Chapter 11: Liam vs Lillie! One Cold Shock!

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Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter 11! I will admit my last battle was not great looking back but I'll try to improve with this next one. As from the title, I'm sure you know what's happening! Let's get right into it! As always, enjoy! ;)

3rd Person POV:

All the Pokémon and people had looked in awe of what just happened as the smoke cleared from the explosion. When it cleared, the creature was no where to be found. But then something flew past Flygon at alarming speed into the sky. Flygon looked and it was the same creature from before. It looked badly injured as well as the smaller ones. Flygon then put on a look of absolute hate and wanted to move but started breathing heavily.

Then everyone turned toward Flygon whom lit up for an instant. His body glowed with a white light and in an instant he devolved back into a normal Flygon. They all diverted their attention to to hole in the sky those things left. It suddenly started to flash and distort itself until it finally disappeared.

"Well I saved you guys didn't I," a voice said on the radio. Everyone then looked at the radio upon hearing it. Sycamore than went to it and responded. "Thanks for helping us out," he said. "No problem," the voice responded.

Flygon then looked back at the chopper and all the Pokémon. Then it made a turned around and started flying away. "Follow Flygon, he'll lead you to the lab safely," the radio said. Sycamore nodded and they all began following Flygon to their destination.

???'s POV:

My eyes were slowly opening up from my sleep. I saw something white on top of me but I couldn't tell what it was. Once it got into focus, it looked like a six-tailed white fox and I realized it was Snowy.

I smiled upon seeing the small fox as it looked at me curiously. "Good morning Snowy," I said to her. "Did the professor send you to wake me up?" I asked. Then she started to nuzzle my neck and that tickled me a lot.

"Hehehe no stop that!" I giggled. Then I sat up and picked Snowy up in my arms. It has been about four months since it hatched and I had become great friends with it. It was also strong as well so I could use it in battle when I needed to.

Then to door to my room opened and and Prof. Kukui walked in. He was wearing his typical outfit and hat and was in a very happy mood today. I had met the professor about two months after Gladion left. I had no idea where he went off to and I worried for him greatly. Knowing my brother, he should be fine but with all these new events, I wasn't sure anymore.

We met at the place where they held the grand trial on Melemele Island. I had found this weird purple and blue Pokémon that wouldn't stop following me around for some time. I named it Nebby and kept it in my bag so no one could see it. It was to make sure no one would see it and try and steal it.

Well it got out of my bag at that time and the professor noticed it and was really intrigued with it. I told him about how I lived alone and he asked if I wanted to become his assistant. I felt extremely grateful for his offer and have lived with him since then.

"I was planning on going into town to pick up some things. Was wondering if you wanted to tag along," he said. I thought it was a nice idea since I could get out of the house. "Sure. But will Nebby be okay alone?" I ask. "Don't worry about it," he said. "I've got Rotom to look after it." "Are you sure he'll be alright?" I asked.

I had a bad feeling since Rotom wasn't the greatest at battling. Ever since all the news about strange creatures appearing, they've encouraged people to train and battle each for their own protection. Heck, they were manufacturing new Mega Stones to match with the creatures' strength.

"Rotom said he can handle it," Kukui replied. "If it all comes down to it, we have all those appliances in the house he could use." I mentally nodded to myself as that made sense. "Alright, let me go get ready and we can go," I said to the professor. He nodded and then left the room and I started to get myself ready for the day. Why do I feel something big is going to happen today?

Timeskip: 2 hours

It was a clear, sunny day with no clouds in the sky and I was really happy. I know it was another normal day. I guess it was because I haven't been out much since I've been too worried for Nebby.

We were just walking on the sidewalk, admiring the tall buildings and the many people of Hau'oli City. It was a very diverse city thanks to its port being the place where most people would go through if they were visiting. It also meant that there were plenty of different Pokémon around the area.

Me and the professor finally got to the marketplace and we were just walking around. After a bit the professor turned to me and handed me a little slip of paper. "I'm thinking if we split up and divide our duties, we'll get stuff done faster," the professor said. I looked at the paper and it said all I needed was to pick up a couple of berries.

I nodded and then walked away with Snowy sticking close to me. It wasn't that long of a walk and I finally got to the stand I needed to go to. But when I got there, I noticed something strange.

I looked near one of the boxes and saw this big orange mouse-like Pokemon with a lightning bolt on its long tail. It looked like a Raichu hiding behind it. But this wasn't like the Raichus in Alola since it had pointy ears, tail and wasn't floating. That must be a Raichu from another region, I thought. I also noticed something g wrapped around it's right arm. Looked to be a bracelet with some kind of stone in the middle. We were both looking at each other and after a few seconds and then it ran off.

