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Yukio wasn't nearly as playful or sweet as Rin. But he was teasing.

Suguro was wondering if they had some kind of bet going on to see who could seduce him first. If so, he didn't know. Both were very appealing to him.

It must have been difficult to keep things as discreet at possible for the teacher, because he wasn't really allowed to intimately interact with students due to his job.

But he found ways.

Oh he definitely found ways.


While passing back papers, Yukio would let his hand linger on the Suguro's, let their fingers brush–long enough for it to be questionable to the student, but short enough not to be too suspicious to anyone else watching.

Except Rin. Rin noticed everything Yukio did when it involved Suguro. Jealousy? Maybe they really did have a bet going behind his back.


"Suguro, you're with me on this mission. I'll need your Aria skills. Okumura, you're with Shima. Moriyama and Miwa, you go with Kamiki." Yukio told them. Rin didn't look happy about it, but let his brother have his favorite classmate.

They found an old shrine after some searching and Yukio frowned.

"Figured it'd be one of these. There are usually spirits of vengeance or abandoned gods-turned demons that were once worshipped. They were sealed to their places if worship and it worked out perfectly fine until humans forgot about them and never unsealed them when they left them behind. The gods turned malicious and their souls were tainted. However, they possessed too much power to just move on to the afterlife and instead became powerful demons." Yukio's simple definitions were always nice to hear. It was endearing that he'd learned to simplify things so Rin and Shiemi could understand them easier, even if he'd never admit it.

"That's actually what happened to Rin's familiar, Kuro. Our father tamed him when humans started bulldozing his shrine without unsealing him from it. He guarded the south Gate to the Town until Rin took him as his familiar." Suguro listened in amusement. Facts often led into info-dumping when Yukio was comfortable enough with someone to not realize slipping into the latter.

When the teacher stopped, he seemed to realize what just happened and his ears burned strawberry red. Suguro raised an eyebrow, trying to hold back a smile and totally failing.

Yukio cleared his throat, regaining his composure  "Be on guard." He ordered. Suguro nodded and followed just as cautiously as his friend.

"I'm going to break the door down. Get ready just in case we wake something up. Or make the temple collapse. If that happens– run away. I'll be fine." Yukio told him seriously. "Survived quite a few of those situations." He muttered saltily under his breath.

On the count of three, the teen kicked the door in, then waited. Some creaking, dripping water. No demons or vengeful spirits. No collapsing structures. Yukio breathed a sigh of relief and motioned for them to go in.

They ended up running away from an angry Hindu Minor god turned ghoul until Suguro was able to Exorcise it with it's fatal verse. They came to a stop. Suguro just flopped onto the grass. Yukio bent over, panting, with his hands on his knees. He decided it looked comfy on the ground and sat next to his student.

"We should have checked the underground storeroom." Yukio sighed, shaming his head. Suguro laughed loudly.

"Haven't you ever seen horror movies? Nobody wants to check the basement. The demon is always in the basement." He teased.

"I didn't see you going down to check." Yukio countered.

Their hands were touching, but neither disliked it, so they stayed like that, comfortable in the grass, waiting for the rest of the class to get back. The trio arrived, but they were still missing Rin and Shima. Just as Yukio was about to suggest marching for them, screams and trees breaking were heard and blue light with green light were seen clashing.

"Hm. Must have stumbled into another old shrine. Probably released a sealed demon. A really powerful one with my brother's luck." Yukio guessed, getting up and checking his clips to see how many rounds he had left. Enough that he shouldn't have to reload to help his twin and Shima take care of their enemy.

The group ran all the way to where the commotion was and saw Rin fighting a giant lizard thing while Shima groaned off to the side, getting yo from being swatted into a tree.

"Shima, what are you doing?! Summon Yamantaka already?" Suguro insisted.

"There is no way I'm fighting that thing! It's poisonous and summoning Yamantaka would take a fuck ton more energy than I have to get rid of that thing! I ain't dyin' today! Rin's got it handled." The spy cried.

They looked up to see it snap it's jaw around Rin. The half-demon yelled and his flames flared, burning the demon's muzzle, but it didn't let go. Reptiles liked heat.

However, Rin didn't seem worried at all. His face was tight with pain, but he wasn't struggling frantically like one would expect him to be doing. Instead, he grabbed it by a tooth and yanked, directly ripping the fang out of the monster's mouth. It roared in pain and let Rin go.

But the son of Satan didn't land on his feet and start fighting again. He just fell with a grunt and laid there.

"Something's wrong. I think Rin is hurt bad this time!" Shiemi said. "Nee, I need you to get me some vines." She requested. The familiar obliged and Shiemi steered the vines to wrap around their fallen friend.

Rin's face was pale and the area around the bite mark from the demon were sickly green and yellow, like old bruises.

"So he got dosed with poison." Yukio deduced with a friend. "Alright, I'll handle this first." The teacher shot the demon down with holy water grenades and blessed bullets and then got back to his brother. He tried to hide it, but he was worried.

Suguro smiled. Yukio really did care about Rin, even if it was hard to see sometimes .


Yukio liked to use the excuse of helping Suguro with his Dragoon training to "hang out" with the older teen.

This time, he was helping Suguro aim correctly.

"Always aim slightly above your target. Try to keep from getting pushed back by the recoil. It's something you have to get used to and take account if before you shoot." He instructed. Any other time, Suguro would be fine with their close proximity.

But this time, Yukio was behind him, hands over his on the handgun in the taller teen's grasp.

He tried to keep his face from burning all through practice and probably failed. But it was time well spent. They got comfortable enough to joke around and even go out to eat together afterwards.

Suguro was starting to be really fond of Yukio Okumura.


Then Yukio did pretty much the same thing Rin did about a week ago.

He cornered Suguro to make out with him. But the younger Okumura backed him up against a desk and kissed him. Yukio wasnt rough like his brother, but he was controlling. Suguro couldn't decide if he liked it or liked the fact that it was Yukio doing it, but he let the shorter teen plunder his mouth as he pleased. Yukio's hands were on Suguro's hips and at some point, the older had wrapped his arms around the boy's neck.

The same warm, pleasant buzz from when Rin kissed him returned and Suguro heard Yukio groan and grinned into the kiss. When they separated for air, Suguro decided to take a risk and immediately moved to the teen's jaw, leaving kisses down his jaw and neck. Yukio tangled his hands in the short hair and tilted his head back, giving his student more room.

"As much as I'd love for this to continue," Yukio began. Suguro grunted and reluctantly pulled away. "We both have difficult classes and homework to do."

Then he leaned down and unbuttoned Suguro's shirt partially so he could reach his shoulder. He kissed the tan skin, then bit it lightly–just hard enough to leave a mark. Suguro gave a surprised moan. Yukio buttoned the shirt back up and gave his student/classmate a rare grin before leaving.

Well, Hell. Now he might actually have to decide which Okumura twin to go with....


Edit 7/2/21: Lmao, Yukio is very interesting for me to write an did like the idea of him sneaking around to try and get closer to Suguro. I also love having him and Rin jealous of each other when one of them gets to be with Suguro. 😂

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