Chapter 9 - The Death

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Blackclaw was walking but suddenly he couldn't move because there had two metal snakes raising from underground to twist his legs. Frowning, he alerted himself and looked around. It was very blurry of a little shape behind the dusty mist, two dot of lights came to view, shined in hollowly light blue color. He hadn't figured out yet.

   Look up, Forbidden, look at this world now! You've already known how cruel it is. Kill or be killed. The laws have been made. It's your choice to follow or not, but... Wouldn't you want to survive?

   It's the world that forced us to be cruel. Yes, it is those rotten superiors who made this world to be so. Yes, I want to survive.

   If it's true then raise up. Drink it! The fresh energon blood of enemies. Eat this! The fleshy metal of fellow-friends. Trample upon others to survive and to live!

There was something echoing, floating inside Forbidden.

Maybe it's an picture of memory with many voices. Noisy sounds were blending together. Hazily untouched shapes were surrounding her. There were only two things she could figure out.

A voice of the strongest gladiator who she once admired, is admiring and will admire forever.

A voice of a little Cybertronian who she once hated, is hating and will hate forever.

However, what she only wanted to concentrate on now was her own instinct of survival which was screaming to be released, scratching to be free.

All of sudden, the shape broke the mist, heading to Blackclaw in hyper speed. It's Forbidden with no doubt. In the first second, she was racing toward him. Then the second after, when Forbidden was face to face with Blackclaw in the nearest distance, she vanished without warning and appeared right behind him in the mid air. Forbidden widened her optics and they were brighter than ever. Not needing to take off her visor-mask, everyone still could know precisely what expression of her right now. Obviously, she was grinning, a wildly mad grin.

With a mechanical saw almost as big as Forbidden herself in hands, she cut down making a chain of horrible noises to ruin his armor's first layer. Her foot landed one by one as the saw below pierced through and it seemed Forbidden wouldn't stop doing it, kept the weapon continuing to sliced deeper into Blackclaw until it could reach his Spark.

   It's the world that forced us to be cruel.

The con under attack growled in agony. He twisted his metal body and slid his blade over Forbidden to cast out her, but she vanished again, along with the pair of snakes, and suddenly appeared above Blackclaw, she kicked him in the helm. He almost caught her legs as she had disappeared but then emerged behind. Blackclaw gnashed, tried to focus as best as he could.

Forbidden was being in hyper mode. It was turned on when she got enough energon. Then if she did, she would be like a monster having already the ability to materialize anything in her possibilities and teleport as an extra gift. Then if she did, who was her enemy could only know to pray for themselves.

The battle was happening in high speed - at least only with Forbidden - for such an amateur was hardly to catch up. As a result, her shape was more like a vague shadow, could be wherever she wanted, with whatever weapons she needed: scimitars, swords, tonfa blades, arrows, laser gun, missiles... or even animals and insects; only if she had scanned them before.

Air combat wasn't her advantage, and the ability to control and create the material has its limit, she can only use it in about five-hundred meters around, also her teleport power. Therefore, Blackclaw transformed into his alt form then flew up high enough to be out of her range. He blasted her, gave her some upper shots. Forbidden ran to dodge. These shots were very close but none of them could hit directly their target. Forbidden created the high-tech skateboard to fly up, chasing Blackclaw. Adding more backup, a group of mechanical ravens. For that, her overcoat was getting more and more shorter. Yet all of them couldn't compare with a jet's engine, even she teleported.

"Lord Megatron, I think it's the time to stop the fight. It has gone too far."

Starscream had watched long enough. He knew as well as some of others that if Forbidden was in her hyper mode, it would become a really disaster. Yet Starscream just could moan briefly when he got a stare from Megatron.

"Give up, my leader. For your good, you can never catch up me!" Blackclaw shouted back to Forbidden while laughing, but she still chased him by her skateboard. These Ravens flurried beside. "It's that when you are in hyper mode, you become dumber than usual?" He mocked and it wasn't matter with her.

   Kill or be killed.

Blackclaw gave her some missiles. She dodged uncomfortably. Since Blackclaw had blocked by a sharp angle of the mountain forward when he too focused on her, so he staggered, following that his speed was slowdown. Forbidden immediately took the chance. She ordered the ravens to attack him. They casted themselves into their target. Beaks pierced through. He returned to his Cybertronian form. Cutting them into pieces. Blasting them away. Forbidden approached behind. And then, they had an air combat, but she lost her old flexibility.

The bigger con punched on the smaller con's face. Forbidden caught it and hugged his arm by four limbs and the whole body, then inclined aside to kick her knee on his helm. She made it hard so his armor helm cracked lightly. Yet he caught her leg on time after that attack. Forbidden couldn't do much at this rate since she couldn't teleport herself if someone was touching her.

Blackclaw powerfully threw her down. She's in sort of free fall. When this situation came, her mind was a mess for enabling to control the material or teleport power. Those ravens lost their wings and fell too. The scene looked extraordinarily chaotic to her.

"From that height, she would die for sure!" Hastily said Starscream but it seemed that his Lord didn't care, so he gnashed. He couldn't do anything right now. If Starscream went to save her, Megatron would dare to punnish him for disobeying. If he left Forbidden, she could be completely crashed. Starscream glanced at Soundwave to look for whether he had any motions that seemed to intend to save Forbidden, but not. It was quite doubtful. Soundwave wouldn't never let her be like that. <Are they really going to abandon her?> While Starscream was hesitating, Forbidden strongly crashed the ground causing a large hole on it with big explosion.

Blackclaw flew nearby, transformed and stood on the edge of the hole. Dust filled the bottom so he couldn't see anything clearly, but Blackclaw was sure for himself that his leader was done. No way she could survive after that hard crash. Thinking of that, a disappointing expression crossed over. Blackclaw turned his back as he released lightly a smile of sadness.

"Farewell, my leader." A whisper mixed into the wind.

   Wouldn't you want to survive?

     ... Yes, I want to survive.

They echoed again.

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