"Hey, wait a minute," I called out to the mouse. That Raichu isn't from this region, I thought again. That must mean it belongs to a trainer and must be lost. I should try to get it back to them. I decided to run after it, with Snowy behind me. It was rude to run off like that but I was worried about that Raichu. I followed it into a nearby alley way. It made a right turn down another part of the alley and I followed it.

When I made the turn, I arrived at a dead end with buildings on all sides except the way I came. That Raichu was also no longer to be seen either. That's strange. Where did it run off to? I looked around for a bit confused.

"Well wherever it is now, I'm hope it's safe", I said. Hopefully, it found it's way back to its trainer.

"It is very safe now," I heard a voice respond. I turned around and saw that same Raichu from before but there also was another figure next to it. I couldn't make out most of their appearance though since they were wearing a cloak and hood. He didn't look to be much older than me though.

But he took off his hood and revealed he had spiky dark hair and was wearing a reflective, black mask. The mask was in the shape of a crescent moon, only allowing me to see one auburn eye.

Just him looking at me sent a shiver down my spine. Snowy even started cowering behind my leg. I had to try to remain calm for both of us and get out of this.

"I'm assuming you are Raichu's trainer. I'm at least glad to see that he's safe and sound. I was worried that it would wander around the place and get lost."

"Thank you. I really appreciate your concern," he said back. He hadn't left though so my defensive mood didn't change.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked him. "Well you actually can," he replied. "I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me Lillie," he said. That sent an even bigger chill down my spine than before. How does this person know me, I thought. "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" I asked stepping back a little.

He stepped forward a few steps and Raichu followed his lead. "Let's just say I know someone close to you," he replied. "They always spoke very highly of you too. As for my name; I'm known by my adversaries as "Black Crescent, but my friends call me Liam," he said coldly. "So what exactly does that make us?" I asked. "Well that all depends on whether you'll comply with me or not," he answered.

"You see Lillie, you are very important to both my boss and friend, so I don't want to hurt you. I'm going to have to ask you to come with me," he said. I took another careful step back at that remark. I had a feeling of what he was gonna say but I asked the question anyways.

"Why am I important to you?" I asked. "That's my boss's information and his alone," he replied "I have no clue why he wants you, but if you agree to come, I can guarantee your safety." My prediction came true. I was getting scared but I didn't want him to know that.

"What if I don't want to come with you?" I asked. I saw him raise his visible eyebrow at that remark. "Well then I'll have to take you by force," he replied with a sigh. "I really don't want it to come to that but if I have to, I'll do what I must." Then his Raichu went on all fours, into a battle stance. Electricity was sparking from its cheeks and its tail was curved above its back with the end pointing forward.

I never thought I'd have to fight anyone, I thought very worriedly. I had little experience as it was. The only experience I had was through help of Professor Kukui. But I knew I had to put those skills to the test and try. I reached for my bag and pulled out a pokeball and threw it into the air. It opened and released a blue energy that eventually materialized into a Pokémon. The Pokémon was a light blue fox-like creature named Glaceon.

"So you're using a Glaceon, well I hope those mutations from Lusamine's Eevee can help you during this," Liam said. What is he even talking about? Mutations?, I thought. Then I saw Raichu stepped forward ready for battle and I refocused myself. I nodded at Glaceon as she stepped forward as well, not backing down.

3rd Person POV:

Both of the Pokémon were staring at each other closely, ready to make their strikes. [Well, I never thought I'd be fighting a Glaceon of all things today], said the Raichu.

[What are you scared?] asked Glaceon and that made Raichu chuckle. [No, it's just I've only met one other before and let's just say she was very playful and into Contests. So, this is kind of a weird change of pace], Raichu replied.

[Well sorry for that, I guess], Glaceon said slightly confused. They continued to stare at each other in the great silence of the alley. Almost as if the world around them slowed down. It was so quiet, they could almost hear the wind blowing.Both of the groups trying to see what the other would do.

After what seemed like hours, the sound of a clock bell went off, signaling the change of the hour. "Glaceon, use that new move we learned! Freezing Claw!" Lillie shouted first. Glaceon nodded and jumped up high in the air. Then her paw started lighting up with cyan blue energy that resembled a massive claw.

She dove directly at the Raichu, ready to land the hit. She was just about to land it. "Counter with Thunder Punch," Liam said really calmly. Raichu's right paw started to charge up with blue lightning. Raichu then made a small jump at Glaceon and swung his right arm.

