Chapter 15: Meeting a Totem

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Hello guys and it's your good friend Elite here! Last time we left off at the battle between Kiawe and Lana! I hope I managed to do good with that! Now we will be seeing how that is actually going to end! So sit back, relax and maybe grab a snack if you want XD. But as always, enjoy. ;)

3rd Person POV:

As soon as both Z-moves clashed, an enormous shock wave occurred. Soon the whole place started rumbling and everyone started loosing their footing. "Now that's some serious power," said Sawyer as he tried to keep himself from rolling around.

As everyone was trying to keep their balance, Max looked over at Sophocles. "Soph, increase the shield output by 30%," he said and Sophocles nodded. He then rushed over to the computer and started to push on the keys. "Alright, increasing the shield output. And..." he started before turning a knob. Suddenly all the rumbling had stopped and everyone regained their balance.

"....we should be good," he finished with a smile.

"They stopped," said Korrina very confused and so was everyone else. "Things tend to get very heated up in the arena," Mallow said. "So we have a force field system set up in case things like this happen. In fact it was made by Sophocles right here."

"You made this?" Clemont asked. "Well I mean, I made most of it," he answered. Sophocles started to blush from embarrassment. "That's so cool!" Clemont said excitedly. "Science is so amazing!"

"What's a lot more amazing is seeing how this battle is going to finish up," Sycamore said. Then everyone turned back towards the arena and saw the battle was still going on.

Vaporeon was still struggling to get through the giant fireball. Shock waves were still occurring as well and it started making cracks in the floor. Flames and water were also spewing everywhere as the clashing took place.

Then in almost an instant, Vaporeon was able to shoot right through the attack. Once it did, there was a visible hole that cut through the fireball. Right after it did, the ball made a giant explosion of fire and smoke. The explosion made a huge shock wave once it did, shaking the arena.

Then Vaporeon rushed at Flareon and hit him with its water engulfed body. Flareon was then hit full force with the attack and it was stunned. Then a lot of water started to surround Flareon and soon enough, he was stuck in a whirlpool. Flareon was knocked back and forth in the whirlpool as he was being hit with rapid, extremely high pressure water.

Soon after that, the water then started to dissipate. Soon the whirlpool then disappeared and left Flareon on the ground. He was lying on his back and had black swirls in his eyes. They realized that he was knocked out and the battle was over.


"Alright Vaporeon!" shouted Lana happily. Vaporeon then ran back toward Lana and launched at her. Vaporeon was now on top of her and nuzzling its head into her neck. Lana startled laughing since Vaporeon was ticking her a lot. "You were great out there," she said as she was caressing its neck.

While this was happening, Kiawe walked up to his Flareon. When he got to it, he knelt on the ground and found that it was regaining consciousness. It opened one of its eyes and it was squinting from the battle.

It then looked at Kiawe who had a smile on his face. "Well Flareon it looks like we lost," Kiawe said. Flareon then went a little wide-eyed from hearing that. He looked away and had face of disappointment since Flareon didn't like losing a lot.

But then Kiawe put his hand on Flareon's head and started stroking it. Flareon then looked up at Kiawe when he did that. "Great job out there Flareon," Kiawe said with a smile on his face. Flareon was a little shocked at his words of praise but then put a smile on his face after hearing it.

Kiawe then stopped petting him, took out a pokeball and pointed it at Flareon. "Here, you deserve a nice rest," he said. Then a red beam shot out of the button on the ball and hit Flareon. Flareon then turned into a dark red kind of energy and that energy flew back into the ball.

Kiawe then looked at the ball with a smile on his face. Seems that we still have a long way to go to beat them. Kiawe then looked over to see that Lana was putting Vaporeon back into its ball. Vaporeon was hit by a similar red beam that came out of the ball. It was then turned into a red energy and went back into the ball.

Lana then put her pokeball away and walked towards Kiawe. "That was a great battle there," said Lana. "You two seemed to have gotten pretty strong." Kiawe smiled at her words of praise. "Thank you," he replied. "You and your Vaporeon seemed to have gotten really strong too."

