Chapter 2 - A Little Plan

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Megatron backed to us and continued to control his army. Furthermore, along his return, it was dark energon.

That dark energon makes Forbidden Child feel nervous and repugnant with a shiver running throught her spine so that she can't stand near it too long, maybe the deadly cold atmosphere covers it causing these feelings.

Remembering Starscream' s uncomfortable and disappointing looks when Forbidden went back to the ship base with Lord Megatron, she couldn't help sniggering. Then she heard the news from Soundwave that Starscream had killed an Autobot named Cliffjumper, it turned her off right away. Forbidden realized that how much she disliked the news, immediately she must remind herself who she really is. She is a Decepticon under Megatron's command. A death of an Autobot, who she had only seen on the computer screen, meant nothing and it was very normal.

Her Lord had transformed then flew with a piece of dark energon and left behind an order. [Quit groveling and await my command], Soundwave played the record of Megatron's speech to Starscream. Yet he didn't listen. Of course, why must he listen?

A few minutes later, Laserbeak brought an Autobot-allied human Agent Fowler to the base following commander Starscream order. Now, Starscream was torturing him to learn the location of the Autobot base.

"Why don't you help me, Forbidden?" Starscream smirked, "You are good at torturing and know best how to get information from others, right?"

Even though no one could know Forbidden's emotion because the visor-mask covers her whole face, but they could guess by the attitude of her look through the eyeholes on the visor-mask.

Obviously, she smiled in return, answered: "Sadly, I don't want to involve your plan. Lord Megatron would be mad if he find out this whole story and you know, I don't enjoy the troubles much."

"Pfff, he would be pleased when I tell him the location of the Autobot base," he said positively and turned away with hands crossed behind.

Forbidden looked at the faint Fowler who was hanging up by chains. Bullying a weaker creature than yourself which isn't her hobby. Finally, Forbidden opened the door to leave Starscream and the poor Fowler alone.

It was quite boring for Forbidden Child to sit by computer and check the data of Space bridge. She considered about the time Starscream and Agent Fowler have been in that dark torturous room, it must have been an hour or even more. You had better wish you wouldn't be tortured by any Decepticons, particularly not by Starscream, so an hour was too much for a normal human to suffer these horrible things.

"I am going to check the quantity of energon in warehouse," a Decepticon sit beside Forbidden talked to her, "Wanna come with me too? It will be better than here while doing nothing."

"Go ahead, I will catch up later," Forbidden lazily waved her hand.

He had gone out, suddenly a voice message from the entrance guardians appeared on the computer screen. It said, "I had found one Autobot outside our ship base, please arlert others."

"Autobot hah... well, I will send backup if it is necessary," Forbidden answered in nonchalant tone then she shutted down all the communicating system among the Decepticons, ''if... necessary...,'' she whispered then smirked.

<It won't be any problem if I ruin this lovely plan. It wasn't Lord Megatron's idea after all>. Forbidden enjoyed her thought very much.

This act would explain why Autobots have attacked the base nearly ten minutes, but no Decepticons has been announced about their presence yet excepting who has met them already.

Forbidden heard noices coming outside, it was a dangerous battle there. The shooting sound got closer and closer. She looked the map on the screen. A map would lead us to Cybertron homeplanet. At last, Forbidden made her decision when heard voices behind the door.

She left the screen on and hid herself somewhere in this large room to ensure that somebody of the Autobots would see it. Forbidden clutched an iron bar of the ceiling after had created her high-tech skateboard to fly upon. She rolled a round the iron bar, finally sat herself silently on it and watched things going on.

Three tiny human shapes came to view with three different sizes. It brought to her a bit of surprise, "What did those Autobots think?... Bringing these human children to this dangerous place... Why did Optimus Prime allow that to happen?" Forbidden mumbled while raised one eyebrow to show her disagreement even though there was nobody around to care.

It looked like these children were discovering the computer screen which was showing clues of Megatron's plan, unfortunately a Decepticon soldier came in. They ran to hide, but one of them forgot his bag and he ran back to take it. This result to be noticed by the soldier.

Human children were endangered. She could give that soldier a shot from here without killing him and revealing her position, but... Forbidden didn't know that she should do it or not. <Should I help them or...?> They were just some random human child and this is the first time she has met them, so why she must save them?

Imagining that if she did the job, it would be a high possibility to Megatron or anyone else to find out her intention.

<I need a good reason...>

Humans are weak but numerous. If they died, it won't affect anything. At the end, she chosen not to interfere their destiny. They could only depend on their luck.

Because Forbidden Child is a Decepticon after all.

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