Chapter 13: Old Friends

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What is up guys and welcome to Chapter 13! Sorry if it's been a while, I've been working on my other fanfic, PMD:EoN. Please check it out if you want. Also sorry for not having much shipping in the story. I tried including shipping in the beginning but I know that isn't enough. There will be more shipping, just give me time. But without further ado, enjoy! ;)

Liam's POV:

Well it looks like I got away from them, I thought. I was on top of a rooftop about 2 buildings away from where the battle took place. "Man they were a lot stronger than I thought they would be," I said out loud. "I'm going to have to keep up my guard when we see them again."

Then I felt some movement on my back and I found out that Raichu was regaining his consciousness. [Ughh, what happened?], he asked. "Well good buddy, we lost our battle," I replied and I could hear him sigh under his breath. [Son of a bitch. I was having too much fun and didn't keep up my guard], he said in a defeated tone.

I then crouched down a bit and set Raichu on the ground. I then kneeled on the ground and said, "No Raichu, it wasn't just you." He then looked up at me and we were staring into each other's eyes so I know I had his attention. "I was the one that underestimated her. I wasn't quick enough and allowed reinforcements to arrive and help her." I then looked at the ground, disappointed in myself. That makes two failed missions in a row for me and two people of importance lost. I knew I needed to be stronger but I was failing badly at my goal.

Then Raichu put his paw on my shoulder and I looked up at him. We were looking each other dead in the eyes again. [Hey, it's only two missions we've failed], he said. [Don't beat yourself up about it too much. Besides, we'll get them at some point in the future]. His encouragement made me smile underneath my mask. Raichu had always been with me since the beginning. We always found a way to keep pushing each other forward, no matter what.

It was a nice moment until we both heard police sirens in the streets below. I then reached for my belt underneath my cloak and pulled out a set of binoculars. I looked down to the street and saw Lillie and Kukui talking to police officers. Now, how am I going to explain this to the boss? I asked myself. I then smiled as an idea popped into my head. I took the binoculars away from my eyes and turned towards Raichu. "You know. This might actually work for us," I said. Raichu looked at my with a confused look.

I then quickly pulled out my hologram projector and called Guzma. An image of him popped up immediately and he looked very serious. "Ah Liam, you called," he said. "I want an update. Did you complete your mission?" he asked. Well time to see if it works," I though before I told him. "No sir. Officers showed up and interrupted my mission." As soon as he heard that, he looked like he was about to explode. So I decided to try to explain my idea.

"But on the plus side, now Lillie will most likely be under police protection, so hopefully we don't have to worry about her too much," I quickly finished. "But the police aren't gonna stop Aether if they come knocking at her door," he said almost yelling. "They won't even expect them to do it either."

"True, the police won't," I replied. "But knowing the professor, I'm pretty sure he would make sure she was safe from anyone."

With that reply, Guzma seemed to have calmed down from what happened. He leaned back in his chair and put his hand under his chin as he was thinking on what to do next. He leaned forward and looked directly at me. "Are you sure you can put that much faith into the professor?" he asked. I had heard that the professor was a decent battler and asked all the right questions to anyone no matter what. If there wasn't a safer place to be that wasn't him, I had never heard of it. I nodded my head, giving him my answer.

"Well alright then. If you are fine with that, I have a new mission for you," he said. Once he said that, Raichu walked over and both of us leaned in. "I'm sure you are aware of the Totem Pokemon," he said and I nodded. "Well we've already defeated the ones on Poni Island, as you already know, along with most of them on Ula' ula. And we've managed to snag them from their Kahunas as well. But we've been having trouble defeating the the ones on Akala Island. And we need to have access to the Z-Crystals they are guarding. It's a last resort but I need you to meet up with Plumeria on Melemele. She should be almost done getting Normalium Z. Once she is, I need you two to go to Akala." I understood what he was saying but there was one thing I was wondering about the plan.

"But sir, what of Ula'ula?" I asked. Since Gladion, Plumeria and I were the tope agents, there was no way any of the grunts could handle it. If we didn't get it soon, our enemies might find out and try to destroy the crystals.

"That's where I come in. I'll take care of the one at Ula'ula," Guzma said. That remark surprised me since the boss was actually going to be fighting. The last time he went on a mission was when he fought the Totem Kommo-o. I even saw it and it was a very brutal fight but Guzma and his Golisopod managed to pull through. I knew that the boss was capable of doing stuff, but if he was taking it on then I imagine it was pretty serious about the mission. But there was one more thing that needed to be addressed.

