Chapter 10: A Mega Surprise

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Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter 10! Sorry this took longer than usual but I've been busy with life. But anyways guys, here's your long awaited, Chapter 10! Enjoy! ;)

???'s POV:
After running for quite a bit through the forest, I was almost out of breath. I decided to take a rest and I stopped running. I sat down by a tree with my trusty partner who was also tired out.

"Alright...I think...we lost them," I said gasping for breath. "How are you doing buddy?" I asked my partner. [I've been better, but I'm still good], my orange partner said. I was able to understand him because I had a Poke-Translator on my wrist. They were a new thing that was made in Alola about two years ago that allow us to understand Pokémon. They were made by a guy named Sophocles and they weren't exactly cheap but they were super efficient.

After I had caught all my breath, I realized I needed to report in. The boss is not going to be happy about this, I thought. My partner nodded back to me, signaling that he thought the same thing.

I pulled a portable hologram projector out of my pocket and pressed the button to call the boss. Once he answered it, a picture of a tall man with leather clothes, a gold chain and white hair appeared on the screen. And his face looked really serious and worried.

"Agent Liam, you've finally called," he addressed me formally. Me and Gladion hadn't reported in for about two days. We wanted to make sure we lost those guys. It didn't go the way we expected however. "I want a full report. Were you successful?" he asked. "No sir, we both were ambushed and I sadly lost Gladion. He was captured," I said reluctantly.

He leaned back in his chair and let out a huge, disappointed sigh. I didn't blame him, I was mad at myself too. I had a feeling this would happen but I wished it hadn't. Gladion had been one for sticking out for others but I didn't think it would be to this extent.

I decided to break the silence between us and ask, "What should we do now sir?" "Well, Agent, now that Gladion is captured I have a very important assignment for you," he replied.

He pushed a button and on my screen popped up a picture of a girl about my age. She was wearing a white dress and hat, had light green eyes and had blonde hair which was braided into hearts. I was able to recognize her.

"This girl is named Lillie, I'm sure you've heard that name a lot by now from Gladion," the boss said. Gladion had told me a lot of stories about his sister named Lillie. "What do we need her for?" I asked. If I knew Gladion, the last thing he wanted was to get his sister involved in this.

"Well those guys that came after you, have a history with Gladion's family. They are after both of them and if they got him, the I suspect they aren't far off from grabbing her. If Aether wants them so bad, then that means they must know something that Aether doesn't want them to know," he told me. His plan made sense but Gladion had told me multiple times that his sister didn't know anything about Aether.

"But sir, Gladion told me multiple times that Lillie doesn't know a thing about Aether," I told him. "Just because you don't know about a group, doesn't mean you're not important to them," he retorted. "You of all people should know that. I want you to apprehend her and bring her to me, so we can learn more," he said.

"YES SIR!" me and my Pokémon shouted and the transmission ended. I looked down at my partner. "This is a real big risk we are taking," I said to Raichu. "Bringing a civilian into our conflict." [Well we have to do what must be done], he replied with. We both nodded at each other before running back through the forest.

3rd Person POV:

[You all know the plan!], Charizard said to the other Pokémon. [Keep them away from the chopper!] he said as he flew towards them. All the other Pokémon nodded and followed him into battle.

As they were flying, Salamence caught up to Charizard to tell him something. [Hey Charizard, keep track of your defeats], he said. [Why?] Charizard asked while looking at him. [Just to have a little fun], Salamence smirked and flew off. [You're on], Charizard thought before taking off after him.

Due to both Sawyer and Alain spending more time with each other in helping with Sycamore's research, their Pokémon also got closer with each other. Charizard and Salamence in particular grew to have a bit of a competitive rivalry with each other and would constantly try to one up each other any time possible.

Vivillon and Altaria looked at each other with slightly amused looks. [Hey guys don't forget about me!] Heracross shouted as he flew after them. They both shook their heads in disbelief. [Boys, am I right?] asked Vivillon sarcastically. [Tell me about it] replied Altaria. After that remark, they both boosted after the others with Magnezone behind them.

Then the bigger creature raised its right arm and pointed it at the Pokémon. Then the smaller jellyfish creatures rushed straight for them. There were about ten of them that they had to take out.

