Chapter 11 - The Human She Met

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Forbidden created for herself a human form. It's a child with long black hair reaching her shoulders, wearing a white shirt, shorts and boots in black. The child was quite short, about 10 years old so not to waste too much material and easily to control. The Psychelink - a lightly metal sphere small one - was used as the brain, store's center of the consciousness. The Consolidation device was known as well as a chip, supposing to be the heart to keep forming her material so that it wouldn't collapse into pieces while her will wasn't there for controlling. She clicked some buttons on the bigger Psychelink. It transformed into a headphone.

The helmet and the visor-mask were split into micro square fragments revealing billion of long microcables which humans preferred to call as 'hair'. They got a soft icy blue light shining a small part of the dark room. It's peculiarly beautiful but dangerous. However, these was one of her deadly weak spot so Forbidden must strictly cover them by helmet. Then she wore the headphone and activated it. Her consciousness was transported to the metallic human's body.

Secretly opening the Ground - Bridge by herself, Forbidden enjoyed the new world that she had thought she would have never discovered.


Marry's a little girl who transferred to Nevada two weeks ago. No farther. Having a single mom. Marry's referred as the quiet one, she's always rushing into books and books. All of other students - no one could say that they were her friends - think she's a freak and pick on her everyday on their best. And yes, today wasn't an exception. They cruelly tossed her favorite book away and trembled upon Marry despite how hard she cried and begged them to stop. Yet it always the evil laugh or snigger responded. The little girl just knew to take the book and run away far from the depressed reality. Crying alone next to the bridge pier.


It was raining down, beating the ground to make a pure melody of nature. Cool and wet but somewhere had the rarely precious peace. The wind was ringing the leaves to sing a happy song. Everything's too strange and too miracle for Forbidden, because Cybertron - her homeplanet - doesn't have rain.

There would be only fire, grey smoke and burning steam of the destruction among the deadly silence. There would be only hatred, hopeless and painful scream among the sore losses. All were caused by war. Unfortunately, it was just a body made from her material, she couldn't sense entirely this miracle. Forbidden sat on a branch, headed to the gloomy sky releasing a lightly sad smile.

Then a sobbing sound mixed in the wind. It was small but enough for her to listen clearly. Forbidden tried to ignore but couldn't. She glanced her light blue eyes at anywhere to look for where the sobs came from - she couldn't use her hearing ability right now just because it's supposed to be very noisy here. Finally, Forbidden discovered a little human girl sitting in front of the bridge pier with arms wrapped around her knees.

Forbidden stood up and jumped out of the tree, landed on the ground from ten feet away. She walked towards the human without making noises. Marry didn't notice anything around until Forbidden lightly touched her trembling shoulder. The human got startle. In few seconds after, she had her tears washed by her bare hand.

"W-who are you? Go away, leave me alone!" Marry weakly yelled at the new comer.

"Are you crying?" It's kind of a strange thing to Forbidden. Cybertronian can't cry.

The human scowled, "It's none of your business! And I am not crying."

<<Yes, it's definitely not my business>>

Forbidden thought as she glanced at the small river flowing slowly. Said her, ignoring all of Marry's words, "Why're you crying?"

"You!" Marry scowled again but then at the moment of hesitation, she finally gave up with a gloomy sigh, "Friends bullied me, they made my favorite book dirty."

Forbidden cocked her head to tell that she didn't understand what 'book' means. Noticing that act, Marry showed the book to her, "This one."

She took it away from the human's hand, slid fingers over the cover of the book then opened it - if Forbidden had normal senses as human, she could smell the aroma of old soft papers, but simply she just can't, at least with this coldly metallic body. Forbidden sat next to Marry - not too close - as she had returned the book to the owner.

"Why is that book so important to you?" Asked Forbidden curiously.

"...It's a birthday present from my dad," the human answered, Forbidden could see clearly the gloomily but warm looks that Marry gave to the book on her hand.

"Dad..." Forbidden knew this word, she learned it somewhere when she was surfing Internet - one of many great inventions of mankind, that is what she has to admit.

"I don't have any."

Marry frowned, "No, you must have one, all must have one!"

"No, we have... Nah, forget it," Forbidden lazily waved off her hand.

Marry hummed in dissatisfaction, but she didn't want to make the conversation be more complicated so she said: "So do you have mother or any brothers, umh... or sisters?"

Forbidden silently looked at the little girl - although they were the same height, it seemed she was concerning about something. Finally Marry got her answer.

"I think I have brothers, but I'm having a big argument with one of them."

"Do you love them?"

Cybertronian didn't have any definition for the word 'love', but they would say in other way like 'the most important one of their life' and everyone could have more than one.

"Yes, I suppose to."

"You must say sorry to him or you'll regret!"

"W-what? Why? No, never... even it's my fault...", she began mumbling at the end.

"I and my father had an argument. I said bad things to him but he had caught an accident before I could apologize to him. It's unforgivable when the last experience of our life was a ridiculous fight!" Marry said, she was trying not to burst into tears again.

<<Megatron'll die? Pfff, it would never happen>>

A brief smirk showed on her lips. She couldn't imagine Megatron's death could become true. It wasn't because she thought Optimus Prime or whoever else was weaker than her Lord, simply it couldn't.

"He certainly never dies," Forbidden confirmed.

<<He isn't going to leave me... right?>>

A/N: The picture above isn't Forbidden's human form, she is Marry.

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