"Well sir one more thing. What about the Trial Captains?" I asked. "If we are going to where the Totem Pokemon are, in pretty sure we'll encounter them there as well." The Trial Captains were not to be messed with. Ever since these strange creatures started to appear from the sky, everyone had to become stronger to make it around these parts. The Trial Captains, along with the Totem Pokemon, started to protect their Z-Crystals more seriously.

"Well you are bound to see them yes, but I've gotten reports saying you won't see 'em around as much for a bit. Apparently they are on some sort of vacation or something," said Guzma. "They have managed to tame and train their Totem Pokemon to handle thing on their own. There has been a lot more commotion there than any other island for some reason. But now that they won't be there, it's now a perfect time to strike. I just need to know that you will be with me 100% and not make this competitive. And I'm sure Plumeria, Gladion and any grunts can vouch for my concern on that one."

I had been told that whenever I'm in a group I get a bit more competitive. Maybe I was just afraid of someone else showing the strength that I lacked right in front of me. Then again, it was an old habit of mine to treat things as a competition. I'd already seen I wasn't strong enough to do everything, I don't want to keep being reminded of that. Out of reluctance, I nodded back.

"Good, now go meet with Plumeria once her mission is complete," Guzma said while leaning back. Then the coordinates of the rendezvous was shown on my projector. It wasn't too far away from my location as well. "I need your full cooperation on this one. We need to stop Lusamine no matter the cost," he said. I nodded at him and then he disconnected the call and connected to another line.

When the call was answered, there was now someone else on the projector. It was a girl with light tan skin. She had purple and yellow hair that was put into two strands on both sides of her head. She was wearing a sort of exposing outfit and had the Team Skull logo on it.

"Hey Plumeria, its Liam," I said and she looked at me. It was a little intimidating when she did that since it looked like she would tear your soul out of you. But I knew she wouldn't since she was very caring for all of us. Even if she teased me and Gladion a lot. It was mainly fun and games but that didn't make it any less annoying.

"Oh hey Liam," she replied. "Is there a reason why you're calling me?" she asked. "Well the boss wanted me to rendezvous with you once your mission is complete," I replied. "So I'm just reporting in to let you know I'll be coming to you."

"Roger that. Just make it here quick," she said. "You know how much the boss hates waiting." I nodded at her remark and replied, "I'll be there in a bit." She nodded and then the hologram disappeared, showing she had disconnected the call.

I put the projector away and looked at Raichu. [Man he really wants to stop this Lusamine lady doesn't he?], Raichu asked.

"Yep. Maybe it has to do with their history with each other," I replied. [History?], Raichu asked with a confused look.

"Well apparently Guzma had helped Aether a long time ago," I replied. "That's all I know." That was all anyone told me but I had a feeling that there was something else to it. I decided not to dwell much on it though.

[This whole situation just gets more confusing the more I find out about it], Raichu said with a bewildered expression. I had to agree with him on that.

"We need to get moving," I said. "Hop on my back and we'll get going." Raichu nodded.

He then jumped up and quickly wrapped his fur covered arms and feet around my neck and waist. I then took off into a full sprint, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I looked into the distance and saw the sun was starting to set as I jumping and running. While it was still early afternoon, time could change very quickly around here.

Well it looks like this will be a nighttime thing if I don't hurry, as I continued to get rush to the rendezvous.

3rd Person POV:

The helicopter was just of the coast of Akala when it came close to their destination. It was a small deserted island that wasn't marked on any map. The island had a small white building on it with a large helipad on it.

"Well it looks like we are clear for landing," said Prof. Sycamore. Then the helicopter started going on a gradual descent towards the ground. Flygon went a little faster and touched on the ground first. And shortly after, the helicopter gently touched the ground.

"Well welcome back professor," a voice said on the radio. "That was sure a welcoming to remember." "Well we have you to thank for making it memorable, Max," replied Sycamore. "If Flygon hadn't shown up, we'd probably have no one to remember it."

"Oh it's no problem at all, I'm happy to help out. Plus Flygon wanted to get in on the action too so he had fun," said Max. Then Flygon went to the front of the cockpit and and smiled at the group.

"Anyways, I'm guessing you want in," said Max. "Should I start the elevator?" he asked. "If you wouldn't mind," replied Sycamore. Then the helipad started to move downwards, taking Flygon and the chopper down too. "Wait a minute, the lab is under ground?" asked Serena. "Exactly. How else can the lab remain hidden?" he replied with a question as they kept going down.

