Chapter 14: New Friends & Battles

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Hey everyone, it's your good friend Elite back with a new chapter! Sorry this took so long but with finals and everything I was a bit distracted. But I'm back and ready to write more! As you probably guessed, this chapter is going to have a battle in it! Between who though? Well if the picture isn't enough, then you'll have to read to find out! But with all that said, let's get started! Enjoy! ;)

Clemont's POV:

We all were in another elevator going down. None of us knew exactly what Bonnie meant but we were going along with it. We just stood in the elevator as it went down and we waited for it to stop.

After a bit, it finally came to a halt and stopped completely. Then the doors opened up to a little hallway that we exited into. Bonnie was the first to exit and then the rest of us soon followed.

At the end of the small hallway was a door. Bonnie then decided to open it and we all walked inside. When we did, we entered a small room with two desks and several computers. In front of them was a window that overlooked a battle arena. I quickly figured out that this was an outlook of sorts.

But when we entered, we also noticed three other people in the room. One was a tall, dark-skinned girl with green hair in twin tails and gas gray clothes on. The other was a small and lagged boy with short, yellow hair with a white shirt and yellow shorts on. The third had short, green hair and had glasses on with a green shirt and shorts.

I had a feeling this one was the friend, Max, Bonnie kept telling him about. He had no idea who the other two were though. But they were all looking out the window into the arena and back to the monitors a lot.

"Hey guys," Bonnie said happily. "I brought down my new friends." All three of them then turned towards us. They looked skeptical at first but then put smiles on their faces.

They all then walked up to us and stopped in front of us. "Well hello everyone, it's very nice to meet you all," the small one said. "You must be Clemont," he said turning to me. "My name is Max. Bonnie has told me a lot of good things about you." He then extended his hand out towards me. "Bonnie had told me a good amount about you too," I said as I grabbed and shook his hand.

After he let go, he then gestured towards the other two. "I think I can say we are all happy to see you here," he said. "These two guys here are the Trail Captains, Mallow and Sophocles."

"It is very nice to meet you all," said Mallow. "I sure hope that there won't be any trouble with you guys," said Sophocles.

"Trial Captains?" I heard Serena ask. I was wondering the same thing since I've never heard of them.

"We are essentially Gym Leaders for the Alola region," said Mallow. "Only instead of Gym Badges, you battle very strong Pokémon called Totem Pokémon and earn Z-Crystals."

"What are Z-Crystals?" I asked. "The first I've heard of them."

"Z-Crystals are these stones that enable your Pokémon to use extremely powerful moves during battle," said Sophocles. "The only catch is that you can only use them once per battle due to the high amount of energy they require."

Then Bonnie jumped in front of us and smiled. "And we are just about to run a test in the stadium below," she said. "Which is what I was telling you about earlier."

3rd Person POV:

Everyone looked down into the stadium and saw two people come out on both sides. The one on the left had very dark skin and dark, fire-like hair. The other had light skin and short blue hair with a tiara in it.

Both of the trainers were standing on opposite ends of the field and smiled at each other. Then a speaker came over the battlefield and started talking.


Kiawe then took a pokeball from his waist and threw it up in the air. It then burst open and a cluster of blue energy was released. It then hit the ground and after it took form, a creature appeared. It was a red, fox-like creature with a yellow colored mane and tail.

Lana then smiled at what he brought out. "Ahh so you're starting out with Flareon," she said amused. She then reached for her waist and brought out a pokeball too. "Well then I guess I'll start out with this then."

She then threw it up and another beam of blue energy came out. Out of the blue energy, emerged another fox-like creature. It was the color blue, had a lighter blue face and a small fin on its back. It also had pink paws with smaller pink fins and a light pink tail.

AN: (Just ignore the ability there. Don't worry about it)

"What exactly is that?" asked Clemont who was very confused. "That's a Vaporeon," answered Sophocles. "Doesn't look like any Vaporeon I've ever seen," said Serena. Mallow then turned to her and said, "It's an Alolan Vaporeon that's native to this region."

"See, lots of Pokemon migrate to the Alola region a lot," Sawyer said as he walked over. "Because of that, they had to adapt to their environment. So Vaporeon grew more fins so it can go faster underwater and make sharper turns to avoid predators." They nodded at him in acknowledgment and then turned back towards the field.

Both of the Eeveelutions were staring each other down. Then they started talking to each other. [Well it seems we get to fight again], said Flareon. [Yes, it has been quite a while but let's not hold back anything], said Vaporeon. [Got it?], it asked. [Yeah I got it], smirked Flareon.

"Flareon, use Flamethrower!" shouted Kiawe. "Vaporeon, use Water Gun!" commanded Lana. Both Flareon and Vaporeon took deep breaths as they prepared their attacks. Flareon then unleashed a wall of flames from its mouth at Vaporeon. Vaporeon did the same at Flareon only with a wall of high pressure water.

Both attacks went right for each other at higher speeds. Instead of colliding, both attacks skid past each other and at the Pokémon instead. Soon they hit both Pokémon, causing explosions of smoke and steam.

