8 - The House on Neibolt

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"Wow." Richie uttered.

"What?" Charlie asked, her eyes still set on Bill.

"He didn't stutter once."

Beverly and Charlie began to walk up the stairs to the house before Stanley stopped everyone in their tracks.

"Wait," he said, "shouldn't someone stay out here? You know, keep watch in case something bad happens?"

"Wh-wh-who wants to s-stay out here?"

Everyone but the two girls had raised their hands. "Fuck." Richie whispered under his breath as he dropped his hand to his side.

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw," Richie muttered as the small chosen group walked inside. This group consists of: Charlie, Eddie, Bill and Richie. "You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks."

"Shut up, Richie." The young girl that had entered the house started looking around, on edge. "It's not like you have the largest dick anyway."

"Yeah. Shut up, Rich." Eddie added.

Richie wandered off to a small space to the left of the threshold of the house while Charlie and Eddie wandered to the right of the threshold, closely looking at everything.

"Smells like something died in here." Charlie said under her breath.

"Don't breathe through your mouth," Richie said from across the room, angled at Eddie.

"Why not?" Eddie responded.

"Cause then you're eating it." Eddie suddenly gagged and pulled his aspirator to his mouth and sucked the air out of it.

"Why do you have so many meds?" Charlie asked, her eyes still focused on the decaying walls of the house.

"They help me."

"I-it says I'm missing." Richie's trembling voice echoed through the house. The tone of his voice caused Charlie and Eddie and even Bill to make their way to him.

"C-c-c-calm down R-R-Rich."

"That's my name. That's my shirt, that's me! That's my age! THAT'S MY STREET! CITY OF DERRY!" Eddie's hand had snuck its way into her hand during Richie's freakout. "THAT'S THE DATE THAT'S THE DATE!" Bill grasped the paper from Richie, causing Eddie to jump and squeeze the young girl's hand tighter. She squeezed back. "WHY THE FUCK AM I MISSING! WHY THE FUCK-"

"Richie! Richie look at me!" Bill gripped Richie's arms, grabbing his attention. "You're not missing! It's not real! It's not real." Bill reassured Richie.

Rich nodded and took a few deep breaths.

"What the fuck is going on between you two?" Richie asked, looking at Charlie and Eddie.

"N-nothing." Charlie let go of his hand and rubbed it awkwardly on her jeans.

"Hello. . ?" A voice from upstairs called. The four children slowly made their way up the stairs and followed the voice. Charlie and Eddie trailed closely behind Richie and Bill. When they reached the top of the stairs, they saw the shoulders and head of a young girl with blood on her face. Charlie didn't care what the other two would say at this point, holding Eddie's hand made her feel better, so she did it. "Someone help me. . ."

"Betty?" Bill started.

"Ripsom?" Charlie finished.

There was a beat of silence, and then it was cut off when she screamed and then was flung out of sight, causing the young girl to gasp.

"We got to help her," she muttered almost inaudibly.

"What?" Eddie said.

Charlie released his hand and charged into the room. Richie and Bill chased her into the room but Eddie was strayed behind. The young, driven girl realized that Betty wasn't in the room in the first place, and neither was Eddie when the door started closing.

"Where the fuck did she go?" Richie said.

"Guys? Guys!" Eddie shouted as the door slammed shut. Charlie rushed to the door and frantically tried to open it.

"Eddie? EDDIE! Eds! Open the door!" She called out through the door, hoping he could hear. "Open the door, Eddie!"

When Charlie looked back, she was in an entirely different room. It looked to be the extended version of the Barrens.

"Wuh-what?" Before she could even think about what was going on, the room started crumbling and falling apart. The young girl knew she had to get out of there!

She tried to sprint in one direction of what looked to be the sewers, and she ran straight into a bar separation door.

