Chapter 12: Black & Blue

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Well guys this is Chapter 12, the continuation of Liam vs Lillie! Sorry if this took a while, I was busy with my third fanfic that I'm working on, Explorers of Nature! It's a Mystery Dungeon fanfic and I'd really, really appreciate it if you checked it out. But anyways, last time we found out that Liam's Raichu was capable of Mega Evolution! Will Lillie be able to stand up to them? As always, Enjoy! ;)

Lillie's POV:

I was honestly shocked at what was going on in front of me. I was pretty sure that we had Raichu on the ropes but than that Liam character pulls this on me. This was my first time battling a Mega Pokémon and I was feeling nervous.

I watched as his Raichu was changing its body in the pink light. It then pulled its arms over its head and thrusted them downwards. That caused a shockwave of energy to be released, causing us to be pushed back a little. "Woah! That's some serious power," I said. Glaceon nodded in agreement.

When we got our focus and footing back, Raichu was no longer surrounded by light and looked really different. Its ears turned into the shapes of lightning bolts and its tail got a much bigger lightning bolt on it. He also had another lightning bolt on its waist, going to its back. Its cheeks also turned a lighter yellow as well. I then realized with shock, that I was looking at Mega Raichu.

"I guess I should warn you, Raichu gets a big power boost with Electric attacks when it Mega evolves," Liam said. Raichu then lowered its head and looked Glaceon. It then got into a fighting stance, looking Glaceon dead in the eyes with a smile on its face.

"If you want to surrender, now is the time," he said. I was scared when I heard that but then I looked at Glaceon and she wasn't backing down. That gave me a boost of confidence and looked back at Liam. "We'll never back down to the likes of you!" I shouted back as I got into battle stance.

"I see. Well don't say I didn't give you a way out," said Liam. Then before I could see what happened, Raichu had Glaceon pinned up against a wall with its tail.

What the-? How did I not see that? I thought. Raichu has moved so fast it seemed invisible. "You left me no choice in the matter. Raichu, finish it up," Liam said emotionlessly. Raichu then nodded and started charging up a yellow sphere of energy near its mouth.

I didn't know what to do at that point. Glaceon was struggling to get free but Raichu's tail was wedged into the concrete of the wall. That and Raichu was Mega evolved so that pretty much assured that Glaceon wasn't going anywhere.

When Raichu was about to fire, a stream of white light suddenly slammed into Raichu. It slid a couple of feet backwards but quickly regained its footing. I looked to where it came from and I saw an orange and white, wolf-like Pokémon in front of me.

It was a Lycanroc and then a man jumped down from the roof next to me. I looked up at him and was filled with relief when I realized it was the professor. "Professor! You're here!" I shouted with relief. "Hey there Lillie. Are you okay?" he asked rushing towards me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank Arceus that you came though," I answered. He nodded and turned back to face Liam. I could see his eye widen at the Professor. "Well this is a big surprise. The one and only Professor Kukui has entered the scene," said Liam but something seemed off. I detected a hint of excitement in his voice. "I never expected someone great like you to show up."

The Professor didn't get distracted.with the compliments however. "Who are you and what do you want with Lillie?" the professor asked. Liam then chuckled at his question before answering. "Well professor, my name is Liam. And I can't exactly tell you why. But she's very important to our leader so I must listen to his commands."

"Well don't think I'll let you get her without a fight," said Kukui. Then Lyancroc got into his battle stance. "I was kinda hoping you would be a little more understanding, Liam said. "But if it has to be that way, then so be it. On the other hand, it's pretty rare that I get to fight a famous professor. So, let's see what you can do."

3rd Person POV:

"Glaceon, use Ice Ball!" Lillie commanded. "Lycanroc, use Stone Edge!" Kukui shouted as well. Glaceon then formed a ball of white energy around her mouth and Lyancroc surrounded himself with lots of stones.

They both then fired them at Mega Raichu but he just stood there. "Raichu, block with Electro Ball," said Liam with still no emotion. Raichu then quickly formed two big spheres of bright yellow energy in his paws.

The Electric Mouse then launched them and they collided with the two other attacks. Once they did, the attacks caused an explosion and created a small cloud of smoke.

"Charge at him quickly," both Lillie and Kukui shouted. Then Glaceon and Lycanroc charged at Mega Raichu in full force. Mega Raichu quickly crossed his arms in front of him and both Pokémon hit his arms.

Raichu then pushed them back and they went flying into the air. "Glaceon use Ice Beam!" "Lycanroc, use Hidden Power!" they both shouted. Then both Pokémon did backflips in the air as they prepared their attacks.

Glaceon charged up another cyan energy ball and Lycanroc surrounded itself with white energy spheres. "Raichu, counter them with Thunderbolt," Liam said and Raichu nodded.

Raichu then surrounded himself in yellow lightning and all three launched their attacks. Then their attacks collided creating two smaller explosions.

"Glaceon, jump back and use Ice Fang," Lillie shouted. "Lycanroc do the same with Fire Fang," Kukui commanded. Glaceon charged up her mouth with cyan blue energy while Lycanroc's mouth was engulfed in flames. Both Pokémon landed on the building walls and used them to boost their lunges at Raichu.

"Raichu, counter them with Thunder Punch," said Liam. Then in an instant Raichu charged up its two arms in electricity. Glaceon came from the left and Lycanroc came from the right and their attacks were about to hit Raichu. But they were intercepted by both of Raichu's Thunder Punches.