"Well I mean, Vaporeon did win against a Suicune," Lana said. Kiawe went wide eyed with that comment. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed. "You seriously fought a Suicune!" Suicune rarely ever visited the Alola region so seeing it alone was really lucky. Him hearing that a good friend of his fought it was almost unbelievable.

Then Lana started giggling a lot and that confused Kiawe. "Nah I'm just kidding," she said. When he heard that, his face went from surprised to unamused. "I hooked you didn't I?" she asked and then stuck her tongue out a little.

Kiawe then put his hand to his face and shook his head. Lana had a habit of saying stuff like that so he had to get used to it. He was more annoyed that he let himself fall for it. He then noticed that she extended her hand towards him.

"But in any case, you did a great job," she said. She then closed her eyes and put on a warm smile. Kiawe smiled back and grabbed onto her hand with his. "Thanks. You did great as well," he said. "But next time will be different," he said with confidence. Lana's then switched over to a confident look and replied, "I'm looking forward to it." They then shook hands and both exited on their sides of the arena.

Everyone back in the observation room just were ecstatic. A lot of them were still in shock from the battle though. "Wow! That battle was amazing," exclaimed Korrina. "That's really the power of the Z-moves?" Serena asked turning to Max.

Max nodded and asked, "Yes. Are you amazed by their power?"  She nodded since she, Clemont nor Korrina had seen that kind of power before except for Megas. Seeing this stuff used was very astonishing to them. But it also kinda scared them since they'd have to be dealing with this stuff while they were here.

They would've been there longer but then they heard someone yawning. They all turned and saw it was Mairin doing it. "Sorry guys but I'm a bit tired," she said. After she said that, Clemont started stretching one of his arms. "Yeah it has been a rather long day," he said. "Why don't we all go upstairs and get some sleep?" asked Prof. Sycamore.

"Will Lana and Kiawe be sleeping here at all?" asked Sawyer. "They said they were both going home after the battle," answered Sophocles. "But don't worry, they most likely will be back tomorrow," Max reassured. "But anyways, we should go get some rest," said Alain and everyone nodded.

Everyone then walked towards the elevator and got inside. They then pressed a button on the panel and they started going up. After a bit of waiting, the elevator then stopped moving and came to a halt. Then after a second, the door opened and everyone walked out.

"We got two rooms upstairs for you guys," Max said. "One for the guys and one for the girls. So you won't have to worry about sleeping with each other."

"Even though I know some of you might want to," said Bonnie, smirking. Mairin, Alain, Clemont and Korrina started blushing at her statement. Then Max and Sawyer started giggling a lot at her statement. Serena and Prof. Sycamore then started to laugh too, followed by Mallow and Sophocles since they heard everything about those guys from Bonnie.

"Well, sh-should we get our bags?" asked Clemont trying to change the subject. "Oh don't worry about them, a little friend of mine took them up," said Bonnie. On cue, there was a Pokemon that started coming down from the stairs. The Pokemon was floating in the air and stopped right in front of them.

"It's a Meowstic!" exclaimed Serena. "When did you get one?" she asked. "I caught her as an Espurr before I left for the Hoenn region," Bonnie replied. She then walked over to her and started stroking behind her ear. She started purring and relaxing into Bonnie's hand. "And she's been with me ever since."

Bonnie stopped petting her ear and Meowstic turned to her. "Did you take their stuff to their rooms?" Bonnie asked and Meowstic nodded. She then turned to us and said, "The boys room is the door on the left and the girls is on the right," she said. "You guys can go to sleep if you want," said Sophocles. "We've got to shut some stuff down."

"Thanks for all the help you guys," said Sycamore. "It's no problem at all," said Mallow. "I hope that you all have a good night," said Max. "There's also a little ramp right there for you Sawyer." Sawyer then looked to the far right of the stairs and noticed it. He smiled, looked back at Max and said, "Thanks for letting me know." Max then  nodded at him and said, "No problem."

