Chapter 23: The Holy Blade

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Hey everyone and welcome to Chapter 24! I hope you are excited for this one. May have something that's a little unexpected. But it's something I've been more excited to finally write in my story. Also above is just a little doodle of the Arceus symbol I made. Took me about 10 minutes but I'm kinda proud I did it well. Anyways, onto the chapter!

3rd Person POV:

The two professors were quickly getting onto their boat. Lillie was still unconscious from when they left. Burnet, Rotom and all the other Pokémon were already in the boat.

Kukui carried Lillie into the boat and laid her down. Snowy, Glaceon and Nebby went up to her and sat by her side. Snowy and Glaceon looked very worried and Nebby didn't know what was happening. Yet even Nebby seemed to have some worry in its expression.

Once she was set down, Kukui turned to Rotom. "Rotom, keep an eye on her and the rest for right now," he said.

"You got it," he replied giving a salute.

Kukui ran up to the front of the boat. Lycanroc was already up there with Professor Burnet, whom was starting the boat.

"Are we ready to go?" Kukui asked.

Burnet turned to him and said, "I believe so."

"Alright. Then let's get moving."

He placed to key into the ignition and the engine roared to life.

"So I'm guessing we're both going to the location now?" Burnet asked.

"Well we have no choice at the moment," Kukui answered. "But we are going to surprise some people with our unexpected visit."

Once he said that, the boat rushed out of the dock and out to the crystal waters.



Suddenly the whole battlefield erupted in bright blue electricity. It made contact with the oncoming attacks and stopped them. After a few seconds, the attacks exploded, causing the area to shake and smoke to go everywhere. Some of the windows nearby burst open, throwing glass everywhere.

All of the people and Pokémon covered their eyes. They tried to keep their balance from the powerful air pressure of the blast.

After a few moments, the air pressure stopped. All the dust and smoke had gone away. All the occupants of the area could see again. And they all were confused as well.

"Well, well, well," a mysterious voice said. "Isn't this a dangerous situation?"

"Rai chu," another voice replied.

It came from above them. They all looked at the top of the laboratory and saw two figures. The sun was at their backs so they were clear to them. One of them looked like a boy. The other looked like a large mouse, floating in the air.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Spec asked very annoyed.

"'Thou shall not kill.' Harming and even threatening can or will to killing. The great lord Arceus told us that. And you seem to be ignoring that rule passed on from him since The Beginning."

The figure then jumped down from the roof and landed on the ground. He could be made out more now. He appeared to be a little older than the captains. He had white spiky hair with a red strand and hazel eyes. He was wearing a white suit, covered by a white cloak with gold accents. On the back of it, was a drawn symbol. It appeared to be a golden circle with three circular points in the center of it. It also had two arcs on the side of the circle with four points on them. Those four points had a small green object in each of them. The same symbol was around his neck too. He also seemed to have something long attached to his belt. That some symbol appeared on its hilt.

"That Symbol," Kiawe commented.

"Isn't that the Symbol of Arceus?" Sophocles asked.

The other one floated down right beside him. It looked like a Raichu but was different. It was standing on its tail, which was floating in the air. It was a lighter orange color, blue eyes and its ears and tail were curved and not pointed.

"The Angel of Mespirit and her caretaker must be in tears at your lack of care for the safety of others. And anyone that offends one of the Lake Guardians cannot be ignored."

What's he doing here? Spec thought. Why is the Church here?

Spec didn't know what to do at the moment. He was sure this would be over now. But then this new person showed up out of nowhere. But he had to try and go along with it.

"Well if it isn't the glorious son of the one of the head priests of the Arc Church. I'm pretty sure the name was Thomas," Spec said.

"That's right," the figure replied. All the Captains looked to him, shocked upon hearing that name.

"Wait! You're Thomas?" Mallow asked very surprised.

"That's me," he answered, him and Raichu turning to the group. "Glad we could meet face to face. But I think introductions will need to be saved for later," he replied turning back to the Triad. "Right now, there are some individuals that need to receive judgement."

Drak just smiled at the comment. "Interesting that you would come all the way here to 'punish us sinners'", he said using quote marks with his hands. "Why aren't you with your daddy back in Hearthome?"

The Raichu didn't like his comment and started to float forward, bringing its paws up in a fighting stance. Thomas looked back at the Pokémon and it stopped moving. Drak noticed this and went on.

"Oh sorry. How could I've been so rude? I meant the 'great and holier than thou Vicar Atin," he said very mockingly.

"Well if it weren't for people like you, running amok in this region, I wouldn't be here," Thomas replied. "Yet we saw how bad everything has got and had to step in and do something. So now neither of us can have what we want."

"But it does make sense that he sent you if you think about it," Omin snarked. "Sending his own son to do his work for him while he's at home, behind his guards. Seems only natural for a priest."