Both Glaceon and Lycanroc were chomping on Raichu's arms. Sparks of lightning and ice as well as flames were flying due to the clashing. [You two are very strong], said Raichu while smiling.

Raichu then raised up its big tail and both Pokémon looked at it very surprised. [But sadly your it's not going to be enough to beat me], he finished. He then used his used his tail and swept them off their feet.

They lost their balance but were still hanging on to Raichu's arms. But then Raichu took both his arms and slammed them both into each other. If knocked both of them in the air and then Raichu powered up an Iron Tail attack.

Then instantaneously he slammed his tail into the two Pokémon, sending them flying into a building wall. Glaceon was lying on the ground and Lycanroc was on top of her. "Guys, are you two okay?" Lillie asked but both were struggling to get up.

"Well guys I say it's time we put our fun and games to an end," said Liam. "Raichu, let's finish them up with your signature move," and then Raichu nodded his head. Then Raichu got down on all fours in a battle stance and started charging up electricity.

Then the professor took out a special bracelet and handed it to Lillie. "Lillie, I think it's time you try and use it," he said. Lillie then looked down at the bracelet and back at the professor. "But I don't think we can do it," said Lillie. "I have enough trouble with it already." "Don't worry Lillie, you'll do fine," Kukui responded. "Besides if it breaks, we can always get a new one from the lab." Then Lillie smiled at that remark, grabbed the bracelet and put it on her wrist.

"Raichu use Volt Tackle and finish this!" shouted Liam and Raichu charged forward. Suddenly his body was surrounded in yellow lightning as he charged at them. [I hope these guys don't take this personally. It's just business], Raichu thought while charging.

He was about to hit his mark when a light blue barrier intercepted him. Lycanroc had just used Protect to help Glaceon and Raichu's Volt Tackle hit the barrier, head on. The barrier rippled with the collision as bolts of lightning formed due to the clashing of the two moves.

Raichu then jumped back a few feet and stared down Lycanroc. [Your opponent is me you electric rat], said Lycanroc, clearly enraged. Raichu replied, [Well you don't have to be so rude but alright. I've always wanted to fight a Lycanroc].

They both then jumped at each other, catching each other's claws while both were struggling to overpower the other. [You honestly can't hope to defeat me alone. You know that right?], Raichu asked. Lycanroc of course knew that since it was dealing with a Mega but he wasn't too worried. He looked back and saw that Glaceon had gotten back up and was in battle stance. [Well I think I've stalled enough], he thought before jumping back.

When he did, Raichu almost tripped from all of the pushing. But he caught himself and looked at the two Pokémon. "Alright Glaceon! Let's do this!" shouted Lillie and Glaceon nodded.

Lillie then crossed both her arms as her Z-Crystal activated. She then brought them down to her waists and then stretched them out in front of her and crossed her arms. She then flattened her hand and raised it in front of her face. She then crossed her other arm over it and crossed the first arm with the second arm. She then pointed both her arms and hands towards Glaceon as both her and Lillie were surrounded by cyan blue energy.

"Z-MOVE! SUBZERO SLAMMER!" Lillie shouted. Glaceon then unleashed the move then a pillar of ice rose from under her. She was standing on top of it and looked down at Raichu. Raichu had the look of fear in his eyes but he tried to keep himself composed. Glaceon then charged up a massive beam of ice and fired it at Raichu.

Raichu could only look in fear as the move rushed towards him. [Son of a bitch], he said almost impressed as he closed his eyes, trying to brace the attack. Raichu was then encased in a massive crystal of ice, but then it started to glow. The blue crystal glowed brighter and brighter until it was whites. Then it exploded in a flash of white light, sending Raichu flying back into a wall.

Raichu then fell to the ground and a light quickly passed over him. Once it was gone, he devolved back to his normal form. He then hit the ground, face first and unconscious. Right after Raichu fell, Glaceon also fell to the ground. She was unconscious as well.

Liam, Kukui, Lillie, Snowy and Lycanroc were looking at the scene in awe. Well I didn't expect her to have a Z-Crystal, Liam thought. I guess I should've been more careful. Especially since the Professor of Alola showed up.

"Hmm. Well, it seems I've lost," Liam finally said as he walked over to Raichu. "It seems I've underestimated you."

"Freeze!" a voice shouted from around the corner. Everyone turned to find Officer Jenny and about six other police officers. Jenny had an Arcanine while all the rest had Growlithes, all staring at Liam.

Jenny then looked at Kukui and Lillie and asked, "Hey are you two alright? He didn't hurt you did you?" "No he didn't," answered Kukui. "What's going on here?" he asked.

"That man right there is wanted by authorities. He's Liam of the villainous Team Skull," she answered while holding up a wanted poster showing cloaked figure with a mask under their hood. Then everyone looked at him as he already was holding Raichu on his back.

Liam scanned the room and then looked directly at Lillie. "Well looks like I don't need to capture you. You seem to be pretty strong on your own. Plus it seems that you have people looking out for you anyways," he said, looking to the Professor. He then pulled out a small object from under his cloak.

"But I did enjoy the fight. Maybe we could have one again, under different circumstances. Until next time," he said and then threw the object down and it emitted a flash of blinding light. Everyone covered their eyes from the light. Once the light dulled, both Liam and Raichu were gone.

To be continued...

Well guys, that's Chapter 12! I hope the battle was really well since I tried my best! Please check out my other fanfics since I appreciate any kind of support. Also, none of the artwork I use for this is mine at all. I do not intend to steal nor profit from their artwork at all. Just thought I'd say that. But anyways, see you all in the next chapter! ;)

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