The helipad kept going down and down, under the island. After a few minutes, it stopped moving and the room was pitch black. Then after a few seconds, the lights suddenly turned on. Then all that was in the room was the chopper, Flygon and a big door.

"Well that was crazy," Mairin said still shocked by what happened.

"Yeah. Talk about one heck of an opening," Korrina agreed. "We all did really good out there though."

"Yeah, but I think we really have to thank Flygon for the help," Sycamore added. He went over to the insect Pokémon's and started scratching its neck. "You were really impressive out there."

"Fly!" It responded while taking in the affection it was receiving.

"Well we are finally here," said Sycamore as he got up from his chair. He walked over to the side door and opened it up. "I say it's time we finally got ourselves reacquainted. After you," he said and everyone walked towards the door.

Serena hopped out first and she was followed by Korrina and then Alain. Mairin walked to the door and Alain extended his hand towards her. She grabbed it and helped her down. "Alright hop on," said Clemont as he turned his back to Sawyer. Sawyer then threw his arms on Clemont's shoulders and grabbed on.

"I really appreciate you helping me with this," said Sawyer as Clemont helped him get out. "Being handicapped isn't exactly easy to live with." Clemont looked at him over his shoulder and said, "it's fine but I think we should all take turns or something with this because I can't do this all the time."

"Well we could give him some robotic legs or a spine transplant," said Sycamore as he got out. He was holding on to the folded up wheelchair as well. "Only problem with that is it will take a little no time. And we aren't exactly in the safest place in the world." He then unfolded the chair and Clemont put Sawyer in his chair. "Actually why didn't you get either of those in the past four years?" asked Korrina. "Seems like something that you would want to have."

Then everyone turned to Sawyer, waiting for his answer. "Well for one thing, they didn't start making them public until about 1 year ago plus they are extremely hard to get your hands on them and really expensive. Seems like too much of a hassle and I'm not gonna let my legs slow me down one bit," he said while clenching his fist in determination.

Then all of them, followed by Flygon, went towards the door in the room. The opened it and one by one walked into the room. When they all got in, they looked around and were amazed by what they saw.

The walls, floor and ceiling were all a very chrome white color. There was a pair of stairs that led to the bedrooms on their right. They all walked in even further and some couldn't believe their eyes.

The walked in and saw a nice living room with leather chairs and a couch with a big TV as well. Then across from it was a nice kitchen area, with a refrigerator, a stove, microwave, a pantry and everything that you needed.

"Wow this place looks amazing!" exclaimed Korrina as she was in awe. "I know!" replied Serena. "And you said this place was a lab," she asked Sycamore. "Yes it is but because of the event, it also serves as a bunker in a way," he replied. "So this place is also a home as well as a lab."

Before they got the chance to look around, they a small Pokémon running towards them from around the corner. It was a small mouse like creature that was the color orange with four little whiskers. It also had small red cheeks and along with a small tail.

Serena was the first to notice it and went wide eyed as soon as she saw it. "Dedenne?" she asked in disbelief. Then everyone looked towards where Serena was looking and saw the little one as well.

Then without saying anything, Dedenne jumped up towards Serena and she was barley able to catch him. But when she did, Dedenne started nuzzling himself into her.

"Dedenne! It's so good to see you again," said Serena as the electric hamster hugged her. "Hey Dedenne, it's been a long time," said Clemont with a smile on his face. When Dedenne noticed him, he jumped towards him and did the same thing.

"It's so nice to see you again," said Serena to Dedenne. "Well guys I'm certainly happy to see you again," said another voice. They all turned and found a little girl with short blonde hair. She had a little brown top and a white skirt on.

Serena and Clemont almost cried once they saw her. After being gone for four years, they all missed each other so much. Bonnie then ran over and almost tackled both Serena and Clemont in a hug.

"Oh it's so good to see you both again," said Bonnie as she was hugging both of them. "It's great to see you as well," said Serena. Then Clemont put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her. He had a very worried expression on his face. "Are you alright? I've heard what happened and I don't want you hurt."

Bonnie rolled her eyes and replied, "Don't worry Clemont I'm doing fine. I've got some good friends that have helped me."

"What kind of friends exactly?" Clemont asked. "Because it sounds to me like they've been getting you into more trouble."

"You'll meet them all in a bit," she replied.