"You should be happy he sent me and didn't come himself," Thomas stated quickly. "If my dear father came, you'd all be seeing Yveltal right about now. I'm more of a fair soul with this kind of stuff so that's why I'm giving you this time to explain yourselves. Why exactly are you attacking these four?"

"Well technically speaking, they attacked us first," Omin said, pointing to Drak.

Thomas looked over at the pale figure. He seemed to be hunched over with a hand on his stomach. He had several scratches and bruises on his body and was gasping for air. And the wall a few feet behind him was shattered from when Charizard attacked him.

"So it would seem," he said. Thomas and Raichu turned to the four Captains. "Why exactly did you do that?"

"We got a beacon from the professor that he was in trouble," Kiawe said on the ground. "When we arrived, those three were threatening him, Professor Burnet and another girl."

Thomas and Raichu turned back to the Triad, both with curious expressions. "Well he has us there," Omin said with a sarcastic tone.

"You're not helping," Spec said clearly annoyed with his brother.

"One of these days, that sarcasm of yours is going to get you killed," Drak stated.

"Maybe so. But that day hasn't come yet," Omin remarked.

"Well I wouldn't be so sure about that," Thomas said, bringing the three back to the conversation. "Honestly I'm not sure why you brought your weapons if you didn't use them to fight. But you may need them now."

"Oh like you're going to fight," Omin mocked. "Last I checked, the church taught against violence of any kind. I think it'd be considered 'blasphemy' to fight us."

"While that is somewhat true," Thomas started. "They also teach us that if we must use violence protect the innocent, Arceus will forgive us."

The Raichu by him made a fighting stance while still floating. Electricity also started sparking from its cheeks. Thomas had done the same thing, just without the electricity.

"You really think only you can take on all three of us?" Spec asked.

"I can and I will," Thomas replied.

"Raiiii," Raichu responded.

The Triad all turned to each other and then to their Pokémon. All of them were close to out of breath but still standing. Accelgor seemed to be relatively fine and the same thing with Bisharp.

But Zoroark seemed to be almost done for. The fight with Charizard seemed to take a lot of its system. Yet it was still standing, ready for battle.

"Well it's a poor decision on your part then," Spec said. All three of the Pokémon then rushed forward at the two of them.

Thomas simply stood there with his two hands pressed together. He started whispering some words to himself.

"With the lord Arceus as my witness and the angel of Azelf as my aid, allow me to use my power to punish these sinners and protect the innocent. By either my Pokémon's strength or the strength of my blade, we will make due on this promise. We bless you for your light and guidance and will show others the path to greatness and salvation."

All three of the Triad's Pokemon were up really close to them. Zoroark unsheathed it's claws out, Bisharp swung its blade and Accelgor charged forward.

But once they attacked, Raichu put up both of its arms, covered in lightning and it's eyes lit a light blue color. It blocked both Bisharp and Zoroark with its arms while Accelgor was stopped in the air. It was surrounded by a blue light, similar to Raichu's eyes.

Everyone except Thomas and Raichu looked surprised. "Rai Chu," it said and the translator read, [Amen].

Raichu then threw back Accelgor and thrusted its arms away. Both Zoroark and Bisharp were sent back a few feet. Accelgor flew farther than the other two and hit the lab.

Debris went everywhere once they made contact. But the other two didn't sit back.

"Zoroark! Night Slash!"

"Bisharp! Metal Claw!"

The two Pokémon rushed forward, with their attacks prepared.

"Sparky, block them with Thunderpunch!" Thomas said.

Sparky then charged up his two paws with yellow lightning. He flew forward at the other two and countered their attacks. The collision caused them both to stop.

After the collision, Sparky flew backwards. He then flew right at Zoroark, bringing his attack down on it. Zoroark was able to block it, but just barely before Sparky flew back again.

This time, he went after Bisharp. Thrusting his attack down on the Steel Type too. Bisharp was barley able to block it as well.

After that collision, Sparky flew back to Zoroark. They collided again with energy sparks flying. Zoroark seemed a little slower to react that time. Bisharp seemed the same way when Sparky did the same thing again.

This went on for several minutes as sparks kept flying and the blocking was getting slower and slower. All the Captains watched, astounded at the display.

"It seems that they are using the situation to their advantage," Kiawe said. "By using Raichu's speed and maneuverability, it's wearing down its opponents without fear of much damage."

"Their battling is amazing," said Mallow astonished. Lana and Sophocles nodded in agreement.

Spec however grew tired of this strategy. He was trying to think of something to try. He looked at the collisions and noticed that Raichu stopped every time his attacks made contact. So once Sparky collided with Bisharp again, he took his chance.

"Bisharp, Metal Sound now!"

Now that Sparky was in close range, it was wide open for an attack. Bisharp unleashed another ear wrenching sound.

The collision was broken and Sparky went to cover its ears. Spec turned to Drak.

"Now attack! Before it gets focused again!" he yelled.

Drak nodded and turned to Zoroark. "Night Slash! Go!" he yelled.