The girl looked over her shoulder to see a creature advancing toward her. It wasn't a clown. It was a. . .a werewolf? A werewolf bigger than the tallest adult was prowling toward Charlie as if she were prey with drool seeping from its mouth. She turned her eyes to meet the bars and she started shaking it with all her might. Soon enough, the creature was towering over the small girl that was now staring up into what might be her death.

She closed her eyes shut as tight as possible.

"It's not real. It's not real. . ." she repeated through short breaths.


"It's not real!" She began to repeat much louder, then she felt hot, steaming breath on the end of her nose. "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!"

Her breath was choppy and rasp. The hot air that had been brushing the end of her nose was gone. She nervously opened her eyes to reveal that the creature was now gone and the bar that she was holding on to for embrace, was turned into the wall of the decaying Neibolt house. She quickly scanned the room for any of her friends. She found herself in what looked to be a dining room with Eddie's limp body on top of a broken table that he had - presumably - fell on.

"Eddie? Eddie wake up! Please!" Tears started building but Charlie tried to fight them off, which only made her sob. "Eds?"

"Charlie?" Eddie grumbled as he woke up. She was so scared that she barely realized that his arm was distorted.

"Oh, fuck!" She said.

"Oh god." He found his own arm and cradled it.

"Ok umm.." She nervously bit her lip. "Don't focus on that. Ok? Look at me. We'll find help."

"It hurts." She lifted his eyes to hers for reassurance. It hurt her to see the tears escaping his eyes.

"Uhhh. . ."

"Uh, Charlie?"


Eddie's shaky finger pointed behind her. She slowly turned her head to see a while glove peering out of the abandoned crippling fridge. The young lovers froze. The girl was stunned while the boy was scared out of his wits.

"You should run," Eddie said nervously. "Run!"

"I-I'm not leaving you." Charlie turned around and tried to think of what she could do. Eddie started panicking, causing her to look back over her shoulder to see that the fridge door was open and a deformed clown was inside, beaming its eyes at her. "I..umm."

Eddie started gasping for air. Charlie looked over her shoulder again to see the clown towering over her. She gasped and tried to stay in front of Eddie the best she possibly could.

"Time to float," She could smell its foul breath and that stench of death. Its breath had been hot and steamy just like the werewolf. Heart heart was at an unsettling pace of normal. Although her heart was steady, her breathing was not.

Eddie started working his was backward, trying to get Charlie to do the same, but she couldn't. The truth was, she found this creature interesting and terrifying at the same time. Although this thing scared her so bad to where she couldn't sleep at night, she's also interested in how it works. The transformations and the thought process it must go through each day.

"What are y-you-" Charlie asked through a quivering voice.

"I'm your worst nightmare." And just like that, her interest shorted out and all that was left was fear. The clown maniacally laughed as it drew its hand back then plunged its hand to grip her small throat and raise her off of the ground. She began kicking and squirming to break free. It then plunged her straight into the pillar behind her, causing her back to shrivel in pain. Drool started seeping from its mouth as if it were hungry and she was its food. "This is perfect, you see?" The clown stretched a grin so wide, it was unsettling for Charlie to see. "Tasty, tasty beautiful fear."

"Help!" She croaked.

"Please," Eddie's small, shrill voice begged from behind, "let her go!"

Charlie realized why she would ever fight a creature clown thing. She realized why she would use every ounce of energy to protect Eddie. She realized that she loved the small boy.

The weak girl grunted as she tried to break herself out of the strong grip of the clown. The creature opened its large mouth that terrified the poor girl to the point where she won't sleep for a year. She continued to hit with small, weak hits. More tears fell from her eyes as she realized this is the end. As it opened its mouth, it released a low, hideous grow scarier than a low-bearing sound. It closed Its razor sharp teeth on her forearm, causing her to scream.

"GUYS! NO!" Eddie shouted. "HELP!

"PUT HER DOWN!" Eddie's voice was shrill and sharp.

Right when Charlie could feel her arm tearing, the clown was interrupted by the sound of a door opening and it drew back and closed its mouth to look over its shoulder to see Richie and Bill come into the room.