She looked behind them and noticed Alain, Sawyer and Mairin. "Oh hey guys! I'm glad to see you here." She then went and wrapped her arms around Alain and Mairin. Both were surprised for a second but they both returned the hug. Bonnie was a really good friend to both of them too so they were happy they saw her again.

"It's nice to see you again Bonnie," said Alain. "We've really missed you especially after what happened," said Mairin. "Well you two haven't seemed to change a bit," said Bonnie looking up to them while smirking. They both raised an eyebrow at her out of confusion.

"Have you two been taking care of each other well?" she asked. "I mean you must be considering how much you two are around each other." Then both of their faces lit up red a bit at her comment. Alain and Mairin tried to turn and hide it but Bonnie saw it and kept smirking. "I guess that answers my question," she said.

Alain and Mairin had worked together for years and ended up getting closer than before. Some of them argued it was a little closer than friends and Bonnie was one of them. So she would tease those two at points, the same as she did Serena about Ash. But she thought it was more fun considering both would react to what she was saying instead of just one of them.

Then she looked at Sawyer and went up to him. She carefully wrapped her arms around his neck, trying not to hurt him. Sawyer returned it as best he could in his state. "Hi there Sawyer. It's really nice to see you again," she said with a worried smile. "Yep it's nice to see you again as well," he replied.

She then backed away and looked at him. "I hope you are doing alright. Especially after what happened," she said. Sawyer then sighed and said, "It has been tough but I've been managing. Never give up until it's over, right?"

Then everyone fell silent for a bit. They all knew Ash had always said that when they were feeling down. With him gone everything felt different with the group, like there was something missing. They all wanted to find him but they weren't sure where to look. But they were all determined to find him, especially Serena.

Bonnie then noticed the other Gym Leader in the mix and went to her. "Oh, Korrina, you're here too," she said as she wrapped her arms around the Gym Leader. "Yep I'm here too," she replied. "It's really good to see you again especially after all the thing I've heard about you."

"That's funny since I was going to say the same thing about you as well," Bonnie said. Korrina got a confused look as well and Bonnie backed up again. "From what I've heard from Sawyer, you do a pretty good job at watching after my brother when I'm not around," she smirked.

Korrina got a little red at that statement as she knew what Bonnie meant. Then Clemont activated his Aipom Arm and picked Bonnie by the back of her shirt. She was held in front of him, who in turn got a little red as well.

"It seems you haven't changed much considering the fact you still do that," Clemont said. Bonnie the put on a smirk and shrugged her shoulders. "I only tell things that I hear," she said.

Korrina then looked at Sawyer who was smirking a bit as well. "What exactly have you been telling Bonnie about?" she asked. He then looked at her and started chuckling a bit. "Hey I only tell what I have seen," he said.

Sawyer noticed that Clemont and Korrina has been working more closely after the whole Kalos incident. Helping each other out with Megas, training and stuff like that. Sawyer seemed to noticed that as well.

Sawyer had also picked up on Bonnie's mischievous attitude a bit from all the years of working with her. He thought it was kind of fun to do to the two Gym Leaders. But unlike Bonnie, he didn't do it as much.

Then Prof. Sycamore stepped forward and asked, "Mind if you take us to this friend of yours?" he asked Bonnie. Bonnie was set on the ground after that. She and Clemont were still talking but they stopped when he asked that question. "Yeah sure he's downstairs along with some other friends I've made. You guys are lucky you got here because you are going to see something great," she said. Everyone got really curious by what she meant.

"But before we go down, I came up to do something," she said. Clemont put her back on the ground and retracted his Aipom Arm. She then pulled out a pokeball from her waist.

"Flygon, thanks a bunch for your help. You deserve a good rest."

A beam of red light shot out of the small sphere and hit Flygon. The insect Pokemon turned into red energy and was pulled into the sphere.

Serena, Clemont and Korrina looked at Bonnie with a surprised expression. Bonnie noticed this and was very confused.

"What?" she asked. She then looked at the pokeball and back at her three friends.

"Ohhhh no, Flygon isn't mine," she told them realizing why they were staring. "He belongs to my friend. He asked me to put him back in his pokeball. Come with me and I'll show you where he is."

To be continued...

Well guys that was Chapter 13! It's been a while since I updated so I had this little development chapter. It seems there are two new characters that we have been introduced to. How will they affect the story is for you to find out! Anyways see you guys next chapter! ;)

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