Bonnie then walked over to them and started walking away with them. The rest of them started walking up the stairs and Sawyer went for the ramp. Bonnie then turned back toward the group and smiled. "Guys, it's really good to see you again," she said and ran back to the others.

Everyone smiled and continued to walk up the stairs. Except for Serena, who was just watching them go up. Mairin noticed this and stopped herself from going up. She tapped on Serena's shoulder and, almost startled, Serena turned to her.

"Are you alright Serena?" asked Mairin. "Yeah I'm fine," Serena answered. "I just can't believe that we are doing stuff like this after all that happened. Seems almost like the world is going through another event like what happened four years ago."

"Yeah, it is pretty shocking," Mairin replied. "But at least we are all together like before," she said. "And as long as we have each other? I'm sure we will make it through." She was trying to be optimistic but that comment seemed to make Serena sad. She looked down a bit with a hint of grief on her face. "Well almost everyone," she replied.

Mairin then realized what she meant. She then put her hand on Serena's shoulder. "Hey," she said to get Serena's attention. Serena then looked at Mairin, who had a concerned look on her face.

"I understand where you are coming from and I'm concerned as well," she said. "But we just have to keep on moving ahead and focus on the future for now. But if something comes up in the future about what happened, I'm sure the rest will be with you."

Mairin knew that even after all the time had passed, Serena was still concerned about him. He hadn't been heard of by anyone in nearly four years so naturally everyone was concerned. Mairin had only tried to provide what comfort she could, even if it wasn't much.

"If have anything that you need, you can come to me. Okay?" Serena understood the gesture and started to smile a bit. "Yeah, I got it," she responded. "Thanks Mairin. I really appreciate your kindness."

Mairin then put on a cheery smile. "Well it's the least I can do for you after all you did for me," she said. Mairin and Serena had a friendship that started growing near the end of the Kalos League. Her Chespie was still very sick at the time and Serena had helped her to feel better about the situation. So to Mairin, this was like making up a debt that she felt she owed.

They just stood there for a bit until Korrina came out of the room from upstairs. "Hey you guys," she said, grabbing their attention. "Are you two coming up at all?" she asked. Mairin turned to her and replied, "Yeah we are coming up."

Korrina then nodded and went back into the room. Mairin then turned to Serena and asked, "Should we go up?" Serena then nodded and they walked up the stairs to their rooms.

Plumeria's POV:

"Alright I'm here," I said to myself after arriving to the forest. I could barley see with it being night time. I had the moonlight though which lit a bit of the forest but the trees blocked that out most of it. "Now all I need to do is find that Totem Pokemon and get out of here."

I started to walk around the forest. I went around the trees and climbed over ridges. I was looking everywhere yet I couldn't find anything. I kept walking and I eventually found a big hole in the side of a rock wall.

I then decided to walk inside if it. It was pitch black inside for a bit and I couldn't see a thing. But I had to keep walking forward since I'd find something eventually.

I kept walking and eventually I noticed a light. I walked towards it and I found an opening in the forest. There were no trees at all so the moonlight allowed me to fully see here.

I looked ahead and in the middle of the clearing stood a wooden pedestal. "Ahh that's probably it," I told myself. I then started to walk towards the pedestal. I honestly thought it'd be a little harder than this. Usually there are Totem Pokemon that guard the Z-Crystals.

I got right up in front of the pedestal and saw what I was looking for. It's was a bright white and clear crystal with a weird symbol on it. But I regretted my thoughts earlier because right when I was about to grab it, I heard a loud roar. I automatically knew what it was and turned to where it came from, ready for battle. "Alright, it looks like I've got company," I said while reaching for one of my Pokeballs.

To be continued...

So guys that was Chapter 15 of the story. I hoped that you all liked it! Sorry if it took a while. I've been spending a lot of time with my family for the Summer so I haven't had much time to write. But I hope this chapter will suffice for you guys. But anyways, keep on catching and I will see you guys next time! ;)

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