The two attacks then clashed with each other, creating a small sonic boom and blue sparks were forming and shooting out between the two attacks. Both Pokémon smirked at each other before the attack broke and they flew backwards.

"Raichu, use Thunderbolt," said Liam still calmly. Large yellow sparks were forming at its cheeks after he hit the ground. Raichu's body then started to glow yellow. He then fired off a lightning bolt at the blue fox. "Glaceon counter with Ice Beam," Lillie quickly said. Glaceon then quickly formed a sphere of cyan blue energy near her mouth after she landed. When she fired it off, it created three smaller beams that hit the Thunderbolt dead on. The collision created a big cloud of smoke.

"Raichu, use Iron Tail," Liam shouted. Raichu crouched down a little and the lightning bolt on his tail turned the color of silver. He used his legs to lunge at Glaceon, into the could of smoke. Lillie wasn't a slow thinker either. "Glaceon, counter with your Iron Tail," Lillie commanded.

Glaceon's tail started to glow the same silver and lunged at Raichu as well, also diving into the smoke. Both their powerful tails hit each other, making another sonic boom, which cleared away all the smoke. Lillie then looked at the clashed Pokémon. They were both struggling to push the other back. There were small silver bolts coming off of the collision. Lillie then thought of something.

"Quickly, use Freezing Claw while you have it," Lillie shouted. Glaceon jumped back, her tail stopped glowing and powered up its two claws. She stretched them out, hoping to hit him on both sides. "Raichu, counter with Thunder Punch," Liam shouted quickly.

Raichu's two paws charged up with electricity as Glaceon's attack hooked in. Raichu barely has enough time but blocked both of Glaceon's claws. Both attacks were clashing with each other at their sides. Their paws were pushing each other with all their power. Struggling to overtake the other as the two Pokémon looked each other dead in the eyes.

[Alright, you're pretty strong], said Raichu with a smile of amusement. He was starting to enjoy this fight. Glaceon wasn't feeling the same though. [You're not so bad yourself], replied Glaceon, trying to remain focused. "RAICHU/GLACEON, USE CHARGE BEAM/ ICE BEAM!" both Lillie and Liam shouted at about the same time.

Since they both were open for attacks, now was the perfect time. Raichu quickly opened his mouth and charged up a sphere of yellow energy. Glaceon then charged up a sphere of cyan blue energy. They both fired their attacks and due to it being point-blank range, it did a lot of damage to both of them and created another large smoke cloud.

Raichu was sent back a bit and the used his claws to stop himself. He put them into the ground, causing some of the concrete to shatter. He skidded to a halt, taking apart the ground as he went. He then regained his balance and waited for the smoke to clear. He noticed that it got quiet for some reason.

[Not only is she strong but pretty clever. Now she's trying to lure me into a trap. Don't worry, I've just got to wait her out], Raichu thought. He continued to stare at the smoke, ready for anything. He then noticed and object move out of the smoke. It was a sphere of purple and black energy that was quickly coming towards him.

He was barely able to dodge in time as the attack hit the side of a building. [Well it seems she knows Shadow Ball. That's surprising but nothing I can't handle. Barely got away from that one], Raichu thought.

[Well, you won't dodge this one], Glaceon shouted as if she knew his thoughts. Raichu then turned around but it was too late. Glaceon used her Iron Tail attack and made a hard swing, hitting Raichu's chest. The attack sent Raichu flying into a building, the concrete cushioning the blow.

"Nice job there Glaceon," praised Lillie. We are going to win this yet, she thought. "Hmm," said Liam who turned to Raichu and then to Lillie. "You are stronger than I expected. I didn't want to do this, but I must complete my mission. As I am on a bit of a time table, you have left me no choice."

Liam then lifted his right hand from under his cloak, revealing a ring on his hand. Lillie gasped as she saw the ring had a stone in it. "A Keystone?" She said surprised. She had heard about them but never seen one in person before.

Liam then touched the Keystone and it released beams of yellow energy from the stone. "Keystone, respond to my heart so I may defeat my enemies with my own strength. MEGA EVOLVE!" said Liam. The Mega Stone attached to Raichu's wrist began to glow a bright blue. Small beams of blue energy released from the Mega Stone and connected with the beams from the Keystone. Then Raichu's body lit up with a light purple light as his body began to change form.

To be continued...

Well guys that was Chapter 11! What will this new Mega Raichu look like, who exactly is this Liam character and will Lillie be able to defeat him? Find out on the next chapter of Pokémon Z! I hope you enjoyed and see you guys next time! ;)

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