Chapter 10 - The Afterward

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I was floating in nowhere, surrounding by the infinite white.
I tried to make sense for my wisdom but it's meaningless. Definitions couldn't signify on this world.
I screamed for my fear but it's effectless. Sounds couldn't reach to this world.
I looked for my hope but it's useless. Things couldn't exist in this world.
Then suddenly coming a shadow. A shape of someone. His back. Emerging. Clearer. Very familiar.
I figured out whose back was.
I called his name even I'd known already he couldn't hear.
I ran to him.
Yet the more I tried, the further I was.
Come back!
Don't leave me alone!
Finally, I stopped.
Then I watched till the shape of his back was out of my view.
He's gone.
Would he return?
No, Certainly. Why would he?
I looked around. White. All filled with white.
This is my world. Blank. Empty. And white again.
Just boredom and aimless.
I wanted to cry out but can't.
Just sadness and despair.
I wanted to reject all but can't.
Intensifying till the end.


Forbidden moved slightly her fingers, unconsciously groaned in agony. She opened her optics revealing the faintly light blue color. Rolling the optics around, Forbidden caught sight of Starscream who was standing beside and staring at her. She tried to sit up while teasing with familiar monotone: "Did you know... watching somebody being shutdown... is considered as a sick act?"

It's always there - his perpetually haughty grin, and sometime looked rebellious as well when no Lord around. "Never before have you fallen into stasis as long as this time." It seemed that her mock didn't effect him.

She managed to sit up steadily on the edge of the bed, swung lightly her foot as they couldn't catch the floor. The remaining pain crossed all over her metallic body.

"How long?"

"About 28 hours," Starscream turned his back tapping something on the data glass in front with one hand while the other folded behind.

At first, she was in surprise then lost it immediately. "Well, it's a huge fight," Forbidden shrugged then remembering about her opponent, "what's about Blackclaw? Did I kill him?" Her voice so glacial that even herself and Starscream couldn't believe it.

Starscream raised one eyebrow suspiciously after turning his head aside to take a glance at her.

"Blackclaw intended to kill me first anyway, I just did my best to survive... It wasn't my fault that made him die... Wanting to live not a guilt." Said Forbidden almost mumbling as she watched Starscream's back and the motion of his arm doing whatever jobs that she didn't know or care much .

"I can see that Megatron's lessons even now engrave on your database," Starscream gave her an annoying sarcasm, he continued, answering the later question of her. "And yes, unfortunately, Blackclaw's still alive and taking treatment in the privately medical room next to yours."

"With Alpha too? And, must you say 'fortunately' rather than 'unfortunately'?" As the second question, Starscream waved his hand over shoulder to say 'Whatever'.

About Alpha, he is not only a brilliant engineer but also a good medic of Invisible force. Some said he's better than Knockout but she didn't think the same. However, if Alpha was there, it would mean the injuries she had caused to Blackclaw were very hard.

"Yes, sure it is, after what you had done with Blackclaw," Starscream turned to her again, this time was the whole body, not only his helm.

"I think you're mistaken about one thing. I mean... after I had done with Blackclaw? It must be he had done with me for sure," she narrowed her optics.

Starscream paced to Forbidden then leaned forwards, putting his face near hers with arms folded behind and a grin on face, "No, I'm not..." The distance's quite short so she had to lean back a little bit. He continued to speak while knocking on Forbidden's helmet, "did the crash badly hit your helm?"

She gave him an annoying grimace as moving his hand off.

"It seems that I haven't remembered anything after the crash."

Starscream straightened his body, hands folded behind again, "Yes, I can see that now, so you lost the control of your consciousness."

When Forbidden's being in hyper mode. She will be stronger, faster and more powerful than usual. Fighting like a beast. A beast follows its surviving instinct's call. Yet still having consciousness for judgments, and if she lost it, there would have the instinct only. Mad and wild.

"Well, it explains why you could survive after the crash. Your instinct saved you, but it can't explain why you spared Blackclaw's life. That's beyond your ability to do such thing at the time."

"I spared Blackclaw's life?... When I completely lost control. That's odd... I..." then all of sudden, a sudden fragment of image visited to interrupt her speech.

A figure of someone. A familiar Autobot. Fireflood is her name. She was dead long time ago being killed by Forbidden. It's a forever forlorn memory which no one - who is still have the goodness inside - never want to be through or think of.

   Forbidden, you're better than what you could realize. Megatron's just blinding you. It's time to wake up now!

Fireflood always tried to convince that Forbidden Child is a good Autobot, not a bad Decepticon. It's confusing very much, but they both made their choices already. The Cons must kill the Bots to protect its Lord and their ideology.

   Once enemy. Friend till the end.

Forbidden heard her own voice as a vision came up. She had shot on Fireflood's helm. Energon bled and spilled to stain the ground.

That face. That pity expression mixed with sad sympathy made Forbidden obsessing everyday. And then to put an end, she consumed Fireflood's pure Spark.

'Till all are one'.

<Was her who prevented me from killing Blackclaw?... Haha, no way.>

"Starscream calls Forbidden," he waved his hand front of her sight to attract attention.

She returned to the reality, "Yeah, what?"

"Humph, never mind. By the way, this's for you, as what we have dealt before," said Starscream as he brought out three devices. One bigger. Two tinier. Lying on his palm.

"But you had said 'tow or three days at least', it's sooner than I expected."

"Never believe Decepticons' words, especially mine. Remember?" He grinned proudly.

It's one of his lessons and they're never wrong. 'Who has more information will be the winner' was the first lesson Forbidden had learned from him. She used it to escape the last accusation, even some found out but it still could be considered as a small succeed somehow. Thinking of it... "How did you know it was me ruining your plan?" asked Forbidden.

"Huh? What? Ah... that plan... Well, at first, it's a guess, but then when things occurred too perfect for you when you were being accused, I started to confirm my thought. Besides, it just could be Decepticon doing all of which and you would be the only one dare to make it become true."

"Not convincing much... even Soundwave has said so... maybe that is really the way Lord Megatron found out. Very well, let's go back to these devi..."

She was speaking then a sound of mechanically opening door interrupted her with voice of Alpha - he has a purple and bizarre figure for himself. No sooner had the door fully opened than he caught sight of his leader and unexpected Starscream crossing hands behind.

"My leader, you're awake. How do you feel now?" Ignoring the commander, Alpha inquired Forbidden.

"Good, I think." She shrugged.

"Well, it seems my job here is done. Time to go," said Starscream. He looked at Forbidden as he continued to say, "but before that... for congratulating you on your lucky survival..." he gave her a grin.

What happened next was an intolerable scene, at least only Alpha felt it in that way. Starscream's right arm was wrapping around Forbidden's hip, the left one propped against the bed's surface. From Alpha's view, it looked like that jerk was hugging her. Yet from Forbidden's view, things went different. This was an act to cover. Starscream's right hand was holding the devices which couldn't be shown to someone else. Wrapping around Forbidden's hip just to hide them between her back and the overcoat, letting her metal sheet of squares took those away. Then he whispered, "Already knew how to use, right?"

"Need to do in this way?" Forbidden replied in the same tone while rising one eyebrow.

"Hey, what do you think that you're doing? Get out of her now!" Alpha shouted, pacing towards them.

"As your wish," Starscream did as what he had been told, not letting Alpha do anything violently with him. He smirked then walked out with folding arms behind.

"What's a jerk!" Alpha scowled.

Giving a smile that no one could see. Said her in monotone.

"Alpha, if you do only think so about Starscream, then you won't know what hit you."

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