Zoroark ran up and its claws turned bright purple. Sparky didn't have enough time to react so he was hit head on. First attack knocked him off balance and the second slashed across his body. Then the third attack sent him back a few feet. He regained control and stopped himself though.

"All we have to do is slow it down and then we'll be able to beat it easily," Spec said.

"Type advantages and numbers decide these fights and we've got both of them on our side," Drak pointed out.

"Sparky! Are you alright?" Thomas asked. Sparky simply turned to him and nodded. Thomas nodded back with a confident smile but he knew it had to have hurt. They both stared at the two Pokémon in front of them while Thomas was thinking.

"Alright I'm at a clear disadvantage here with their Dark Typing and two on one. Make it three if and when Accelgor comes back," he thought as he saw the Bug type struggling to get out of the wall. "I need to think of something quickly."

Thomas then looked at Zoroark and noticed something. It looked as if Zoroark was going to collapse at any moment. It was heavily injured and gasping constantly for air.

That's when it hit Thomas.

"I got it! Knock out Zoroark first and then I'll have one Dark Type out of my way," he thought. "And then all I'll have to focus on is Bisharp. As I can use Psychic attacks on Accelgor."

"Sparky, use Shock Wave!" Thomas said.

Sparky nodded and his cheeks started emitting yellow lightning bolts. Soon after, the whole field lit up with electricity. The two Pokémon were both struck by the attack and were engulfed in electricity.

"Now use Thunderpunch on Zoroark!" Sparky rushed to the Dark Type with his attack charging.

"Block it with Night Slash when it gets close," Drak said quickly. Sparky continued to fly at the Dark Type. Zoroark began preparing its attack as Sparky got closer.

Once the Electric Type got really close, Zoroark took a swipe at it. But right before it made contact, Sparky ducked his head. The attack went right over him, barley grazing his ears.

Sparky then thrusted his paw upward, in an uppercut. The attack hit right under Zoroark's chin, causing a lot of damage. The attack also stunned the Dark type.

Sparky then plunged another Thunderpunch into Zoroark's chest. The attack sent the Dark Type flying backwards, into Drak. They both flew backwards into the building, landing on the ground.

"Drak!!!" Omin shouted, both brothers looking back. Both weren't moving and had injuries all over their bodies. Both Spec and Omin thought he was unconscious.

"Omin, you go help him out," Spec told his brother.

"But what about you," he asked. "Surely you can't take him on by yourself."

As soon as he said that, Accelgor got down from the wall. It has many injuries on its body. Yet it slid up next to Bisharp, ready for battle.

"I think I can take him for now," Spec replied. Omin nodded and ran back to his brother.

Bisharp and Accelgor turned and nodded to each other. They both turned to Spec, nodding to him. Spec simply nodded back.

"Bisharp, use Metal Claw! Accelgor, use Water Shuriken!" Spec commanded. Bisharp rushed forward again with its Steel attack prepared. Accelgor made small discs of compressed water and threw them at Sparky. Sparky charged up its two paws again and charged forward.

While that was going on, Omin ran back to the other two. "Are you two alright?" he asked. Neither of them answered the question. Both were only twitching on the ground, unconscious.

Omin sighed in defeat and shook his head. He knew they needed Drak to beat Raichu. Without him, they wouldn't be able to stand a chance.

So Omin took Zoroark's pokeball and returned it back into the ball. He then picked up Drak and held him up on his shoulders.

"Don't worry Drak," Omin said. "This ain't the first time you've been pummeled like this."

Spec was still holding out against Thomas. Bisharp kept the pressure on Sparky with its Metal Claw attacks. They both kept colliding with each other. And Accelgor kept on throwing its Water Shuriken attacks at Sparky. He was able to either counter them or throw them back with its Psychic. But Accelgor used its speed to dodge them and kept making new ones.

"Keep it up you two," Spec said. "Eventually it will tire itself out."

Omin then came up to his brother with Drak on his shoulder. "I got him here," he said. "Now might be a good time to pull out."

Spec nodded at him. He knew that they couldn't beat him like this. "Alright get out your pokeball," he said. Omin nodded and they both got them out.

Bisharp and Accelgor were returned back into their Pokeballs. The Captains simply stood there in awe. Both Thomas and Sparky looked at the three, waiting for them to make their move. Both slightly confused why they battle had stopped.

"You may have won this time," Spec said. "But just know, this isn't even the beginning. It's still too early to call it that."

"So you better watch your backs," Omin said. After they said that, the three vanished into thin air. There was now just silence except for the the gentle breeze flowing by. The inside of the lab was left I damaged fortunately. The outside however was left destroyed with craters and debris everywhere.

To be continued...

Well that's the end of the chapter. And I have an announcement to make. I've officially graduated from Highschool. I'll be going to college and then take on the world. It's nerve racking but also kind of exciting. And I just want to say, these past 1.5 years have been a blast with this story. I have so many people to thank for this great time. Anyways I'll see y'all next time ;)

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