Chapter 1 - The Return

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Humans are so tiny that we could easily crush them all. Besides, they only have one life, a limiting life.

Humans are too weak, too delicate. Yet they have been surviving over two - thousand years up to now. It must be a miracle, but Forbidden Child doesn't think like other Decepticons, she knows that it must not be so. That wasn't a miracle. Their survival on planet Earth with many disaster would be an indispensable consequence.

Mostly, humans are similar to us. They have intelligence, creation, emotion and also ambition.

Humans and Autobots are alike, they could trust someone, forgive someone's faults and care about someone, but humans same as Decepticons too, they are rapacious, selfish and harmful. However, they get things that we don't have. Humans know how to put an end to a war in peace without death before its start. Furthermore, they can cry and have tears, Forbidden thought it would be the way they use to heal their wounds of their Spark and to reduce sadness. Transformers can not, our wounds would be there forever, we are obsessed by unforgivable past, the pain and revenge when we have been hurted by someone or hurted someone else. The scars would follow us till the end. That must be the reason why we always cause wars.

Forbidden was sitting in front of the monitor and thinking a lot then resounded Soundwave's monotone computer-style behind her back. [Has any sign of Lord Megatron yet?], he played the speech's record of Starscream commander. Forbidden started in doubting that if this commander did really care about Megatron life or not.

She shaked her head then stood up, turned around and looked at Soundwave. What he could see now was the blue of sky light from Forbidden's eyes behind her black metal visor-mask. All Decepticons have known neither her true identity nor her past but Megatron, Soundwave and maybe also Starscream. All they knew that she was a great soldier, a powerful warrior, a loyal Decepticon who suddenly was prohibited from participating the war between Autobots and Decepticons by Megatron. No one has discovered the reason yet.

"Tell Starscream, I will go out for searching Megatron again, it would be nothing if we just sit here and watch only the radar screen. Openning the Space bridge," she said with a boring attitude. It was over twenty times Forbidden Child did this job. There were several times she nearly thought Megatron was really dead, but that thinking made her feel uncomfortable and she didn't know why.

,,Question: Need Laserbeak to follow?,, Soundwave asked, his monotone computer-style came to Forbidden's ears again.

Laserbeak is Soundwave's pet Mini-con. He is a metal bird stored in Soundwave's chest along with three other Mini-Cons: Ravage, Frenzy and Rumble. Soundwave often sends him on missions when he is too busy to do.

"Umh..., neh, not this time, thanks," Forbidden answered while looked attentively at the screen of a high-tech computer brought from Cybertron.

Soundwave nodded then left. Forbidden sighed. It has been three years that we have lost Megatron. The Autobots are still hiding somewhere on this planet Earth, allying to humans and seeking for Energon too. It seems that both of side are being stuck with humans and this planet. However, this was not her problem anymore, her job is looking for Megatron and bringing him back to Decepticons, but she could see Starscream doesn't like her job pretty much.

It is her duty and her responsibility to find Megatron, be next to him and to keep the promise. The promise which was made long time ago by Forbidden Child to her mighty Lord after his friendship of him and Optimus Prime - also known as Orion Pax - was broken. In that day, she has to make a hard choice: be an Autobot meaning to follow with Prime and become Megatron's enemy or reverse. And then she made her last choice. Being a Decepticon and served Lord Megatron. She had been defeated by her own bloodlust and did what she was programmed for: kill and destroy - since she thought about herself so.

It was Megatron that made she become a monster and it was a female Autobot who was her enemy that reminded Forbidden to be better than she could think. Thus, she stopped fighting. Because she found there were any reasons to harm the other Cybertronian and she didn't want to kill anyone anymore. That was why Megatron called her a coward and she was almost convinced. Now Forbidden just sit by the computers and support the team. Somehow she hopes Optimus Prime could stop Megatron without killing her Lord. Perhaps it could be happen in this way: Megatron would put an end to his evil ambition and live a normal life in peace. This sounds like a fantasy story to everyone.

Forbidden seems to support her enemies and try to stab Megatron in the back. The fact that she has never wanted to join with the Autobots or to have a thought of betraying her Lord. It is always impossible while she still trying to keep her little promise to Megatron and to herself. What a mass of contradiction is in her main database system right now.

The Space bridge opened. It was bright and magnificent with green and white. Forbidden was walking towards it, a Decepticon medium-ranking soldier came nearby, "You are going to find Lord Megatron again, captain?"

"Yeah, I will bring back Energon if I find some," she sniggered. Over twenty times she has gone to outer space but instead of having any information of Megatron, she found Energon-mine.

Forbidden's overcoat soared when she backed one step. The tail of it splitted into pieces, they looked like thousands of thin square sheets floating in the air. These pieces gathered and rolled around her right arm. Forbidden took a run-up then jumped while these sheets formed a modern skateboard with the pneumatic pusher under her black armor shoes. In a second, she flew straightly and disappeared behind the green eye of the soft greeny cyclone.

Unlike other Transformers, Forbidden can not transform even though she scans any electronic devices, it is out of her ability. This causes her a lot of disrespects from others who follow the functionalism. Yet she has another ability instead of her defect and it is unique. Forbidden can control the material which Cybertronian body was made from. The material will enable her to create any metal objects that she have scanned, and of course this power has its limitations.

Asteroid pieces floated slowly around. The tail of Forbidden' s overcoat broke into thin sheets again. These were shaped in four small sphere cameras with dragonfly wings in their back. Forbidden ordered them to spread out into four different directions, but still were under her controlling area. She drove her modern skateboard smoothly over these asteroid pieces, glanced at everything. About these little pets of Forbidden, they flew and sent back to her their visions showed by her flat screens that followed beside.

<Nothing was worth considering>, she thought, but it came surprisingly a fast moving object among those immobile asteroids.

She knew what it was.


It must be: who it was.

He actually came back to us...

It was Lord Megatron!

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