Charizard's two claws were surrounded by a sea foam green aura and the same was happening for Garchomp's scythes. They were both preparing Dragon Claw once they got close enough. The same was happening with Salamance's Tail as it was preparing Dragon Tail.

About three of the creatures were charging up special attacks to fire so they could be taken out while they were far enough away. Then Magnezone and Vivillon quickly came in front of the three dragons.

Vivillon's wings then started to shine a bright silver and Magnezone's two front magnets started to spin, charging up electricity.

The three beams were then fired at the Pokémon. [Lets see how they like Silver Wind] shouted Vivillon as a gust of wind was launched. [Firing Discharge] said Magnezone as its two magnets unleashed bolts of electricity.

The attacks collided with each other, creating a huge cloud of smoke. Then out of the cloud of smoke came the three dragons. The creatures didn't have enough time to react and got slammed by the three dragon type moves, down into the water.

Then two more were coming at Charizard from behind and he didn't have enough time to react. But then Heracross quickly used its horn to charge into one of them, sending it flying into the other. Almost instantly, Heracross charged up its arm into a white light and pummeled the two creatures straight into the water.

Then the five remaining were in the middle of charging up attacks. They were all ready to fire and the Pokémon had no time to react. But then a rain of meteor like objects started raining from the sky and hit the creatures. They all looked back and saw Altaria wink at all of them as the move was recognized as Draco Meteor.

The five creatures slowly but surely fell into the water. But it's almost as if they simply shook the beehive. They all looked towards the big hole in the sky and saw more even more were coming out. Seemed like hundreds of them.The creatures all rushed for the flying Pokémon.

The creatures started unleashed blasts of dark purple energy. Yet all of them were dodging the attacks with ease. When all seven Pokémon got closer to the creatures, they had a relatively easy time fighting.

Charizard was beating them down with his two strong claws. Salamence blasted a lot out of the sky with its Incinerate attack close by. Heracross was beating the creatures back with its massive horn. Vivillon and Altaria were blasting many away using their ranged attacks. Magnezone had been stunning them and then blasting them away with electricity.

[Hey Zard. What are you at?] Salamence asked. [I'd say around twenty-five] Charizard replied. [Really? I'm at thirty. Gotta keep up]. Salamence teased before flew away, taking down more of the creatures.

[I can keep up] Charizard thought.

While the others were too busy fighting, both Salamence and Charizard were having a bit of fun. The creatures went down fairly easily so it didn't seem like they had much to worry about. The only thing that was worrisome was their seemingly endless numbers.

After a few minutes of fighting, the one bigger creature seemed like it had enough. It let out a loud roar that seemed to make everything stop.

The creatures all seemed to back off. The Pokémon then turned toward the bigger creature. But then in the blink of an eye, it vanished into thin air. But after a split second it appeared right in front of the group with no time for them to dodge. By using its long arms and fast speed, it administered a barrage a piercing jabs with it very thin but powerful arms.

It's jabs sent them all flying back several feet but before they could recover, it kept coming at each of them, delivering even more barrages of jabs.

All the Pokémon had a really tough time keeping up with this thing. But Charizard noticed something about it. It kept going for its chest so then he powered up a Dragon Claw.

When it came for Charizard, it tried to deliver those jabs but its arms were trapped in it claws. Charizard smirked but his victory was short lived once it used its long legs and kicked it in the chest and broke free.

Charizard grunted in pain and as it looked up it saw the beast a few feet in front of him charging up a beam attack. Before it was about to fire it, another beam was fired at the cluster of energy, causing it to explode.

Then a cloud of snake appears and all the Pokémon saw an object instantly flew into the cloud of smoke. Once it cleared, all the Pokémon saw a green dragon-fly creature with big red eyes taking on the creature. It's claws were glowing sea foam green, as it was using Dragon Claw while clashing with the creature's arms.

The Pokémon was quickly recognized as a Flygon and once it won its little clash, the creature flew back a few feet. Then Flygon flew back several feet and started generating energy near its mouth. The strange creature did the same thing with its arms.

All the others watched very confused. [What is a Flygon doing all the way out here?] asked Salamance. [Its not one of ours], said Heracross equally confused.

