12 - Pennywise Battle

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Charlie was suddenly side-tracked from her original task. Her priority was to get Bev down. Soon enough, the rest of the losers rushed in after her.

"How is she in the air?" Richie asked through a shaky voice.

"Help me get her down!" Charlie said.

Since Charlie was the lightest, it was the better choice to lift her to grab Bev's foot and drag her from the air. The whole time, Eddie watched anxiously.

"Careful! Don't drop her." He said.

"They're not going to drop your fucking girlfriend, dude!" Richie said. "Would you relax?"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Then stop making it so fucking obvious, dipshit!"

"Beep beep, Richie!"

"Stop fighting!" Stanley finally yelled.

Charlie finally clutched onto Beverly's shoes and began to pull her down. There was a slight force pulling against Charlie's grip, which just caused Charlie to pull down even harder. She eventually got her to the ground, where Ben rushed to Beverly. This shocked the young Hudson girl and caused her to back up and stand next to Eddie.

"Bev? Beverly!" Ben shook her limp body by the shoulders in an attempt to wake her. "Why isn't she waking up?! What's wrong with her?! Beverly, please!" Ben hugged her. "Come on. . ."

All they losers could do was shake their head in a confused matter. No one knew what was wrong with Beverly.

Out of nowhere, Ben took in a deep breath and pressed his lips to Beverly's.

"Woah!" Richie outbursts. "Ew."

"Ew." Eddie muttered. "Weird."

"You mean you wouldn't do that if that was me?" Charlie found it interesting how Eddie reacted for some reason.

"I would-" he looked down.

"Then don't judge."

He shut his mouth and a grin etched with his lips. Everyone's heart stopped when Beverly's limp body flooded with life again. She gasped for air as her eyes filled back to their normal eye color and the white layer that covered her eyes, was gone.

"Winter fire. . .January embers." She muttered.

"My heart burns there too." Ben smiled.

"Thank fuck," Richie said as he linked his arms around Ben's and Beverly's necks.

"Beverly?" Charlie went straight up to Bev and they both hugged.

"Charlie! I've missed you!" When Beverly pulled back, she looked around, rather alarmed.

"Guys, are those-" Stanley pointed upward.

"The missing kids; floating." Mike finished.

There were a group of kids orbiting down a large pile of toys and children's belongings that piled up all the way to the opening in the sewers. Everyone - except Eddie and Charlie - focused back on Beverly and hugged her, all happy that she was alive.

"Where's Bill?" Beverly asked, rather alarmed.

"Georgie.." Bill's soft voice spoke. The losers followed the soft voice to find Bill looking at a small Georgie. A Georgie that had a boat with his left hand and..well..for his right hand..it was completely torn off.

"What took you so long?" Georgie's toddler voice whined.

"I was l-l-looking for you th-this whole t-time." Tears threatened Bill's eyes as he looked at what he thought to be his brother.

Everyone stood quietly in the background, hoping Bill would realize that that small child wasn't his brother.

"I couldn't find my way outta here." 'Georgie' continued to inch his way to Bill. "He said I could have my boat back, Billy."

"Was she fast?"

"I couldn't keep up with it."

" 'She,' Georgie. You call boats 'she.' " Bill corrected.

"Take me home, Billy." Charlie's heart broke for Bill, but she knew that that wasn't Georgie. He hoped and prayed that he knew it as well. "I want to go home. I miss you. I want to be with mom and dad." Georgie cried.

"I want more than anything for you to be home." Bill's tears finally fell down his cheeks. "With mom and dad. I miss you so much."

"I love you, Billy." The young figure was now directly in front of Bill, which kneeled before him to meet his younger brother's eyes.

"I love you, too." Bill sighed and stood up and pressed the top of the bolt gun to Georgie's forehead, making the small child's lip quiver. "But you're not Georgie."

Thank god. Charlie thought. He knew it wasn't Georgie.

Bill pulled the trigger and the small child hit the ground with a small thud. There was a painful silence. It was a silence long enough to make them all think that maybe he did kill his brother. That was until the silence was cut off by the sound of demonic screams. Bill backed up slowly. Everyone's eyes fixed on Georgie's body that was now lashing and pulsating.

"AHHHH!" The body screamed.

A small, bloody arm started flapping out of the nub that had once been Georgie's. The outfit had changed to a silver clown-costume. The arms stretched out longer and was soon followed by the legs stretching out. The clown leaned forward, face to face with Bill. It's eyes were sliding back into place when Bill fumbled with the bolt gun.

"KILL IT! KILL IT BILL! KILL IT!" Everyone but Mike and Charlie screamed.

"It's not loaded." Mike said.

Both Mike and Charlie tried to shout that at Bill, but he didn't hear over the excitement of the other losers.

Bill pulled the trigger and a fake dent pierced into the clown's forehead. It leaned its head upward and black shot straight out of its head. It looked straight at Bill and charged at him. The clown pinned Bill to the ground, chewing on the bolt gun that Bill held between him and rows and rows of teeth.

"Bill! Watch out!" Richie called before the clown had lunged, but it was already too late.

"Leave him alone!" Beverly charged at the clown with a spike she pulled from the pile of stuff. The clown held the spike and glared at Beverly.

"Beverly, no!" Mike went to hit the clown but the clown threw mike at the pile of toys, as if he weighed nothing.


Charlie and Bill jumped on the clown's back, holding on to a pole.

"FUCK!" Richie shouted.

Two losers on each arm, they tried to take down the clown, but it was just too strong, because they were scared. The clown flung the children off of its arms and Charlie along with them. She hit the concrete hard with her damaged hand, only hurting it worse. Eddie wasted no time in running to Charlie and helping her off the damp ground.

"Bill!" Charlie said, referencing to the clown that now had Bill in its death grip. "No. . .don't. Let him go!"

Words: 1,102

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