11 - Back to Neibolt

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When Eddie and Charlie both arrived to the Neibolt house, everyone else was already there; getting ready.

"G-g-g-guys, s-s-s-s-spikes." Bill gestured as he grabbed some of them off the yard.

Richie grabbed a glass bottle from the ground and broke it against the staircase railing, failing miserably to create a weapon. He tossed the nose of the glass bottle on the ground, clearly disappointed.

Charlie grabbed a spike from Bill with her damaged hand. Bill saw her hand and suddenly grew worried.

"W-w-wuh-what happened?"

"Nothing. Skinned my hand while falling."


"Don't worry about it." She smiled.

They all started to enter the house, but Stan couldn't get past the threshold.

"Stan?" Charlie turned to see Stanley paused at the threshold.

"Stan, we all have to go." Bill spoke. "Buh-Beh-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time. . .that clown will kill us one by one. But if we s-s-ti-tick together, all of us, we'll win. I promise."

"Come on, Stanley." Charlie held out her hand. "I won't let anything happen to you. We'll stick together."

He took her hand into the house and then quickly let go when he saw Eddie's clear expression of jealousy. The group silently made their way to the well. Eddie and Charlie held hands the whole way there along with a spike that Charlie held tightly with her damaged hand.

"Hey, Eddie," Rich remarked as they approached the large well. "Got a quarter?"

"Wouldn't want to make a wish in that fuckin' thing."

"I'm feeling brave." Charlie sarcastically said before taking a leftover penny from her pocket and flicking it into the deep well.

After a long moment of silence, there was a faint drop where the penny had landed.

"Wow." Richie said. "That's deeper than Eddie's mom."

"That's freaking disgusting." Eddie said.

"Beep beep, Richie."

"L-l-let's not guh-get side-tracked." Bill looked down into the dark well. "Let's get down there."

"Right, Bill." Charlie agreed and searched for a way to get down there.

Bill went down first. Richie went second then Ben third, Stanley fourth.

"I don't want to go down without you." Eddie mumbled.

"I'll be right behind you," she comforted, "go on."

He hesitantly gripped the rope and slid down to where the boys were. Right when Charlie was about to go, someone had hit Mike in the back, causing her to quickly swivel to see Henry.

"You didn't listen to what I told you." Henry said, approaching Mike. "You should've stayed out of Derry."

Henry turned on his heel, shoved Charlie out of the way and pulled the rope out of the well. She tried to stop him but he shoved her onto the ground.

"Grab it! GRAB IT! GET THE ROPE GET THE ROPE!" None other than Eddie's voice called.

"CHARLIE!" Eddie's shrill and panicked voice called. "CHARLIE ARE YOU OK?!"

"Henry!" Charlie yelled as she rushed at him, but he swung her straight into a wall with his fists gripping the flannel she wore. She groaned in pain as Henry pushed with his strength, causing her spine to pierce into the concrete wall behind her.

"And YOU!" He said through maniacally breathing. "I didn't get to finish my little punishment."

He pulled his pocket-knife back out, ready to stab until Mike pulled Henry off and flung him to the ground. Charlie thought quickly and grabbed the bolt gun.

"I have to get up there." Eddie said, which panicked the others.

"Are you insane?! With what?!" Richie shouted nervously.

"I-I don't know!" Eddie started gasping and observing the wall carefully. "I have to!"

Charlie held the loaded bolt gun to Henry's head. The older boy didn't seem scared at all. In fact, he grinned.

"Are you seriously going to pull the trigger?" He laughed. "I don't believe you are."

Before she knew it, he grabbed the gun quickly and jumped onto Mike. He pointed it at his forehead, and pulled the trigger but Mike pushed it away just in time. Mike grabbed a rock off the ground and hit Henry on the head, stunning him enough for Mike to shove Henry off. Charlie took it upon herself to shove him into the well. There were the crunching sounds of his body hitting the rocks, then the faded yelling of his pain. His yells faded into nothing as he fell deeper.

"Charlie? Charlie? Are you ok?" Eddie asked as everyone asked if Mike was ok as well.

"We're fine." Mike answered. "Right?" He asked to Charlie and she nodded.

Mike reloaded the gun, but as he was doing so, he dropped the rest of the ammo down the well; leaving them with one chance.

"Right." Charlie got her breathing back on task and Mike threw the rope back down into the well.

Charlie went first and when she got down there, she was immediately met with Eddie's hug.

"From now on, you'll go first down the well." He said through a shaky voice.

"Hopefully we won't ever have to go down this fucking well again."

"True." He tightened his hug before releasing her.

She glanced around for Stanley to maybe check in on him, but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Guys? Where's Stanley?" She asked. "Stan! Stanley!"

Charlie started walking straight through the greywater without any hesitation. The boy she said she would help and promised she wouldn't let anything happen to him was now gone and possibly in trouble.

"STANLEY! PLEASE BE OK!" Charlie started panicking. She cared a lot for Stan - not in that way - but she needed to find him.

"Charlie!" Eddie shouted, making her turn around to see him following closely behind her. He grabbed her hand reassuringly. "We'll find him."

"Yeah. W-w-w-we'll f-f-find him." Bill added. "P-promise."

All of the losers rested their hand on her shoulder to let her know they were all there to help. Bill asked Mike for the bolt gun and he questionably handed it to him.

"Thanks guys." She said and they pressed on.

They ran through the sewers and frantically searched for the young boy. After minutes of searching they came across a large metal door.

"HELP!" A shout came from the other side.

"He must be in there." Charlie said. "Come on."

The door didn't budge, even with three of them on the door. Charlie took a step back, readied herself and ran straight into the door, causing it to open. Richie, Bill and Eddie's mouths gaped open in amazement.

"Dude! Your girlfriend is hot!" Richie smiled.

"Don't cream your pants, she's mine." Eddie scoffed.

"G-g-guys. Sh-she's cuh-clearly a-a-awesome. L-l-let's get Stan."

Charlie was the first to run inside. She ran in to find Stan's flashlight on the ground. She picked it up and flashed it directly to Stan with some sort of creature latched to his face. It looked like it was eating him.

"What the fuuuuuuck?" All the kids claimed.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM!" The creature looked up, made eye contact with her and retreated off of him. The creature slid into a sewer tube and revealed itself to be the clown. "What the fuck?" She muttered to herself.

She rushed to Stan, the rest of the losers behind her. Stan sat up screaming at them.

"Stanley! Stan!" Everyone gathered by his side.

"NO NO!!! YOU AREN'T MY FRIENDS! YOU AREN'T MY REAL FRIENDS! YOU MADE ME GO INTO NEIBOLT! YOU MADE ME GO INTO Neibolt.." Stan started sobbing which infuriated Charlie. She hated that creature for ever hurting him.

"I love you, Stan! We all do! We would never leave you!" She hugged him. It was the creature that separated him from the group. Like it had done to her the last time they were here. "I'm not done with it."

She took the flashlight and ran straight into the sewer tube that the clown had retreated into. Eddie looked up and saw you were running and he went straight in after you.

"That sonofabitch is going to pay!" Charlie muttered through gritted teeth.

When she finally reached the place to where it must've been, she saw Beverly floating above the ground, lifeless.


Words: 1,357

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