Before getting an answer, both of them discharged their energy forming beams. Both clashed with each other, struggling to overtake the other. But shortly after they clashed, the impact from both beams caused an explosion in the air.

After the explosion, the creature put its arm down as it waited for the smoke to settle. But Flygon didn't wait a second as it's wings started glowing white. A split second after that, Flygon went down and flew over the water. The speed was so great, it formed a break in the water.

Before it got close, the creature saw it and began charging up energy again. But then Flygon started spinning while flying. Eventually it's whole body was acting like a cyclone. That's when it started ascending towards its enemy.

The white creature unleashed a beam of energy at Flygon. Right before it was about to hit, the cyclone moved to the right, narrowly dodging it. Then the creature fired a second beam of energy. The cyclone moved to its left, dodging it again.

Beams of energy kept being fired but the cyclone kept moving out of the way. While Flygon kept spinning, it started channeling energy throughout its body. Soon it's claws started glowing with a blue-green aura again. The aura then took the shape of two massive claws again.

The creature stopped firing beams to try and figure out what to do. But it didn't have enough time as the cyclone hit it head on. Once it had hit, Flygon had stopped spinning and was right in front of the creature. With it stunned and Flygon's claws out, it was the perfect time. Flygon took its two Dragon Claw attacks and raised them above his head. Flygon then brought down its attack and it's claws slammed the creature on its head.

One second after impact, the creature went flying downwards into the ocean. The impact of it created a huge splash in the water. Flygon looked exhausted but it wasn't done yet. Flygon then started channeling energy throughout its body again. Its body was then covered in a dark blue aura and did a nosedive to the water. As it flew down, the blue aura then took the shape of a massive dragon.

Flygon then went straight into the water where the creature landed. Flygon went under, causing a splash in water but a second later a much bigger splash came up from it attack.

After a bit of waiting, the creature quickly flew out of the water and Flygon flew after it. But then its body began to glow a light pink color as its body was changing.

Once the light went away, Flygon looked really different. It grew a third, smaller set of wings, grew two extremely long antennae and its eyes got smaller. It was quickly recognized as Flygon's Mega Evolution but none of the Pokémon could believe it.

"Wow," the professor said amazed from the helicopter. "Through all my research, I had never found a record of Mega Flygon ever existing." He was shocked but also amazed that he'd be able to see a new Mega fight in front of his eyes. But the others were a little more worried that even with the Mega, it could defeat them.

Flygon then fired a black and purple beam of energy at the beast and once it collided, it exploded into a cloud of smoke. The creature quickly appeared out of the smoke and charged straight at Flygon.

Flygon then seas surrounded by blue energy that took the shape of a dragon. It was using Dragon Rush and it flew straight at the beast. They clashed and it created a huge shock wave of energy.

Then the creature was going to use its legs to kick Flygon. But right when it was about to hit Flygon, Flygon quickly blocked both of its legs and gripped on to both of them. Flygon then started swinging the creature around and after a while, threw it towards the water.

The creature regained it's balance and stated hovering above the water. once it did, a bit of water flew up due to the high energy.

The creature then began charging a special attack as a cluster of white energy formed in its arms. And Flygon did the same as a cluster of black and purple energy formed near its mouth.

Then at the same time, both Flygon and the creature unleashed their massive energy attacks. Both the beams rushed towards each other at lightning speed until they clashed with each other. The power was so great, there were multiple shocked waves being unleashed and tons of water started splashing up from the ocean.

All the other Pokémon could only look in awe at what they were witnessing. A creature they knew nothing about, he'd completely overpowered all of them and another Mega Pokemon was giving that same creature a challenge in its fight.

The shock waves still continued as the beams were still clashing with each other. But then Flygon tucked its neck slightly back and firmly thrusters it forward as his attack grew stronger and started pushing the other beam back.

The creature only could look in terror as it tried but failed to push the other attack back. Soon Flygon's attack encompassed the creature and then exploded in a cloud of smoke and a giant splash of water.

To be continued...

Well guys I hope you liked the chapter and the battle. It's my first time trying an aerial battle and I hope I did good. But who is this mysterious agent and what exactly are these mysterious creatures? Well if I told you that, there'd be no surprises even though you probably can already tell. Anyways, see all of you in the next chapter of my story and take care of yourselves! ;)

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