"Eddie!" They both said. Their voices trailed off as they caught sight of the deadly clown.

The clown dropped Charlie and focused its energy on Bill. The young girl shuffled back and sat by Eddie, rubbing her throat in pain.

"Oh, shit!" Richie gasped.

"Are you ok?" She asked him.

"Stop fucking checking on me when you were the one just in danger." He said, rather annoyed.

"Don't fucking tell me that. Your arm is broken."


"Don't worry about me!" Charlie shrugged it off as if it were nothing.

"This isn't real enough for you, Billy?" The clown locked eyes with young Bill. "I'm not real enough for you?"

"Shit-" the Tozier boy muttered.

The clown grinned yet again: "It was real enough for Georgie!"

The clown charged at Bill but was cut short by Bev shoving a metal rod in its eye. Bill and Richie fearfully shuffled around the clown carefully. The clown turned around whine and then gave a long menacing grown as it turned to face the scared children. Some of its cheek and chin have been extended due to teeth showing through. Drool started pooling out of its mouth. An inhuman growl came from the creature as the children looked in shock. Richie was now sitting on the other side of Eddie while Bill was sitting at his feet.

"GET EDDIE!" Charlie screamed. "WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!"

"FUCK! FUCK!" Richie and Bill both shouted.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! AAAAAH!" Eddie screamed at the top of his screechy voice.

Beverly's lip quivered as she gripped the back of Richie's shirt.

"NO NO!!" Eddie continued to scream as Richie pushed his face to look at him.


"IT'S GOING TO KILL US!" The clown grew large claws. "GI-HYS NO!" Eddie screamed with so much power, he ran out of air mid-sentence.

The clown suddenly stomped at the children, teasing them and forcing Bev into the corner and the rest of the kids to flinch back. Charlie clutched Eddie's shirt and held him in place behind her protection. Charlie stared at the creature; awestruck.

"HahahahAHAHahaHAHahAHaha!" With one final motion, the clown swung its claws deep into Ben's stomach, causing him to fall back into Mike's arms.

"BEN!" Everyone screamed.

"OH MY GOD! GUYS!" Eddie and Richie both continued to scream.


All the children were screaming at the same time to get out of the house. Really. . .it was a horrible sight.

The clown bowed out of the room and slithered into the small corridor that was connected to the dining room.

"D-d-duh-don't let it get a-away." Bill stood up and ran to follow the stupid clown.

"BILL!" Literally everyone screamed with shaky, shrill voices.

"COME BACK!" Charlie wanted to go with him, but wouldn't dare leave Eddie. "DON'T LEAVE!"

"WE'VE GOT TO HELP EDDIE!" Richie screamed after Bill. "Charlie?"


"I'm going to set his arm back in place."

"NOOOOOO! BILL!" Bill rushed back at Eddie's feet.

"I'm going to set your arm back in place!" Richie shouted.

"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME! DO NOT-" Eddie screamed.

"I'm going to snap it back. Do something to take his mind off the pain. Fucking kiss him or something."


"Stuttering is Bill's job. Kiss him!" Richie slightly chuckled at this, not thinking she would ever do such a thing. He stopped chuckling and focused back on Eddie's arm. "1. . .2. . .3-" (SNAP)

Without hesitation, Charlie leaned down and pressed her lips to Eddie's. It was a magical moment that only lasted a few seconds. Eddie winced at the pain, but he barely noticed his arm being snapped back into place.

"Holy fuck!" Richie said. "I didn't think you'd actually do it!"

"Let's get outta here!" Charlie brushed it off and helped Eddie off the ground.

She kept her hand interlaced with his as they all retreated fearfully out of the house yelling "SHIT!" and "FUCK!" They all grabbed their bikes as Charlie drove Eddie's with Eds on the back latching to her this time; blood dripping from her forearm.

Words: 2,233

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