tail all at the same time, Rin was done for. He arched off the ground, cumming harder than ever before with a cry that echoed off the walls and rang in their ears. That triggered a chain reaction-Rin tightened around Suguro, who tightened around Yukio, and they both came at the same time. Rin gave a weak mewl at the feeling of hot cum pouring into of him. That last orgasm was sensory overload in the best way, and shit he was exhausted.

Suguro and Yukio collapsed on one side of the smallest member of their group so Suguro was in the middle.

"I'll admit, I'm glad I got to have some of Suguro to myself. Thank you, Rin." Yukio admitted.

Rin hummed tiredly and Suguro wrapped both arms around either of his partners, pulling them to him.

"I like this. Maybe we should just both date Sugu in secret. It'll be fun. Like a game of keep away." The older twin suggested, voice hoarse and used thoroughly.

Suguro thought about it. "I like the sound of that." He admitted, pulling the twins closer in either side of him. Yukio used Suguro's bicep as a pillow and Rin draped himself across his chest.

"I can work with that." Yukio agreed.

"We should probably get out of the shower though. The hot water will run out sometime." Rin said after another minute or so of recovering.


Happy late Valentine's Day to all the couples and singles out there. I hope you enjoyed this cute, smutty little story.

Edit 7/2/21: Wow, this is less smutty than I thought it was. I think I could come back at a later date to maybe make the smut more detailed if y'all want, but it's not a sure thing.

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