The smoke cleared around both of them and they both had no scratches on them. And they also were both smiling at each other. "Wait I get how Vaporeon might not be hurt," said Serena in the observation deck. "But how exactly is Flareon fine after that attack?" she asked.

"Well Flareon has had some very special Water type defense traning," Max. "Plus all those Passho berries are doing wonders for it. They are special berries that lower the power of super-effective Water-type moves."

Back on the battlefield, both Trainers and Pokémon were staring each other down. "I hope that you know that your Water attacks won't do much on me," Kiawe said with a little smirk on his face. "Maybe I did or maybe I was just sizing you up," replied Lana while smirking too.

Then Lana pointed at Flareon and yelled, "Vaporeon use Ice Fang!" Vaporeon then charged up its fangs until they turned cyan blue and ran across the field. Then Kiawe pointed at Vaporeon and said, "Flareon counter that with Fire Fang!" Flareon then ran across thee field while preparing the attack. It's fangs then turned a bright red color and soon were engulfed in flames.

The two rushed at each other with lots of speed. Then both of them jumped into the air and both of their attacks collided. They clashed and as they were struggling, bolts of blue lightning and flames flew off of the collision. This happened for a bit until Lana started smirking.

"Vaporeon, push it back with Aqua Tail!" she yelled. Vaporeon's tail then started to glow bright blue. Once both the fangs broke off, Vaporeon swung its tail at Flareon. Flareon had no time to dodge and was hit full on by the attack. He managed to keep his footing but was knocked back a few feet.

"Flareon use Incinerate!" Kiawe commanded and Flareon quickly jumped up in the air and charged up its attack. Soon a big ball of fire was around its mouth and launched it at Vaporeon.

"Vaporeon dodge it quickly!" Lana said and Vaporeon nodded. Before the attack hit, Vaporeon quickly jumped out of the way and the attack created a cloud of dust. But Vaporeon had no time to rest since a bunch more fireballs came rushing towards it.

Vaporeon was just barely dodging all of them. Each attack missed, creating even more clouds of dust. Vaporeon was doing its best to avoid them but eventually it was hit by the attack. It got sent a couple of feet backwards.

Once Vaporeon regained its footing, it stared across the field and waited for the dust to clear. Once it did, Flareon was also staring across the field too. Both were waiting for the other to move and just so happened to shout their commands at the same time.

"FLAREON/VAPOREON USE FLAME CHARGE/AQUA JET!" they both shouted. Flareon then surrounded himself in fire and Vaporeon did the same thing but with water. They both charged forward at each other with great speed.

Then they finally clashed, creating a sonic boom that could be felt even in the observation deck. Both were struggling to overpower the other but neither were giving an inch. Suddenly they both jumped back and then charged at each other again.

They clashed again and more fire and Water shot out of their clashing point. They then jumped back again but this time strafed a bit and launched at each other again. The same thing kept happening for a while and neither were getting closer to winning.

Alright this obviously isn't working, Kiawe thought. I guess I'll have to do my last technique.

I didn't think it would have to come to this, Lana was thinking. I guess I'll have to use that thing I've got.

They both then raised their arms from their sides and bright them up to their faces. They were both wearing a white bracelet with a diamond-like object in it. However Kiawe's was a dark red color and Lana's was a dark blue color.

They both then crossed their arms in front of them at the same time. "LETS GO!" they both yelled. They both then brought their arms down to their sides. FIRIUM Z/WATERIUM Z ACTIVATE!" they both yelled and then extended their arms and crossed them again.

Yellow beams then shot out from both the crystals and went towards the Pokemon. Then both Lana and Kiawe were surrounded in different color lights. Kiawe was surrounded in res light and he made two rising motions with his hands. The then put his left hand on his right shoulder and threw his right hand behind him. "LETS GO!" he yelled as he threw his right hand back in front of him, the energy was transferred and Flareon was surrounded in red light.

Lana was surrounded in blue light and both her hands were facing to her left on the left side of her body. Her right hand was below her left hand and then she started making wave motions with them. She then made them face her right side and her right hand was now above her left. "LETS GO!" she yelled and all the blue light was transferred and Vaporeon was surrounded in blue light.

Flareon then charged up a really big fire ball in its mouth and it just kept getting bigger. Vaporeon's body was then surrounding itself with really high-pressure and soon it's whole body was engulfed in it. "INFERNO OVERDRIVE/HYDRO VORTEX!" they both shouted and Flareon fired the giant attack at Vaporeon. Vaporeon, who was engulfed in water, rushed to it and soon enough, both attacks clashed.

To be continued...

So guys that was Chapter 14! I know I've been gone from this for too long and I apologize for that really but I hope this chapter made up for things. Also Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were announced a little while ago and me and my friend made a discussion video on it. Here's the video if you want it:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sorry about my voice but I was using my computer mic😅. But anyways, peace out everyone and keep on catching! ;)

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